Georgia Dixon

6 signs you aren’t taking care of yourself

What is it about life today that makes people see being busy as a badge of honour? Whether you’ve been working long hours, commuting, looking after children or parents, or just generally burning the candle at both ends – now is the time to stop and take stock of how you are really doing.

It’s all too easy to take your health for granted. Often it’s not until we are sick or injured that we realise how much we expect of our bodies without giving them much love in return.

So if you are experiencing any of the symptoms below, it might be time to book that doctor’s appointment and look after yourself. You only get one chance, so be sure to treat your body with the respect it deserves.

1. Do you catch every cold going around?

When your immune system is fatigued, you are more susceptible to illness and you’ll find it hard to fight it off. This can happen when you are tired or unwell, stressed, anxious or not eating well.

2. Are you always exhausted?

We all feel tired sometimes, but if you’re exhausted more often than not it can be a sign that your health is not perfect. Working long hours or finishing work at home late into the night can eat into your required seven to eight hours of sleep needed each night. Even if you are getting enough sleep, you might also want to do some simple blood tests with your doctor to check things like your iron or other potential vitamin deficiencies. If left unchecked, sleeplessness can cause issues with anxiety and depression, and can even be the cause of avoidable car or work accidents.

3. Do you just not feel quite right?

Even if you’re not officially ill, do you have headaches, joint pain, stomach issues, heartburn or any other general aches and pains? There may be a specific medical issue at hand, but it might also just be your body telling you to slow down and take better care of it. Speak to your doctor or a therapist if you think you may be stressed or anxious about anything. It might be easy to solve with some simple advice from a health professional.

4. Have you had a check-up lately?

Often it’s not until we run out of a script or fall ill that we work out that it’s been quite a while since we went for a check up with the GP. Why not book yourself in for an annual visit to the doctor to check on things like your blood pressure, cholesterol, liver functioning, sugar levels and vitamin levels. You can also use the visit for things like pap tests or prostate checks which are easy to slip your mind.

5. Do you feel anxious or upset easily?

This is not to say that we shouldn’t feel frustrated when we forget our keys or miss the last train home. But if you find yourself feeling stressed or anxious more often than not, it could be a sign that perhaps you are pushing yourself too hard.

6. Are you dependent on alcohol or caffeine to get through the day?

If you can’t function without your beloved caffeine in the morning or early evening cocktail, it might be time to have a think about addiction. It’s hard on the body if you are taking in too much coffee or alcohol, and you can expect to feel some pretty gnarly cravings if you try to quit cold turkey. Try reducing it and see how you feel before perhaps having a day off per week to gradually reduce it further.

Have you ever realised that you hadn’t been looking after yourself very well? What did you do to turn things around? We would love to hear from you in the comments.

Related links:

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health, mind, Self, body, caring