Why you shouldn’t delay in getting your hearing tested

While COVID-19 restrictions caused life as we know it to change drastically, many industries quickly adjusted to the new normal - and that was especially true of hearing aid companies.
Hearing specialists knew that many of their customers would be wary or even unable to get to an appointment, so have adjusted accordingly. From sanitised stores to video check-ups, it’s meant those who need hearing help can still get it.
Now restrictions are slowly being lifted, it’s a good time to get your hearing checked out - especially if you’ve been putting it off over the autumn. Companies like Hearing Aid Finder can help you book an appointment, taking away the hassle of doing the research yourself.
Free tests and financial assistance for hearing devices
The good news for Australian pensioners is that hearing tests are free and eligible seniors can get government assistance to help with the cost of a new device.
Even if you’re not eligible for a government voucher, it’s worth checking if your private health fund extras will cover the cost of a hearing aid.
So if you’re thinking about a test, it’s worth booking one sooner rather than later. Don’t wait for everything to reopen and risk your local hearing specialist being booked out. You can book an appointment via Hearing Aid Finder today.
Increasing safety at hearing aid tests
Hearing specialists have been putting in special measures to ensure your safety. Stores are regularly sterilised, with longer gaps between appointments to allow time to clean. There’s also a limit on the number of people who can be in store at any given time.
Companies like Bloom and ihear are also conducting initial appointments over the phone. This will speed up the next step where, if necessary, you’ll head into the clinic for a hearing test.
If you’re self-isolating or have mobility problems and are unable to leave your home, many clinicians will offer solutions, all the way from home visits through to fitting hearing aids remotely over telehealth, or leaving you an iPad with instructions on how to fit your new device.
Go with the hearing experts
Hearing Aid Finder makes your life easy. You’ll get a free hearing screening from a professional audiologist near you, and enjoy no-obligation trials on hearing aids so you can find a device that’s right for you.
So if you’re ready to book your hearing test before life gets busy again, schedule an appointment today.
This is a sponsored article built in conjunction with Hearing Aid Finder.