Beauty & Style
Readers response: What does ‘self-care’ look like for you now compared to earlier years?

We asked our readers what self-care looks like for them during their retirement years. Here's what you said.
Anne Henderson - More time and focus on my strength and fitness, and all of those things that will help with independence in old age. More saying no to society’s expectations … (including whether my 70 year old face and my clothing are acceptable to others)…. my routine has become simpler for this reason, not more complicated. Self care in older age to me is liberation from the shackles of all of the above.
Marie Jones - Definitely focusing on strength and balance hence exercise class and walking. Happy with my grey hair but always moisturising and have toned down make-up. I wear what's comfortable for me.
Dawn Dominick - Endless moisturising of my entire body not just my face any more.
Margie Buckingham - Love having long baths to relax in. Going to the podiatrist every month. Moisturising twice daily. Not wearing makeup unless it’s a special occasion. Wearing comfortable clothes. Considering stopping the every 5 week hair colouring.