Home & Garden
10 things in your kitchen you should clear out right now

If you’ve ever opened your Tupperware drawer and been absolutely convinced that the plastic containers are somehow breeding during the night, this guide is for you! Containing kitchen clutter can mean the difference between a free flowing, productive work space and one that’s drowning in out of date packages and multiple plastic lids that don’t appear to have a home. Get sorted now by clearing out the following:
1. Tupperware
There aren’t many households out there that don’t have at least a couple of errant pieces of Tupperware that have somehow got separated, never to be united again. Start by taking out all your plastic containers, matching them up and throwing away the extras. You can then group together by size/shape and stack neatly in your cupboard for the next use.
2. Cups, glasses and crockery
If it’s got a chip, crack or stain, it’s time to bin em’. These things all indicate that the item is no longer safe for use and is just taking up valuable kitchen cupboard space.
3. Larger sized appliances
If you’ve got a blender, food processor, slow cooker and stand mixer all lined up on the bench, chances are good you haven’t got room for much else! These types of appliances take up a lot of room that could be better used for food prep or storing items you use daily. Have a good hard think about how often you use each and only keep the ones on the bench that you use on a daily or at least weekly basis. The rest can be stored in your cupboards for when you need them.
4. Pots, pans and bakeware
When was the last time you properly sorted your saucepans? If you can’t actually remember, then it’s high time you did just that. Toss any old items that have scratches or baked on stains as they aren’t healthy to cook with. Organise by size when you pop them back in the cupboard and keep the ones you use regularly somewhere that’s easily accessible.
5. Cutlery
If your cutlery drawer is heaving under the weight of kilograms of knives, forks and spoons, it may be time for a cull. Empty out your silverware and give it a good inspection. Toss mismatched and broken items and anything you haven’t used in the last 6 months. Give the drawer a good clean before returning everything in perfect order to the drawer.
6. The “stuff”drawer
We all have a drawer that exists solely to house all the ‘stuff’ that doesn’t really have a proper home. If you’re pressed for space, that drawer is valuable real estate that could be put to much better use. Take everything out and assess its usefulness before deciding whether to keep or toss. Once you’ve curated the pile, try popping a cutlery organizer or other plastic box inside the drawer to neatly store the essential odds and ends that you’ve kept.
7. Chopping boards
Chopping boards can be an absolute minefield for food health and safety. If your board has seen better days (think deep grooves or cuts, delamination or cracks and crevices) toss it. For the boards you decide to keep, it doesn’t hurt to give them a good disinfect and dry in the sunlight to ensure any lurking bacteria is well and truly demolished.
8. Oils
Cooking oils like olive and vegetable can last for a really long time. They’re often items that lurk at the back of the pantry and if not used all that often, can turn rancid or go off without us realizing. Check all your bottles for an expiry date and if they haven’t been used in a while, have a quick sniff and/or taste before deciding whether to keep or toss.
9. Spices
Your spice rack or cupboard is another place where expired or rancid products can lurk. We don’t tend to use huge amounts of spices when we cook meaning that bottles often hang around for months. Spices that have expired will often lack the flavour and taste of their fresh counterparts so it’s wise to check the use by date and have a quick sniff to ensure they’re still good.
10. Pantry staples
If you’re the kind of person who always stocks up on canned goods when shopping, then you may have quite a stash at the back of your pantry. Unless you’re using a lot of cans per week, some of them may have gone off or be taking up valuable space. Check the expiry dates on all of them, tossing any that have expired and assess the ones that are still in date for their usefulness. If that can of chickpeas has been sitting in the cupboard for six months, then chances are good you’re probably not going to end up using it. Box it up along with other canned goods that you doubt you’ll end up using and donate to a local charity who will be glad for the ingredients.
Where do you find clutter builds up in your kitchen? Let us know in the comments below.
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