Home & Garden
5 surprisingly dirty things in your house

Thinking about germs, what would you rather touch from the following list: the toilet bowl, a chopping board, a handbag, your bathroom door, or some lip gloss?
Most people would think that the toilet bowl was the dirtiest of dirty places. But the truth is, all of these places are potentially harbouring germs and bacteria.
The bathroom door
The trouble with the door is that we often go into the bathroom with less than clean hands; and then leave the bathroom after touching sinks, taps and towels that can be less than squeaky clean. The door and the handle of your bathroom need a regular wipe down with spray disinfectant and a clean cloth.
Sure they might be used after scrubbing and cleaning, but towels still get dirty quickly. All those dead skin cells, oil from your skin and hair, as well as soaps and shampoos quickly build up on the towel. Then add the fact that damp towels often sit around in bedrooms and bathrooms and it’s easy to see why they could be packed with nasties. Toss them in the wash every week and be sure to try and dry them in the sun when possible.
Lip Balm
Sticking your finger in a tub of lip balm on a regular basis? It’s highly likely that bacteria can build up over time. Toss your lip balm after 6 months and never share with a friend - you could find yourself the proud owner of a cold sore.
A chopping board
Sure you might give it a wash in the sink regularly, but chopping boards have a sneaky way of holding onto germs. Bacteria and germs from raw food, especially meat, can hang onto your chopping board for dear life. Try to keep a separate board for chopping meats so that you can avoid cross contamination. For wooden boards, sprinkle with coarse salt and then scrub with the cut side of a lemon. Allow to sit for a few minutes and then wash in soapy water. For a plastic board, make a cleaning paste with equal parts baking soda, salt and water. Scrub into the board and then wash in soapy water.
Ladies, how many times have you put your bag down on the floor in a bathroom or in a busy café? The floor is riddled with the sort of bacteria that can cause stomach upset – so it’s best to keep your handbag off the floor at all times.