
Retirement Life

8 tips for a happy retirement life

8 tips for a happy retirement life

It’s easy to be worried about retirement when you hear all the discussions about a weak economy or poorly performing investments.

But instead of thinking only about the financial logistics of retirement, have you put much thought into what you want your day-to-day life to be like?

For many people, the idea of giving up work (and for some, their identity) is scary. There’s also the worry of whether you would actually be bored when you’re no longer in the workforce.

The truth is that retirement can be whatever you want it to be. That might mean taking an art class, volunteering for a charity close to your heart, or taking an active role in childcare for the grandkids.

Check out our list of tips for a happier retirement.

  • It’s not just about the money: Yes it is important to have a financial plan in place for retirement, but it’s not the only thing you should be thinking about. What kind of life do you want for yourself? How do you want to feel? These are also important questions that you should try to answer.
  • Make some concrete plan:. It’s all well and good to say that you want to travel – but why not be specific? Make yourself an action plan with items to tick off by a certain date – it could be a visit to Fiji before your next birthday. 
  • Do what makes you happy: Now is your time to focus on you, so find things to do that are meaningful for you and give you joy. That could mean taking on a course in photography or even getting a pet. 
  • Keep your mind active: If you think you will miss the stimulation of the work environment, you might want to take steps to address this early on. It might be a course to learn French or taking up the guitar.
  • Give back: If you’ve always wanted to get more involved in the community but have been too busy, now is the time to get your hands dirty. Not only will you be helping others, you might also meet some like-minded people. 
  • Join or start a group: Your social life is at the forefront, so why not spend time with people who share common interests with you. Anything goes from a book club to a Men’s Shed style setting.
  • Consider partial retirement: If finances are holding you back, why not take on a part time position that will offer more time off? 
  • Look after yourself: Now isn’t the time to overindulge in unhealthy foods or drink more wine that you ought to. Keep yourself healthy by eating well, exercising moderately and keeping your mental health in check. 

Image: Getty

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