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Take a look at Princess Charlotte now

<p>The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge shared a sweet photo on <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Instagram</a> on the weekend of their six-year-old daughter, Princess Charlotte, cradling a delicate, orange and black butterfly.</p> <p>In the post, her loving parents wrote: “We wanted to share these beautiful Peacock and Red Admiral butterflies as part of Big #ButterflyCount initiative taking place across the UK.”</p> <p>The initiative is run by <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Butterfly Conservation</a>, a British charity which is trying to find out more about the health of the environment by asking people to count the number of butterflies they see.</p> <p>On their Instagram post, Prince William and Kate wrote: “@savebutterflies are encouraging us all to count these incredible creatures because not only are they beautiful creatures to be around but they are also extremely important. Butterflies are vital parts of the ecosystem as both pollinators and components of the food chain. Hopefully you can beat last year’s total, @savebutterflies.”</p> <p>The particular butterfly which Charlotte is holding is called a red admiral butterfly and it’s found in Europe, North and South America and Asia. It’s the most popular butterfly in urban areas, according to the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">US Forest Service</a>.</p> <p>While many royal watchers and fans enjoyed seeing this rare photo of Charlotte with the beautiful butterfly, some noticed ways in which she’s beginning to resemble her royal relatives.</p> <p>“She looks like queen Elizabeth,” observed one person.</p> <p>“The mini edition of Kate.... charlotte is so pretty,” another wrote.</p> <p>“Charlotte looks so beautiful,” added another. “She is the female version of William. Daddy must be very proud of his little girl.”</p> <p>This isn’t the first time Charlotte has been enjoying the beauty of the natural world around her. Last year, Charlotte and her brothers, Prince George and Prince Louis, asked some animal-related questions to the well-known British environmentalist, David Attenborough, in a very cute video.</p> <p>At the time, Charlotte was five years old and she said: “I like spiders. Do you like spiders too?”</p> <p>Attenborough answered: “I love spiders, I’m so glad you like them! I think they’re wonderful things. Why is it that people are so frightened of them? I think it’s because they’ve actually got eight legs, which is much more than us. And if you’ve got eight legs, you can move in any direction, so you can never be quite sure which way that spider is going to go.”</p> <p>As well, in May of this year we were able to see a new photo of princess Charlotte as her family celebrated her sixth birthday. The photo was taken by the duchess who has taken to being the unofficial family photographer, snapping beautiful photos of her children over the years.</p> <p><em>Image: Instagram</em></p>

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