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4 things ancient Greeks and Romans got right about mental health

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Konstantine Panegyres</a>, <a href="">The University of Melbourne</a></em></p> <p>According to the World Health Organization, about <a href="">280 million people</a> worldwide have depression and about <a href="">one billion</a> have a mental health problem of any kind.</p> <p>People living in the ancient world also had mental health problems. So, how did they deal with them?</p> <p>As we’ll see, some of their insights about mental health are still relevant today, even though we might question some of their methods.</p> <h2>1. Our mental state is important</h2> <p>Mental health problems such as depression were familiar to people in the ancient world. Homer, the poet famous for the Iliad and Odyssey who lived around the eighth century BC, apparently <a href="">died</a> after wasting away from depression.</p> <p>Already in the late fifth century BC, ancient Greek doctors recognised that our health partly depends on the state of our thoughts.</p> <p>In the Epidemics, a medical text written in around 400BC, an anonymous doctor <a href="">wrote</a> that our habits about our thinking (as well as our lifestyle, clothing and housing, physical activity and sex) are the main determinants of our health.</p> <h2>2. Mental health problems can make us ill</h2> <p>Also writing in the Epidemics, an anonymous doctor <a href="">described</a> one of his patients, Parmeniscus, whose mental state became so bad he grew delirious, and eventually could not speak. He stayed in bed for 14 days before he was cured. We’re not told how.</p> <p>Later, the famous doctor <a href="">Galen of Pergamum</a> (129-216AD) <a href=";;tx_dlf%5Bpage%5D=1390&amp;cHash=a0a715a587fa4e89a8839ccb310b0734">observed</a> that people often become sick because of a bad mental state:</p> <blockquote> <p>It may be that under certain circumstances ‘thinking’ is one of the causes that bring about health or disease because people who get angry about everything and become confused, distressed and frightened for the slightest reason often fall ill for this reason and have a hard time getting over these illnesses.</p> </blockquote> <p>Galen also described some of his patients who suffered with their mental health, including some who became seriously ill and died. <a href=";;tx_dlf%5Bpage%5D=1392&amp;cHash=c93bf32c31975103b100e918bee893d9">One man</a> had lost money:</p> <blockquote> <p>He developed a fever that stayed with him for a long time. In his sleep he scolded himself for his loss, regretted it and was agitated until he woke up. While he was awake he continued to waste away from grief. He then became delirious and developed brain fever. He finally fell into a delirium that was obvious from what he said, and he remained in this state until he died.</p> </blockquote> <h2>3. Mental illness can be prevented and treated</h2> <p>In the ancient world, people had many different ways to prevent or treat mental illness.</p> <p>The philosopher Aristippus, who lived in the fifth century BC, used to advise people <a href="">to focus on the present</a> to avoid mental disturbance:</p> <blockquote> <p>concentrate one’s mind on the day, and indeed on that part of the day in which one is acting or thinking. Only the present belongs to us, not the past nor what is anticipated. The former has ceased to exist, and it is uncertain if the latter will exist.</p> </blockquote> <p>The philosopher Clinias, who lived in the fourth century BC, <a href="">said</a> that whenever he realised he was becoming angry, he would go and play music on his lyre to calm himself.</p> <p>Doctors had their own approaches to dealing with mental health problems. Many <a href=";q=caelius+aurelianus+drabkin+on+acute+diseases&amp;dq=caelius+aurelianus+drabkin+on+acute+diseases&amp;hl=en&amp;newbks=1&amp;newbks_redir=0&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=2ahUKEwjpqszXwuSGAxUjamwGHS1yCuoQ6AF6BAgHEAI">recommended</a> patients change their lifestyles to adjust their mental states. They advised people to take up a new regime of exercise, adopt a different diet, go travelling by sea, listen to the lectures of philosophers, play games (such as draughts/checkers), and do mental exercises equivalent to the modern crossword or sudoku.</p> <p>For instance, the physician Caelius Aurelianus (fifth century AD) <a href=";q=caelius+aurelianus+drabkin+on+acute+diseases&amp;dq=caelius+aurelianus+drabkin+on+acute+diseases&amp;hl=en&amp;newbks=1&amp;newbks_redir=0&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=2ahUKEwjpqszXwuSGAxUjamwGHS1yCuoQ6AF6BAgHEAI">thought</a> patients suffering from insanity could benefit from a varied diet including fruit and mild wine.</p> <p>Doctors also advised people to take plant-based medications. For example, the herb <a href="">hellebore</a> was given to people suffering from paranoia. However, ancient doctors recognised that hellebore could be dangerous as it sometimes induced toxic spasms, killing patients.</p> <p>Other doctors, such as Galen, had a slightly different view. He believed mental problems were caused by some idea that had taken hold of the mind. He believed mental problems could be cured if this idea was removed from the mind and <a href=";;tx_dlf%5Bpage%5D=1396&amp;cHash=1697e4b73dd653092cd8398749f1989f">wrote</a>:</p> <blockquote> <p>a person whose illness is caused by thinking is only cured by taking care of the false idea that has taken over his mind, not by foods, drinks, [clothing, housing], baths, walking and other such (measures).</p> </blockquote> <p>Galen <a href=";;tx_dlf%5Bpage%5D=1418">thought</a> it was best to deflect his patients’ thoughts away from these false ideas by putting new ideas and emotions in their minds:</p> <blockquote> <p>I put fear of losing money, political intrigue, drinking poison or other such things in the hearts of others to deflect their thoughts to these things […] In others one should arouse indignation about an injustice, love of rivalry, and the desire to beat others depending on each person’s interest.</p> </blockquote> <h2>4. Addressing mental health needs effort</h2> <p>Generally speaking, the ancients believed keeping our mental state healthy required effort. If we were anxious or angry or despondent, then we needed to do something that brought us the opposite of those emotions.</p> <p>This can be achieved, they thought, by doing some activity that directly countered the emotions we are experiencing.</p> <p>For example, Caelius Aurelianus <a href=";q=caelius+aurelianus+drabkin+on+acute+diseases&amp;dq=caelius+aurelianus+drabkin+on+acute+diseases&amp;hl=en&amp;newbks=1&amp;newbks_redir=0&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=2ahUKEwjpqszXwuSGAxUjamwGHS1yCuoQ6AF6BAgHEAI">said</a> people suffering from depression should do activities that caused them to laugh and be happy, such as going to see a comedy at the theatre.</p> <p>However, the ancients did not believe any single activity was enough to make our mental state become healthy. The important thing was to make a wholesale change to one’s way of living and thinking.</p> <p>When it comes to experiencing mental health problems, we clearly have a lot in common with our ancient ancestors. Much of what they said seems as relevant now as it did 2,000 years ago, even if we use different methods and medicines today.</p> <hr /> <p><em>If this article has raised issues for you, or if you’re concerned about someone you know, call Lifeline on 13 11 14.</em><!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. 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Dreaming of an overseas adventure

<p><em>Reliving the magic of a summer sailing expedition in Greece, Justine Tyerman looks back on her last big voyage before the world changed forever and wonders – did that truly happen?</em></p> <p>The idea was born over a glass of wine... as the best plans often are.</p> <p>‘Why don’t you meet us in Greece this summer and we’ll take you sailing on Birgitta?’ asked Murray and Lyn.</p> <p>‘Are you serious?’ Chris and I chorused in unison, trying not to sound too ridiculously enthusiastic.</p> <p>Coincidentally, we were planning a trip to Europe over the northern summer so my brain went into overdrive. We could actually do this. We could rendezvous at a port somewhere, eat fabulous Greek food, drink ouzo and go for a little sail in a sheltered bay, and maybe even stay the night on the yacht.</p> <p>Chris, on the other hand, had more grandiose ideas of sailing on the high seas, conveniently forgetting his history of severe seasickness and my terror of sailing. So, ever the sensible one, I tempered my husband’s enthusiasm before things got way out of hand. ‘Just a couple of minor problems. Chris gets seasick and I get scared. So we’d better stick with lunch on board and a sedate sail around the calm waters of a sheltered bay.’</p> <p>Murray and Lyn just nodded and smiled.</p> <p><strong>September 5</strong></p> <p><strong><img style="width: 0px; height: 0px;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/de7d9aed021440b990170fe17f0914bf" /></strong></p> <p><em>Sunset on our first evening anchored off Paros.</em></p> <p>I felt quite emotional when, six months later, Birgitta sailed into the bay of Naussau on the island of Paros. We were standing on the dock looking out to sea and spotted the tall mast of the yacht with two figures onboard. Murray and Lyn had sailed big seas all the way from Turkey and here they were, our good friends from Gizzy, coming into port to pick us up, just as we’d planned long ago.</p> <p>We boarded in a high state of excitement, stowed our far-too-bulky luggage in the vacant bunk room and had a grand tour of Birgitta. The Swedish-built, 55-foot, six-berth Hallberg-Rassy was absolutely magnificent, far more luxurious and spacious than anticipated. Teak deck, gleaming stainless steel riggings, polished mahogany cabinetry in the lounge, and a fabulously well-equipped galley. The salubrious master cabin had a king size bed and roomy ensuite bathroom while the super-comfortable guest cabin had a V-berth bed, great storage and a bathroom shared with the bunk room.</p> <p>Murray’s thorough safety briefing gave me confidence that this was a vessel where no shortcuts had been taken. There were backups for every essential piece of equipment and in some cases, backups for the backups. For example, there were six fire extinguishers where two would have been sufficient and a special dry-powder system for the engine room because, as Murray emphasised, fire is one of the greatest concerns at sea. He also explained about how the weight of Birgitta’s keel would self-right the yacht if it leaned too far in either direction. Safety was clearly the number one priority on this ship.</p> <p>After collecting some essential food items in Naussau we motored out of the crowded port and anchored in a nearby bay for lunch. Greek salad and lasagne never tasted so good. The tomatoes and sweet red onions exploded with an intensity of flavour I’d never experienced before. And the same applied to the fruit. Peaches, nectarines, melons and grapes bursting with sweetness and juice.</p> <p>The day drifted by like a reverie. Swimming off the back of the yacht in the tepid, crystal clear, aqua-turquoise Aegean and relaxing on the deck with a good book was sublime. Life on board Birgitta was sweet indeed. I could see how days would easily melt into weeks and months . . . even years. Calm seas, blue skies, endless sunshine, the backdrop of the arid, rocky Cyclades with their characteristic blue and white chapels, tasty food and wine, the company of good friends.</p> <p>Late afternoon, Murray stoked up the portable barbeque on the back of the yacht and we dined on Greek lamb garnished with mountain thyme and other local herbs, accompanied by a fresh Mediterranean salad.</p> <p>The evening was the stuff of dreams. The light in the Greek Islands was soft, gentle and luminous. The ice-cold, local rosé plucked from the freezer and sipped at sunset added a rosy hue to an already euphoric experience. The conversation was nothing short of scintillating.</p> <p><strong>September 6</strong></p> <p><img style="width: 500px; height: 281.25px;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/a7cc0f23d4674a07ba5dfa647a505c7d" /></p> <p><em>Left: Murray at the helm of Birgitta. Right: The island of Serifos with its clusters of white houses.</em></p> <p>Next morning, I expected we’d sidle around the bay and then Murray and Lyn would drop us off at the jetty and set sail for their next destination. However they had other ideas.</p> <p>‘Sail with us to Serifos,’ Murray said. ‘You can disembark there if you want to.’<br />The look of excitement on Chris’s face was priceless. Even more so than the prospect of a round of golf.<br />‘What about your seasickness?’ I asked my husband.<br />‘All sorted,’ he replied flashing a big grin and a packet of pills at me. ‘I’ve discovered a magic drug,’ he said.<br />‘Wonderful,’ I replied wishing there were a potion I could take to stave off my fear.</p> <p>I’ll never forget the moment the big diesel engine was cut, the sails unfurled and Birgitta began to lean into the wind. The sea beyond the sheltered necklace of the bay was anything but calm and Birgitta adopted an angle that made me instinctively adopt my counterbalancing routine. Even when an aeroplane banks after take-off, I automatically lean in the opposite direction as if to hold the aircraft steady. So too on the yacht. I sat on the high side, leaning back with my feet braced against the lower seat, hanging on for dear life.</p> <p>The first few times the bow dived into the trough of a wave and the sea water washed over the canopy of the cockpit, my heart skipped a beat and my knuckles turned white from clutching my handholds. My facial expression must have been a dead giveaway. Lyn began to distract me with ‘grandma chat’. She has eight grandchildren and we were awaiting our first so the topic was well-chosen and offered endless absorbing discussions from baby-wear to birthday cakes.</p> <p>But after an hour of witnessing Murray’s expert helmsmanship, feeling the solid strength of Birgitta and observing the way she self-corrected when the angle was too extreme, I began to relax and enjoy the experience.</p> <p>The teamwork between Murray and Lyn was most impressive. There were incredibly in sync with each other. No raised voices or shouting of orders. They seemed to communicate by telepathy... and hand signals.</p> <p>Chris was in his element, listening intently as Murray instructed him in the art of sailing, and beaming from ear-to-ear as he took control of the wheel for short stints.</p> <p>After about four hours of weaving our way across the seas, the rush of the water on the hull and the wind in the rigging the only sounds, we sailed into the satin waters of Serifos, a small island with clusters of white houses on a hilltop.</p> <p>We dropped anchor in an idyllic bay and began the daily routine of washing the salt water off the deck and windows, and furling the ropes... although they were not called ropes in nautical vernacular, as Murray went to great pains to explain.</p> <p>“The only rope on a boat is the one attached to the ship’s bell,” he said.</p> <p>“All other lines have special names like sheets, halyards and mains derived from the long-past era of sailing ships.”</p> <p>There’s one called the ‘lazy line’... because it’s always slack!</p> <p>Refreshed after a swim in the sea and an outside shower as the sun slid towards the horizon and set in an eye-popping display of amber and gold turning to crimson and mauve, I felt extraordinarily exhilarated and happy beyond belief. I also felt a sense of achievement that I had coped OK with my first open-sea sailing episode and had not disgraced myself too much. There was a glimmering of hope that maybe I could be a sailor after all.</p> <p>Later in the evening, we rowed ashore in the dinghy and caught a local bus up the narrow winding road to Marathoriza, a restaurant at the top of Serifos. One of the great treats of travelling with Murray and Lyn was their local knowledge. Over the past 10 years, they had discovered many hidden gems and this was one of them. The wine was not great but the cuisine was excellent.</p> <p>Walking back down the back streets we came upon two fine-looking Greek men outside a café. We struck up a conversation with them and when they discovered we were Kiwis, they immediately launched into a spirited haka. They were so enthusiastic, I had tears of laughter streaming down my cheeks.</p> <p>We passed by a bakery selling massive loaves of bread for a festival in honour of one of the island’s beloved saints. A bunch of exuberant young people on motorcycles were heading to a bay just around the corner for the festivities. They invited us to join them. ‘Visitors are very welcome — come with us!’ they said. Looking back, I wish we had. Next time perhaps.</p> <p><strong>September 7</strong></p> <p><img style="width: 500px; height: 281.25px;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/73be626b59b74cc8b9c296adbc71c6a9" /></p> <p><em>Left: I had enormous fun doing the laundry and pegging everything out to dry. Right: A delicious Greek salad, one of many we enjoyed on the yacht.</em></p> <p>At daybreak next morning, while Chris and I were still in the land of nod, our ever-alert captain launched the dinghy and rowed across to a neighbouring yacht to alert the sleeping occupants that their floating home was about to become a ‘permanent landmark’ in the bay.</p> <p>The weather overnight had deteriorated.</p> <p>‘The persistent wind from the north — known locally as the ‘Meltimi’ — is building to full force as it regularly does at this time of year,’ Murray explained.</p> <p>‘It’s a wind not to be underestimated, and I can see why the yacht beside us moved overnight, dragging its anchor.’ </p> <p>I got the impression Murray always slept with one eye open while onboard Birgitta.</p> <p>After breakfast, we went ashore by dinghy for morning coffee and delectable pastries at a lovely little café on Livadakia Beach — after which I thought we’d disembark.</p> <p>‘You may as well stay another night and sail with us to Syros tomorrow. You can get off there if you want to,’ said Murray as we munched our way through another round of pastries.</p> <p>A quick glance at Chris’s animated face confirmed he was dead keen to sail to Syros. Needless to say, we did not disembark. We were well-and-truly hooked!</p> <p>Back on Birgitta, Murray and Chris donned snorkels and flippers to swim along the anchor-line to make sure we were well-secured. There was no hurry to move on so Lyn and I did domestic jobs like washing and cleaning which I found absurdly pleasurable. The yacht had an efficient washing machine and no shortage of line-space on the riggings. I had enormous fun pegging everything out to dry. By the time the next load was ready, the previous load had already dried in the warm breeze. I can’t explain why it made me so happy to do this simple task.</p> <p>We whiled away the afternoon swimming and playing a board game Murray and Lyn had picked up in Turkey. It was mentally very challenging indeed.</p> <p>Lyn’s prowess in the kitchen is legendary. Dinner that night was exceptional, one of a collection of delicious one-pan dishes that were easy to prepare, even when Birgitta was tossing around in choppy conditions. Pork chops slow-cooked with granny smith apples, onions, potatoes, baby courgettes and prunes.</p> <p>Despite my best intentions, my services as a sous chef were abysmal. I was unable to go below decks while we were under sail. After 10 years’ sailing, Lyn, handled the galley in rough seas like the seasoned campaigner that she was. I marvelled at the gourmet dinners she was able to create, seemingly effortlessly. The limit of my culinary endeavours was to throw basic salads together . . . but even that was fun because of the hugely flavoursome fresh ingredients available at the local shops and markets.</p> <p><strong>September 8</strong></p> <p><img style="width: 500px; height: 281.25px;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/ca1aa28a274c4995b25b37d1f96e5c10" /></p> <p><em>Left: Chris takes the helm. Right: Lyn and Murray during our long lunch at Foinikas Bay on the island of Syros.</em></p> <p>After our customary breakfast of fresh fruit, muesli, Greek yoghurt and local honey outside on the deck on another glorious Aegean morning, we set sail for Syros, about 30 nautical miles away.</p> <p>We’d packed a picnic lunch in a chilly bin early in the day in case of rough seas... and rough they were. Chris relished the exhilaration of taking the helm and reading the oncoming waves. His concentration was intense as he followed Murray’s instructions and kept a close eye on the ‘wind instruments’. We were sailing hard on the wind and our captain was adamant that with concentration, we could make our destination with a minimum of needless tacks. </p> <p>When Lyn was not busy on the ropes, there was lots more ‘grandma chat’ that day. It worked a treat... I coped just fine thanks to my full confidence in our captain and his first mate, and the superior strength and stability of Birgitta. Released from fear, my senses were free to absorb the thrill of sailing and the joy of relying entirely on the power of the wind to propel us across the vast ocean. I marvelled at the responsiveness of the yacht to the slightest adjustments in direction, the tautness of the sails, the glint of the sun on the tall mast and the bow carving effortlessly through the foamy waves. Watching the radiant expression on Murray’s face as he navigated and guided Birgitta to our destination, I began to comprehend the allure, the magnetism, the compulsion to return to this life, year-after-year. </p> <p>Nevertheless, I was relieved to sail into pretty Foinikas Bay on the island of Syros by early-afternoon. We rowed ashore to a beautiful seaside restaurant where the concept of a leisurely, long lunch took on a whole new meaning — a fabulous Greek salad with a huge slab of feta on the top, tiny sardine-like fish, shrimps, fresh bread, beer, rosé and ouzo. I’ll always remember that lunch and the friendly local restaurateur who served us.</p> <p>You guessed it, we didn’t disembark at Syros that day... but little did I realise what lay ahead.</p> <p>Before reboarding Birgitta, Murray circled his pride and joy several times in the dinghy so we could fully appreciate her elegant Scandinavian profile and design. What a beauty!</p> <p>After such a substantial lunch, we ate lightly that evening, enjoying the balmy temperatures and another breath-taking Aegean sunset.</p> <p><strong>September 9</strong></p> <p><img style="width: 500px; height: 281.25px;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/a28bc09fff0245da826ceb74003b3ae1" /></p> <p><em>Left: There were moments on our passage to Kythnos when I secretly wished I had disembarked on Syros and was standing safely on terra firma. Right: Once in calm waters off the island of Kythnos, Chris and Lyn winched Murray up the mast to repair the damage. </em></p> <p>Next morning after breakfast, we rowed ashore with the intention of hiking to the top of the island but the heat and steepness of the terrain defeated us. We still managed to get high enough to gain a magnificent view of the barren, hilly island and sparkling sea surrounding it.</p> <p>The island of Kythnos was our destination for the day and as soon as we sailed clear of the sheltered bay, I knew this would be a real test of my ability to remain calm.</p> <p>There were moments on our passage to Kythnos when I secretly wished I had disembarked on Syros and was standing safely on terra firma. The Meltimi winds were strong and the seas were heaving. The waves seemed enormous as they loomed ahead of us but Murray skillfully weaved his way between them as if skiing a slalom course. The teamwork between helmsman and first mate was outstanding. My respect and admiration for them zoomed to an even higher level.</p> <p>Murray handed over to Chris in some seriously-challenging conditions, and continued his patient tuition despite the occasional drenching when his disciple misjudged the swell and troughs. At times like this I focussed firmly on the horizon, my eyes straining to decipher the hazy outline of our next island haven.</p> <p>Mid-afternoon, when Birgitta was heeling hard against the stiff wind, her sails under maximum pressure, there was a sudden jolt followed by an alarming flapping of the head sail. The snap shackle that keeps the sail aloft had failed allowing the sail to fall to the deck. Murray immediately pointed the yacht up into the wind but with our forward motion gone, it felt like we were floundering in the swell.</p> <p>In typical understated fashion Murray calmly said: ‘We might have a small problem here. I’ll need a life jacket please Lyn.’</p> <p>Murray donned the life jacket and went forward to retrieve and secure the sail. There was no panic or raised voices so I soon realised the situation was well under control and we were not about to abandon ship as my vivid imagination had concluded.</p> <p>I didn’t like the feeling of the yacht wallowing and rolling side-on to the waves so I grabbed a life jacket too and threw one to Chris.</p> <p>Lyn started the engine while Murray dealt with the detached sail and hoisted another sail. We were soon under way again, engine off, heading for a bay on the far side of Kythnos to anchor overnight and do some repairs.</p> <p>Once in calm waters, Chris and Lyn winched Murray up the mast to repair the damage.</p> <p>‘What it is to have a versatile Kiwi skipper who’s grown up on a farm and can fix anything,’ I thought as I watched Murray swinging across the spreaders near the top of the mast.</p> <p>The evening in the sheltered bay of Kolona on the western side of Kythnos was utterly sublime, well worth riding out the rough seas. I’m seldom able to live entirely in the moment but on this occasion, I experienced a state of 100 percent happiness.</p> <p>The walking tracks around the bay looked tempting but we were contented to just relax and chat after a challenging day at sea.</p> <p>I looked forward to our conversations in the evenings. They were always so stimulating and far from trivial, ranging from history and economics to philosophy and politics. We solved many of the world’s woes over a glass of wine at sunset.</p> <p>Lyn created another culinary masterpiece — a chicken dish with eggplant, tomato, onion, courgettes and feta served with fresh ciabatta and a salad of capers, gorgonzola, pear, baby lettuce and rocket... and rosé.</p> <p><strong>September 10</strong></p> <p><img style="width: 500px; height: 281.25px;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/1e59b861485a4782be4b40654485cae0" /></p> <p><em>Above: The exceptionally picturesque port of Hydra.</em></p> <p>We had an early start next day for the long sail to Hydra. After coffee on board at sunrise, we weighed anchor and hoisted the sails. I’d grown accustomed to the yacht heeling as the wind filled the sails and I no longer felt at all alarmed. The conditions were so calm that day, even I took the helm for a while. However, Captain Murray had to contend with hazards of a different type en route to Hydra. We were crossing a busy shipping lane with large ferries, naval vessels and container ships in all directions so he was busy on the radio most of the day, carefully plotting our course to stay well clear of these huge leviathans.</p> <p>Murray and Lyn are not big fans of the crowded, touristy port of Hydra so we anchored in a secluded bay called Mandraki just around the corner. To secure the yacht so close to the shore, Lyn dived over board with ropes and strops which she attached to rocks some distance from each other.</p> <p>Murray then rowed us ashore to a little jetty where we climbed steep steps to join the coastal pathway to Hydra.</p> <p>The first impression of Hydra was the strong Venetian influence in the architecture with its pastel colours and tiled rooves, so different from the all-white buildings of the Cyclades. The little port was teeming with tourists dining at cafes, strolling along the waterfront and shopping at the boutiques that lined the horseshoe-shaped bay. We could see why Murray wanted to anchor at Mandraki. The yachts were jammed together so tightly in the harbour, it would be a nightmare to disentangle anchors, especially in a storm. As we walked around the waterfront, a massive private launch muscled its way into port, scattering small vessels in its wake.</p> <p>Hydra’s famous donkeys were lined up to take luggage to various hotels in the car-free village. It’s an exceptionally picturesque port, especially with the late afternoon sun casting a pale apricot light on the dwellings. But we were relieved to be able to escape the crowds and go back ‘home’ to Birgitta for another of Lyn’s memorable dinners, pork and oregano meatballs... with a Greek salad of course.</p> <p><strong>September 11</strong></p> <p><img style="width: 500px; height: 281.25px;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/df1f29bd156644789a2768f7ab06bd43" /></p> <p><em>Above: Justine and Chris relaxing en route to Ermioni.</em></p> <p>Chris dived overboard and saved Lyn the task of retrieving the ropes next morning, and soon we were sailing the gorgeous coastline of Hydra bound for Ermione on the Peloponnese Peninsula. I was mesmerised by the landscape with its stone windmills, ruins of fortresses and the remains of rock walls trailing up steep hillsides. We passed a tiny white chapel perched on a rocky islet.</p> <p>The sea was so calm we motored some of the way and for the first time, I lay on the deck and read and dozed. I picked up a brilliant book called Shooting Stars and Flying Fish written by Nancy Knudsen about her sailing adventures with husband Ted. The couple found it impossible to settle back into their former corporate lives after five years sailing the world’s great oceans. Knudsen’s beautifully-written story affected me so deeply, I’m keen to read the sequel one day.</p> <p>Knowing our trip was nearing an end, when the wind came up, I lay on my back, gazing up at the tall, graceful, white sails; listening to the sound of the water whooshing against the hull; feeling the undulating motion of the yacht; trying to commit all the sights and sounds and sensations to memory.</p> <p>Ermioni is Murray and Lyn’s base where they stay before and after their sailing expeditions. It’s close to Kalada where Birgitta is parked up in dry dock over the winter. So they are very familiar with the town. We walked through a waterfront park for drinks and nibbles at a fancy restaurant, wandered around the marina packed with yachts bucking against their moorings, and stopped for the most delicious icecreams I’ve ever tasted. We’d eaten so well all day, we didn’t bother with a big dinner that night.</p> <p><strong>September 12</strong></p> <p><img style="width: 500px; height: 281.25px;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/64d4e077609c46ec99f3cf22c9f2944b" /></p> <p><em>Left: The moon rising over a calm sea near Portocheli. Right: Lyn and Murray on our last night together. Their warmth, generosity, humour, positivity and kindness touched our hearts.</em></p> <p>The dazzling red sunrise next morning may have been a portent of the storm that Murray said was brewing. He was keen to get to a safe anchorage at Portocheli before it struck in a couple of days’ time. We went ashore to stock up at the waterfront market which not only sold a splendid array of mouth-watering fresh fruit, vegetables and fish but also clothing. I bought a pair of light slip-ons for 5 euro which became my favourite summer shoes. Chris’s big purchase was a couple of ‘genuine’ Ralph Lauren polo shirts. It was hard to prise Chris away from the produce. He was in heaven.</p> <p>We cruised around the coast in calm conditions and moored at Argolis, a delightful little bay with an abandoned resort right on the waterfront. The complex was the topic of much discussion over lunch as we debated what should be done with the empty buildings overlooking such a perfect, pristine bay.</p> <p>The water was deliciously warm as we swam off the back of the yacht. I used one of the fenders as a buoyancy aid so I could float around effortlessly for ages.  </p> <p>A small uninhabited bay just outside Portocheli was our idyllic location for sunset champagne and dinner on our last dinner together. It was a magical, romantic evening, bathed in the warm, golden glow of the fading sun, a memory I often return to on grey winter days in New Zealand. We reminisced about the many highlights of our voyage on Birgitta and laughed at how many times we failed to get off at the next port. Next day, however, there was no choice but to disembark. Onward flights awaited us — Chris was returning to New Zealand and I was heading for a travel writing assignment in Switzerland.</p> <p>Later in the evening, we sailed into Portocheli’s ‘keyhole’ bay where Birgitta would shelter from the storm. </p> <p><strong>September 13</strong></p> <p><img style="width: 500px; height:281.25px;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/4bdea230492546eea78cd07c38dee74b" /></p> <p><em>Left: Captain Murray presents us with the blue and white Greek flag that we had sailed under for the past nine days. Right: Tears dribbled down my cheeks as we pulled away from Birgitta.</em></p> <p>Prior to disembarking, Murray and Lyn conducted a little ceremony on the deck, presenting us with the blue and white Greek flag that we had sailed under for the past nine days. Dear Lyn also insisted I keep the panama hat she’d lent me from her large collection of Birgitta head wear.</p> <p>The wind was strengthening as we piled our luggage into the dinghy, ready for the rough ride to the jetty. A gust snatched off my precious panama but Chris heroically managed to pluck it from the choppy waves just before it sank. There was no way I was going to lose that coveted hat. Tears dribbled down my cheeks as we pulled away from Birgitta. I wasn’t ready to resume my landlubber-life.</p> <p>We hugged our friends farewell and boarded the ferry to Piraeus. As the huge catamaran thundered out of Portocheli, I could see Birgitta’s tall mast swaying in the wind like a metronome.</p> <p>Beyond the shelter of the port, the storm had whipped the seas into an angry squall. For the next few hours, the ship bashed its way through enormous waves but it didn’t concern me in the least. I was amazed at how seasoned a sailor I had become in such a short time. As for Chris, he was so relaxed he slept most of the way.</p> <p>I occupied myself the way I always do when I have time on my hands. I began writing about our Birgitta experiences, a life-changing adventure for us in so many ways.</p> <p>The voyage not only enabled us to visit beautiful, remote places that were inaccessible without a boat, but it took us both to another dimension. We overcame fears that have held us back for years — Chris’s seasickness and my terror of sailing. And Chris learned valuable new skills as a helmsman. No doubt Murray and Lyn have seen this transformation countless times before but I never would have believed it possible.</p> <p>Our friends’ warmth, generosity, humour, positivity and kindness touched our hearts. The experience also helped us understand the extraordinary life they lead when they disappear from Gisborne for six months every year. To us back home, it always seems like an eternity, but I can now see how the passage of time becomes irrelevant, something fluid not measured by dates but by the rising and setting of the sun.</p> <p>Our one day on Birgitta stretched into nine days, long enough to glimpse a deeply-fulfilling, simple way of life away from the pressures of the modern world. It all seems like a dream to me now... but our photos assure me that it really did happen. If they were of the old-school, printed variety, they would be very tatty round the edges.</p>

International Travel

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Greek yoghurt vs ‘regular’ yoghurt: Which one is healthier?

<p>Once a rare option, Greek yoghurt has become as popular as its regular counterpart today. Fans praise Greek yoghurt as not only the tastier of two, but also the healthier alternative. But what does science say about this claim?</p> <p>While both yoghurts are made of the same ingredients – milk and live cultures – Greek yoghurt is strained more extensively to remove most of whey liquid, lactose and sugar, creating a thicker, more concentrated product.</p> <p>Because of this, Greek yoghurt can have up to twice as much protein as the regular version while cutting the sugar and sodium content by half. The removal of whey liquid also means that the sweet aftertaste is taken out, giving the yoghurt a stronger, tangier flavour.</p> <p>“For someone who wants the creamier texture, a little bit of a protein edge and a sugar decrease, going Greek is definitely not all hype,” registered dietitian Dawn Jackson Blatner told <span><a href=""><em>US News</em></a></span>.</p> <p>However, Greek yoghurt packs more in the fat department. According to dietitian Carol Aguirre of Nutrition Connections, a serving size of Greek yoghurt can have <span><a href=";IR=T">10 grams of fat with 7 grams of it being saturated fat</a></span>, while regular yoghurt contains 8 grams of fat with 5 grams saturated.</p> <p>Regular yoghurt also has higher levels of calcium, minerals and probiotics thanks to the less strenuous straining process.</p> <p>Both yoghurts can be a great addition to your diet – but the one to put in your shopping cart depends on your dietary and taste preferences.</p>


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Huge cruise ship squeezes through Greek canal with just centimetres to spare

<p><span>A 24,344-tonnes, 22.5-metre-wide cruise liner has made history to become the largest ship ever to travel through the narrow Corinth Canal.</span></p> <p><span>On Wednesday, 929 passengers on board held their breath as the Braemar cruise liner squeezed through the canal, which was 24 metres wide at its narrowest point.</span></p> <p><span>The ship was so close to the rocky walls of the canal that passengers could reach out their hands and almost touch the surface, UK-based Fred. Olsen Cruises said.</span></p> <blockquote style="background: #FFF; border: 0; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width: 540px; min-width: 326px; padding: 0; width: calc(100% - 2px);" class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned="" data-instgrm-permalink=";utm_campaign=loading" data-instgrm-version="12"> <div style="padding: 16px;"> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;"></div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;"></div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 60px;"></div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 19% 0;"></div> <div style="display: block; height: 50px; margin: 0 auto 12px; width: 50px;"></div> <div style="padding-top: 8px;"> <div style="color: #3897f0; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 550; line-height: 18px;">View this post on Instagram</div> </div> <p style="margin: 8px 0 0 0; padding: 0 4px;"><a style="color: #000; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none; word-wrap: break-word;" rel="noopener" href=";utm_campaign=loading" target="_blank">Transiting the #CorinthCanal this morning on #Braemar... fabulous views! #🚢 #fredolsen #cruise</a></p> <p style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;">A post shared by <a style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px;" rel="noopener" href=";utm_campaign=loading" target="_blank"> Andy Eastwood</a> (@andyeastwooduk) on Oct 9, 2019 at 12:37am PDT</p> </div> </blockquote> <p><span>The 6.4-kilometre-long canal is a waterway that separates the Peloponnese from the Greek mainland, connecting the Gulf of Corinth with the Saronic Gulf in the Aegean Sea.</span><span></span></p> <p><span>The trip was part of the 25-night Corinth Canal &amp; Greek Islands cruise, which took off from Southampton, UK.</span></p> <p><span>“This is such an exciting sailing and tremendous milestone in Fred Olsen’s 171-year history, and we are thrilled to have been able to share it with our guests,” said Clare Ward, director of product and customer service.</span></p>


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Sailing: The only way to see the Greek Islands

<p>Convincing anyone to visit the Greek Islands is an easy task: endless sunshine, crystal clear blue waters, ancient archaeological sites, and the best olives you’ll ever taste. But with so much to see and do, the way you get around makes a huge difference to your trip; and by far the best way to do it is by boat.</p> <p>Board a yacht or catamaran and you’ll find yourself on the most hassle-free, yet exciting trip of your life. Only having to unpack your bag once, you’ll see far more than you would navigating on your own.</p> <p>The living quarters are compact but comfortable – this is no luxury cruise, but you won’t want to be spending too much time on the boat when you’re surrounded by warm water, stunning hiking trails, and vibrant local ports.</p> <p>These trips are suitable for all ages and fitness levels, and companies such as G Adventures and Peregrine offer group tours for people who are social, but want to steer clear of the infamous under-30s party tours.</p> <p>If you’re interested in discovering the more authentic side of the islands, and finding the perfect balance between exploring Greek culture and relaxing in stunning locations, then this trip is for you.</p> <p>Sailing tours offer a fantastic combination of group and independent travelling. Each morning you’ll get up and make breakfast with the rest of the ‘crew’, before setting sail for the day’s destination (you’ll average one night at each island depending on the length of your trip).</p> <p>If anyone is interested, the boat’s skipper will spend this time teaching everyone the basics of sailing – knots, steering, reading charts – or you can spend your time on deck reading or soaking up some sun.</p> <p>Once you arrive at the next island, how you spend the rest of the afternoon is up to you. Some people choose to spend most of their time at the beach, others will explore the cities or hike through the surrounding hillsides. Dinner is usually together, at a local hidden gem suggested by the skipper.</p> <p>Flexibility is a key part of these tours, and you’ll have the option to visit a wide variety of different islands depending on the desires of everyone on board. Some of the islands you won’t want to miss out on include:</p> <p><strong>Naxos</strong></p> <p>Inhabited throughout the entire year, you’ll find Naxos has one of the best examples of more authentic Greek lifestyle and is very family friendly.</p> <p>In addition to sand beaches, you can hire a car or ATV to travel inland to explore ancient temples, olive presses, and ouzo distilleries. The night life in the main port is fantastic – stop at a restaurant called Flamingos to see the head chef light the ground on fire and dance the sirtaki across it.</p> <p><strong>Santorini</strong></p> <p>Famous for its volcanic black beaches, you’ll find some of the most stunning natural scenery on Santorini. Take a day trip from the island to explore nearby volcanoes, hot springs, and end by watching the sunset in postcard perfect Oia.</p> <p>You've probably seen sunsets from Santorini on hundreds of postcards but it's truly breathtaking to see it in person</p> <p><strong>Mykonos</strong></p> <p>One of the more expensive islands, this is the place to treat yourself to some off-boat pampering. Partying and boutique shopping are the two most popular activities here, but you can find some secluded beaches if you travel away from the main port.</p> <p><strong>Paros</strong></p> <p>One of the most beautiful islands in Greece, you’ll be stopping to take a photo every two metres. Octopi hang from doorways and white building walls with bright blue doors surround small docks. The boats even sit matching alongside the beautiful Greek colors. Paros' nightlife is more relaxed and is a fantastic place just to wander about and absorb the sights.</p> <p>If you’re planning a trip, July and August are the peak season – but be aware this means big crowds. For the best combination of summer sun and a little peace and quiet, June is the best time of year to go.</p> <p><em>Written by Casey Ventura. Republished with permission of </em><a href=""><em></em></a></p>


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Cop crackdown: Greek restaurants slammed for ripping off tourists

<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Tourists may be having the last laugh after a number of complaints about restaurants overcharging foreigners insanely high food and drink bills has led the Greek police to be involved. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Mykonos has become the destination of dreams over the last decade especially and Greek restaurant and bar owners have used the ignorance of tourists to scam more money than necessary for meals and drinks – including $840 for six pieces of calamari. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Greek finance ministry has plans to conduct more than 50,000 raids in the next few weeks to target restaurants attempting to cheat customers. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A number of tourists have complained about the insane charges made for simple meals, including six pieces of calamari that rounded up to AUD$840. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The squid was apart of a $1350 rip-off bill that came with a AUD$97.20 grilled chicken dish. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Another customer was faced with a hefty bill as well when he was charged more than AUD$220 for two glasses of prosecco at a different restaurant. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Reports claim officers have already closed down dozens of businesses who have been caught scamming their customers.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Mykonos restaurant owners have denied the allegations of scamming tourists – claiming customers are fully aware of prices before they place an order. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">However, foreigners have spoken out against the “scam culture” on the island.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">“Me and my wife were dragged for a drink only to pay €230 ($AUD376) for a €20 ($AUD33) bottle of wine and a couple of sides,” tourist Yannis Psarras, from London, said according to </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Sun.</span></a></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">“These guys run the ultimate scam.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">“They invite you in on a non-existent offer — like free sunbeds — they don’t show you the price list. They list prices by 100 grams rather than per portion or per kilogram or something more standard.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">“It’s really a playbook of scamming tourists.”</span></p>

Retirement Life

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Why you should think twice before riding a donkey in Santorini

<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The quaint island of Santorini in Greece is never short of tourists who are attracted to the whitewashed cottages and blue-domed churches.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Many tourists are arriving by boat, before making their way up hundreds of steep steps to the island’s main town.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you don’t want to walk, there are donkeys available to carry those who can’t or don’t want to journey up the stairs.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">However, a new campaign has been launched to encourage you to think about the strain that’s being put onto the donkeys.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">British charity The Donkey Sanctuary has launched the </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">In Their Hooves</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> campaign as a way of improving public awareness about the plight of donkeys.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The initiative is the result of a partnership between The Donkey Sanctuary and local Santorini authorities as the strain of passengers who weigh more than 100 kilograms are injuring the spines of the donkeys.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"We are excited to launch the In Their Hooves video and we hope visitors to Santorini are able to make informed decisions about the welfare of working equines they will see there," Barbara Massa, The Donkey Sanctuary's regional director for Europe, said in a </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">press release</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"We will continue to work with the municipality, providing training to equine health service providers and also the animal owners, all of whom are critical to improving the working conditions and practices on the island."</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The initiative encourages tourists to think about whether or not the animals have access to adequate water and shelter, whether or not their owner treats them respectfully, if they show any signs of injury and whether or not they are expected to carry an acceptable weight.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Have you ridden a donkey before? Let us know in the comments.</span></p>

Travel Trouble

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Slow-roasted lamb shoulder with Greek tomatoes

<p>The flavour and texture combination in these roasted tomatoes is outrageously good – fragrant, sweet, salty and crunchy… magic. They make the perfect accompaniment to slow-roasted lamb shoulder.</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Serves:</span></strong> 6</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Ingredients:</span></strong></p> <ul> <li>2.2kg lamb shoulder on the bone</li> <li>2 red onions, thickly sliced</li> <li>4 large sprigs rosemary </li> <li>5 sprigs thyme, or 3 sprigs thyme and 2 sprigs oregano</li> <li>13 cloves garlic, peeled</li> <li>1½ cups (375ml) white wine</li> <li>18 ripe, vine-ripened tomatoes</li> <li>3 tablespoons olive oil</li> <li>1 teaspoon cumin seeds</li> <li>Finely grated zest of 1 lemon</li> <li>¼ teaspoon chilli flakes</li> <li>1 cup black olives (not pitted)</li> <li>½ cup currants</li> <li>150g soft feta, crumbled</li> <li>½ cup lightly toasted pine nuts</li> </ul> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Method:</span></strong></p> <p>1. Remove the lamb from the fridge half an hour before cooking to bring it to room temperature. Preheat the oven to 150°C. </p> <p>2. Put the onions, 2 sprigs of rosemary and 3 sprigs of thyme in the base of a medium-sized roasting pan. Put the lamb on top, fat side up. Make 8 slits in the flesh and poke 8 cloves garlic into the holes. Pour the wine into the base of the dish and season the lamb really well with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Cover with foil and cook for 4¼ hours, then remove the foil and cook for another hour.</p> <p>3. Meanwhile, snip the tomatoes into bunches of three or four and place in a medium oven dish. Drizzle with the oil and sprinkle over the cumin seeds, lemon zest and chilli flakes. </p> <p>4. Lightly squash the remaining 5 garlic cloves and tuck in around the tomatoes. Tuck the olives around the tomatoes with the remaining 2 sprigs thyme or oregano. Sprinkle over the currants.</p> <p>5. After the uncovered lamb has been in the oven for an hour, crank up the heat to 180°C for a further 30 minutes, then add the tomatoes to the oven and cook for another 15 minutes. Remove both the lamb and tomatoes from the oven, crumble the feta over the tomatoes and return them to the oven for 7 minutes before sprinkling with the pine nuts and serving with the lamb.</p> <p><em>Written by Sarah Tuck. Republished with permission of <a href="" target="_blank"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span></strong></a>. Photo credit: Aaron McLean/Stuff.</em></p>

Food & Wine

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Greek-spiced lamb cakes with cucumber, tomato & radish salad

<p>This Mediterranean-inspired lamb dish with cucumber, tomato and radish salad makes the perfect lunch or light dinner on a hot summer’s day. Oh, and if you needed any extra incentive, did we mention this meal contains less than 1,900kj (450 calories)?</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Serves:</span></strong> 2</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Ingredients:</span></strong></p> <p><em>For the Greek-spiced lamb cakes</em></p> <ul> <li>250g lean ground lamb mince</li> <li>¼ brown onion, finely diced</li> <li>1½ teaspoons lamb spice mix (see below)</li> <li>1 clove garlic, minced</li> <li>¼ cup wholemeal breadcrumbs</li> <li>1 tablespoon ground LSA (or use 10g further wholemeal breadcrumbs)</li> <li>½ teaspoon salt</li> <li>1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley leaves</li> <li>½ egg, lightly whisked</li> <li>1 teaspoon oil, to coat (or use spray oil)</li> </ul> <p> </p> <p><em>For the lamb spice mix</em></p> <ul> <li>1 tsp ground cumin</li> <li>1 tsp ground coriander</li> <li>1 tsp paprika</li> <li>¼ tsp smoked paprika</li> <li>¼ tsp lemon pepper</li> <li>¼ tsp ground cinnamon</li> <li>½ tsp ground turmeric</li> <li>¼ tsp onion powder</li> </ul> <p> </p> <p><em>For the vinaigrette</em></p> <ul> <li>¼ teaspoon salt</li> <li>¼ teaspoon mustard (e.g. Dijon, wholegrain)</li> <li>Juice of ½ lemon</li> <li>Cucumber, tomato and radish salad</li> <li>½ capsicum</li> <li>½ Lebanese cucumber</li> <li>1 tomato</li> <li>1-2 radishes</li> <li>1 tablespoon parsley leaves and stalks</li> <li>2 tablespoons mint leaves</li> <li>½ x 400g can cannellini beans, drained and rinsed</li> </ul> <p> </p> <p><em>To serve</em></p> <ul> <li>75g unsweetened, low fat, plain yoghurt</li> <li>½ lemon, cut into wedges (optional)</li> </ul> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Method:</span></strong></p> <ol start="1"> <li>Preheat oven to 220C. Line an oven tray with baking paper.</li> <li>Place all Greek-spiced lamb cake ingredients (except oil) into a medium bowl and mix until well combined. Using clean, damp hands, shape mixture into golf ball-sized balls then flatten slightly into cakes, about 1.5cm-thick.</li> <li>Place cakes onto prepared tray and lightly brush with oil (or spray). Bake (on upper oven rack) for about 8 minutes, until just cooked through. Switch oven to high grill and grill cakes for a further 4-5 minutes, until lightly brown on top.</li> <li>While cakes are cooking, whisk all vinaigrette ingredients together in a medium bowl.</li> <li>Remove core and seeds from capsicum and dice capsicum, cucumber, tomato and radishes 1cm. Roughly chop second measure of parsley and mint.  Add all salad veggies to bowl with vinaigrette, along with drained cannellini beans. Toss to combine and season to taste with pepper and more salt, if desired.</li> <li>To serve, spoon cucumber, tomato and radish salad onto plates. Top with Greek-spiced lamb cakes and dollop over yoghurt. Serve with a lemon wedge to squeeze over (if using).</li> </ol> <p><em>Written by Nadia Lim. Republished with permission of <a href="" target="_blank"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span></strong></a>. Image credit: My Food Bag.</em></p>

Food & Wine

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Prince Charles describes relationship with Diana as “Greek tragedy”

<p>It’s no secret that their relationship was a tumultuous one, but a series of unearthed letters have revealed just how fractured Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s relationship really was. In one of the letters, obtained by the <a href="" target="_blank"><em><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Daily Mail</span></strong></em></a>, Charles vented to former US First Lady Nancy Reagan about his marriage just six months before they announced their separation, referring to it as a “Greek tragedy”.</p> <p>“One day I will tell you the whole story,” he wrote. “My problem is it is so awful and so extraordinary that very few people would believe it... It is a kind of Greek tragedy and would certainly make a very good play!”</p> <p>However, it wasn’t always heartbreak for the couple, with Charles gushing in a letter written in 1985 about what an enjoyable time he and Diana shared at a gala hosted by the Reagans. “Diana still hasn't got over dancing with John Travolta, Neil Diamond and Clint Eastwood in one evening, not to mention the President of the United States as well!”</p> <p>In a 2002 letter, Charles also opened up about the impact of the Queen Mother’s death on him, confessing her death left “an enormous chasm” in his life. “However, she also leaves behind the most wonderful legacy of unbelievably happy memories… Oh, how we shall all miss her and everything she stood for...”</p> <p>The Prince maintained a close friendship with Nancy up until her death last year at the age of 94. “The President and Mrs Reagan really valued their friendship with the Royal family, especially The Prince of Wales,” ex-President Reagan’s former chief of staff, Joanne Drake, said.</p> <p>“They shared the ups and downs of their lives and always wrote the other with strong words of personal support, especially if the situation had become public. Mrs Reagan was extremely touched that he attended President Reagan’s funeral in 2004. She felt a special closeness to him.”</p>


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Greek chicken, lemon and rice soup

<p>This Greek soup will soon become a favourite winter-dish as it not only tastes delicious and warms you up but will also fill you up.</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Serves:</span></strong> Two</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Ingredients: </span></strong></p> <ul> <li>½ cup packet Jasmine rice</li> <li>1 cube chicken stock</li> <li>1 litre boiling water</li> <li>1 clove garlic</li> <li>1 lemon</li> <li>2 fillets chicken breast (350g)</li> <li>2 eggs</li> <li>70g bag baby spinach leaves</li> <li>3 sprigs mint, leaves picked</li> </ul> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Method:</span></strong></p> <p>1. To prepare the ingredients, place the Jasmine rice in a sieve and rinse really well until the water runs clear. Crumble the chicken stock, peel and crush the garlic, and zest and juice the lemon. Dice the chicken breast and finely slice the mint leaves. Lightly beat the eggs.<br /> <br /> 2. Place the chicken stock cube, boiling water, garlic, lemon zest and juice in a medium saucepan over a medium heat. Bring to the boil. Add the Jasmine rice and simmer for 8 minutes, or until the rice is just tender. Add the chicken breast and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3-4 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.<br /> <br /> 3. Lightly beat the eggs in a heatproof jug or bowl. Add 1⁄2 cup hot stock mixture from the saucepan to the egg, whisking to combine. Remove the saucepan from the heat then slowly add the whisked egg mixture to the saucepan in a steady stream, stirring until well combined. Place the saucepan back over a low heat and stir through the baby spinach until wilted. Season to taste with salt and pepper.<br /> <br /> 4. To serve, ladle the soup into bowls and top with the fresh mint.</p> <p><em>Recipe courtesy of <a href="" target="_blank"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Hello Fresh</span></strong></a>. </em></p> <p><em><strong>Have you ordered your copy of the Over60 cookbook, The Way Mum Made It, yet? Featuring 175 delicious tried-and-true recipes from you, the Over60 community, and your favourites that have appeared on the Over60 website, <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">head to the to order your copy now</span></a>.</strong></em></p>

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Greek spiced chicken with brown rice and quinoa tabouleh

<p>Filling, healthy and most-importantly delicious, nutritionist Zoe Bingley-Pullin’s brown rice and quinoa tabouleh with Greek spiced chicken is the perfect midweek meal.</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Serves:</span></strong> Four</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Ingredients:</span></strong></p> <p><em>For the salad</em></p> <ul> <li>1 cup SunRice Brown Rice &amp; Quinoa, uncooked</li> <li>2 cups water</li> <li>1/2 head cauliflower, chopped into small florets</li> <li>1 tablespoon of olive oil</li> <li>1/2 bunch kale, finely chopped</li> <li>1/2 bunch spring onions, finely chopped</li> <li>1/2 bunch flat leaf parsley, finely chopped</li> <li>1 pomegranate, seeds removed</li> <li>1/4 cup toasted pistachios</li> <li>2 large tomatoes, seeds removed, diced finely</li> </ul> <p><em>For the chicken</em></p> <ul> <li>2 large chicken breasts</li> <li>1 tablespoon olive oil</li> <li>1/2 tablespoon lemon juice</li> <li>1 teaspoon lemon zest</li> <li>2 garlic cloves, crushed</li> <li>1 tablespoon fresh oregano, chopped finely</li> <li>1 red chilli, finely sliced, optional</li> <li>Salt and pepper, to taste</li> </ul> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Method</span></strong></p> <ol> <li>In a bowl combine chicken, olive oil, lemon juice, lemon zest, garlic, chilli, oregano, salt and pepper. Set aside and leave in the fridge for 30 minutes.</li> <li>Preheat oven to 180°C.</li> <li>Place the cauliflower on a baking tray. Drizzle with one tablespoon of olive oil and cook for approximately 20 minutes or until slightly golden.</li> <li>Meanwhile, place brown rice and quinoa in a saucepan with water. Bring to the boil and simmer until tender and water is absorbed.</li> <li>In a large mixing bowl, add kale, parsley, spring onions, cooked grains, cauliflower, pomegranate seeds, pistachios and tomato, toss well, season to taste.</li> <li>To cook the chicken, lay chicken on a baking tray and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until cooked through, alternatively cook in a frying pan.</li> <li>Let rest for five minutes before slicing on a diagonal.</li> <li>Serve tabouleh topped with sliced chicken breast and extra drizzle of olive.</li> </ol> <p>How tasty! Do you enjoy tabouleh?</p> <p><em>Recipe courtesy of SunRice ambassador, Zoe Bingley-Pullin.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Have you ordered your copy of the Over60 cookbook, </strong></em><strong>The Way Mum Made It</strong><em><strong>, yet? Featuring 175 delicious tried-and-true recipes from you, the Over60 community, and your favourites that have appeared on the Over60 website, <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">head to the to order your copy now</span></a>.</strong></em></p>

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Lamb kleftiko

<p>Lamb kleftiko is a delicious Greek casserole. It's a great change from your usual meat stew. The flavours are simple but delicious and the slow-cooked lamb will melt in your mouth.</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Ingredients:</span></strong></p> <ul> <li>700g lamb, diced (I use leg chops when they're on special; lamb shoulder also works well but is a lot fattier)</li> <li>2 garlic cloves, crushed or finely chopped</li> <li>4 medium tomatoes, diced</li> <li>1 onion, sliced</li> <li>2 carrots, diced</li> <li>1 lemon, juiced</li> <li>1/2 tsp cinnamon</li> <li>Handful fresh oregano, finely chopped (or 1 tsp dried oregano)</li> <li>250ml chicken stock</li> <li>Salt and pepper, to taste</li> <li>Feta cheese, crumbled, for serving</li> </ul> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Method:</span></strong></p> <ol> <li>Place all ingredients except the feta in a slow cooker. If you're using a slow cooker, cook for 8 hours on low or at least 4 hours on high. Alternatively, put the ingredients into a casserole dish and cook in the oven for 2 1/2 hours at 160C.</li> <li>Sprinkle with the crumbled feta and a little more oregano and serve.</li> <li>Serve with roast potatoes, sprinkled with the rind from the lemon.</li> </ol> <p><em>Written by Emma Robertson. First appeared on <a href=""><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span></strong></a></em></p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><a href=""><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>Lamb koftas</strong></em></span></a></p> <p><a href=""><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>Indian-spiced lamb with yellow rice and date yoghurt</strong></em></span></a></p> <p><a href=""><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>Classic southern lamb casserole</strong></em></span></a></p>

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Greek risoni salad

<p>This delicious, colourful salad will bring the taste of the Mediterranean to your next barbecue. It’s also ideal for a light lunch or quick snack in between meals.</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Serves:</span> </strong>6</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Ingredients:</span></strong></p> <ul> <li>1 ½ cups uncooked risoni</li> <li>3 cucumbers (about 400g)</li> <li>2 tomatoes, seeded and chopped</li> <li>1 red onion, chopped</li> <li>1 cup feta, crumbled</li> <li>60g Kalamata olives, pitted and drained</li> <li>¼ cup baby spinach</li> </ul> <p><em>For the dressing</em></p> <ul> <li>1 tbsp. lemon juice</li> <li>¼ cup extra virgin olive oil</li> <li>¼ cup red wine vinegar</li> <li>Ground black pepper, to taste</li> <li>Sea salt, to taste</li> </ul> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Method:</span></strong></p> <ol> <li>Cook risoni according to packet instructions until tender, then drain and rinse under cold water. Drain again and place in a large bowl.</li> <li>Add cucumber, tomatoes, onion, feta, olives and spinach, tossing gently to combine.</li> <li>In a small screw-top container, add all the dressing ingredients. Shake well and drizzle over salad.</li> <li>Serve and enjoy.</li> </ol> <p>What’s your favourite salad to serve at a barbecue? Share your recipe with us in the comments below!</p> <p><strong><em>Have you ordered your copy of the Over60 cookbook, </em>The Way Mum Made It<em>, yet? Featuring 178 delicious tried-and-true recipes from you, the Over60 community, and your favourites that have appeared on the Over60 website, <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">head to the to order your copy now</span></a>.</em></strong></p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2016/01/greek-pasta-salad/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>Easy Greek pasta salad</strong></em></span></a></p> <p><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2015/12/asparagus-with-greek-dressing/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>Asparagus with Greek dressing</strong></em></span></a></p> <p><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2015/11/eggplant-haloumi-pesto-burgers/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>Grilled eggplant, haloumi and pesto burgers</strong></em></span></a></p>

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Greek Easter biscuits, “Koulourakia”

<p>These traditional crunchy biscuits are easy to bake, exotic and delicious! They are a tradition Greek dish that is meant to be shaped and prepared by the family together. Why not broaden your cultural horizons this Easter?</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Ingredients:</span></strong></p> <ul> <li>250g butter</li> <li>1 ½ cup sugar</li> <li>1 and a half tea spoons of baking powder</li> <li>½ cup lukewarm milk</li> <li>4 medium eggs</li> <li>1 tbsp. vanilla extract</li> <li>Zest of 2 oranges</li> <li>1kg all-purpose flour  </li> <li>2 egg yolks and 1 tbsp. water for glazing the koulourakia</li> </ul> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Method:</span></strong></p> <ol> <li>Start by mixing the butter and sugar. In a mixer’s bowl add the sugar and butter (chopped) and mix for about 10-15 minutes, until the butter is creamy and fluffy.</li> <li>Warm the milk until lukewarm and remove the pot from the heat</li> <li>Add the eggs to the butter-sugar mixture one at a time, whilst mixing, allowing time for each one to be absorbed, before adding another. Pour in the the vanilla extract, the orange zest, milk and mix all these ingredients together to combine. Add the flour and baking powder a little bit at a time, whilst mixing, until the ingredients are combined and the dough is soft and not overly sticky.</li> <li>Cover the dough with some plastic wrap and set aside to rest for 20 minutes.</li> <li>After 20 minutes place the dough on a clean working surface, take a small piece of dough and form long cords. Shape the koulourakia with your hands, giving them any shape you like, traditional shapes include S shapes wound together, line a large baking tray with parchment paper and place the biscuits allow some distance between them as they will rise.</li> <li>In a small bowl add the egg yolks and 1 tbsp. water and whisk with a fork. Brush the top of each biscuit and bake in preheated oven at 200C for 15 minutes, until nicely coloured.</li> <li>Let the biscuits cool down completely and store in airtight containers for up to three weeks.</li> </ol> <p><em><strong>Have you ordered your copy of the Over60 cookbook, The Way Mum Made It, yet? Featuring 178 delicious tried-and-true recipes from you, the Over60 community, and your favourites that have appeared on the Over60 website, <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">head to the to order your copy now</span></a>.</strong></em></p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2016/02/macadamia-raspberry-heart-friands/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>Macadamia raspberry heart friands</strong></em></span></a></p> <p><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2016/02/caramel-apple-jam/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>Caramel apple jam</strong></em></span></a></p> <p><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2016/02/citron-tart/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>Citron tart</strong></em></span></a></p>

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What a Greek-Australian thought of “My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2”

<p><em><strong>Greek-Australian, Nick Nicholas, 60, who has attended more big fat Greek weddings than he can count (including his own 300-plus wedding) shares his thoughts on the film My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2.</strong></em> </p> <p>My Australian-born daughters watched the first <em>My Big Fat Greek Wedding</em> in Greece and found it hilarious. They did comment, however, that the rest of the Greek audience was generally unmoved by the movie and didn’t respond well to the humour in it. My thought at the time was that the Greeks probably saw it as a documentary. However, another perspective is that the movie was not really about national Greeks, but by quite a different culture, the “Immigrant Greek”. </p> <p>Consider this, the expat Australian is often more Aussie than Crocodile Dundee. The accent often broadens and Aussieisms (G’day mate, fair dinkum and so on) are flung around in conversations from Britain to Singapore like confetti at a Greek wedding. Similarly, the immigrant Greek is more “Greek than the Greeks”, holding onto “traditional” Greek customs and attitudes long after the Motherland Greeks have moved on. So, while I was born in Australia and spent my teen years in 1960’s and 70’s Australia, my immigrant parents still lived attitudinally in 1940 and 50’s Greece. They held onto the rites, rituals, attitudes and behaviours reinforced and reflected by their mainly-Greek friends and mainly-Greek community. The differences in attitudes, hopes and dreams between my “Grozzie” generation and that of our parents was enormous: a chasm both generationally and culturally, which as a young child I learned to criss-cross on rather rickety bridges.</p> <p>That was my experience coming in to <em>My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2.</em> The advertisers have already told you want to expect. It’s an over-the-top caricature of the immigrant Greek in all their stereotypical glory – and generally funny. The first 20 minutes or so were so punctuated by Greek stereotypes that I was overwhelmed and felt an inward groan. The same old familiar jokes are dragged out and dusted in your face till you start to choke from the dust.</p> <p>But then, a conversation between bride-to-be and her brother-in-law triggered a something in me.  I was reminded by the blind faith and courage of the immigrant as reflected by my parents. They had the courage of moving to a new land and into a strange culture, with no language, no support except each other and their extended community, in the hope that I and my generation would lead better lives than they had. In that moment, in that ridiculous scene, in that lamest of movies, I was moved to tears.</p> <p><em><strong>If you have a story to share, please get in touch at <a href=""></a></strong></em></p> <p><strong>Related links: </strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="/entertainment/movies/2016/02/movies-you-wont-want-to-miss-in-2016/"><em>5 movies you won’t want to miss in 2016</em></a></strong></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="/entertainment/movies/2016/03/top-inspirational-movies/"><em>10 truly inspirational movies</em></a></strong></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="/entertainment/movies/2016/03/best-film-start-from-60s/"><em>Favourite film stars from the 60s</em></a></strong></span></p>


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Spinach leek and feta pie

<p>This authentic Greek dish is moderated slightly for an Australian palette, but still with plenty of flavour.</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Ingredients:</span></strong></p> <ul> <li>2 cups chopped onions</li> <li>2 cups chopped leeks</li> <li>3 tablespoons olive oil</li> <li>1 teaspoon salt</li> <li>1 teaspoon black pepper</li> <li>3 10-ounce packages frozen chopped spinach, defrosted and drained well</li> <li>6 large eggs, beaten</li> <li>2 teaspoons nutmeg</li> <li>½ cup grated Parmesan Romano cheese</li> <li>3 tablespoons seasoned dry bread crumbs</li> <li>1 cup feta, cut into ½ inch chunks or crumbled</li> <li>½ cup pignoli (pine nuts)</li> <li>¼ cup salted butter, melted</li> <li>6-8 sheets filo dough (preferably a thicker type).</li> </ul> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Method:</span></strong></p> <ol> <li>Pre-heat the oven to 190°C. In a sauté pan on medium heat, sauté onions and leeks in olive oil for about 10-15 minutes until translucent. Remove from heat, salt and pepper and set aside.</li> <li>In a large mixing bowl gently combine well drained spinach, beaten eggs, nutmeg, feta, Parmesan Romano cheese, breadcrumbs and pignoli. Mix in the onions and leeks until everything is well blended.</li> <li>Prepare an 8-inch pie dish by buttering the bottom. Layer one-by-one 6 to 8 sheets of filo, alternating directions and buttering generously in between layers allowing the edges to hang over the sides. Butter the edges in between layering as well.</li> <li>Spoon spinach and leek mixture into the pie dish and bring up the corners of the filo to meet in the middle. Butter the top of the filo generously, covering every nook with butter (the butter is going to give you crispy, brown, flaky filo so don’t skimp!)</li> <li>Bake for 1 hour until the top is golden brown. Remove from oven and let cool. Serve warm or at room temperature.</li> </ol> <p><em>Recipe from</em></p> <p><em><strong>Have you ordered your copy of the Over60 cookbook, The Way Mum Made It, yet? Featuring 175 delicious tried-and-true recipes from you, the Over60 community, and your favourites that have appeared on the Over60 website,</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">head to the to order your copy now</span>.</a></strong></em></p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><em><a href="">Spinach feta muffins</a></em></strong></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><em><a href="">Kale spinach and feta pie</a></em></strong></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><em><a href="">Spinach bites</a></em></strong></span></p>

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Easy Greek pasta salad

<p>Looking for a hearty summer salad? This simple, healthy Greek pasta salad ticks all the boxes.</p> <p><strong>Serves:</strong> 10</p> <p><strong>Ingredients:</strong></p> <p>• 1 pound gemelli or other short pasta<br />• 3/4 medium English cucumber, peeled, halved lengthwise, cut into 1/4-inch pieces<br />• 1 dry pint cherry or grape tomatoes, halved<br />• 1/2 large red onion, thinly sliced<br />• 1 cup pitted kalamata olives, halved<br />• 6 ounces feta, crumbled<br />• 3 cups firmly packed baby spinach<br />• 2 cloves garlic, finely minced<br />• 1 teaspoon dried oregano<br />• 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard<br />• 1/4 cup red wine vinegar<br />• 1/2 teaspoon salt<br />• 1/2 teaspoon pepper<br />• 1/2 cup olive oil</p> <p><strong>Method:</strong></p> <p>1. Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil and cook the pasta until al dente. When cooked, rinse under cold water and transfer to a bowl. Add the remaining fresh ingredients and toss to combine. <br />2. To make the dressing, whisk together garlic, oregano, mustard, vinegar, salt, pepper and olive oil. Drizzle over salad to serve.</p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2015/12/quinoa-chicken-and-feta-salad/"></a></strong></span></em></p> <p><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="">Lemon and mozzarella veal pockets with pecorino and zucchini salad</a></strong></span></em></p> <p><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2015/12/quinoa-chicken-and-feta-salad/"></a></strong></span></em></p> <p><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="">Easy basil pesto</a></strong></span></em><br /><br /><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="">Quinoa, chicken and feta salad</a></strong></span></em></p> <p><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2015/12/quinoa-chicken-and-feta-salad/"></a></strong></span></em></p> <p> </p>

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Asparagus with Greek dressing

<p>During summer so much time and focus is given to the meat for BBQs and sometimes we forget that the sides are equally as important. This Asparagus dish is light, flavoursome and adds a completely new dimension to any barbeque as a side or ever a starter! Try it this weekend.</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Serves:</span> </strong>Six</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Ingredients: </span></strong></p> <ul> <li>3 bunches asparagus, trimmed</li> <li>1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil</li> <li>1 teaspoon lemon juice</li> <li>1/2 teaspoon dried oregano</li> <li>Freshly ground black pepper, to taste</li> <li>2/3 cup finely diced cucumber</li> <li>2 tomatoes, finely diced</li> <li>10 small pitted black olives, quartered</li> <li>40g Australian reduced-salt feta cheese</li> </ul> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Method:</span></strong></p> <ol> <li>Boil or steam asparagus for 3-5 minutes or until just tender.</li> <li>Drain and briefly rinse under cold running water then arrange on a serving platter.</li> <li>Combine the olive oil, lemon juice, oregano, pepper, cucumber, tomato and olives in a small bowl and spoon onto the asparagus, drizzling with any remaining juices.</li> <li>Sprinkle with feta and serve.</li> </ol> <p>Recipe courtesy of Legendairy – <strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">visit their site for more delicious food ideas</span></a></strong>.</p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2015/08/asparagus-fries/">Baked asparagus fries</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2015/09/tzatziki-dip/">Tzatziki dip</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2015/09/creamed-spinach/">Creamed spinach</a></strong></em></span></p>

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