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Tips for obtaining finance for over 50s

<p>If you are over 50 and want to borrow money for a mortgage or other major purchase, you might expect that lenders will want you to jump through more hoops than younger borrowers. While lenders will not discriminate based purely on age, it is true that there are certain qualification criteria that may naturally be increasingly more difficult to satisfy as you get older.</p> <p>So, what is it that lenders will be looking for and what can you do to improve your chances? Here are a few pointers that may help.</p> <p><strong class="bigger-text">The loan term is a critical factor</strong></p> <p>The most obvious factor that any lender must take into account is how long a potential borrower will remain working to earn an income. For borrowers over 50, a lender will naturally be asking themselves “how long will this person continue to be in the workforce?”</p> <p>If a borrower is aged 55, requires a loan term of 30 years, and is using employment income to service the loan repayments, then the simple math tells us that the borrower will need to work until age 85. In assessing such a loan request, a lender will need to consider the borrower's realistic working life.</p> <p>This may depend, among other things, on the type of work they do. For example, someone in a sedentary professional occupation, such as an accountant, may reasonably be expected to be able to work longer in life than someone doing manual labour.</p> <p><strong class="bigger-text">What if the term is too long?</strong></p> <p>If a lender considers that the loan term you require is unrealistic in relation to your projected working life, all is not necessarily lost. The lender may consider an alternative “exit strategy” for your loan, such as paying out the balance down the track using other assets that could be liquidated at that time. This could include items such as:</p> <ul> <li>Superannuation</li> <li>Savings</li> <li>Investment properties</li> <li>Shares</li> </ul> <p>By fully disclosing such assets, you will give the lender the opportunity to consider their value in assessing the loan application.<br /><br /><strong class="bigger-text">Improve your chances</strong></p> <p>Apart from loan term considerations, there are a variety of other issues that will impact your chance of a successful application.</p> <p>It’s always beneficial if you are able to contribute a substantial deposit toward the home or the item you are purchasing. Having significant equity in assets may also boost your chances.</p> <p>A healthy repayment record for servicing existing or previous loans is also a big tick for lenders. It may be worth accessing your credit report to make sure there are no inaccuracies on your record.</p> <p>Keeping your finances in shape by following a budget, demonstrating a regular savings pattern, and prioritising the repayment of high interest debts are all sound habits that will help build a picture for the lender that you are a responsible borrower.</p> <p>Your super assets and the retirement income that will generate is another important factor. That being said, be aware that lenders will also consider what will happen to your estate if you are to pass away. While your intentions may be to service a loan out of a private superannuation pension, some lenders will not want to get tangled up in estate negotiations if your assets are passed on via inheritance to other parties.</p> <p><em>* This information is provided as a general guide and is not to be reproduced or relied upon — all lenders will assess loan applications based on their own specific lending policy.</em></p> <p><em>Have you been able to secure finance after age 50? Tell us about your experience.</em></p> <p><em>Written by Tom Raeside. Republished with permission of <a href=""></a>.</em></p>

Money & Banking

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Bank approves 30-year home loan to 76-year-old

<p>The thought of debt hanging over your head as you hit triple figures isn’t pleasant, but it could be a reality for many Aussies as a <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>News Corp report</strong></em></span></a> reveals seniors in their 70s and 80s are increasingly being approved for owner occupier home loans.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>News Corp</strong></em></span></a> cites industry sources who suggest applicants as old as 83 were approved for loans in 2017, despite a clampdown on lending requirements from regulators.</p> <p>In one case, a 76-year-old borrower was approved for a $940,000 30-year-loan.</p> <p>One sources reportedly said banks typically view borrowers over the age of 50 different, with those paying off mortgages above the age of 70 requiring an exit strategy.</p> <p>But <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong></strong></span></a>’s managing director Otto Dargan said this doesn’t necessarily mean lenders discriminate by age, and view each application differently.</p> <p>“Just because someone is over 65 doesn’t mean that it’s inappropriate to give them a mortgage,’’ he said.</p> <p>“Lenders investigate their specific circumstances and identify how they are going to repay the loan without getting into hardship.</p> <p>“Denying someone based solely on their age is a form of discrimination but lenders can deny a loan if it is unsuitable for the borrower.”</p> <p>An Australian Bankers’ Association spokeswoman said strict measures are already in place for anyone looking for mortgages later in life, to ensure they can repay debt.</p> <p>“When making lending decisions, banks take into account many factors including the customer’s financial situation, employment status, income and expenses,’’ she said.</p> <p>“No two customers are the same so each case will be assessed differently in line with banks’ responsible lending obligations.”</p> <p>What are your thoughts? </p>

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