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Another cruise line to ban balcony smoking

<p>Another cruise line is making a substantial alteration to its smoking policy, bringing it in line with what is fast becoming the cruising industry norm.</p> <p>Seabourn Cruise Lines will no longer permit smoking anywhere inside a Seabourn ship at all times, including the on balconies and the verandah of guest suites.</p> <p>Seabourn sent an email to travel agents this week, who have been instructed to advise clients about the significant changes to the onboard smoking policy.</p> <p>Smoking will still be permitted on the starboard half of the Sky Bar, on the starboard half of The Club and in the often terrace of the Seabourn Square on all ships.</p> <p>The changes are reportedly due to the wishes of passengers.</p> <p><strong>The first cruises affected will be -</strong></p> <ul> <li>Seabourn Quest: 28/11/2016, Buenos Aries – Valparaiso</li> <li>Seabourn Encore: 4/12/2016, Athens – Dubai</li> <li>Seabourn Sojourn: 5 /12/2016, Dubai – Singapore</li> <li>Seabourn Odyssey: 7/12/2016, Lisbon – Ft. Lauderdale</li> </ul> <p>Smoking on cruises is increasingly becoming a hot topic, after an Australian man was <a href="/travel/cruising/2016/06/man-kicked-off-p-and-o-cruise-after-flicking-cigarette-butt/" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>kicked off a cruise ship</strong></span></a> for throwing a cigarette butt off the side.</p> <p>What’s your take? Do you think Seabourn are right to be so restrictive in their smoking policies? Or is this a case of political correctness gone too far?</p> <p>Share your thoughts in the comments. </p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><a href="/travel/cruising/2016/08/10-things-you-should-never-do-on-a-cruise-balcony/"><strong>10 things you should never do on a cruise balcony</strong></a></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><a href="/travel/cruising/2016/06/man-kicked-off-p-and-o-cruise-after-flicking-cigarette-butt/"><strong>Man kicked off cruise after flicking cigarette butt off the side</strong></a></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><a href="/travel/international-travel/2016/03/german-tourist-opening-aircraft-door/"><strong>German tourist booted off plane for opening door</strong></a></em></span></p>


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