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Passenger sparks debate over travellers sleeping in aisle seats

<p>A heated debate has erupted online after a passenger suggested those sitting in an aisle seat should remain alert and awake for the entire flight, with the only exception being if it's a long-flight of seven hours or more. </p> <p>“A person sitting in an aisle seat on a plane should not be allowed to sleep," they wrote on Reddit. </p> <p>The reason behind it, according to the passenger, is to ensure that middle and window seat passengers can access the toilet, get served by flight attendants, and evacuate quickly in an emergency. </p> <p>“There are some exceptions and those would probably be on any flight longer than seven hours.</p> <p>“But anything shorter than that, you should not be sleeping. What if the middle or window passenger needs the bathroom, or if the flight attendant needs to hand them something – You’ll be in the way.”</p> <p>They added that a snoozing aisle seat passenger could potentially slow down evacuation during an emergency and put everyone at risk. </p> <p>“Now you would be risking people’s lives because you fell asleep,” they wrote.</p> <p>Social media users flocked to the Reddit thread to share their thoughts. </p> <p> “Nah, just poke me and wake me up if you need me to get up or do something," one wrote. </p> <p>“I’m well aware that I’m in the way, believe me. I’m certainly not there because I wanted to be in the aisle seat.”</p> <p>“If you sleep in an aisle seat, you deal with people getting up. That’s the unwritten rule," another added. </p> <p>A few others supported the idea, but shared their own take on plane etiquette. </p> <p> “My take on this: if you sleep in the aisle seat, you must be okay with being woken up multiple times to let the folks in your row get up.</p> <p>“Other flight rules: middle seat gets the armrest, and window seat must raise the window shade during taxi, takeoff, and landing so the rest of us in the row can watch.”</p> <p><em>Image: Shutterstock</em></p> <p> </p>

Travel Tips

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Woman “bullied” on plane over budget seating trick

<p dir="ltr">A young woman has recalled a flight from hell when she was “bullied” by a couple who were trying to utilise a seating hack that went viral on TikTok. </p> <p dir="ltr">The solo traveller took to Reddit to recount the story and ask social media users if she was in the wrong for her action. </p> <p dir="ltr">The woman began by saying she usually pays more to select her plane seat ahead of time, but a medical emergency on another plane had her waiting on standby and left with no option other than to sit in a middle seat.</p> <p dir="ltr">When she was finally able to board, she was greeted by a couple who had purchased both the window and aisle seats in a bid to have more space, utilising a travel “trick” that has been popular on TikTok.</p> <p dir="ltr">The method, which has been dubbed the 'poor man's business class', usually leaves travellers with an empty middle seat and more space, and few travellers opt to pick a middle seat. </p> <p dir="ltr">“When I got to my row the man and woman were chatting and sharing a snack... it was obvious they were together. I mentioned to the man that I'm in the middle, and he got up to let me in,” the unsuspecting traveller wrote on Reddit.  </p> <p dir="ltr">“I asked them if they would prefer to sit together, I said I was totally okay with that. The woman reacted rudely to this and said ‘you're not supposed to be sitting here anyway’.”</p> <p dir="ltr">After noticing how the plane was full, she offered to show the pair her new ticket with the correct seat number on it.</p> <p dir="ltr">“She flicked her hand at my ticket and made a disgusted sound. I offered again if they wanted to sit together to which she didn't reply, her partner said it's okay and... made some small talk,” she continued. </p> <p dir="ltr">The man’s girlfriend then interrupted their conversation to ask,”'Did you use one of those third party websites to book your flight? It's so frustrating when people cheap out to inconvenience others.”</p> <p dir="ltr">The American woman explained that she had booked her flight directly and she had been placed on standby like everyone else and didn't choose the middle seat - she was assigned it.</p> <p dir="ltr">She then tried to keep the peace by refusing to engage with the furious woman.  </p> <p dir="ltr">“I was so done with her attitude, I put my headphones on and attempted to do my own thing,” she explained.</p> <p dir="ltr">But the “entitled” girlfriend wasn't letting it go, as the woman explained, “This woman kept reaching over me and tapping her partner and trying to talk to him in a way that was super intrusive.”</p> <p dir="ltr">“I could tell even her partner was trying to engage her less so that she would hopefully stop, but she didn't.”</p> <p dir="ltr">“I think they tried to pull that tactic where they don't sit together on purpose...hoping no one will sit between them. But on full flights it doesn't work. And even so - it's not the other person's fault.”</p> <p dir="ltr">The traveller's post was met with hundreds of comments slamming the girlfriend’s behaviour, as one person wrote, “It's like a toddler having a tantrum.”</p> <p dir="ltr">“She was disappointed and a total a**hole. Gross entitled people,” another added. </p> <p dir="ltr">Another person applauded the traveller’s level-headed behaviour, writing, “Wow! You are my hero for keeping it classy - I’m afraid I would not have been as kind as you.”</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p>

Travel Trouble

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Obese woman sparks debate for not giving up extra seat for toddler

<p>An obese woman has sparked debate online after refusing to give up the second seat she paid for to a fussy toddler. </p> <p>The 34-year-old booked the two seats for her cross-country flight to visit her family for Christmas because she was previously unable to comfortably fit in one seat. </p> <p>All was well until the young woman next to her demanded that she "squeeze into one seat" so her son could sit on the other. </p> <p>"I am obese," she admitted on the Reddit thread. "I'm actively working toward losing weight and I've made progress - but I booked an extra seat because I'm fat."</p> <p>She added that she insisted on keeping her seat because she paid for it, but the mum "made a big fuss over it, and she told the flight attendant I was stealing the seat from her son." </p> <p>"Then I showed her my boarding passes, proving that I paid for the extra seat. The flight attendant asked me if I could try to squeeze in, but I said no, that I wanted the extra seat I paid for."</p> <p>The woman claimed that the toddler was only 18 months old, so he didn't need his own seat and could've sat on his mum's lap for the duration of the flight. </p> <p>"I got dirty looks and passive-aggressive remarks from her for the entire flight and I do feel a little bad because the boy looked hard to control - but am I in the wrong?" she asked other social media users. </p> <p>Many shared their overwhelming support for the woman and slammed the mum and flight attendant for their "horrific" behaviour. </p> <p>"The mum is an a**hole for not buying a seat for her son and assuming someone else would give up a seat they paid for. Odds are she was hoping there'd be extra seats on the flight so she didn't have to pay and used the lap thing as a loophole," one commented. </p> <p>"What's even the point of the extra seat if the flight attendants are going to let entitled people bully others into giving it up?" another added. </p> <p>"People buy entire seats for high-end musical equipment. Not even people. Their lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on your part," a third wrote. </p> <p>However, there were a few others that said the woman was in the wrong for causing an inconvenience. </p> <p>"If you are so fat that you have to have more than one seat on an airplane then you are selfish," one said. </p> <p>"Flights overbook all the time especially during the holidays - how can you justify having two seats to yourself?" </p> <p>"How much room does a kid take up, seriously? Yeah the mum should've bought a seat but that doesn't mean you have to be selfish and cause two people discomfort," another commented. </p> <p><em>Image: Getty</em></p> <p> </p>

Travel Trouble

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"She saw it and dodged it": Incredible scenes as tree plunges through seat in Schoolies crash

<p>In a harrowing incident on K'Gari, formerly known as Fraser Island, a group of teenage girls narrowly escaped a potentially tragic accident during their Schoolies celebration.</p> <p>The friends were exploring the picturesque island off the Queensland coast when a tree crashed through the windscreen of their car, plunging right through the headrest of the passenger seat.</p> <p>Miraculously, all occupants emerged unscathed from this near-miss, thanks to a combination of quick reflexes and the timely intervention of volunteers from the Fraser Coast Red Frogs.</p> <p>As the teens ventured through the island's terrain, their joyous celebration took a terrifying turn when a massive tree limb plummeted onto their vehicle. The impact shattered the glass directly in front of the passenger seat, creating a scene of devastation that could have resulted in serious injuries – or worse.</p> <p>Astonishingly, one of the girls was seated in the passenger seat at the time, and her quick thinking and agility allowed her to dodge the falling debris, narrowly avoiding a potentially life-threatening situation.</p> <p>Tim Winnington, the Fraser Coast Red Frogs coordinator, described the fortuitous nature of the escape, saying, "There was a girl actually sitting in the passenger seat. She saw it and dodged it. They were so lucky not to get injured."</p> <p>The Red Frogs, a charity organisation that provides support and education at events like Schoolies and music festivals, played a crucial role in the aftermath of the incident, with volunteers from the organisation waiting with the shaken teenagers until help arrived.</p> <p>Madhill Motor Group, the generous donor of the ute used by the Red Frogs team, highlighted the gravity of the situation with photos shared on Facebook to demonstrate just how close the call was. The teenagers, treated for shock by paramedics, were fortunate to walk away physically unharmed, a fact not lost on them or their friends.</p> <p>In the aftermath of the incident, a friend of the girls expressed heartfelt gratitude to the Red Frogs for their swift and effective response. “They were all so lucky to walk away with no one being injured, and very lucky the Red Frogs were on scene so quickly and helped them so much, getting them a room to stay, driving their car for them, cleaning up all the glass and calming them all down in this traumatic experience,” they wrote. “We are all extremely grateful that you were there.”</p> <p><em>Images: Facebook</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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This bathroom item is dirtier than your toilet seat, according to a microbiologist

<p><strong>Bathrooms and germs </strong></p> <p>Bathrooms are filthy – there’s just no way around it. They’re home to toilets, sinks and showers and tend to be one of the dirtiest places in the home, no matter how often they’re on your cleaning schedule. And because the toilet seat plays host to your derrière, it’s easy to label this as the germiest spot in the bathroom. But research is disproving that notion.</p> <p>Overall, the hard surfaces – such as the toilet seat and floor – are scrubbed down often because they’re the first lines on your bathroom cleaning checklist. And many people focus on cleaning the toilet because nothing screams dirty like a line of biofilm in the toilet bowl. But what about other bathroom-specific items? Dr Charles Gerba, a microbiology professor at the University of Arizona, says that it’s the fabrics in our bathroom that deserve the most attention. Yes, your bathmat is actually dirtier than your toilet seat, followed by towels, including those facecloths (which is why you need to wash your towels often). Here’s what you need to know.</p> <p><strong>Are bathmats really that dirty?</strong></p> <p>“We’ve done a lot of research on the microbiology of homes and, more recently, the bathroom,” says Gerba. The bathmat is problematic for two reasons, he says. First, it gets wet when you’re getting out of the shower, and it stays wet and moist, often in a dark and damp room.</p> <p>The second issue is that many people wear shoes in the bathroom, a huge contributing factor to the dirt, grime and bacteria found on bathmats. “Almost 90% of all shoes have faecal bacteria on them,” Gerba says. “You’re walking in dog poop all the time, and you don’t know it.”</p> <p>Beyond tracking shoes throughout the house and across bathmats, Gerba also pointed out the potential of spray from the toilet to land on bathmats. The Ecological Fluid Dynamics Lab at the University of Colorado Boulder experimented to see how far water droplets were ejected into the air when flushing public restroom toilets. The airborne particles shoot out quickly, reaching as much as 1.5 metres above the toilet within 8 seconds. The droplets were unpredictable and landed on the walls around the toilet, including behind it, and also on the ceiling. Which means that depending on the proximity, spray from a toilet can easily touch down on a plush bathmat.</p> <p>But while some research might suggest closing the toilet seat cover at home before flushing, not everyone agrees with that solution. “When you close the lid, the spray then goes over the top of the toilet seat and hits the walls on the side because you’ve narrowed the opening, which makes the water shoot out at a higher speed,” Gerba says, adding that closing the lid also leads to the toilet seat and underside of the lid getting more contaminated.</p> <p><strong>How to prevent dirty bathmats</strong></p> <p>Whether or not you close the toilet seat, one thing is certain: Keeping your bathmat as dry as possible is important. One of the factors that make bathmats the dirtiest spot in the bathroom is that they sometimes stay damp for hours, depending on how humid your environment is, how many people are showering and how much water splashes on them. Drying off in the shower will keep your bathmat from getting soggy. You can also hang it to dry instead of leaving it on the floor, where it will stay wet longer.</p> <p>Another tip: If you don’t remove your shoes when entering your house, at least take them off before going into the bathroom (and clean your floors often). That way, you’re not tracking outside germs onto a bathmat where they can quickly and easily multiply. “When you get out of the shower, it’s moist,” Gerba says. “Any time we have a fabric, it absorbs water, and things like faecal bacteria will survive longer there than on hard surfaces.”</p> <p><strong>How to wash your bathmat</strong></p> <p>The hard surfaces in bathrooms are satisfying to spray and wipe down, which Gerba recommends doing every few days. But what about bathmats? You should wash your bathmat at least once a week, and not just to keep it fresh and fluffy, but importantly, to remove bacteria.</p> <p>The first step to washing bathmats is to check the care label and follow the instructions on the tag, including which temperature is best for the fabric. Most bathmats can be machine-washed, but be careful with rubber-backed bathmats, which shouldn’t be dried on high heat. In general, quick-drying fabrics, such as microfibre and chenille, can be good options because they dry fast and are easy to launder. Something you can easily wash twice per week is the healthiest option.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Reader's Digest</a>. </em></p>

Home & Garden

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Traveller shares hilarious hack to ensure the middle seat on a plane stays empty

<p>There is nothing more joyous than boarding a plane and being seated next to an empty seat, ensuring you have a comfy flight by not being squished in with other travellers. </p> <p>But with this joy can also come sheer disappointment, when you get comfy in your extra space before a last-minute traveller comes to claim the empty seat.</p> <p>To combat the chance of someone robbing you of your space on a cramped plane, one traveller has shared the hilarious lengths he goes to in order to make sure the middle seat on a plane stays empty. </p> <p>The traveller posted the video of his hilarious hack to TikTok, sharing his trick with others to guarantee some extra space every time you fly.</p> <p>He put his arm upright inside a spare hoodie, placing a hat on top of his hand, to make it look like the seat was already occupied – preventing anyone else from taking that spot.</p> <p>The video has since been taken down, but has been reshared by other accounts.</p> <p>Of course, this hack only works on flights that have open seating policies, where passengers choose their own seats once on board, rather than having them assigned.</p> <p>The trick seems to work, with passengers avoiding his row and taking up empty seats elsewhere. </p> <p>Some viewers called the hack "genius" and said they would try it out for themselves next time they travel. </p> <p>However, others were skeptical, wondering how the trick would work if passengers eager to be seated are walking towards the two front on, rather than from behind. </p> <p><em>Image credits: TikTok</em></p>

Travel Tips

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The real reason we cry on aeroplanes

<p>We’ve all been there: you’re buckled into your aeroplane seat, pull out your comfy travel pillow and turn on the movie screen. While the intro credits start rolling, you… burst into tears? Even the most stoic passenger can break out the waterworks for seemingly no reason.</p> <p>So what is it about flying at 30,000 feet that makes us so emotional? There are many theories, but to get to the bottom of it, travel expert Samantha Brown recently spoke to CNN. Here’s what she had to say.</p> <p><strong>Why do we cry on aeroplanes?</strong></p> <p>In her video, Brown explains one popular theory as to why we cry on aeroplanes. She claims that our “eyes are trying to create moisture” to combat the dry atmosphere of the plane.</p> <p>She continues, “The only way your eyes know how to create moisture is to cry. And so it becomes this physical response that the brain sends to release the tear ducts.”</p> <p><strong>Why do we get emotional on aeroplanes?</strong></p> <p>There is, however, an interesting caveat to this theory. Brown explains, “You have to be emotional to cry [so] your body acclimates to the dryness and creates the tears,” so you have to create the emotion first to create the tears.” In other words, your brain may create an unusually heightened emotional response to something that otherwise may not have moved you.</p> <p>For Brown, this was humorously a flashback scene from a German shepherd in the movie Beverly Hills Chihuahua. While a movie can help your brain get into the crying mood, some passengers also experience this crying while reading, writing, reflecting or simply staring out the window. (This writer once cried at a particularly awe-inspiring cloud!)</p> <p><strong>How do we avoid crying on an aeroplane</strong></p> <p>There is no reason to be embarrassed about crying on aeroplane; it is, after all, a natural human response. But if you are searching for solutions, Brown jokes, “I would recommend [watching] all the Taken movies with Liam Neeson.” She says she chooses to steer clear of especially emotional movies, citing Terms of Endearment, and instead opts for “a rom-com starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore (not as a chihuahua). “But I’ll probably still cry,” she adds.</p> <p>In addition to selecting appropriate in-flight entertainment, keep emotions at bay by minimising the stress of your trip. Bon voyage!</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Reader's Digest</a>. </em></p>

Travel Tips

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"It's been a great privilege": Eddie McGuire delivers sad Millionaire Hot Seat news

<p>Veteran host Eddie McGuire has announced that <em>Millionaire Hot Seat</em> will be taking a break at the end of January 2024.</p> <p>During a broadcast on 3AW, McGuire expressed both pride and sadness as he conveyed his gratitude to fans for their unwavering support over the years. McGuire revealed that a new show would be introduced in place of Millionaire Hot Seat at 5 o'clock on the Nine network after the 25th-anniversary milestone is reached in 2024.</p> <p>"It's with great pride and joy and also sadness that I announce this morning that Millionaire Hot Seat will go into hiatus at the end of January next year," McGuire announced. "We will finish off this year and there'll be a replacement show at five 'clock on the Nine network after we hit our 25th anniversary when we go into 2024.</p> <p>"I've had the privilege of being in everybody's lounge room for a long time every night at 5 o'clock and I love the fact that so many people come and say, 'I sit there with my grandparents and we did these things together'. It's been a great privilege."</p> <p>Reflecting on the show's impact, McGuire highlighted its multicultural appeal and the moments of personal significance shared by contestants. He recounted the touching story of a contestant who won $250,000 during the global financial crisis, and how the prize money was life-saving for him, preventing him from having to sell his house.</p> <p>Since its debut on April 20, 2009, <em>Millionaire Hot Seat</em> has become Australia's longest-running quiz show and the sole program in the country where contestants have the chance to win $1 million. Throughout its impressive 11-year run, the show has given away over $40 million and aired a remarkable 2500 episodes.</p> <p>Eddie McGuire's association with the show dates back to 1999 when he began hosting <em>Who Wants To Be A Millionaire</em>, which later evolved into the daily version known as <em>Millionaire Hot Seat</em> in 2009.</p> <p>The show has been a life-changing experience for many, with individuals like Edwin Daly and Antony McManus winning the top prize of $1 million. McManus, a retail worker from Melbourne, expressed how winning the show transformed his life, allowing him to purchase a beautiful apartment outright and secure a brighter future for himself and his husband.</p> <p>As the era of <em>Millionaire Hot Seat</em> comes to a temporary close, fans can look back on the show's incredible legacy and the profound impact it has had on countless lives.</p> <p>Eddie McGuire thanked everyone for their support, marking the end of an era while also anticipating the exciting new show that will take its place.</p> <p><em>Image: Nine Network</em></p>


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Everything you need to know about Qantas’ new ‘Neighbour Free’ initiative

<p dir="ltr">Qantas has unveiled a new initiative that gives passengers the chance to travel without having to sit next to someone for their journey.</p> <p dir="ltr">The Neighbour Free program, which was previously reserved for high-tier frequent flyer members only, gives travellers the option of booking not only their own seat on an upcoming flight, but also to reserve the seat next to them to remain empty.</p> <p dir="ltr">The announcement of the initiative already has travellers excited, with people wanting to know more about how to stay neighbour-less for their next plane journey. </p> <p dir="ltr">Here’s everything you need to know to have a peaceful and quiet trip without risking a pesky seat neighbour. </p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>How do you book an empty seat?</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">When you initially book your flight, you won’t be able to instantly request an empty seat next to you. </p> <p dir="ltr">The “Neighbour Free” initiative is only available on certain routes, so if your flight is eligible, you will be sent an email invitation where you can purchase a Neighbour Free seat between 48 hours until one hour before your scheduled flight departure.</p> <p dir="ltr">If you choose to request an empty neighbour seat, you will see a highlighted Neighbour Free option you can select before providing your payment details and submitting the request.</p> <p><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="720" /></p> <p dir="ltr">Passengers will then be able to see both their own seat and the Neighbour Free seat reservation appear on their boarding pass.</p> <p dir="ltr">However, the airline has noted the spare seat can't be used "for infant seating or to place items such as carry-on baggage, or musical instruments."</p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>How much does a neighbour Free seat cost?</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">The cost of the empty seat varies depending on your route. </p> <p dir="ltr">Each flight can range from $30 to $65 on top of your standard economy fare, and you cannot use your Qantas points to pay the extra fee as Neighbour Free can only be reserved using an eligible credit or debit card.</p> <p dir="ltr">You also won't earn any additional points or status credits by booking the empty seat. </p> <p dir="ltr">Neighbour Free seats are subject to availability and may need to be changed "for operational, safety or security reasons, even after boarding the aircraft", Qantas explains.</p> <p dir="ltr">If that is the case, the fee paid to reserve that spare seat will be automatically refunded within two weeks. And if your flight is cancelled your reservation will not carry to your new flight so you'll also receive a refund.</p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>On which routes can I request a Neighbour Free seat?</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">The initiative is currently only available on select Qantas operated Australian domestic flights.</p> <p dir="ltr">At this stage there are 14 domestic routes that could offer the choice to pay for an empty seat at the following cost:</p> <ul> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Sydney - Gold Coast: $30</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Adelaide - Melbourne: $30</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Adelaide - Sydney: $45</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Adelaide - Brisbane: $65</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Adelaide - Darwin: $65</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Adelaide - Perth: $65</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Brisbane - Darwin: $65</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Brisbane - Perth: $65</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Darwin - Melbourne: $65</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Darwin - Sydney: $65</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Melbourne - Gold Coast: $65</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Perth - Darwin: $65</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Perth - Melbourne: $65</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Perth - Sydney: $65</p> </li> </ul> <p dir="ltr">While the Neighbour Free initiative is currently limited to travel within Australia only, a Qantas spokesperson told <em><a href="">Executive Traveller</a></em> there are "plans to further expand the initiative to other domestic routes in the months ahead."</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credits: Qantas</em></p>

Travel Tips

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“Sam has plans afoot”: Ratings smash puts Sam Armytage in the driver’s seat

<p><em>Farmer Wants a Wife</em>'s Samantha Armytage has enjoyed early success with her new hosting gig, with the reality series seeing a wave of success in the ratings department for its first few episodes.</p> <p>The 2023 season premiere alone drew in approximately 1.08 million viewers, leading many to believe that Armytage has made leaps and bounds towards reasserting herself as a valued member of the team over at Seven.</p> <p>“She’s now in a place to get just about anything she wants from hereon in,” a source told New Idea, before noting that Armytage was driven by ambition, and was already looking ahead to her next steps with the network.</p> <p>“Sam has plans afoot,” they explained. “She's cleverly stayed on the network's radar, knowing if she landed and nailed a lead role like in <em>FWAW</em> [<em>Farmer Wants a Wife</em>] then doors would open.”</p> <p>Sam, who had parted ways with Seven’s breakfast show <em>Sunrise</em> in 2020, had a tough battle ahead when she took over from beloved former <em>FWAW </em>host Natalie Gruzlewski. Even though Armytage had previously appeared on the show in a guest capacity, fans were shocked by the news, and struggled to come to terms with the upcoming shift.</p> <p>According to <em>New Idea</em>’s insider, this applied in part to Gruzlewski too, with them explaining that “no one saw this coming, least of all Nat. She didn't know the full extent of the role changes until recently - it was a bolt out of the blue!</p> <p>“Sam has sold herself as the better choice because she maintains she is married to a farmer, grew up on a farm, and therefore is more relatable. Although that remains to be seen.”</p> <p>And it was an obvious change from the first 15 minutes of the new season, with Gruzlewski only seen in a handful of frames, while Armytage took centre stage interviewing the latest batch of hopeful contestants. </p> <p>The same source reported that Armytage is a “management favourite”, suggesting that the lineup shakeup was all part of an effort from the network to elevate Armytage’s professional profile again. </p> <p>They also explained that Gruzlewski was “taking the demotion in her stride”, all while demonstrating the good quality that fans had come to know from her.</p> <p>“Nat is no diva and was always a crowd favourite, the farmers and the women almost always warmed to her,” they said, before noting that there was a very real sense “this might end up being Nat’s final season” in light of the changes. </p> <p><em>Images: Instagram</em></p>


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Which seat on a plane is the safest? We asked an aviation expert

<p>When booking a flight, do you ever think about which seat will protect you the most in an emergency? Probably not. </p> <p>Most people book seats for comfort, such as leg room, or convenience, such as easy access to toilets. Frequent flyers (this author included) might book their seat as close as possible to the front so they can disembark more quickly.</p> <p>We rarely book a flight with hopes of getting one of the middle seats in the last row. Well, guess what? These seats are statistically <a href="">the safest ones on an airplane</a>.</p> <h2>Air travel is safe</h2> <p>Before we get into it, I should reiterate that air travel is the <a href="">safest mode of transport</a>. In 2019, there were just under <a href="">70 million</a>flights globally, with only <a href="">287 fatalities</a>.</p> <p>According to the US National Safety Council’s analysis of census data, the odds of <a href="">dying in a plane</a> are about 1 in 205,552, compared with 1 in 102 in a car. Even so, we pay little attention to fatal road accidents, but when we hear about an <a href="">ATR72 crashing in Nepal</a> it’s the lead story on every news page.</p> <p>Our interest in plane crashes might lie in wanting to understand why they happen, or what the odds are of them happening again. And perhaps it’s not a bad thing; our concern ensures these tragic incidents are <a href="">thoroughly investigated</a>, which helps keep air travel safe.</p> <p>Frankly speaking, there is no real need to worry about safety when you board a commercial flight. But if you’ve still got that nagging question in your head, driven by sheer curiosity, read on.</p> <h2>In the middle, at the back</h2> <p>It’s worth remembering accidents by their very nature do not conform to standards. In the 1989 <a href="">United Flight 232</a> crash in Sioux City, Iowa, 184 of the 269 people onboard survived the accident. Most of the survivors were sitting behind first class, towards the front of the plane.</p> <p>Nonetheless, a <a href="">TIME investigation</a> that looked at 35 years of aircraft accident data found the middle rear seats of an aircraft had the lowest fatality rate: 28%, compared with 44% for the middle aisle seats.</p> <p>This logically makes sense too. Sitting next to an exit row will always provide you with the fastest exit in the case of an emergency, granted there’s no fire on that side. But the wings of a plane store fuel, so this disqualifies the middle exit rows <a href="">as the safest row option</a>.</p> <p>At the same time, being closer to the front means you’ll be impacted before those in the back, which leaves us with the last exit row. As for why the middle seats are safer than the window or aisle seats, that is, as you might expect, because of the buffer provided by having people on either side.</p> <h2>Some emergencies are worse than others</h2> <p>The type of emergency will also dictate survivability. Running into a mountain will decrease chances of survival exponentially, as was the case in a tragic 1979 disaster in New Zealand. Air New Zealand Flight TE901 crashed into the slopes of Mt Erebus <a href="">in Antarctica</a>, killing 257 passengers and crew.</p> <p>Landing in the ocean nose-first also decreases chances of survival, as witnessed with the 2009 <a href="">Air France Flight 447</a>, in which 228 passengers and crew perished. </p> <p>Pilots are trained to minimise potential risk in an emergency event as best as they can. They will try to avoid hitting mountains and look for a level place, such as an open field, to land as normally as possible. The technique for <a href="">landing in water</a> requires assessing the surface conditions and attempting to land between waves at a normal landing angle.</p> <p>Aircraft are designed to be very robust in emergency situations. In fact, the main reason the cabin crew remind us to keep our seat belts fastened is not because of crash risk, but because of “<a href="">clear air turbulence</a>” that can be experienced at any time at high altitudes. It is this weather phenomenon that can cause the most damage to <a href="">passengers and aircraft</a>. </p> <p>Manufacturers are designing new planes with more composite materials capable of handing in-flight stress. In these designs, the wings are not rigid and can flex to absorb <a href="">extreme loading</a> to prevent structural failure. </p> <h2>Does the type of plane make a difference?</h2> <p>Granted, there are certain variables, such as impact from airspeed, that can vary slightly between different airplane types. However, the <a href="">physics of flight</a> is more or less the same in all planes.</p> <p>Generally, larger planes will have more structural material and therefore more strength to withstand pressurisation at altitude. This means they may provide some additional protection in an emergency – but this, again, is highly dependent on the severity of the emergency.</p> <p>That’s not to say you should book your next flight on the largest plane you can find. As I’ve mentioned, air travel remains very safe. So I’d suggest thinking about what movie you’ll watch instead, and hoping they don’t run out of chicken and only have the <a href="">shrimp</a> left!</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Conversation</a>. </em></p>

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Debate rages over "most reclined seat in the history of aviation"

<p dir="ltr">Frustrated travellers have called out a passenger for reclining his seat all the way on a short flight.</p> <p dir="ltr">The Pointer Brothers shared a video to TikTok saying it’s the “easiest red card of all time” when someone reclines their seat when there’s not enough room to begin with.</p> <p dir="ltr">“5 hour flight home…is this the most reclined seat in the history of aviation,” their caption read.</p> <p dir="ltr">The video shows one of the brothers annoyed at being squished in his seat because of the person in front of him being reclined.</p> <p dir="ltr">At one point he moves really close to the passenger's head to show his frustration.</p> <div><iframe title="tiktok embed" src=";display_name=tiktok&amp;;;key=59e3ae3acaa649a5a98672932445e203&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=tiktok" width="340" height="700" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> <p> </p> <p dir="ltr">Viewers said the brothers have a point in calling the issue out as planes are already cramped enough.</p> <p dir="ltr">“Those seats should just not recline, it’s cramped enough and I already don’t have leg room,” someone wrote.</p> <p dir="ltr">“That's when passive-aggressive tray adjustments commence,” another commented.</p> <p dir="ltr">“I’m 6’3” and I have never reclined my seat. I can’t bring myself to push into others' space, the dang planes are small the way it is,” someone else pointed out.</p> <p dir="ltr">Others however said the brothers were in the wrong and everyone is entitled to recline their seat.</p> <p dir="ltr">“So many people in this comments section don't understand how legroom works... reclining your seat doesn't keep your knees from being smashed,” someone said.</p> <p dir="ltr">“Wah people are using the seats for what they're for. Want more room, get first class,” another wrote.</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Images: TikTok</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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10 things aeroplanes aren’t cleaning as they should

<h2>Illness breeding ground</h2> <p>Sitting amongst strangers in a confined space for any amount of time just feels like a breeding ground for illness. But how well are these aircrafts being cleaned? The answer may make you pack your own sanitising wipes ahead of your next flight.</p> <h2>Seatbelt buckles</h2> <p>Unless you ask the person sitting next to you to buckle your seatbelt (which we don’t recommend), you’re going to touch that piece of metal at least twice during a flight, once before takeoff, and once when you land. Unfortunately, these oft-used items aren’t getting the spick and span treatment you’d like. According to Travelmath, the average aeroplane seatbelt buckle tested for 230 colony-forming units (CFU) per square inch. </p> <h2>Seatback pockets</h2> <p>That slim seatback pocket looks innocent enough at first glance. After all, it holds your passenger safety information and inflight magazine. But the cloth that covers it isn’t getting much attention from cabin cleaners. According to a study conducted at Auburn University, the pocket is pretty darn disgusting. Seeing as passengers often stuff trash in that pocket (think used tissues and dirty diapers), it sees its fair share of bacteria. In fact, their study showed that the germs found in this location survived the longest out of any surface on an aeroplane at around seven days. </p> <h2>Tray tables</h2> <p>Cabin cleaners only do a speedy wipe down of aeroplanes in between flights because they simply aren’t given enough time to do more during these quick turnovers. Believe it or not, tray tables aren’t typically among the surfaces that get cleaned between domestic flights, according to the Wall Street Journal. They typically are only addressed during overnight cleanings. </p> <h2>Headrest</h2> <p>A different study of airline hygiene conducted by Marketplace and analysed in a laboratory at the University of Guelph cited a different surface as being the most bacteria-laden – the headrest. According to their study, the “highest total aerobic count, hemolytic bacteria, and E.coli” were found here. The headrest is nearly impossible to avoid unless you bring something to slip over it, which makes sense that it would come into contact with the most germs.</p> <h2>Blankets</h2> <p>Complimentary blankets are pretty much a thing of the past among airlines these days, particularly in economy class, and that might just be a good thing. Back in 2008, the Wall Street Journal revealed that these once common aeroplane items were only washed every five to 30 days. When flying, BYOB (Bring Your Own Blanket). </p> <h2>The floor</h2> <p>A quick vacuum job in between flights does not a clean carpet make, especially when you have hundreds of pairs of shoes traipsing up and down the aisles of an aeroplane day-in and day-out. According to an article in USA Today, cleanliness isn’t regulated by the FAA. It’s standard that a plane goes through a deep clean about once a month and perhaps then that carpeting will get extra attention. Even so, it’s best to steer clear of placing your belongings on the floor if you can help it. Once you’ve reached your destination, here’s how to have a healthy and clean hotel stay.</p> <h2>Bathroom surfaces</h2> <p>Yes, cabin cleaners do a wipe down of lavatories after an aircraft’s passengers have deplaned, but think about how many people use the facilities during the flight and how many hours go by before that cleaning happens. In an interview with TIME, University of Arizona microbiologist Dr Charles Gerba said, “It’s hard to beat the restroom because the water shuts off so people can’t complete hand washing. The sinks are so small that people with large hands can’t even fit them fully underneath the faucets.”</p> <h2>Menus/safety information pamphlets</h2> <p>We’ve already addressed the icky stuff that often contaminates seatback pockets, but consider the material that’s actually supposed to be in this area. With barely ten to 15 minutes to tidy a cabin, according to the New York Times, cleaners don’t have time to wipe down every menu and safety pamphlet in those pockets. When you consider how often they are touched by human hands (and the garbage that gets tossed into the pockets), this literature is a breeding ground for gross.</p> <h2>Overhead air vent</h2> <p>Adjusting that overhead air vent is something most passengers do to personalise their limited space for comfort, but who is cleaning that surface? Likely no one. It’s one of the dirtiest spots on an aeroplane according to Travelmath.</p> <p><strong>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Reader's Digest</a>.</strong></p> <p><em>Image: Shutterstock</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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“I am not a villain”: Woman refuses to switch plane seats for a family

<p dir="ltr">A woman from the US has defended her decision to not move from her first class plane seat so a family could sit together. </p> <p dir="ltr">In a series of now-viral videos, Maresa Friedman detailed her awkward experience on a recent Delta airlines flight, in which she was asked to move to a different seat. </p> <p dir="ltr">Maresa said a family of three wanted her to move from her allocated seat so they could all sit closer together. </p> <p dir="ltr">After specifically booking her chosen seat in first class, Maresa politely declined their request. </p> <p dir="ltr">"I am not a villain for not moving from the seat in first class I paid full fare for," Friedman, a mother-of-two, captured her clip on TikTok. "I am also a mum so it's called PLANNING AHEAD."</p> <p dir="ltr">In a series of follow up videos, the frequent traveller said it wasn’t fair to be expected to move just so the family could sit together, especially when they hadn’t planned their seats ahead of time. </p> <p dir="ltr">She also suggested the family should’ve moved to economy class if they all wanted to sit in the same row. </p> <p dir="ltr">"If the airline bumps you or moves you or whatever, totally fair, so the suggestion I gave was basically like, ‘Oh if all of you want to sit in together, in a row, since first class is two seats and two seats, I'm sure you could ask the people behind you, I think they would be super pumped to sit [in first class] so that the three of you could be together'," Friedman said.</p> <p dir="ltr">"To which, of course, I just got 'the look'. The flight attendant just looked at me like… 'That was a good suggestion'."</p> <p dir="ltr">Friedman said the family shot her "side eyes" and "death stares" for the duration of the flight because of her refusal to move.</p> <p dir="ltr">"It didn't stop this mom from [giving me] side eye, I was getting looked at, she was talking about me," she added.</p> <p dir="ltr">"If you book with the airline, because this has happened to us as a family of four who travels together, they will group your reservation together. So, the only time that you might be separated is if you miss a flight or a connection."</p> <p dir="ltr">She then offered a piece of advice to fellow travellers who insist on asking people to switch seats: purchase travel insurance.</p> <p dir="ltr">"Things like travel insurance will not only prevent problems like this, you can actually use travel insurance to file claims to get many back or rebook on another carrier," she added. "So again, all preventable."</p> <p dir="ltr">After sharing her series of videos, Maresa was flooded with comments from people who claimed she was being unfair, to which she doubled down on her position by claiming it’s not her responsibility to “accommodate '' other travellers. </p> <p dir="ltr">"Before you come for me, I have two kids, so I have been there, even in the early stages and I would buy my baby a seat next to me, but when you book with the airlines, you have to tell them to book your reservations together and that you're travelling with a minor," she continued.</p> <p dir="ltr">Friedman added, "And by the way, the few times that I did switch seats in my lifetime, it was horrific, never again."</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credits: TikTok</em></p>

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Sydney train passengers ask important question

<p dir="ltr">Sydney’s rail system is in a bit of a shamble with strikes and free rides which are then cancelled within days.</p> <p dir="ltr">But now, Sydneysiders are debating something that quite probably requires some attention.</p> <p dir="ltr">A newcomer to the city took to Reddit and shared a photo of the lonely seat on the trains and questioned whether it is okay to ask someone to sit right across from them.</p> <p dir="ltr">“Recently moved to Sydney and find this a lot where people are standing in the metro, and then there are people who keep bags on the empty seats and show no eagerness to move the bags so someone can sit! I find it disrespectful and frustrating. Is this normal?” the person asked. </p> <p dir="ltr">Many people responded saying there is no problem in asking the person to remove their items from the seat.</p> <p dir="ltr">“Normal to do it, but also normal to ask for them to move it and normal for them to have no problem moving it,” one person said.</p> <p dir="ltr">“People sometimes need a little push to be polite. Like a child that forgets to say thank you. ‘Hey mate, is it cool if I sit here?’ Very rarely will you get a no,” wrote another.</p> <p dir="ltr">“People here are not disrespectful; they are just a bit careless,” someone else pointed out.</p> <p dir="ltr">However, others questioned why anyone would sit “knee-to-knee” with a stranger and it is best to ride out the trip either standing or sitting elsewhere. </p> <p dir="ltr">“To be fair, that specific seat on the city rail trains is an honest no-go. No one sits there if someone is sitting across,” someone commented.</p> <p dir="ltr">“Nah, there is no way you expect to sit in that seat. You want to play footsies with a stranger?” another wrote.</p> <p dir="ltr">“It’s gotten worse because of Covid; people think taking more space is more acceptable now,” another pointed out. </p> <p dir="ltr">“The rules kind of changed with Covid too. Most won’t go for this seat or the middle of three anymore, so the bag thing became a bit more normal,” said another.</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image: Reddit/Shutterstock</em></p>

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Here’s the real reason to turn on aeroplane mode when you fly

<p>We all know the routine by heart: “Please ensure your seats are in the upright position, tray tables stowed, window shades are up, laptops are stored in the overhead bins and electronic devices are set to flight mode”.</p> <p>Now, the first four are reasonable, right? Window shades need to be up so we can see if there’s an emergency, such as fire. Tray tables need to be stowed and seats upright so we can get out of the row quickly. Laptops can become projectiles in an emergency, as the seat back pockets are not strong enough to contain them.</p> <p>And mobile phones need to be set to flight mode so they can’t cause an emergency for the aeroplane, right? Well, it depends whom you ask.</p> <h2>Technology has advanced a great deal</h2> <p>Aviation navigation and communication relies on radio services, which have been coordinated to minimise interference <a href="">since the 1920s</a>.</p> <p>The digital technology currently in use is much more advanced than some of the older analogue technologies we used even 60 years ago. <a href="">Research has shown</a>personal electronic devices can emit a signal within the same frequency band as the aircraft’s communications and navigation systems, creating what is known as electromagnetic interference.</p> <p>But in 1992, <a href="">the US Federal Aviation Authority</a> and Boeing, <a href="">in an independent study</a>, investigated the use of electronic devices on aircraft interference and found no issues with computers or other personal electronic devices during non-critical phases of flight. (Take-offs and landings are considered the critical phases.) </p> <p>The US Federal Communications Commission also began to create <a href="">reserved frequency bandwidths</a> for different uses – such as mobile phones and aircraft navigation and communications – so they do not interfere with one another. Governments around the globe developed the same <a href="">strategies and policies to prevent interference</a> problems with aviation. In the EU, electronic devices have been <a href="">allowed to stay on since 2014</a>.</p> <h2>2.2 billion passengers</h2> <p>Why then, with these global standards in place, has the aviation industry continued to ban the use of mobile phones? One of the problems lies with something you may not expect – ground interference.</p> <p>Wireless networks are connected by <a href="">a series of towers</a>; the networks could become overloaded if passengers flying over these ground networks are all using their phones. <a href="">The number of passengers that flew in 2021</a> was over 2.2 billion, and that’s half of what the 2019 passenger numbers were. The wireless companies might have a point here. </p> <p>Of course, when it comes to mobile networks, the biggest change in recent years is the move to a new standard. Current 5G wireless networks – desirable for their higher speed data transfer – have caused concern for many within the aviation industry.</p> <p>Radio frequency bandwidth is limited, yet we are still trying to add more new devices to it. The aviation industry points out that the <a href="">5G wireless network bandwidth spectrum</a> is remarkably close to the reserved aviation bandwidth spectrum, which may cause <a href="">interference with navigation systems near airports</a>that assist with landing the aircraft.</p> <p>Airport operators <a href="">in Australia</a> and <a href="">the US</a> have voiced aviation safety concerns linked to 5G rollout, however it appears to have rolled out without such problems <a href="">in the European Union</a>. Either way, it is prudent to limit mobile phone use on planes while issues around 5G are sorted out.</p> <h2>Ultimately, we can’t forget air rage</h2> <p>Most airlines now provide customers with Wi-Fi services that are either pay-as-you-go or free. With new Wi-Fi technologies, passengers could theoretically use their mobile phones to <a href="">make video calls with friends</a> or clients in-flight. </p> <p>On a recent flight, I spoke with a cabin attendant and asked her opinion on phone use during flights. It would be an inconvenience for cabin crew to wait for passengers to finish their call to ask them if they would like any drinks or something to eat, she stated. On an airliner with 200+ passengers, in-flight service would take longer to complete if everyone was making phone calls. </p> <p>For me, the problem with in-flight use of phones is more about the social experience of having 200+ people on a plane, and all potentially talking at once. In a time when disruptive passenger behaviour, including “air rage”, <a href="">is increasingly frequent</a>, phone use in flight might be another trigger that changes the whole flight experience. </p> <p>Disruptive behaviours take on various forms, from noncompliance to safety requirements such as not wearing seat belts, verbal altercations with fellow passengers and cabin crew, to physical altercations with passengers and cabin crews – typically identified as air rage. </p> <p>In conclusion – in-flight use of phones does not currently impair the aircraft’s ability to operate. But cabin crews may prefer not to be delayed in providing in-flight service to all of the passengers – it’s a lot of people to serve. </p> <p>However, 5G technology is encroaching on the radio bandwidth of aircraft navigation systems; we’ll need more research <a href="">to answer the 5G question</a> regarding interference with aircraft navigation during landings. Remember that when we are discussing the two most critical phases of flight, take-offs are optional – but landings are mandatory.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Conversation</a>. </em></p>

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7 hidden features on aeroplanes you had no idea existed

<p><strong>The magic button for extra room</strong></p> <p>Did you manage to snag an aisle seat? Not only can you get up without crawling over people, but you can make your seat extra roomy at the push of a button, thanks to one of the coolest secret aeroplane features. Reach under the armrest closest to the aisle and feel around near the hinge. You should find a button, which will instantly let you swing the armrest up when you push it, according to Travel + Leisure. Once it’s in line with your seat back, it won’t dig into your side anymore, and you can move your legs around without hitting anything.</p> <p><strong>The hidden handrail</strong></p> <p>We’re willing to bet you hate it when people aggressively grab your seat on the way to the bathroom. Once it’s your turn to make your way down the aisle, though, you realise you have no choice but to follow suit – or do you? Flight attendants don’t just touch the ceiling for fun when they walk; the bottom of the overhead compartment has a scalloped area that gives better grip when walking down a moving aeroplane, according to Condé Nast Traveler. Next time you need to get up, reach to the ceiling for balance.</p> <p><strong>A secret sleeping area</strong></p> <p>A long-haul flight is hard enough on passengers, but imagine being a pilot or flight attendant trying to make it through a 14-hour workday. It’s an exhausting job, so some planes, like Boeing 777 and 787 Dreamliner planes, have secret passageways that let staff get some decent shut-eye, according to Insider. A locked door near the front of the plane or a door posing as an overhead bin hides the entrance to a set of beds, kept private with thick curtains.</p> <p>Hooks on the wings</p> <p>If you peek out the window to an Airbus plane’s wing, you can spot yellow bumps with holes in the middle on an otherwise smooth, white surface. If there’s an emergency water landing, the wings would be very slippery for passengers trying to get to the inflatable slide that would have deployed. To help travellers get off without falling, the easy-to-miss aeroplane features let cabin crew slip a rope through one hook and fasten it to the next, according to pilot “Captain” Joe. Passengers could hold on to the rope while on the plane to make it away from the plane safely.</p> <p><strong>Triangle above the window</strong></p> <p>Scan the wall of your plane; above four windows, you’ll see a black triangle. Each one lines up with the edge of the aeroplane’s wing, according to pilot “Captain” Joe. If a flight attendant needs to check the aeroplane’s slats or flaps – the moving parts on a wing – they’ll know exactly where to go for the best view. If you’re getting motion sick on a plane, you might want to see if you can move to a seat between the triangles. The wings are the plane’s centre of gravity, so sitting between them would give you the smoothest ride.</p> <p><strong>Holes in the windows </strong></p> <p>Look closely at an aeroplane window and you’ll spot something weird: a little hole in the bottom. Take an even closer look and you’ll realise that unlike other windows, this one is made of three panes, and the hole is in the middle one. The quirk is there to protect against the pressure drop of flying high into the atmosphere, according to Slate. As a plane ascends, the pressure outside drops massively, but the cabin is designed to stay at a comfortable pressure. That leaves a big difference in pressure inside and outside of the plane. The outside window takes on most of that pressure, and the hole in the middle one helps balance the pressure difference. The inner window is just to protect the middle one.</p> <p><strong>Hidden hand cuffs</strong></p> <p>If passengers are getting unruly, flight attendants have the right to restrain them. In the US, they might use typical cop-style cuffs, but most will use plastic restraints similar to zip ties, according to Express.</p> <p><em>Images: Getty</em></p>

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View from the hot seat: Mike Tindall's insight into Prince Louis' antics

<p>Going down as one of the most memorable moments from The Queen's Platinum Jubilee, Mike Tindall has revealed the reason behind young Prince Louis' cheeky behaviour.</p> <p>Tindall says the four-year-old prince had "complete sugar highs" during the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday after consuming handfuls of sweets behind the scenes.</p> <p>In full view of the world's media, Prince Louis was seen putting his hand across his mum's mouth, trying to shush her as she attempted to tell him to sit still, making a funny face and blowing a raspberry in her direction.</p> <p>Kate swiftly put Louis' hand down, before he did it again with his left hand.</p> <p>The little prince was excited throughout the parade, running up and down the seats, pulling his cousin's hair and eventually jumping onto his grandfather Prince Charles' lap, for a quick break.</p> <p>Tindall was photographed jokingly warning Louis that he was watching him from the seats above.</p> <p>Two days earlier Prince Louis stole the show during Trooping the Colour, pulling a series of funny faces as the rest of the royals watched a flypast of aircraft from the palace balcony.</p> <p>Tindall, also revealed the Queen's grandchildren and their families enjoyed a private lunch after Trooping, describing it was one of his highlights from the four-day celebrations.</p> <p>He spoke about the Jubilee and Louis' mischievous antics on his podcast, The Good, The Bad and The Rugby.</p> <p>"Louis, he was just wanting to have fun, and my two [daughters] are always mischievous, so it was trying to keep a lid on," Tindall said.</p> <p>"There was a lot of sweets out back, though, so they had complete sugar highs. It's tough for them. They're all young, so asking them to sit, because it was two 'til five or whatever, it's a long time.</p> <p>As any parent knows, you just do whatever needs to be done."</p> <p>Tindall was seated directly behind the Cambridges at the Pageant with his wife Zara and their children Mia, eight, Lena, three and Lucas, one.</p> <p>Prince William and Kate later joked about their youngest child's actions, writing on social media, "We all had an incredible time, especially Louis".</p> <p><em>Image: Getty</em></p>

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Labor forms majority government after securing 76 seats

<p>The Labor party has secured a majority government in the federal election after gaining the 76 seats they needed in order to govern in their own right.</p> <p>The formation of the Labor majority government means the party will not have to negotiate with an expanded crossbench in order to get legislation through the lower house.</p> <p>The majority government was formed as Labor MP Josh Burns was reelected in the Melbourne seat of Macnamara, bringing the seat count to the target number of 76. </p> <p>Given the Coalition was so far behind on the seat count, having lost legacy seats to teal independents, it was practically impossible the Liberal and National parties could use the crossbench to form a minority government.</p> <p>The crossbench will have 16 members, with an ideological spectrum that ranges from Queenslander Bob Katter on the right to the Greens on the left.</p> <p>Sources have suggested that it is likely that the new government will strike deals with the teals, independents and Greens to strengthen the passage of its legislation.</p> <p>Labor still needs to find a new deputy leader in the Senate to replace Kristina Keneally, who lost the seat of Fowler to independent candidate Dai Le in an embarrassing loss. </p> <p>The Labor caucus will determine who will serve in the cabinet when it meets later on Tuesday.</p> <p>The proportion of Left and Right members on the frontbench will be determined based on how many seats each faction wins.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p>


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