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Ambulance ramping is getting worse in Australia. Here’s why – and what we can do about it

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Jonathan Karnon</a>, <a href="">Flinders University</a> and <a href="">Andrew Partington</a>, <a href="">Flinders University</a></em></p> <p>We’ve seen countless <a href="">media reports</a> in recent days, weeks and months about the <a href="">ramping of ambulances</a> at <a href="">hospital emergency departments</a> (EDs) around Australia.</p> <p>Ambulance ramping occurs when paramedics are made to wait at the hospital’s entrance and are unable to transfer their patient into the emergency department within an appropriate time frame – defined as <a href="">30 minutes</a> in South Australia.</p> <p>Ramping is an indicator of hospital stress. It means patients are waiting longer to receive care in the emergency department, and patients requiring inpatient care are waiting longer to access a hospital bed.</p> <p>Research suggests <a href="">ambulance ramping</a> and <a href="">having to wait longer</a> for a hospital bed are associated with a greater risk of patients dying up to 30 days after their initial presentation.</p> <p>So why is ambulance ramping still a problem? And what can we do to fix it?</p> <h2>Ramping is getting worse</h2> <p>Available data indicate the problem has become worse over time. In <a href="">South Australia</a>, for example, ramping has been steadily increasing since 2017, from around 500 hours “ramped” per month to around 4,000 hours per month in 2024. This is the sum of the time ambulances spend waiting beyond 30 minutes after arriving at the hospital.</p> <p>In <a href="">New South Wales</a>, we calculate the numbers of patients being ramped increased from around 44,000 patients per month in early 2022 to more than 50,000 in early 2024.</p> <h2>What’s driving the increase in ramping?</h2> <p>The ambulance ramping bottleneck reflects an imbalance between the number of people presenting at emergency departments and the capacity to treat patients and transfer those requiring inpatient care to a ward.</p> <p>Potential drivers of this imbalance are increased emergency department presentations and reduced availability of inpatient beds. The latter may reflect increased demand for beds, including longer hospital stays.</p> <p>Between the financial years 2018–19 and 2022–23 (the latest period for which figures are available), Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data show the numbers of more serious presentations (triage categories 1 to 3) increased by <a href="">almost 700,000</a> across Australia.</p> <p>Some 100,000 fewer patients who presented to an emergency department were <a href="">admitted as inpatients</a> during this period, but the additional presentations will nonetheless have contributed to more ramping.</p> <p>In the same period, admissions to inpatient beds that did not come through an emergency department increased by <a href="">almost 400,000</a> across the country. These include admissions for the management of chronic conditions (such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma and so on) and infections and viruses (COVID, flu, RSV and others).</p> <p>Further, COVID and other viruses are likely to have contributed to increased hospital stress via <a href="">workforce shortages</a>. This has possibly led to delays in seeing patients in the emergency department and in discharging patients from hospital.</p> <p>There has not been a significant increase in <a href="">patients’ time in hospital</a> receiving required care, but there appear to be increasing numbers of patients waiting for placement in an aged care facility or for home care services after their treatment <a href="">has finished</a>.</p> <h2>Many admissions may be preventable</h2> <p>Increased vaccination rates could reduce the impact of viruses. For example, only <a href="">21% of Australians</a> aged 65 to 74 received the 2023 COVID booster recommended for their age group.</p> <p>We know there were significant increases in people delaying or avoiding seeing a GP <a href="">due to cost</a> in 2022–23, which can put extra pressure on hospitals. The government is trying to address this issue by increasing <a href="">incentives to GPs</a> to reduce costs to patients.</p> <p>Meanwhile, government health departments may not have been provided with enough funding to meet increasing demand for health care. Year on year the gap between supply and demand grows. <a href="">Victorian hospitals</a> are reportedly scrambling to reduce spending in light of proposed budget cuts.</p> <h2>What are the solutions?</h2> <p>The creation of new hospital beds is not the only option for increasing capacity. Governments should design, implement and scale up services that free up hospital capacity by providing appropriate and cost-effective out-of-hospital care.</p> <p>For example, there is further scope to care for patients admitted to hospital in their own homes with the support of digital technologies. Programs such as <a href="">My Home Hospital</a> in South Australia aim to provide an alternative to inpatient care.</p> <p>Across Australia, such “hospital in the home” care was provided 150,000 times in 2022–23, compared to <a href="">6.8 million episodes of care</a> in public hospitals.</p> <p>Virtual ED services are a growing phenomenon across Australia, using <a href="">virtual consultations</a> to identify patients for whom urgent care can be provided outside hospital. The Victorian virtual ED service is targeting a capacity of <a href="">1,000 consults</a> per day.</p> <p>Longer-term solutions require co-operation between state and territory governments and the federal government to prevent and better manage chronic conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, outside hospital. This includes boosting access to GPs and improving communication between GPs and hospitals.</p> <p>Greater investment in well-designed policies and programs to support healthy ageing would also likely help, as well as improving access to required out-of-hospital aged care and disability services for patients waiting to leave hospital.</p> <p>All these measures could ease the pressure on hospitals and reduce the likelihood of patients waiting in an ambulance, unable to get inside and receive the care they need.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. 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Leaker of gruesome shark attack photo revealed

<p>The New South Wales Ambulance Service is facing criticism and backlash after a staff member <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">leaked a graphic image</a> of the wounded leg of Sydney shark attack victim Lauren O'Neill.</p> <p>The incident occurred after O'Neill fell victim to a bull shark attack in Sydney Harbour, just metres away from her residence. This breach of privacy has not only added to the distress of O'Neill and her loved ones but has raised serious concerns about the protection of patient confidentiality.</p> <p>The graphic image, taken inside the emergency room as medical professionals worked to stabilise O'Neill, was shared online by a member of the NSW Ambulance staff. This action not only violates the fundamental principle of patient privacy but also calls into question the ethical conduct expected from healthcare professionals in such sensitive situations.</p> <p>NSW Ambulance issued a public apology, acknowledging the breach of privacy and expressing sincere regret for the additional distress caused to O'Neill and her family.</p> <p>The statement also revealed that discussions with O'Neill's family led them to believe that a NSW Ambulance staff member was responsible for the privacy breach.</p> <p>“NSW Ambulance sincerely apologises to Ms O’Neill for the breach of her privacy and the additional distress it has caused her and her loved ones at this most difficult time,” a spokesperson said. “We spoke with Ms O’Neill’s family this afternoon and informed them that we believe a NSW Ambulance staff member was responsible for the breach of her privacy.</p> <p>“NSW Ambulance takes its patient privacy obligations very seriously and is continuing to investigate this breach to determine the full details of the incident.”</p> <p>St Vincent's Hospital, where Ms. O'Neill was taken for urgent medical attention, has launched its own investigation into the matter, along with the involvement of NSW Police. The gravity of the situation is underscored by the fact that O'Neill's right leg was in jeopardy, and the medical teams worked tirelessly to save it.</p> <p>O'Neill, a microbiologist, has expressed her gratitude to the heroic neighbours, to NSW Ambulance paramedics, Kings Cross Police and the surgical teams at St Vincent's Hospital for their swift and caring actions. However, the unfortunate leak of the graphic image has marred what should have been a focus on her recovery and gratitude towards those who aided her in the aftermath of the terrifying attack.</p> <p>As O'Neill transitions from the Intensive Care Unit to a recovery ward, it is crucial for the public to reflect on the importance of patient privacy and the trust placed in healthcare professionals during moments of vulnerability. The breach has sparked outrage among the public, with many demanding accountability and stricter measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.</p> <p><em>Images: Instagram</em></p>


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"It's too late": Sister of mother who died waiting for ambulance speaks out

<p><em>A Current Affair </em>host Ally Langdon teared up during an interview with the heartbroken sister of Cath Groom, the Brisbane mum who <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">died after waiting for an ambulance</a> that never arrived. </p> <p>Groom had initially complained of severe chest pain in the hours before she was found dead by her son, Nicholas, on the morning of her 52nd birthday.</p> <p>Groom's sister, Bec McQuilty said that her family will never get over the tragedy, as she details exactly what happened that night. </p> <p>McQuilty said her sister had not only complained of severe chest pains, but was also vomiting profusely and had pain between the shoulder blades. </p> <p>She said Nicholas, Grooms's only son, called triple zero "multiple times" to request an ambulance, but after 90 minutes of no help, Groom decided to go to sleep. </p> <p>She got up at some point in the night, collapsed and died. </p> <p>"For a young boy to have to see his mum like that, it just shouldn't happen," McQuilty said.</p> <p>"He was petrified he didn't know what to do.</p> <p>"He's been taught through all his life that you can rely on these people and to make a phone call to triple zero and them not be there for him when they should have been, is just blatant neglect.</p> <p>"I will never forget the look on his face of just absolute despair."</p> <p>The <em style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">A Current Affair </em>broke down the moment McQuilty recalled Nicholas calling her in a panic after finding his dead mum. </p> <p>"I just think this hits all of us, hearing this," Langdon said. </p> <p>"That scene no doubt will haunt you for a long time."</p> <p>McQuilty shared that prior to Groom's passing the family was experiencing "the highest of highs to the lowest of lows in the space of 24 hours," after celebrating Nicholas' high school graduation on the Friday. </p> <p>"To get to such an incredible point of his high school graduation and just to be so proud of him on that day," McQuilty said. </p> <p>"I could see it in her face that she was just, you know, so so proud.</p> <p>"And literally 24 hours later he's finding his mother deceased, unnecessarily. </p> <p>"He's numb, he's angry and he's got a really long road ahead of him."</p> <p>Nicholas has now lost both parents, as his dad passed away when he was a baby. </p> <p>McQuilty revealed that her mum was admitted to the ER after finding out the devastating news and "never come back from this". </p> <p>"She herself was taken to the ER from just complete shock and her own heart," McQuilty said.</p> <p>"So I have my sister deceased in the house. I have my mom in the ER.</p> <p>"You know, it's just, no family, Ally, should ever ever have to go through what our family has gone through."</p> <p>McQuilty hopes that there will be changes made to emergency health system in the wake of her sister's death.</p> <p>"Put some more money into our hospital system and our health system maybe.</p> <p>"It's too late for my family, it's too late. But maybe that can save somebody else."</p> <p><em>Images: Nine/ A Current Affair</em></p>


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Mother dies after ambulance fails to arrive

<p>A mother from Queensland has tragically died while waiting for an ambulance, after she called 000 complaining of chest pain. </p> <p>Cath Groom called paramedics just before 10:30pm on Friday after growing increasingly concerned about persistent chest pain, but was left waiting more than an hour and a half for the ambulance to arrive. </p> <p>Given the nature of Groom's symptoms, her case was deemed urgent, and she should've been tended to by paramedics within 15 minutes. </p> <p>It is believed that Cath was found dead by her teenage son while still waiting for the ambulance to arrive, the day before her 52nd birthday. </p> <p>Her friends and family have taken to social media to pay tribute to the “amazing mother” and to express their “deepest shock, grief and sadness” at the news of her sudden passing. </p> <p>“She was and will always be my favourite human on this earth, I loved her to bits we were like a brother and sister I’m going to be lost without her,” one person wrote. </p> <p>“What an absolute shock. Such a beautiful girl taken way too soon,” another said. </p> <p>Ms Groom had long been a single mum after she was left to raise her son on her own after her husband died when the boy was just a baby. </p> <p>“Rest In Peace Sis, may you rest easy now with Dad and your life’s love and husband Warren,” her sister wrote on social media.</p> <p>The shock death has renewed calls for the Queensland and federal government to address ambulance delays, with Australian Medical Association Queensland president Dr Maria Boulton saying the state’s healthcare system is “not good enough”. </p> <p>“This is what happens because the system is under such strain, we know that our healthcare workers do the best they can in a system that is completely broken,” she told the <em>Today Show</em>. </p> <p>“This is not on them but it also affects them because they don’t want to lose any lives.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: Facebook</em></p>


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The risky ambulance interview that put Kochie on the map

<p>Footage has resurfaced of the moment David “Kochie” Koch cemented his role as the king of breakfast TV as he prepares to finish up his 21-year run on <em>Sunrise</em>.</p> <p>The 67-year-old has hundreds of interviews under his belt, but it was a risky interview in the back of an ambulance that thrust him into the spotlight.</p> <p>In April 2006, Kochie and his then co-host Melissa Doyle were stationed at Beaconsfield Tasmania to report on a collapsed mine that left one miner dead and seventeen trapped underground.</p> <p>The <em>Sunrise</em> hosts were competing with several other news outlets at the scene of the tragedy, but Kochie managed to secure the scoop of the century after jumping into the back of an ambulance to interview injured miner Todd Russell.</p> <p>The veteran TV presenter rushed through the security cordon and leapt into the vehicle after being invited by Russell, who coincidently was a big <em>Sunrise</em> fan.</p> <p>“So, I got into the ambulance and that's when he gave me his miners tag, which is a moment, I got to say, a moment and a symbol I will cherish forever,” Koch later told the ABC.</p> <p>“And I make no apologies for doing it.”</p> <p>In 2017, Kochie reflected on the incident on <em>Sunrise</em>, describing his interview with Russell as “touch and go”.</p> <p>“Todd says he wants that 'big, fun, son of a 'b', Koch, at the gate' when they come out in the ambulance,” he said. “It was one of the most memorable [interviews] because of that connection,” Kochie added.</p> <p>On May 29, Kochie <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">announced his departure</a> from <em>Sunrise</em> on air, with plans to pursue his own businesses and spend more time with family.</p> <p>Seven Network <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">announced Koch’s replacement</a> on June 5, which sees former Olympic sprinter Matt Shirvington joining Natalie Barr behind the news desk.</p> <p><em>Image credit: Instagram</em></p>


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Ambulance report contradicts Daniel Andrews’ car crash statement

<p>A newly discovered ambulance report has contradicted Daniel Andrews’ statement about a 2013 car accident on the Mornington Peninsula that almost killed a teenager.</p> <p>The Victorian premier was being driven by his wife Catherine in their family Ford Territory when it collided with a bike being ridden by 15-year-old Ryan Meuleman.</p> <p>The incident occurred near the Melbourne Rd and Ridley St intersection in Blairgowrie around 1:30pm on January 7, 2013.</p> <p>Meuleman suffered a punctured lung, broken ribs, internal bleeding and was left with just 10 per cent of his spleen. He was in The Royal Children’s Hospital for 11 days.</p> <p>Mrs Andrews wasn’t breathalysed following the accident, and the teen wasn’t given a chance to give a statement to police.</p> <p>Mr Andrews and his wife have held up their claims that Mueleman was at fault as the premier told reporters in 2017 that the teen was “moving at speed” when he “absolutely T-boned the car”.</p> <p>However, a document obtained by the <em>Herald Sun</em>, put together by Ambulance Victoria paramedics who were present at the scene, challenges the couple’s claims that they came to a “complete stop” and “turned right from a stationary position” moments before the collision.</p> <p>The “Patient Care Report” reads, 15YO on bike. Struck on L side by car travelling 40 to 60kmh … PT onto bonnet, then onto windscreen which cracked on impact … thrown onto roadway.”</p> <p>The document has only now been uncovered as Mr Mueleman, now 25, has escalated legal action.</p> <p>Speaking to the<em> Herald Sun</em>, barrister Daryl Dealehr said, “The serious injuries to the left side of Ryan’s body and the observations made by the ambulance officers who attended the crash are completely inconsistent with the claims to police made by Mr Andrews and his wife that their vehicle was travelling at a low speed,”</p> <p>“The evidence appears completely at odds with what Daniel and Catherine Andrews have been claiming since the collision.”</p> <p>The outlet reported in late 2022, before the November state election, that Meuleman had contacted lawyers to re-examine the accident and the circumstances surrounding the investigation and legal settlement that followed.</p> <p>The ambulance report was not in the files that were originally handed over by law firm Slater &amp; Gordon.</p> <p>According to the<em> Herald Sun</em>, The Meuelemans are seeking pre-trial discovery against the law firm and the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) in an attempt to uncover any further “missing” documents.</p> <p>After the accident, Mueleman was paid $80,000 by the TAC, though his family have raised “concerns” over the proceedings.</p> <p>The teen’s parents insist they never engaged Slater &amp; Gordon, a Labor-aligned law firm, to represent their son while the firm refuses to reveal what led to its involvement.</p> <p>“I hadn’t seen this report until a week ago,” Mueleman told the Herald Sun.</p> <p>“The lawyers never showed it to me. They just told me to agree to the deal and kind of, you know, shut up. I was 15 years old, mate. I was a kid. Seriously, I was 15. I am pretty blown away to be honest. I just wish I had it to show everyone 10 years ago. It would have changed everything. People would have known that they hit me, not the other way around.”</p> <p>In 2017, the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission examined the police response to the crash, including failing to use a breathalyser after the crash.</p> <p>Mr Andrews and his wife were not formally interviewed until nearly a month after the incident.</p> <p>In November 2017, uncovered police photographs obtained by the</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> saw the extent of damage to the vehicle.</p> <p>In his signed statement on February 2013, the Premier said, “We had turned right from a stationary position into Ridley St. Moments after we turned, a cyclist collided heavily with the side of our vehicle … the cyclist was travelling at speed and hit our car at a perfect right angle very heavily. I want to make it clear — the cyclist hit our vehicle.”</p> <p>In the statement, Mrs Andrews said, “I turned from Melbourne Rd after coming to a complete stop … just after we turned into Ridley St our car was struck heavily on the front driver’s side by a cyclist who it seems was attempting to cross Ridley St at speed from the bike path.”</p> <p>In a press conference in November, shortly after Mr Mueleman's new claims were revealed, Mr Andrew rejected several questions from reporters.</p> <p>“I’ve got nothing further to say,” he said.</p> <p>A spokesperson for the Premier said that the matter had been "dealt with" by Tourism Minister Steve Dimopoulos at a press conference that morning.</p> <p>“This is over a decade old,” Mr Dimopoulos told reporters.</p> <p>“The most appropriate authorities have investigated this thoroughly and have made no adverse findings. Beyond that, the Premier himself has answered questions on this almost as many times as he’s answered questions on Covid. This has been thoroughly examined and I really don’t have any more to say.”</p> <p><em>Image credit: Getty</em></p>


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Not just ramps and doorways – disability housing is about choosing where, how and who you live with

<p>Home ownership among young people is falling sharply, while renters face worrying insecurity. Nowhere is this more pronounced than for the 4.4 million Australians living with a disability and, in particular, the 660,000 plus Australians with an intellectual disability.</p> <p>For the majority of these people, owning a home is impossible without financial support from their families. With the loss of this support, they can find themselves in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">precarious or even abusive situations</a>. Stuck in a cycle of temporary accommodation or forced into group homes (or even nursing homes) <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">with little control</a> over where and who they live with.</p> <p>If the entire premise of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is to give people more choice and autonomy over their lives, then that must extend to people’s fundamental needs for appropriate housing. To uphold the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">access and inclusion</a> rights of people with a disability, their housing needs must be a priority.</p> <p>One alternative gaining traction in Australia is the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">co-design, co-living model</a> which could offer a range of benefits for people living with a disability.</p> <p><strong>Living at the end of the road</strong></p> <p>People in Australia living with a disability have <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">less access</a> to services, social activities, and green spaces compared to people without a disability.</p> <p>Over the last decade, market-driven approaches to disability housing in Australia have favoured cost effectiveness and replication, leading to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">limited design diversity, innovation and choice</a>.</p> <p>At a planning level, this has produced <a href=";%20" target="_blank" rel="noopener">socially isolated dwellings</a> with inadequate consideration of mobility, access to nature, and access to community spaces and services.</p> <p>We know the built environment around us can have <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">positive and negative effects on our health</a> – from determining activity levels, to food access, to our contact with nature and social spaces. It also affects the air we breathe, water we drink and shelter from the elements.</p> <p>Residents of highly green neighbourhoods, for instance, have <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">1.37 and 1.6 times greater odds</a> of better physical and mental health than those who perceive their neighbourhood as less green.</p> <p><strong>Profit-driven design</strong></p> <p>In general, commercial housing developments are not accessible. Designs are driven by costs and wide scale trends.</p> <p>When required, housing may meet the minimum accessibility requirements but almost never considers the end-user needs. This can create inappropriate environments, which then <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">require modification</a> for individuals – a wasteful and costly approach.</p> <p>Even housing with the express design purpose of being accessible can fail. A recent survey found <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">only 44% of accessible housing</a> complied with the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Liveable Housing Design Guidelines</a>.</p> <p>Conversely, when we focus on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">successful housing projects</a> for people living with a disability, we see common architectural features: inviting communal spaces; private individual dwellings; commercial opportunities for residents; and on-site support.</p> <p>Well-designed buildings “speak” to their environments too – be it the footpath or the grove – and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">foster community</a> connection.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">We look forward to working with <a href="">@billshortenmp</a> and <a href="">@AustralianLabor</a> to get <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#NDIS</a> participants the housing they need, when they need it. That means faster, accurate decisions on housing and support.</p> <p>Australians with <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#disability</a> deserve the security of living in their own home. <a href=""></a></p> <p>— Summer Foundation (@SummerFoundtn) <a href="">June 17, 2022</a></p></blockquote> <p><strong>Could co-housing be the answer?</strong></p> <p>Many recipients of the NDIS would <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">like to live independently</a> in their own home but with easy access to onsite support.</p> <p>A connected model could be the answer. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Co-housing</a> is the idea of semi-communal living that includes shared facilities and public space, self-governance, and design input from potential residents.</p> <p>Studies show how health and well-being is improved by living in deliberate and dedicated co-housing. This may be explained by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">greater social inclusion and less loneliness</a>.</p> <p>People in co-housing also have reduced care needs compared to those living in conventional circumstances – <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">13% of residents compared to 22%</a>, a gap which widens significantly with age. More research is needed, but there also seems to be a link between less <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">chronic disease and lower impairment</a> and co-housing.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">One in four Americans has a serious cognitive or physical disability. Could co-housing change their lives forever? <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p> <p>— Reasons to be Cheerful (@RTB_Cheerful) <a href="">September 12, 2020</a></p></blockquote> <p><strong>These ideas in practice</strong></p> <p>We were involved as designers of a proposed co-housing project in Perth’s south-east in Western Australia. The idea was instigated by the clients and families of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Building Friendships</a>, a disability service provider that facilitates social outings and short trips to assist with developing life skills through community interactions.</p> <p>The project uses co-site selection and co-design sessions with end-users to create better design outcomes and <a href="'_Connection_to_Community_and_Nature" target="_blank" rel="noopener">build social capital</a> from the beginning.</p> <figure class="align-center zoomable"><a href=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=1000&amp;fit=clip"><img src=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;fit=clip" sizes="(min-width: 1466px) 754px, (max-width: 599px) 100vw, (min-width: 600px) 600px, 237px" srcset=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=350&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 600w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=350&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1200w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=350&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 1800w,;q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=440&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 754w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=440&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1508w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=440&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 2262w" alt="artist's image of proposed housing development with trees around" /></a><figcaption><span class="caption">The Perth project is based on a co-housing model.</span> <span class="attribution"><span class="license">Author provided</span></span></figcaption></figure> <p>The design includes 20 private pod houses with a central hub where residents gather, cook, socialise, and learn new skills including gardening in an existing and successful veggie growing enterprise. There are also on-site support services.</p> <p>The project draws inspiration from domestic projects such as <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Walumba Elders Centre</a> in Warman, WA, and international examples such as the <a href=";ad_medium=projects_tab" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Group Home on Hilltop</a> in Hachioji, Japan.</p> <p>At the heart of these examples lies good locations, good buildings, and opportunities to live alongside others: community, amenity and quality of space. This shouldn’t really be unusual or remarkable. Fundamental to this approach is simply raising the bar for people living with a disability to that of everyone else.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. 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More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Robert Cameron</a>, Associate Lecturer/Researcher, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The University of Western Australia</a>; <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Daniel Jan Martin</a>, , <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The University of Western Australia</a>, and <a href="">Emily Van Eyk</a>, Lecturer &amp; Architect, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The University of Western Australia</a></em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">original article</a>.</em></p> <p><em>Image: Getty Images</em></p>

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Heart broken widow speaks following the death of her husband

<p>A heartbroken widow has opened up about her husband dying in her warms, while the couple waited over 40 minutes for an ambulance to arrive.</p> <p>Stewart Grant, aged 82, suffered breathing difficulties at 12:30 pm on January 29 at his Phillip Island home in Victoria, but paramedics were not dispatched immediately despite his family calling triple-zero.</p> <p>His wife of more than 50 years, Carol Grant, said she was initially told no one was coming.</p> <p>But a short time later, Mr Grant stopped breathing.</p> <p>An operator called back 12 minutes after the initial conversation and counted with Ms Grant while she performed CPR on her husband.</p> <p>“She asked me to get him out of bed, and put him on the floor, lie him on his back and to start CPR,” she said.</p> <p>After the ambulance was finally dispatched, an alert system to find trained volunteers was initiated and three locals came to help.</p> <p>“I’d just like to thank them for everything they tried to do. I’m just so grateful for their help as I couldn’t have continued (performing CPR),” Ms Grant said.</p> <p>“Even though it wasn’t successful, I’m just so grateful to them for trying.”</p> <p>Health Minister Martin Foley said the case was tragic, and told reporters on Thursday that there were issues with how the call was prioritised by the triple-zero call service ESTA.</p> <p>“As I understand, the issue wasn’t so much the dispatch of the ambulance. The paramedics were there, other volunteers in the nearby community were there, once the call was distributed,” he said.</p> <p>State Opposition Leader Matthew Guy said the case was horrifying and demanded an explanation from the government.</p> <p>“If it’s the call-out and dispatch system, then it’s the government’s to manage ... It’s just not good enough to say it’s someone else’s fault. How the hell can this happen in Victoria in 2022?” he asked.</p> <p>Premier Daniel Andrews sent his condolences and said the coroner would examine the tragedy.</p> <p>“This pandemic has made the job of our ambos really tough, they’re all working as hard as they can and any time that a patient dies I know that that’s carried by our paramedics; they feel it very heavily,” he told reporters.</p> <p>Ambulance Victoria has also sent its sincere condolences to the Grant family and said it had undertaken a review of the case.</p> <p>Mr Grant’s case is not the only recent death in Victoria following a long wait for paramedics.</p> <p>Victorian paramedics experienced their busiest quarter on record in the last three months of 2021. Data shows ambulances were called to 91,397 code-one cases during that period, a 16% increase on the same time in 2020.</p> <p><em>Images: 7News</em></p>


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One last look for dying woman

<p><em>Image: Ambulance NSW </em></p> <p>Two paramedics in NSW have given a very special treat to one palliative care patient, taking her to The Three sisters in the Blue Mountains for one last look.</p> <p>Penrith woman Evelyn Collins suffered from dementia and was diagnosed with Leukaemia in October, and as part of her treatment is taken to Katoomba’s Blue Mountains Hospital for blood transfusions.</p> <p>While under the care of paramedics Judy Andrews and Mike Horan, the 85-year-old was treated to a heart-warming surprise.</p> <p>“We were asked to take her to Blue Mountains as it was quieter and even though she had dementia as soon as we walked outside she said the fresh air was beautiful,” Ms Andrews told the<span> </span><em>Western Weekender</em>.</p> <p>“As she was not at risk and just receiving treatment and we had a quiet moment, we decided to take her to the lookout to show her the view on the way.”</p> <p>She added that she never could’ve predicted the impact the moment had on Ms Collins and her family.</p> <p>“We wheeled her down and as she was looking around she had this moment of clarity and said she remembered coming there a long time ago with her husband,” Ms Andrews said of the experience.</p> <p>“She had this beautiful glow and look of happiness on her face so I took a photo to send to her daughter Kim, who said the family was overwhelmed that we would take the time to do that.”</p> <p>Ms Collins said it was “lovely” that the paramedics thought to take her there.</p> <p>“It made me feel special. It makes all the difference when you are treated with patience and kindness,” she said.</p> <p>After two years on the pandemic frontline, Ms Andrews said paramedics pride themselves on providing high levels of care to each patient.</p> <p>After sharing the photo on Facebook, NSW Ambulance were flooded with comments on the “beautiful gesture”.</p> <p>“Thank you for being so generous … the world is a better place having you both in it,” one woman commented.</p> <p>While another wrote: “It’s these special moments that make the job mean something. In all the usual nightmares that we all face, it’s these times that have the biggest effect on us. These times and these memories where you become a part of someone’s journey – whether it’s the beginning or the end, it’s these moments that stick with us forever.”</p> <p>“So much respect for our first responders. This is the most beautiful act of kindness,” added another.</p>


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Toddler dies after family placed on hold to emergency services

<p dir="ltr">Authorities are investigating after the family of a three-year-old girl was placed on hold for 1 minute and 41 seconds while calling triple zero for help.</p> <p dir="ltr">Ambulance Victoria said paramedics were dispatched ‘without delay’ after being called to a cardiac arrest in a town outside of Bendigo at 6.29 pm on Monday. An Advanced Life Support crew was the first to arrive on the scene at 6.43pm, but tragically, the girl died in their care before reaching the hospital.</p> <p dir="ltr">Ambulance Victoria Acting Loddon Mallee Regional Director Trevor Weston said, “Despite the best efforts of our paramedics and those on the scene, the patient did not survive. We offer our sincerest condolences to the patient's family at this difficult time.”</p> <p dir="ltr">It is not yet known whether the delay contributed to the girl’s death.</p> <p dir="ltr">Health Minister Martin Foley said the time spent on hold was ‘under active investigation’, telling reporters, “Any death is a tragedy, but the death of a young child from a major incident like that is really, really traumatic for everyone involved”.</p> <p dir="ltr">He added that emergency departments, hospital wards and paramedics were dealing with ‘record levels’ of demand as a result of a rise in COVID-19 cases and other emergency presentations. Victoria recorded 1438 COVID-19 cases on Thursday, and there are currently 398 patients in Victorian hospitals with the virus.</p> <p dir="ltr">Earlier on Wednesday, AV’s Mick Stephenson said paramedics had noticed longer delays at hospitals “than we’ve ever had before”, telling ABC Melbourne, “Our capacity to respond and our performance has never been challenged as much as it has been over recent weeks. If the growth in COVID cases continues, performance will be expected to get poorer unless we can do something about reducing the number of people coming into hospital.”</p> <p dir="ltr">He added that transferring COVID-19 patients had become a major problem for paramedics, and that those with mild symptoms were being sent home.</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image: ymgerman/Getty Images</em></p>


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Victoria police ramps up offensive against protests

<p>There’s something very disturbing about scenes from the anti-lockdown protest at the Queen Victoria Market in Melbourne over the weekend.</p> <p>There’s a series of video footage posted online which shows scores of heavily armed and riot squad police far outnumbering protestors standing around, or sitting, or shopping, and many are chanting: chanting “peace and love” and “freedom”.</p> <p>And yet, 74 people were arrested and $280,000 in fines were handed out to those caught breaching lockdown restrictions. In one video, three police officers tackle a protestor, <a href="">and an officer can be clearly seen kneeling on the man’s neck</a> while he is face down, being handcuffed.</p> <p>The protest’s leader is now also facing an <a href="">incitement charge</a> as police prepare a search warrant for his home in Burwood East.</p> <p>Who is ‘policing’ the police?</p> <p>In the wake of the protest, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews praised the work of police ‘who did a good job in very difficult circumstances.’ He also added that: ‘protesting is stupid and dangerous and those who do it will be dealt with.’</p> <p>It’s a worrying sign of the erosion of democracy when the state’s Premier fails to see the one thing that is pretty clear to most other Australians: Melbournians are tired of the lockdowns, the heavy police presence around their city and the fact that people’s movements are being monitored 24/7, all of which show no signs of abating.</p> <p>And, before Covid-19, and before the states implemented strict public health laws to mandate public gatherings and individual social distancing, protesting was a perfectly normal way for Australians to express their views.</p> <p>But now, of course, that right is denied. In Melbourne public gatherings are strictly forbidden and people are confined to their homes except for one hour a day when they can travel for limited purposes and only within 5 kilometres from home without an exemption.</p> <p>A number of checkpoints are in operation around the metropolitan areas, and police are using number plate recognition technology to detect vehicles registered to ‘stage four’ areas.</p> <p>Police abusing their powers</p> <p>Many Australians are also starting to be very concerned that the extra powers afforded to police under Covid-19 public health enforcement laws have allowed them too much leeway to be able to ‘bend’ some of the rules of otherwise ‘normal’ policing. For example, that ‘<a href="">arrest should be a measure of last resort</a>.’</p> <p>A Victoria police spokesman said many of the weekend lockdown protesters were aggressive and threatened violence towards officers, with one <a href="">charged with assaulting a police officer in execution of their duty</a>.</p> <p>But much of the <a href="">video footage refutes that statement.</a> While a handful of protestors were agitated, and some threw fruit, by and large the crowd seemed compliant, although some did shout: “This is not a police state” and “you’ve got to be on the right side of history”.</p> <p>The ‘threatened violence towards officers’ is a cry that we often hear from police, and sometimes a difficult one to prove, despite the fact that there is a constant stream of video footage, not just from the weekend protests but of <a href="">various incidents in recent times</a> in which clearly, police after often the ones using unnecessary force.</p> <p>Woman ‘dragged from her car’</p> <p>In fact, the weekend protests in Melbourne were sparked by video footage posted on social media by a Victorian woman, Natalie Bonnet, who was dragged from her car by police for not stating her name at a vehicle checkpoint. She had been stopped for allegedly not having a legal phone charging device mounted to her car.</p> <p>In the video – <a href=";d=n">which has been shared thousands of times online </a>–  she tells the police officer she is ‘scared’ to leave her vehicle because he is armed. Following this, the police officer reaches over her, unbuckles her seatbelt and manhandles her, pulling her out of the vehicle.</p> <p>She alleges four officers had their knees in her back and she couldn’t breathe as they handcuffed her.</p> <p>It’s understood she will face charges including: driving with obscured vision, failing to produce a licence, failing to state her name and address, resisting arrest, assaulting police and offensive language.</p> <p>As tensions escalate between police and the general public, there’s also a growing sense of mistrust in the police force, particularly in Victoria, but it’s not isolated to the state, and it’s it only further perpetuated by these incidents in which people are intimidated and manhandled. There is no doubt that being the victim of such behaviour can have lasting detrimental emotional effects.</p> <p><em>Written by Sonia Hickey. Republished with permission <a href="">of Sydney Criminal Lawyers. </a></em></p>

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“Relaxed” Prince William and Duchess Kate have ramped up PDA since Megxit

<p>It is not something royal watchers are used to seeing, but in a slightly strange turn of events, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have appeared to become more tactile and love-up than they have seemed in a while.</p> <p>A body language expert has noted the pair appear to have “relaxed their royal rules” when completing their duties, and have dabbled in romantic touches and fun body language that indicates a certain change.</p> <p>Body language expert Judi James told <em>Fabulous Digital</em> that their “body language has always veered on the side of bland, but it is also always pitch-perfect for their royal role”.</p> <p><img style="width: 500px; height: 281.25px;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/d3a20da8ac984c2e9d5a8c07a0e8b4e6" /></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><em>Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge speak to young people and employers at Bradford Town Hall on January 15, 2020 in Bradford, United Kingdom.</em></p> <p>Over the years, royal watchers have learnt not to expect “non-verbal soap opera from the couple,” but Judi says things have changed.</p> <p>The expert said: “William and Kate do seem to be bringing more non-verbal signals and touches into their ‘routine’ post-Megxit though, apparently understanding that they can push the boundaries a little without suffering from obsessive interest and criticism.</p> <p>“As a result we’re seeing an increase of rituals that are showing the fun and the love but without compromising royal tradition.”</p> <p>A notable gesture done by the couple that hasn’t gone past Judi is the Duke handing his wife a rose while they were greeting supporters – it was a move that the expert perceived was well received from the Duchess.</p> <p><img style="width: 500px; height: 281.25px;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/0a4cd3cad260412f86aae61d323f54c6" /></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><em>Duke and Duchess of Cambridge depart City Hall, Bradford on January 15, 2020. </em></p> <p>She said: “Although he was heavily egged on by the crowds, Kate’s dimpled smile and eye contact showed she appreciated the romantic gesture from her bashful-looking husband”.</p> <p>Not only has the couple appeared more calm and confident with eachother during royal engagements, they also show a closeness when just out and about.</p> <p>“William and Kate are currently showing a capacity for comedy and performing it as a double act to double the laughs,” Judi said.</p> <p><img style="width: 500px; height: 281.25px;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/1d382265c79849d68ff31fcb357d33f7" /></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><em>Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visit Joe's Ice Cream Parlour in the Mumbles to meet local parents and carers on February 04, 2020 near Swansea, South Wales.</em></p> <p>“Kate tends to be more active and demonstrative but William mimics enough to make it mutual and he seems to mutter asides into Kate’s ear to prompt most of the joking.”</p> <p>Cameras followed the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge competing against one another in a baking challenge set by cooking legend Mary Berry for ITV’s A Berry Royal Christmas.</p> <p>Judi said: “Kate is now instigating more tie-sign touch rituals in public and William is reciprocating.</p> <p>“We might not be seeing the kind of intensely tactile behaviour that we did from Harry and Meghan but the increase in caring or thought-sharing touches shows a post-Megxit approach to a relaxing of the ‘rules’.”</p>


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Something rotten in Denmark: More split rumours abound as Princess Mary’s duties ramp up

<p>2019 has been a year indeed for the Danish royal family, and this includes our beloved Aussie Princess Mary. </p> <p>The Tasmanian-born senior royal member has stepped up and taken a number of duties this year after accepting the responsibility of acting monarch in the event of Queen Margrethe’s absence.</p> <p>However, a rumour surrounding the future King and Queen of Denmark has swirled around the couple. </p> <p>Recent rumours have speculated that since Prince Frederik and Princess Mary have appeared on a number of solo appearances lately that point to a potential split between the two. </p> <p>An insider told<span> </span><a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Woman’s Day</a><span> </span>there is unrest from the palace and the pair are “spending nights apart”.</p> <p>“It doesn’t bode well for Mary, given there have been a lot of rumours in Denmark that they’re spending nights apart,” the source reportedly said.</p> <p>“The word going around is that he has some kind of bachelor pad close by that he runs off to when things are getting unbearable between them.” </p> <p><span>Both Frederik and Mary were last seen together for a public engagement in Poland in November. Since then, Princess Mary has sent the internet buzzing while undergoing her engagements for a royal tour in Indonesia. </span></p> <p>While she has been visiting local schools, dignitaries and Indonesian royal family members, Prince Frederik has been at home in Denmark with his family and local events. </p> <p>However it is unlikely the couple will ever divorce, as they remain committed parents to their four children, Prince Christian, 13, Princess Isabella, 11, and seven-year-old twins Prince and Princess Josepine. </p> <p>Additionally, it is not the first time the Danish royal family have weathered bitter split rumours. </p> <p>In December 2018, an insider told New Idea that the couple had been going through issues as a result of Princess Mary feeling the strain of royal duties. </p> <p>“There are a lot of rumours of tension between Mary and Fred,” the source said. </p> <p>Thankfully, it seems like the Australian-Denmark love affair that we all fell in love with in 2001 is not to die just yet. </p> <p>Then-commoner Mary met Prince Frederik during the Sydney Olympics in 2000, at Sydney’s Slip Inn.</p> <p>Mary, then an advertising account manager, was 28 years old at the time, while Frederik was 31.</p> <p>They secretly maintained a long distance relationship before going public in 2001, announcing their engagement in 2003.</p> <p>In 2004, they tied the knot, making international headlines.</p>


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Beautiful picture of dying woman’s last wish inspires new service

<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you don’t remember the beautiful story of two paramedics fulfilling a dying woman’s last wish, then allow for a refresher. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Two Queensland ambulance crew took a terminally ill woman to a trip to the beach for the very last time. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The QAS posted a bittersweet snap of the moment while the patient overlooked the water at a beach in Hervey Bay, just north of Brisbane. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Helen Donaldson, the Officer in charge of Hervey Bay, posted a pic of the trip on Facebook with the hospital bed overlooking the ocean. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">“She just wished she could be at the beach again,” the post reads.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">“Above and beyond, the crew took a small diversion to the awesome beach at Hervey Bay to give the patient this opportunity.”</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The beautiful moment turned out to tug on the heartstrings of the state government as well as the Queensland Ambulance service who have teamed up to launch a new Wish ambulance. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The service will be used to grant wishes for terminally ill and to take Queenslanders who need care on important journeys before they die - whether that be one last trip to a sentimental place or to their grandkids for the last time. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The new Wish ambulance will be staffed by volunteer paramedics and run by Palliative Care Queensland who will begin the service towards the end of the year. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Wish service is a first for Australia and will run out of a decommissioned but fully functional ambulance donated by the Queensland Ambulance Service along with a $55,000 donation by the government to be used for seed funding. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Health Minister Steven Miles said the heartwarming story that came out of Hervey Bay resonated with so many people. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"Our ambos have been doing these kinds of things forever really," he said on Thursday.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"But they've had to sneak around and when they've been busy they haven't been able to do it."</span></p>


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Royal baby: Ambulance spotted near Meghan and Harry’s home

<p>A private ambulance escorted by police has been spotted driving through Windsor as fans eagerly wait for the announcement of the arrival of Baby Sussex.</p> <p>The ambulance was seen on Thursday afternoon local time close to where Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry reside.</p> <p>The birth has so far been a mystery, as the couple announced that few aspects will be kept private.</p> <p>Simon McCoy, presenter for <em>BBC News,</em> tweeted: “Private ambulance with police escort seen driving through Windsor #justsaying.”</p> <p>Many have already placed bets on girl names for the baby. William Hill was offering 4/1 on Diana, with Allegra and Grace at 8/1.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet tw-align-center" data-lang="en-gb"> <p dir="ltr">Private ambulance with police escort seen driving through Windsor. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#justsaying</a></p> — Simon McCoy (@BBCSimonMcCoy) <a href="">2 May 2019</a></blockquote> <p>The news comes after Buckingham Palace announced Prince Harry’s trip to the Netherlands next week, to mark the one year countdown to next year's Invictus Games, convincing some speculators that the Duchess has already given birth.</p> <p>But according to <em><a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Fabulous Digital</a></em>, the 37-year-old is yet to go into labour, with a palace insider saying she has “categorically not given birth”.</p> <p>As the world prepares for the announcement, royal fans are on the edge of their seats with anticipation.</p>


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Why this heartwarming Aussie photo has touched Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan

<p>It was the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">incredibly moving photo</a> that not only went viral around the world, but caught the attention of Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan.</p> <p>In November last year, the Queensland Ambulance service posted a picture on its Facebook page of Hervey Bay paramedic Graeme Cooper standing alongside the stretcher bed of a terminally ill woman, known only as Joyce, at a beach looking out to sea. It was taken by patient transport officer Danielle Kellam. Sadly, Joyce passed away two days later.</p> <p><img style="width: 500px; height: 330.955px; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/309c8ea67fff432b8586d7ee9040ce1c" /></p> <p>The palliative care patient had asked the paramedics if they could stop at the Hervey Bay beach, as they transported her from her home to hospital, and they granted her wish – with the moving photo touching hearts all over Australia and the world. </p> <p>Kensington Palace invited paramedics Cooper and Kellam to meet the Prince and Duchess when they toured Fraser Island yesterday, as the royals were also so touched by the image. </p> <p><iframe width="640" height="360" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; encrypted-media"></iframe></p> <p>The seeds for Joyce’s beach visit were sewn a week before the photograph was taken when the paramedics were en route with taking Joyce home from hospital to be with her family in the final days of her life, reports <em><a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank"></a>.</em></p> <p>Joyce told the paramedics how much she loved the ocean, particularly the beaches of Hervey Bay, located on the Fraser Coast Region of Queensland, because of the romantic times she had spent there with her husband. They loved to stroll the beach together, having retired in Hervey Bay as they were so taken with the area.</p> <p>Kellam and Cooper were so moved by her wish that they gladly, and kindly, granted it. They spent 15 minutes at the beach before continuing on to the hospital.</p> <p><iframe src=";width=500" width="500" height="733" style="border: none; overflow: hidden;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe></p> <p>“She loved it. She was really happy, so grateful too. Just one of those people you want to give and give to,” Kellam said in an interview with <em><a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">7News</a>.</em>  </p> <p>"If you can do something special for them, even though their life is coming to an end, it can give them a fulfilment and that fulfilment is something that’s a blessing for us to be able to give,” Cooper added.</p> <p>“It was no mean feat just to stop and be able to just give her one last pleasure in life because at the end of the day this lady was going home to die.”</p> <p>Joyce had chosen a spot where the paramedics could place her by the water’s edge, and she was able to feel the saltwater and sand of the beach one last time. The heroic pair had the idea to fill up a bag with water and sand.</p> <p>Meeting the Duke and Duchess of Sussex yesterday, Kellam and Cooper presented the expectant pair with souvenir teddy bears, much to Duchess Meghan’s delight.</p>


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Here’s how much it really costs to call an ambulance in Australia

<p>Emergencies can happen at any given moment, hence the name “emergency”, and most of the time if a friend or loved one has an urgent health scare then our first point of call is an ambulance. But while it may seem like a cost that is covered by the public health system, many have yet to discover that it isn’t once they receive a bill in the mail.</p> <p>Research conducted by <em><a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank"></a></em> found that one in three Australians are under the impression that ambulances are covered by Medicare, and out of the 2,085 people Finder surveyed, 30 per cent believed that the cost of ambulance services was fully paid by the government.</p> <p>When in actual fact, the only time you avoid covering the costs of an ambulance is if you’re in possession of a concession or health care card. Results of the study also showed that 21 per cent of people surveyed have previously called emergency services for a non-life-threatening issue and had to pay a hefty bill out of their own pockets as an aftermath.</p> <p>“This research shows that many Australians think that, like other essential medical expenses, the cost of using ambulance transport is covered by Medicare, and unfortunately this isn’t true,” says insurance expert at Bessie Hassan. “While some states do cover ambulance callout costs, most don’t, and it can cost thousands in some cases.”</p> <p><strong>The cost of ambulance callouts in Australia:</strong></p> <p>* Victoria: $1,776 for an emergency (rural), $1,204 if you’re not rural.</p> <p>* South Australia: $976 for an emergency, then $5.60 per kilometre.</p> <p>* Western Australia: $967 for an emergency.</p> <p>* Australian Capital Territory: $959 for an emergency, then $13.00 per kilometre travelled outside the ACT.</p> <p>* Northern Territory: $790 for an emergency, then $5.10 per kilometre.</p> <p>* New South Wales: $382 for an emergency, plus $3.44 per kilometre.</p> <p>* Queensland &amp; Tasmania: Free.</p> <p>Do you think it's fair to charge for an ambulance? Let us know in the comments. </p>


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Erin Molan rushed to hospital in an ambulance

<p><em>The Footy Show </em>host Erin Molan, who is eight months pregnant with her first child, has been rushed to hospital in an ambulance after falling in a shopping centre.</p> <p>At an appearance on Thursday, Molan explained that she had the fall in a Sydney shopping centre earlier this week after getting a series of shots.</p> <p>Luckily, Molan landed on her side – protecting her unborn baby from any injury.</p> <p>"I had another little episode this week, unfortunately," the 35-year-old said.</p> <p>"I got my whooping cough and flu shot and had a little ... faint is a strong word, but a little fall in the Randwick shops."</p> <p>Molan was able to joke about the incident, which was her second trip to the emergency room while pregnant. </p> <p>"I'm just filthy because I'd ordered a chocolate doughnut and a milkshake, and I kind of went [to hospital] after I'd paid but before I'd got the doughnut," she joked.</p> <p>Earlier this year, Molan collapsed and hit her head after falling down because of low blood pressure at Channel 9’s Sydney studio.</p> <blockquote style="background: #FFF; border: 0; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width: 658px; padding: 0; width: calc(100% - 2px);" class="instagram-media"> <div style="padding: 8px;"> <div style="background: #F8F8F8; line-height: 0; margin-top: 40px; padding: 50.0% 0; text-align: center; width: 100%;"> <div style="background: url(data:image/png; base64,ivborw0kggoaaaansuheugaaacwaaaascamaaaapwqozaaaabgdbtueaalgpc/xhbqaaaafzukdcak7ohokaaaamuexurczmzpf399fx1+bm5mzy9amaaadisurbvdjlvzxbesmgces5/p8/t9furvcrmu73jwlzosgsiizurcjo/ad+eqjjb4hv8bft+idpqocx1wjosbfhh2xssxeiyn3uli/6mnree07uiwjev8ueowds88ly97kqytlijkktuybbruayvh5wohixmpi5we58ek028czwyuqdlkpg1bkb4nnm+veanfhqn1k4+gpt6ugqcvu2h2ovuif/gwufyy8owepdyzsa3avcqpvovvzzz2vtnn2wu8qzvjddeto90gsy9mvlqtgysy231mxry6i2ggqjrty0l8fxcxfcbbhwrsyyaaaaaelftksuqmcc); display: block; height: 44px; margin: 0 auto -44px; position: relative; top: -22px; width: 44px;"></div> </div> <p style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"><a style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none;" href="" target="_blank">A post shared by Erin Molan (@erin_molan)</a> on Apr 27, 2018 at 3:50am PDT</p> </div> </blockquote> <p>"I had a little incident, which wasn't fun. I think I need to learn that my body isn't capable of what it was last year," Erin explained on the <em>TODAY </em>show back in February.</p> <p>"I'm in great health and the baby is fine," she added.</p> <p>"I hit my knees and I hit my head, but not my stomach so the baby is fine."</p> <p>Nine’s Director of Sport, Tom Malone, released a statement following the first fall.</p> <p>"Erin's the perfect example of Nine's business strategy in that she creates great content across all platforms for all of our content divisions - including <em>Nine News, 20-1, 9Honey</em> and of course <em>The Footy Show</em> and <em>Wide World of Sports</em>. Her work ethic is second to none."</p> <p>"Right from the outset, we've told Erin that her health and her baby's health are the first priority and whatever precautions we need to take around that we will."</p>


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