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Mothers anonymous: How children's books have written mum out of the story

<p>Here’s an interesting fact. When it comes to children’s books, the word “mother” is the most frequent noun used to refer to female characters – and has been since the 19th century. But despite this, mothers are rarely the heroes or protagonists in children’s fiction – often, they don’t even have a name. They are part of the supporting cast – and sometimes they are even dead or otherwise absent. When it comes to what their children are reading, mums are usually barely visible.</p> <p>We’ve been studying <a href="">gender in children’s literature</a> by analysing the frequency of words like “mother” in collections from Beatrix Potter to modern children’s books. We compared <a href="">19th century children’s books</a> with <a href="">contemporary children’s fiction</a> which has helped us understand how repeated language patterns reflect a gendered view of society.</p> <p>What is striking in both the 19th century and contemporary data, is the inequality of gender representations. When we looked at word pairs such as “he” and “she”, or “man” and “woman” the scale of the imbalance becomes clear – in the 19th-century data “he” is more than twice as frequent as “she”, while in the contemporary fiction, “he” is still 1.8 times more frequent than “she”. Meanwhile “man” appears in the 19th-century collection 4.5 times more frequently than “woman” and in the contemporary data it is 2.8 times more common.</p> <p><strong>A mother’s place</strong></p> <p>The range of occupations for men and women is also particularly revealing. In the 19th-century data set, as you’d expect, occupations and roles for women in society were extremely limited. Women could be queens, princesses, nurses, maids, nannies or governesses – but there were not many other options.</p> <p>While there may be fewer nurses, maids, nannies and governesses in the contemporary data, we still find queens and princesses. But even now, the wide range of occupations that is theoretically open to women – doctor, driver, servant, professor, officer, spy, boss, judge, farmer, pilot, scientist, minister to name just some of the frequent ones – is mostly occupied by men in children’s books.</p> <p>It’s yet another example of what writer and activist <a href="">Caroline Criado Perez describes</a> as the “gender data gap”, when she uncovers the invisible bias in a world designed for men. So fiction and the real world look pretty similar.</p> <p><a href=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=1000&amp;fit=clip"><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;fit=clip" alt="" /></a> <em><span class="caption">A comparison of the frequency of mentions of different types of women in 19th-century and modern children’s books.</span> <span class="attribution"><span class="source">Michaela Mahlberg/Anna Cermakova, University of Birmingham</span>, <span class="license">Author provided</span></span></em></p> <p>Against the background of the otherwise skewed gender representation, this makes mothers even more prominent. Mothers do not only occur frequently, they are also found across a large number of texts. Mothers feature in most of the children’s books that we studied. A comparison with other typical female characters in children’s books – witch and queen – also highlights the importance of mothers.</p> <p><strong>Good mum, bad mum</strong></p> <p>But the story is not often actually about the mothers. They are defined by being somebody’s mother: “Martha’s mother sent me a skipping-rope. I skip and run,” wrote Frances Hodgson Burnett in her 1911 classic, <em>The Secret Garden</em>.</p> <p>The role of mothers is primarily to look after their children. “I got nine GCSEs and am well-known for my literacy skills enforced by Mum,” wrote 16-year-old Rachel Riley in her diary in Joanna Nadin’s 2009 novel, <em>Back to Life</em>.</p> <p>Sometimes their rules cause anger or frustration in the child protagonists. “Request denied by Mum on ‘because I say so’ grounds,” Rachel reports in <em>My Double Life</em> (2009), another book in the same series. But mothers are always there to support their children as 14-year-old Maya’s Mum demonstrates in Tim Bowler’s 2011 psychological thriller <em>Buried Thunder</em> after Maya makes a horrific discovery.</p> <blockquote> <p>Maya went on crying. ‘OK’, said Mum. ‘It’s OK’.<br />‘It’s not OK’ said Maya. ‘I’m being horrible’.<br />‘You’re not being horrible’, said Mum.</p> </blockquote> <p>And, as you might expect, they are often the person for their children to confide in as Jade admits in Julia Clarke’s 2009 novel <em>Between You and Me</em>. “Normally I tell Mum what is happening in my life. But I can’t tell her about Jack and the failed kiss or the shock of seeing him and Sybil together.”</p> <p>Mothers might not typically be the main character in the story, but their presence matters. In Rhiannon Lassiter’s Bad Blood (2007) John’s mother has died and his father has remarried. But she is a constant presence in the back of his mind. “He remembered his mother’s smell, like apples and soap; the way she’d hug him goodnight, wrapping her arms around him so that they were locked together in the hug. They were small memories but they were all his.”</p> <p>So, while mothers might often only appear in the background, without them the story would certainly not be complete. In reality, of course, mothers play numerous, varied and important roles in the narratives of their children’s lives. And they are of course, not only mums. Something to remember.</p> <p><!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><em>Written by <span>Michaela Mahlberg, Professor of Corpus Linguistics, University of Birmingham and Anna Cermakova, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow, Centre for Corpus Research, University of Birmingham</span>. Republished with permission of </em><a href=""><em>The Conversation</em></a><em>. </em><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important; text-shadow: none !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p>


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Mum's heartbreak after finding cruel note in letterbox on New Year's Day

<p>A cruel note was left in a 28-year-old single New Zealand mother’s letterbox on New Year's Day, which put a dampen on the start of the new year.</p> <p>The note, which was delivered anonymously, berated single mother of four Ana Grey for letting her autistic son Wiremu, 7, yell all the time.</p> <p>The note said, "If you don’t stop that kid yelling I will ring child support and report you. We all getting sick of the yelling and also ring your landlord."</p> <p>As Wiremu gets older, Grey has addressed that things have been getting harder. </p> <p>"Now that he is older things have changed and he has become more of a challenge for me," the mum explained. </p> <p>The single mother addressed the note in a Facebook post, saying: "I would have preferred being spoken to face to face so I can explain our situation, it is very hard for me doing this on my own."</p> <p>With Wiremu realising that his home is a safe space where he’s able to vocalise how he’s feeling, this is why there’s random yelling within her home. The single mother of four acknowledged that she understands why her neighbours would raise the issue.</p> <p>"I understand why my neighbours would complain, he is very loud and has his random outbursts almost every day," the mum says.</p> <p>However, Grey <a rel="noopener" href=";objectid=12184825" target="_blank">revealed to the NZ Herald</a> that she is getting the support she needs: “The help I need is well on its way and I couldn't be happier about that."</p> <p>This anonymous note may have shaken her confidence, but with the support she needs, Grey is still going to support her son and get him the help he needs.</p> <p>"I love my son to pieces. He may not be perfect to others but he is perfect to me."</p>

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Mum of autistic teen receives “despicable” letter from anonymous neighbour

<p>A Queensland mother has been flooded with support after posting a shocking letter she received from a neighbour to Facebook.</p> <p>Magenta Quinn, who lives in Brisbane with her autistic teenage son, was gobsmacked when she found an anonymous letter complaining about the noise coming from her house.</p> <p><img width="600" height="494" src="" alt="Intext" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"/></p> <p>“I am one of your neighbours and wish to remain anonymous to avoid any conflict,” the neighbour wrote.</p> <p>“When you moved in we heard these strange moaning and shouting coming from your garden every day and night, for which we were concerned may be illegal activities, so we contacted the police who in turn have visited your premises.</p> <p>“They informed us of your situation that a person in your family is suffering from a mental illness and that was the source of the noise.”</p> <p>While the writer of the letter claimed they “sympathise” with the situation, they said the “disturbing” noise coming from the property every day was “not fair on the community”.</p> <p>“I would kindly request that you consider your neighbours and try to limit the amount of time that is spent in the garden such that we do not have to listen to the disturbing noise daily and sometimes before 6am.</p> <p>“I am giving you the opportunity to help us live together in this community without it becoming a constant battle. If this continues at the regular intervals it has been, I intend to make formal complaints against your address to council to help resolve this issue. Yours sincerely, Neighbour.”</p> <p>A flabbergasted Quinn took to Facebook to share the letter, writing that although she understood where the neighbour was coming from, they had no idea what it was like to live with it 24/7 for 17 years.</p> <p>“Having 3 police turn up at my doorstep at 10:30 at night when I’m new to the area may have made you feel you are avoiding confrontation, but for me it was alarming to say the least,” she wrote.</p> <p>“Talking with council won’t help, he's not a dog, it’s a person. If you’d like to take him on a holiday so I can get some rest that would be awesome. Otherwise, please feel free to come and chat with me, there’s a lot you do not understand.”</p> <p>Commenters were firmly on Quinn’s side, describing the note as “despicable” and the neighbour as “cowardly”. What do you think? Tell us in the comments below, was the letter inappropriate? Or was the neighbour justified in sending the note?</p> <p><em>Image credit: Magenta Quinn/Facebook.</em></p>


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