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Anti-cellulite products are big business – but here’s what the science says

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><a href="">Rebecca Shepherd</a>, <em><a href="">University of Bristol</a></em></p> <p>Although <a href="">90% of women have cellulite</a>, we’re yet to see it represented as a normal anatomical characteristic in popular culture. In Greta Gerwig’s 2023 Hollywood blockbuster, for instance, Stereotypical Barbie, played by Margot Robbie, develops dimples on her upper thigh as part of her existential crisis – along with other human faults such as halitosis, flat feet and irrepressible thoughts of death.</p> <p>When Stereotypical Barbie asks doll sage Weird Barbie what the dimples are, she explains: “That’s cellulite. That’s going to spread everywhere. Then you’re going to start getting sad and mushy and complicated.” Barbie’s perfect smooth plastic perfection is marred.</p> <p>Despite its prevalence, then, cellulite has been constructed as a flaw in need of correction. Consumers, it seems, agree, especially when fed a diet of the <a href="">photoshop smoothed skin</a> of models, social media influencers – and Hollywood stars.</p> <figure><iframe src=";start=0" width="440" height="260" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><figcaption><span class="caption">“NO!” Barbie shouts when Weird Barbie tells her she has cellulite.</span></figcaption></figure> <p>Cellulite’s usually found in areas that have greater amounts of subcutaneous fat, when fat deposits push through the connective tissue beneath the skin, leading to a lumpy appearance. It is common, <a href="">usually painless</a> and harmless.</p> <p>The human skin is the <a href="">body’s largest organ</a>, made up of three layers. At the surface, the epidermis acts as our first line of defence against the environment. This outermost, impermeable layer is made up of cells that are constantly renewed and shed, protecting our body from external elements.</p> <p>Beneath the epidermis lies the dermis, a robust layer containing fibroblasts, the cells responsible for producing essential proteins such as collagen and elastin. These proteins provide structure and elasticity, contributing to the skin’s strength and flexibility.</p> <p>Deeper still is the hypodermis, also known as the subcutaneous layer. This layer is rich in adipose tissue – mostly made up of fat, which plays a crucial role in cushioning and insulating the body, as well as storing fat that can be used when needed. Beneath these three layers of skin, there is muscle. Running from the muscle to the dermis are <a href="">bands of connective tissue</a>, that holds the adipose tissue in “pockets”.</p> <p>Cellulite does not affect health, although some people report that it affects their <a href="">self-esteem and body image</a> but that’s more to do with the social pressure on women to be physically perfect – or spend money, time and energy trying to be as close to perfect as possible.</p> <p>Cellulite, then, has become big business for the beauty industry. In the lead up to summer especially, companies will promote <a href="">all manner of products</a> from creams and serums to gadgets and pills, all aimed at creating perfectly smooth limbs. The most popular question seems to be, “Do these treatments work?” but as an anatomist I think the more pressing question is, “Why are healthy women’s bodies considered something to treat, cure or correct?”</p> <p>The beauty and wellness industry has long capitalised on societal standards of beauty. The idea that cellulite is undesirable and <a href="">should be corrected</a> has been perpetuated since Vogue magazine was the <a href="">first English language magazine</a> to use the term “cellulite”, introducing the concept to thousands of women. This marketing strategy taps into the insecurities of consumers, particularly women, and promotes an endless pursuit of “perfection” for bodies that have normal anatomical variation.</p> <p>By framing cellulite as a condition that needs treatment, companies can sell a wide range of products and services, bolstered by celebrity endorsements, which lend credibility and aspirational value to pseudo-medical “smoothing” products. However, there is limited scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of these supplements in treating cellulite. In fact, the <a href="">first scientific paper</a> on cellulite, published in 1978, referred to it as “so called cellulite: the invented disease”.</p> <p>Recent product launches include, <a href="">Lemme Smooth</a>, Kourtney Kardashian-Barker’s latest addition to her vitamin and supplement range. The product’s promotional materials claim that the capsule “visibly reduces cellulite in 28 days”. But what does the science tell us?</p> <p>Supplements like Lemme Smooth claim to improve skin texture and reduce cellulite from within. Kardashian-Barker’s supplement contains a mixture of <a href="">french cantaloupe melon</a>, hyaluronic acid, chromium and vitamin C among other ingredients. The body’s ability to absorb and utilise these ingredients in a way that would impact cellulite is still a subject of debate.</p> <p>There is evidence that <a href=",in%20part%2C%20to%20the%20skin.">ingested hyaluronic acid</a> can migrate into the skin, stimulating the production of collagens within the dermis – and vitamin C has been shown to <a href="">thicken the surface layer</a> of the skin. However, the lack of standardisation in testing for the use of these ingredients in the treatment of cellulite means it’s still not clear if they will have a <a href="">significant effect</a>.</p> <p>Other products marketed to reduce the appearance of cellulite include topical creams and lotions, containing ingredients like <a href="">caffeine, retinol, and herbal extracts</a>. Cosmetic products are not able to penetrate the epidermis enough to significantly affect the underlying fat deposits and connective tissue.</p> <p>Some invasive treatments, such as <a href="">laser therapy, subcision, and acoustic wave therapy</a> can offer more promising results. These procedures work by breaking down the connective tissue bands that cause dimpling and stimulating collagen production in the dermis to improve skin elasticity. While these methods <a href="">may be more effective</a>, they are often expensive, require multiple sessions to achieve results – and aren’t without risk.</p> <p>Maintaining a healthy diet, drinking lots of water, and regular physical activity can help improve the overall appearance of the skin and reduce the visibility of cellulite. Losing weight and strengthening the muscles in the legs, buttocks and abdomen may make cellulite less noticeable, but it won’t make it <a href="">disappear altogether</a>.</p> <p>The bottom line, though, is that cellulite does not need to be treated. It’s a normal anatomical variation that’s been transformed into a condition driving a lucrative market for cures <a href="">that don’t exist</a>.</p> <p>My top expert advice in the run up to summer? Be wary of claims from cosmetic companies and save your money.</p> <hr /> <p><em>The Conversation has approached the Lemme Live brand for comment.</em><!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. 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8 things dermatologists wish women knew about cellulite

<p><strong>What is cellulite?</strong></p> <p>Cellulite is the term for lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen. It can also appear on the arms and breasts. “Cellulite is enlarged packets of body fat deep beneath the skin pushed against the vertical connective tissue that surrounds fat cells,” says dermatologist, Dr Dendy Engelman.</p> <p>“When the fat cells expand, it limits the space under the skin and puts pressure on the connective tissue. The pressure forces the fat against the top layers and creates the dimpled look.” So, before you try the latest and sometimes unfounded cellulite treatment, our skin experts explain what you need to know.</p> <p><strong>Almost every woman has cellulite</strong></p> <p>“Cellulite is very common – 93 per cent of women have it,” says Dr Engelman. “The first thing women with cellulite need to know is that they aren’t alone,” echoes dermatologist, Dr Bruce Katz. “The vast majority of women have at least some of these dreaded pockets of fat.”</p> <p><strong>Cellulite is harmless and not a disease</strong></p> <p>Although we may not like how it looks, cellulite is a completely normal and benign condition. “Cellulite is not the disease the media would have us think,” says dermatologist, Dr Tanya Kormeili. Cellulite doesn’t hurt, and it also doesn’t affect overall physical health.</p> <p><strong>Exercise can help reduce cellulite</strong></p> <p>“Since cellulite is fat, excess fat can contribute to the appearance of cellulite. Increasing muscle tone and exercising can minimise cellulite,” says Dr Engelman. Dr Katz agrees: “Generally, the key to alleviating cellulite is weight loss combined with building muscle. Muscle lies below the pockets of fat that strain against the skin and create cellulite. Smoothing the muscle should lead to smoother skin. Most women carry cellulite in their thighs and buttocks, so workouts emphasising leg lifts, squats and lunges tend to be most effective.”</p> <p>Dr Katz says that in his experience, lifestyle changes alone aren’t enough to reduce cellulite to most women’s satisfaction. Some cellulite treatments are nonsurgical and require very little downtime.</p> <p><strong>Diet can also affect cellulite appearance</strong></p> <p>Having a healthy diet is a positive for your body in general but may also reduce the appearance of cellulite. “Antioxidants and omega-3s can be a woman’s best friend in fighting cellulite because they help break fat cells down and strengthen the skin and connective tissue, respectively,” says Dr Katz.</p> <p>“I recommend foods like flaxseed, dark berries and salmon. Many women patients are also overjoyed to learn that they don’t have to cut out chocolate. Natural cocoa is loaded with antioxidants, so dark chocolate is a welcome part of any anti-cellulite diet.”</p> <p><strong>Cellulite has a genetic component (woman of any size can have cellulite)</strong></p> <p>Women who have cellulite tend to have mums, sisters and aunts with cellulite no matter what their body size or shape. Dr Katz says, “One of the biggest misconceptions about cellulite is that losing body fat alone will reduce its appearance. I have treated cellulite in women who are marathon runners and triathletes who still have cellulite. I treated one woman who did the Ironman triathlon in Hawaii four times and still came in to have her cellulite treated.”</p> <p>Dr Engelman echoes this by saying, “Cellulite is genetic, so while weight can influence the presence of cellulite, even the thinnest women can have it.”</p> <p><strong>Men rarely get cellulite because of their skin structure</strong></p> <p>Men, on the other hand, are unlikely to have cellulite; according to the Cleveland Clinic, less than 10 per cent of men are affected by it.</p> <p>That’s because the support tissue in a woman’s body is softer, likely because women’s bodies have to stretch so much to accommodate a growing baby. Visualise fishnet pantyhose – this is what women’s covering of skin looks like versus men’s covering, which is more like a thick, uniform pantihose holding all the fat in place and not allowing as much herniation.</p> <p>“This is an anatomical issue with our bodies as women. Not our fault! Biology! As we get older or under the effects of hormones, the fishnet ‘holes’ can get even more permeable with more herniation, and hence cellulite forms,” says Dr Kormeili. “Therefore, creams and fads can’t really correct cellulite unless they could go deep in the skin and repair the fishnet into a thick pair of pantyhose,” she says.</p> <p><strong>Be wary about expensive "miracle" cellulite treatments</strong></p> <p>We’ve all seen the super expensive creams and potions that claim to erase cellulite – but are they worth it? “While many treatments claim to be able to improve the appearance of cellulite, the long-term effectiveness of these treatments or their true efficacy is still being investigated.</p> <p>So, please, don’t waste your hard-earned money on claims that won’t really yield the results you want,” says Dr Kormeili. If cellulite is a true concern, it’s best to contact a board-certified dermatologist to discuss your options as there are several treatments that can help but they require a physician’s intervention.</p> <p><strong>Caffeine may improve skin's texture</strong></p> <p>“Most cellulite-fighting creams contain caffeine as their active ingredient, which can be more helpful than you’d imagine when applied religiously,” says Dr Engelman. “This is because of the temporary effects caffeine has on the body, which are actually prolonged to daily effects. It shrinks fat cells by dehydrating them.”</p> <p>Dr Engelman suggests applying these creams with an aggressive massage or a rolling motion to help aid in the penetration and see better results.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Reader's Digest</a>. </em></p>

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