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Dietitian shares the best diet tips for radiant skin

<p dir="ltr">Dietitian Rebecca Gawthorne has shared the best foods to include in your weekly shop to keep your skin looking healthy and radiant. </p> <p dir="ltr">The Sydney-based mum took to Instagram while she was walking through the supermarket aisles to explain what ingredients will help keep your skin clear. </p> <p dir="ltr">She starts by picking up avocados, olive oil, tinned salmon, nuts and hemp which all contain healthy fats.</p> <p dir="ltr">Rebecca explains that foods containing healthy fats, such as Omega-6 and Omega-3, help build blocks of cell membranes and prevent skin dryness to keep skin dewy and hydrated.  </p> <p dir="ltr">They're also rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids which is important for radiance and can add softness to your complexion.</p> <p dir="ltr">She then says to pick up low GI foods, such as red lentils, rice, chickpeas and multigrain bread. </p> <p dir="ltr">Scientists believe that following a low GI (glycaemic index) diet may help to reduce acne and skin inflammation. </p> <p dir="ltr">Rebecca also advises to pick up antioxidant rich foods that are high in vitamin C including oranges, raspberries, kiwi, turmeric and broccoli.</p> <p dir="ltr">These foods will protect your skin against environmental factors and in turn fight signs of ageing and inflammation, as well as help the skin to correct damage from the sun. </p> <p dir="ltr">Next, Rebecca encourages to pick up foods that are high in zinc, such as black beans, pumpkin kernels, almonds and garlic.</p> <p dir="ltr">Zinc is especially important for people with oily skin as it with other vitamins and minerals to help treat skin lesions and can decrease the severity of acne.</p> <p dir="ltr">On top of all these food groups, Rebecca reminds viewers to keep up their water intake to promote clear and healthy skin. </p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credits: Instagram </em></p>

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The must-have viral product for a perfect complexion

<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A must-have beauty tool has gone viral on TikTok for helping people everywhere fix the problem of oily skin. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">An Indigenous makeup artist named Ash has discovered the hidden gem and shared the impressively shocking results, all while revealing the product’s price-tag is less than $10. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Revlon Oil-absorbing Volcanic Roller mops up oil with one roll, without disturbing the placement or pigment of makeup. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">After rolling the stone roller over her face, Ash discovered a freshly matte look, with zero streaks in her makeup. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Sharing the video with her followers, the video has racked up over 1.2 million views, with many other beauty gurus also trying out the product for themselves. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Ash put the roller through a series of tests, including trying it out on a face full of makeup after a long day of work.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"It's amazing what it can do visually, but longevity-wise I'm not entirely sure if I would use this but it's still amazing, I'll give you that, my God," she said.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">According to Revlon, their oil-absorbing roller is "made with real volcanic stone" because the stone is made of a porous material so it can soak up oil patches. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For just $7.50 from </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">Chemist Warehouse</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, this simple product erases the need for blotting papers or powders, and is perfect to use on the go. </span></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Image credits: TikTok</span></em></p>

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Beauty is skin-deep: Why our complexion is so important to us

<p>We’re all attracted to a beautiful face. We like to look at them, we feel drawn to them and we aspire to have one. Many researchers and others have investigated what we humans identify as “beautiful”: symmetry, large evenly spaced eyes, white teeth, a well-proportioned nose and of course, a flawless complexion. The skin is of utmost importance when people judge someone as beautiful.</p> <p>When choosing a mate, men rank female beauty more highly than women rate male appearance. <a href="">Female beauty</a> is thought to signal youth, fertility and health.</p> <p>Beauty can also signal <a href="">high status</a>. People with “plain looks” earn about 10% less than people who are average-looking, who in turn earn around 5% less than people who are good-looking.</p> <p><strong>Skin as a marker of health and beauty</strong></p> <p>Even the best facial structure can be unbalanced by skin that is flawed.</p> <p>There are many skin conditions that are perfectly natural, yet because of our beliefs around skin and health, these can cause the sufferers extreme self-consciousness.</p> <p>Examples include: <a href="">chloasma</a>, the facial pigmentation that often occurs during pregnancy; <a href="">starburst telangiectasias</a>, the broken capillaries that appear on the lower thighs and calves of many women as they age; and <a href="">dermatosis papulosa nigra</a>, the brown marks that accumulate on the upper cheeks and temples, especially in people of Asian or African descent.</p> <p>Teenagers with <a href="">acne</a> are more likely to withdraw socially. It may impair school performance and result in severe <a href="">depression and even suicide</a>.</p> <p>There are hundreds of <a href="">skin diseases</a> that can change facial appearance, including rashes such as rosacea and skin cancers. Surgery for skin cancer can <a href=";rlz=1C1OKWM_enAU783AU786&amp;source=lnms&amp;tbm=isch&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=0ahUKEwjb7sicn_zZAhVHV7wKHcImAeoQ_AUICigB&amp;biw=2560&amp;bih=1334">leave noticeable marks and scars</a> that make the survivor self-conscious.</p> <p><strong>Industries built on our self-consciousness</strong></p> <p>Perhaps alongside the greying of the hair, skin is the most visible sign of ageing. As we age the skin changes. These changes are most pronounced in the areas exposed daily to the sun, such as the face, neck and the backs of our hands.</p> <p>There the skin thins, loses volume and elasticity and becomes dull. Dark rings develop under the eyes. Wrinkles appear. The skin sags and blemishes and scars accumulate.</p> <p>People spend a lot of money in attempts to regain their youthful appearance. The global cosmetics industry is worth about <a href="">US$500 billion</a>. Sales of skin and sun care products, make-up and colour cosmetics generate over 36% of the worldwide cosmetic market.</p> <p>We use foundation makeup to conceal freckles and blemishes, moisturisers and fillers to hide dryness, concealers to disguise broken capillaries and pimples. And increasingly people are using botox to remove wrinkles, fillers to replace volume, and laser to remove flaws from the top layer of skin.</p> <p>We should all use sunscreen to protect the skin from sun damage and prescription medications to cure the skin of diseases when necessary.</p> <p>In 2018, we find ourselves living longer, working later and remarrying more. We’re having to trade on our beauty much later in life.</p> <p>In a better world, beauty would be irrelevant. Unfortunately, in our world it’s one of our most valuable assets. The best we can do is to protect our skin from sunburn, seek advice from a dermatologist when we notice any skin problems, and accept we weren’t born with the skin of Beyonce.</p> <p><em>Written by Rodney Sinclair. Republished with permission of </em><a href=""><em>The Conversation</em></a><em>.</em></p>

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Winter proof your complexion

<p>Winter is here! From windy days to nights spent indoors by the heater (or fire, if you're lucky), these various conditions can be quite taxing on one's complexion. Lucikly with just a few little switches or targeted products, you can maintain great skin throughout the cooler months. </p> <ol><ol> <li><strong>Do a swap</strong> – As we age - and even more so in winter - our skin is screaming out for us to ditch gel and foaming cleansers as they can be quite drying. Winter is a great time to make this switch and look for something that is creamed based of even a tissue-off cleanser. <br /><br /></li> <li><strong>Bye bye, toner</strong> – Over the cooler months your simply does not need an products that are going to strip you of your natural oils as these months of the year already tend to try skin out. So it's time to push the toners to the back of the cabinet.<br /><br /></li> <li><strong>Use a day AND night cream</strong> – As the environment can cause havoc with our skin during winter, using both a targeted day and night cream is very beneficial. For day, you should look for something that a) is light and b) has and SPF of at least 20 - this way you are do eveything you can to protect and perfect your face. When it comes to night creams, look for something that is focussed on repair and nourishing the skin - as your skin will repair as you sleep and a cream with boost this power.  <br /><br /></li> <li><strong>Lip TLC</strong> – I am sure we don't have to mention lipcare twice during winter. Everyone has fallen victim to chapped lips from time to time. Interestingly this is becuase, our lips don't have their own oil glands. We can go past pawpaw ointment.</li> </ol></ol> <p> </p>

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Perfect your complexion in one step

<p>Perfect skin? It’s possible. Snap up one of these brilliant blur creams, and it’s yours in seconds.</p><p><strong>What are blur creams?</strong> They’re creams that deliver instant flawless skin. Basically, blur creams tone down minor textural flaws in your skin. They instantly minimise the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, open pores, and irregular skin texture.</p><p><strong>So they’re concealers?</strong><br> Not quite. They don’t offer coverage in the same way a concealer does. Rather, they simply blur over imperfections and tone down rough texture, delivering the appearance of a more even complexion.<br> <br> Where do I use them? Anywhere you have a flaw that you want to instantly blur away - your face, neck, décolletage, and the backs of your hands. If you are looking for pore reducing effects, smooth the cream over centre of the face, leading out to the cheeks. There is typically more oil flow here, and the pores tend to be larger.<br> <br> To tone down any scarring, like an old chicken pox or acne scar, simply blend it over the area prior to applying make-up.&nbsp; It will tone down the texture of the scar and create a smooth surface for the light to bounce off. Blur creams also work brilliantly to soften the appearance of any fine lines around the eyes or mouth, and there are even ones with light reflecting properties, which restores radiance to fatigued skin.</p><p>Finally, they tend to be mattifying, so they are really great for anyone who experiences shine or oil-flow along the T-Zone.</p><p><strong>How do I use them?<br></strong>Do your usual skin care routine and then use your blur cream like a primer. It is your first tool in building up a flawless complexion.</p><p>You can either apply a thin layer over your entire face, or blend strategically into problem areas using the pad of your ring finger. Then just go ahead with the rest of your make-up.<br> <br><strong>Hint:</strong> Throw your blur cream in your handbag, or gym bag, and touch ups throughout the day - Blur creams can be used either under or over your make-up.</p><p><em><strong>BLUR CREAMS WE LOVE</strong></em></p><p><strong>Indeed laboratories Nanoblur, $29.99</strong><br>This was the first blur cream on the market and it was so successful that it created an entirely new skin care category.&nbsp; It contains micro-prisms that minimise the appearance of pores, reducing lines, textural damage and unwanted pigmentation.</p><p><strong>Garnier Perfect Blur Smoothing Base Perfector, $16.95</strong><br> This uses pearlised light reflectors that reflect light in random directions, to banish the signs of sleepless nights or stress.</p><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>L’Oreal Paris Revitalift Magic Blur, $24.95</strong></span><br>An instant skin smoother that features a combination of light-reflecting pigments and smoothing polymers to even out the skin’s surface.&nbsp;</p><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Lancôme Visionnaire 1Minute Blur, $60</strong></span><br>This dulls down texture irregularities, softens the appearance of fine lines and open pores, smooths out uneven skin tone and ups the radiance in your skin.&nbsp;</p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Clarins Instant Smooth Perfecting Touch, $38</span><br></strong>This softens the appearance of open pores and lines, giving you a beautifully smooth complexion. It’s also oil-free, so eradicates through-the-day shine.&nbsp;</p><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Kiehl’s Micro-Blur Skin Protector, $47</strong></span><br> Together with light reflectors, which deliver a soft focus effect, this contains some serious skin care ingredients – think Lipo Hydroxy Acids (LHAs) and lentil extracts, which refine skin’s texture, soften the appearance of lines and reduce the appearance of pores.</p>

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