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Life after the kids leave: Navigating changes and embracing empty nest syndrome

<p>As your children grow up and go to college, you dread the day they will leave your nest. When they finally leave, it is natural to feel empty and miss the familiar echoes of laughter around the dinner table. While feeling a sense of loss is natural for every parent, it shouldn’t linger. When the feeling lingers, it becomes the empty nest syndrome.</p> <h2>What Is Empty Nest Syndrome?</h2> <p>Empty nest syndrome is an emotional phase and a sense of loss that parents experience when children leave home. Your children becoming adults and leaving your nest symbolises the end of active parenting responsibilities. Since you are uncertain about what to do with the free time on your hands, you may experience a loss of identity and purpose. You have fewer chores and miss your children.</p> <p>When you have empty nest syndrome, you experience a mix of emotions. You may feel lonely and sad in an empty house. The feeling lasts a few days or weeks, but for others, it is intense and may stir up anxiety. If you have empty nest syndrome, you may feel a sense of redundancy and persistent sadness. With no more school runs and daily involvement in your kids’ lives, it’s easy to feel redundant in their lives, leaving you with a lingering sadness and restlessness.</p> <h2>How to Deal with Empty Nest Syndrome</h2> <p>If you are experiencing empty nest syndrome, you can take the following steps to live a fulfilling life:</p> <p><strong>Set New Goals</strong></p> <p>The sudden quietness that comes with children leaving the house can be jarring. However, in the silence awaits a new chapter of your life that starts with you setting new goals. Think about what you want to learn or try out, and write down the steps you need to get there. Whether it is travelling the world or picking up a new hobby, you can achieve self-fulfilment.</p> <p><strong>Identify New Ways to Strengthen Family Bonds</strong></p> <p>You need to redefine your relationships with your children and partner. Your parenting role takes centre stage in your life. As the nest empties, you have a chance to nurture the bond with your partner. Discover each other's aspirations and dreams. You can travel the world together or find new hobbies as a couple. You also need to redefine your bond with your children. Understand that the relationship with your adult children is evolving. Stay connected to your kids, but ensure they have their independence.</p> <p><strong>Adapt Your Cooking Style for Two</strong></p> <p>When you have children at home, you cook for a large family, and you are always excited to prepare the next meal. As your children move out, you have to transition to cooking in a smaller household. Downsizing meals can be challenging when you are used to preparing a large pot of food. Portioning meals to avoid cooking excess food will be challenging at first. However, you can find meal kits from meal delivery services, such as <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">HelloFresh</a>, that offer meal kits for two. Most meal delivery services send pre-portioned ingredients to prevent food waste.</p> <h2>Discovering New Hobbies to Bring Joy and Fulfilment</h2> <p>Reduce your empty nest symptoms by finding new, exciting activities. Having new hobbies gives you a sense of fulfilment and takes up your time. Consider learning new hobbies like gardening, writing or volunteering. Join a club in the community or volunteer programs. It’s a great way to meet new people and fill up your free time with rewarding experiences.</p> <p>Empty nest syndrome is a period of transformation, and it’s important to maintain a positive attitude during this period. You can rediscover yourself and redefine your priorities. If there is a dream you had put on hold, you can pick it up.</p> <p><em>Image: Becca Tapert / Unsplash</em></p> <p><em>This is a sponsored article produced in partnership with HelloFresh.</em></p>

Family & Pets

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Traveller shares hilarious hack to ensure the middle seat on a plane stays empty

<p>There is nothing more joyous than boarding a plane and being seated next to an empty seat, ensuring you have a comfy flight by not being squished in with other travellers. </p> <p>But with this joy can also come sheer disappointment, when you get comfy in your extra space before a last-minute traveller comes to claim the empty seat.</p> <p>To combat the chance of someone robbing you of your space on a cramped plane, one traveller has shared the hilarious lengths he goes to in order to make sure the middle seat on a plane stays empty. </p> <p>The traveller posted the video of his hilarious hack to TikTok, sharing his trick with others to guarantee some extra space every time you fly.</p> <p>He put his arm upright inside a spare hoodie, placing a hat on top of his hand, to make it look like the seat was already occupied – preventing anyone else from taking that spot.</p> <p>The video has since been taken down, but has been reshared by other accounts.</p> <p>Of course, this hack only works on flights that have open seating policies, where passengers choose their own seats once on board, rather than having them assigned.</p> <p>The trick seems to work, with passengers avoiding his row and taking up empty seats elsewhere. </p> <p>Some viewers called the hack "genius" and said they would try it out for themselves next time they travel. </p> <p>However, others were skeptical, wondering how the trick would work if passengers eager to be seated are walking towards the two front on, rather than from behind. </p> <p><em>Image credits: TikTok</em></p>

Travel Tips

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Give your “empties” a new life

<p dir="ltr">In a time when a lot of people are trying to be more eco-conscious, we are often trying to find new ways to make sure items are recycled correctly. </p> <p dir="ltr">While recycling labels can often be confusing and misleading, it is very common for recyclable items to still end up in landfill.</p> <p dir="ltr">When it comes to beauty products, these small plastic containers can often end up in garbage bins, despite being able to be broken down and recycled correctly. </p> <p dir="ltr">Luckily, <a href="">Priceline’s partnership with Terracycle</a> is helping people recycle their “empties” more easily than ever before. </p> <p dir="ltr">As part of the Greener Together recycling program, Priceline stores all over Australia are housing specialised recycling bins for customers to place their “empties” in when they come into a store to stock up on their favourite products. </p> <p dir="ltr">Once stores have sent the empty makeup containers to Priceline’s recycling partner Terracycle, the empties are separated by polymer type, cleaned and then extruded into plastic pellets to make new recycled products.</p> <p dir="ltr">Since the launch of the initiative, Priceline and Terracycle have helped save 3 tonnes of product from ending up in landfill. </p> <p dir="ltr">When customers drop their empties into a recycling box, you can scan the QR code available for Sister Club members to gain 50 Bonus Sister Club points every month when you recycle your makeup empties. </p> <p dir="ltr">Empty items such as glass bottles, pumps, caps, droppers, plastic tubes, bottles, containers, mascara tubes, eyeliners, lip products, and palettes (even ones that include a mirror) can all be recycled in store. </p> <p dir="ltr">There is a list of items that are not accepted into the recycling boxes, such as nail polishes, makeup brushes, wooden makeup pencils, perfumes, aerosols and products that are not empty. </p> <p dir="ltr">So next time you’re heading into a Priceline store to stock up on your favourite beauty products, be sure to bring in your empties to help cut down on landfill and protect Mother Earth. </p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credits: Getty Images / Instagram </em></p>

Beauty & Style

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(H)anger is real: your bad mood and empty stomach are linked

<div class="copy"> <p>Grumpy? Long time between meals? Well now you can cheer up, thanks to a new study validating the link between your cranky mood and grumbly belly – your ‘hanger’ is real.</p> <p>Psychologists studying a group of primarily Austrian, German and Swiss adults have found an association between self-reported hunger, and heightened levels of anger and irritability.</p> <p>Helping people understand their own emotional responses to feelings of hunger could help them better regulate their behaviour, says Anglia Ruskin University professor in social psychology Viren Swami.</p> <p>“Research suggests that being able to label an emotion can help people to regulate it,” says Swami, who was the lead author of the study <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">published</a> in <em>Plos One</em>. “Therefore, greater awareness of being ‘hangry’ could reduce the likelihood that hunger results in negative emotions and behaviours in individuals.”</p> <p>The three-week study monitored 64 participants who submitted five daily reports to researchers via a smartphone app.</p> <p>In each report, participants used a 0–100 scale to evaluate how hungry, irritable and angry they felt.</p> <p>Even when accounting for demographic differences between participants, there was an association between hunger and heightened levels of irritability, anger and reduced feelings of pleasure.</p> <p>It’s the first time the phenomenon has been investigated outside of a laboratory environment and adds to an existing body of research showing that declines in blood glucose levels influences negative emotions.</p> <p>“This ‘hangry’ effect hasn’t been analysed in detail, so we chose a field-based approach where participants were invited to respond to prompts,” explains study co-author Stefan Stieger, professor of psychology at Karl Landsteiner University.</p> <p>“[It gives] a much more complete picture of how people experience the emotional outcomes of hunger in their everyday lives.”</p> <p>The researchers didn’t offer conclusions as to how to mitigate hunger-induced feelings. Reaching for a banana next time you feel cross is probably a safe bet.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em><!-- Start of tracking content syndication. Please do not remove this section as it allows us to keep track of republished articles --> <img id="cosmos-post-tracker" style="opacity: 0; height: 1px!important; width: 1px!important; border: 0!important; position: absolute!important; z-index: -1!important;" src=";title=%28H%29anger+is+real%3A+your+bad+mood+and+empty+stomach+are+linked" width="1" height="1" /> <!-- End of tracking content syndication --></em></div> <div id="contributors"> <p><em>This article was originally published on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> and was written by Matthew Agius. </em></p> </div>


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Why major airlines are flying empty planes

<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In order to keep prized departure and landing times at major airports, some of Europe’s biggest airlines have been forced to fly empty planes. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Europe’s second largest air carrier, Germany-based Lufthansa, reported they had operated over 18,000 “ghost flights” through winter, despite the devastating pollution effects of these flights directly opposing Europe’s climate goals. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg shared news of the “ghost flights” on twitter, adding, “The EU surely is in a climate emergency mode…”</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Due to severely decreased demand for air travel, Lufthansa called for more short-term flexibility on airport time slots. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">“Without this crisis-related flexibility, airlines are forced to fly with planes almost empty, just to secure their slots,” it said. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Still operating in a pre-pandemic mindset, the “use-it-or-lose-it” rule forces airlines to use at least 80% of their allocated slots to keep their flight times. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">These rules ensure major airlines are not able to hog valuable flying times, which boxes out smaller airlines from emerging.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">News of the ghost flights has prompted Stefan De Keersmaecker, a senior spokesperson of the European Commission, to refute these claims online. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Stefan cited data from Eurocontrol which reported the first weeks of traffic in 2022 was at 77% of pre-pandemic rates. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">“In addition to the lower slot use rates, companies may also request a ‘justified non-use exception’ – to not use a slot – if the route cannot be operated because of sanitary measures, e.g. when new variants emerge during the pandemic,” he shared on Twitter.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">“EU rules therefore do not oblige airlines to fly or to keep empty planes in the air. Deciding to operate routes or not is a commercial decision by the airline company and not a result of EU rules.”</span></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Image credits: Getty Images</span></em></p>

Travel Tips

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Why supermarket shelves are emptying – and it's NOT panic buying

<p>Customers across Sydney are being greeted with empty shelves at major supermarkets in what is a flow-on effect of the state’s ongoing coronavirus lockdown.</p> <p>Over the weekend, NSW entered its 11th week of lockdown. Frustrated shoppers at Woolworths, Coles and Aldi Stores in Greater Sydney took to social media to share pictures of depleted, bare shopping aisles.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr"><a href="">@Coles</a> in Katoomba is looking a bit empty 🙁 <a href=""></a></p> — JON DEE ( (@JonDeeOz) <a href="">September 2, 2021</a></blockquote> <p>Fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy and bakery sections all looking a little scarce. However, panic buying isn’t responsible this time around, instead wide spread covid-19 virus is to blame, forcing employees into isolation for an extended period of time.</p> <p><img style="width: 500px; height: 281.25px;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/924413f836c14a31a85d6971cf33811e" /></p> <p><em>Images: supplied by customer</em></p> <p>This has caused serious disruption to supply chains. Woolworths have over 3,300 staff members in self-isolation while Coles has just under 1800 people in quarantine. Aldi has admits self-isolation orders for staff are causing disruptions across their supply chain too.</p> <p>Staff members that remain able to work are stretched thin, causing widespread issues in the supply chain and their ability to stock shelves. All retails involved have assured customers that food remains plentiful – the problem being just getting it into stores.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>

Food & Wine

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Coronavirus could turn cities into doughnuts: empty centres but vibrant suburbs

<div class="grid-ten large-grid-nine grid-last content-body content entry-content instapaper_body inline-promos"> <p>The most COVID-19 lockdowns were accompanied by sobering news from the UK’s high streets. The Arcadia Group, which owns some of the UK’s most iconic high street clothing retail outlets – Topshop, Topman and Dorothy Perkins, among others – has gone<span> </span><a href="">into administration</a>.</p> <p>Meanwhile, the UK’s oldest retail chain, Debenhams, is closing. Around 12,000 people are set to<span> </span><a href="">lose their jobs</a>, on top of 6,500 already lost this year, after efforts to rescue the retailer fell through.</p> <p>All of this comes at the end of a decade that<span> </span><a href="">saw a major decline of British high streets</a>. Since 2007, some<span> </span><a href="">556 retail companies</a><span> </span>have failed, with the closure of almost 39,100 stores and the loss of 468,809 jobs as shoppers move online.</p> <p>These impacts vary geographically. Many of the closures are concentrated in city centres. But beyond the city core, there remains the prospect that smaller town centres and suburban high streets might emerge stronger in 2021 as people learn to love shopping locally again.</p> <p><strong>A downwards trend</strong></p> <p>Long before the pandemic, high street retailers were facing stiff competition from out-of-town shopping centres and, more importantly, online retailing.</p> <p>According to the UK’s<span> </span><a href="">Office for National Statistics</a>, online sales in November 2006 totalled 2.8% of all retail sales. The latest data shows that online sales in October 2020 amounted to 28.1% of total retail sales – but this had already risen to 21.5% in November 2019, before COVID-19 reached the UK.</p> </div> <div class="grid-ten grid-prepend-two large-grid-nine grid-last content-topics topic-list"> <p>The pandemic has exacerbated the downwards slide of high streets. Thousands of the shops closed in March 2020 have not reopened.</p> <p>But there are markedly different patterns from town to town. Local high streets with more convenience shopping, hot food takeaways and other essential businesses have generally performed much better than city centres dominated by department stores and shops selling higher-value items.</p> <p>Take Greater Manchester, for example. Google’s Community Mobility data shows that visitor numbers to retail and recreation spaces in smaller town centres like Bury and Rochdale have recovered faster. In contrast, Manchester city centre has continued to perform much more poorly as commuters continue to work at home and avoid public transport.</p> <p>It may actually be that COVID-19 has encouraged more people to shop locally, and that they have begun to see more value in their local town centres. This raises a fundamental question about the future of city centre retailing.</p> <p>London provides a good example. Now that the first COVID vaccine has been approved by the UK government, central London will undoubtedly eventually return to some of its former vitality, attracting tourists and other visitors to enjoy its eclectic night-time economy, theatres, galleries and museums.</p> <p>But, if more people prefer to work at home and not head into central London from the suburbs, the retail retraction we have witnessed in 2020 will only worsen.</p> <p><strong>Hollow cities</strong></p> <p>Retail and recreation visitor numbers in central London – the City of Westminster and the City of London – have been particularly affected by COVID-19 when compared to the wider city.</p> <p>Overall average daily visitor numbers to retail and recreation spaces within Westminster and the City of London fell by 70.6% and 76.7% respectively between February 15 and November 24 2020. The most recent lockdown, which commenced on November 5, saw retail and recreation visitor numbers fall to 90%-92% below pre-COVID levels.</p> <p>In comparison, overall average retail and recreation visitor numbers in inner London and outer London councils were down by 54.9% and 38.4% respectively. Our mapping of the impact of COVID-19 on visitor journeys to retail and recreation places across London effectively reveals a “doughnut city”: shoppers have abandoned the centre, while suburbs have remained rather more resilient.</p> <p>The future of city centre high streets after COVID-19 is uncertain. One answer would be to suggest the cities will bounce back as vaccinated workers and shoppers return, and that their shopping streets will live on.</p> <p>However, this does not take into account the scars left by COVID-19. Take London’s iconic Oxford Street as an example. Since late March, department store John Lewis has halved the size of its Oxford Street store. House of Fraser, another department store, is to be part-repurposed as offices and a gym. Topshop’s flagship store on the street is at risk of closure.</p> <p>With online retail behemoth Amazon emerging as one of the only winners of COVID-19, we have to be realistic about the future of central London as a shopping hub.</p> <p>Retail rents are declining fast in the West End, and it is likely that prime retail sites will be converted to offices or even homes. The UK government has already loosened planning regulations that permits the conversion of shops to residential uses without planning permission – all part of the drive to solve the housing crisis.</p> <p>We are witnessing a switch in the use of urban space, as people working from home increasingly spend time, and money, outside city centres. The hope is that smaller high streets and those local centres most valued as hubs of community life, not just places of consumption, will witness a renaissance in 2021. The viability of larger centres – Birmingham, Manchester, and especially London – looks to have fundamentally unravelled.</p> <p class="p1"><em>Written by Paul J. Maginn and Philip Hubbard. This article first appeared on <a href="">The Conversation</a>.</em></p> </div>

International Travel

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How captive animals are coping with the sudden emptiness of the world’s zoos and aquariums

<p>More than 700 million people visit zoos and aquariums each year <a href="">worldwide</a>, so human visitors are usually a constant presence for the animals that live there. But the COVID-19 pandemic has forced these places to close to the public, plunging resident animals into an empty silence.</p> <p>Instead, zoos have been opening virtually during the lockdown, allowing people to see behind the closed doors from the comfort of their living rooms. Chester Zoo in the UK hosted an online tour so popular that it “<a href="">broke the internet when it went viral</a>” according to one zookeeper, with hundreds of thousands of people worldwide flocking to the zoo’s Facebook page.</p> <p>Zoo workers have described how animals are greeting the isolation during COVID-19 closures. One zoo in India reported that animals were “<a href="">loving the quiet spell</a>” – foxes were “frolicking around”, the hippopotamus was happily splashing in its pool and even the tigers were enjoying a dip. In other zoos, animals seem to be <a href="">missing people</a>. Twycross Zoo’s curator reported primates looking for zoo visitors, for instance.</p> <p>Some zoo animals are forgetting all about their previous lives, with garden eels at one Japanese aquarium hiding when staff members approached their enclosure. Workers have asked the public to <a href="">make video calls to their eels</a>, to try and prevent them from seeing visitors as a threat when the aquarium reopens. Meanwhile, some animals are enjoying the freedom of daily zoo walks, like the <a href="">penguins at the Shedd Aquarium</a> in Chicago, which were let out to wander the empty halls and look into the other enclosures.</p> <p>Is this reprieve from regular visitors healthy for zoo animals? And how will they respond to people suddenly flooding back once zoos reopen? Researchers and animal charities are worried that our pets will develop <a href="">separation anxiety once their owners return to work</a>. The opposite might happen among zoo animals. Will captive creatures be desperate for the public to return or have they adapted to a slower, quieter life?</p> <p><strong>When zoos reopen</strong></p> <p>As zoos that have closed for months <a href="">reopen their doors</a>, we have an opportunity to study how visitors influence the lives of zoo animals. While we can’t predict the future, previous research on how zoo animals have responded to changes in visitor schedules might give us some idea of what to expect.</p> <p>During the night, zoo animals are used to relative peace and quiet. For many, beyond the odd security warden, there are no visitors. But before COVID-19, some zoos did open their doors outside of normal opening hours, for <a href="">late-night tours</a> and <a href="">overnight camps</a>.</p> <p>Typically, we study animal behaviours to understand how they may be feeling and try to make judgements about their experiences. From that, we can say that zoo animals have tended to show mixed responses to evening events. A <a href="">study</a> at a zoo in Germany found that elephants sought comfort from others in their herd during an evening firework display, but they didn’t retreat into their indoor enclosures. <a href="">Researchers</a> at London Zoo noticed no changes in the behaviour of lions during sunset safaris, on evenings when the zoo was open for visitors until 10pm, compared to their behaviour during normal opening hours.</p> <p>Across the board, changes in the usual routines of zoo animals affect different species in different ways. The quiet caused by vanished visitors might mean more animals performing attention-seeking behaviours to try and interact with visitors more than normal, as keepers have reported chimpanzees doing <a href="">during lockdown</a>, as they reach out towards workers who would usually feed them by hand. It may also cause them to be overly skittish to human visitors when they return, like the garden eels in Japan.</p> <p>This is the longest time many zoo animals will have gone without the public, and zoo staff will have to help them transition back to normal life. Most zoos are planning <a href="">phased reopenings</a> of animal houses to prevent the sudden changes in noise disturbing the animals.</p> <p>Some animals, especially those born during the COVID-19 lockdown, will never have experienced life in the public eye. Many up-close animal encounters <a href="">will have to change</a>, particularly as <a href="">humans can transmit coronaviruses to great apes</a> in captivity.</p> <p>On your next visit, <a href="">be cool, calm and collected</a>. Keepers and other zoo staff will be on hand to guide you, helping enforce social distancing and supporting you on how best to behave around the animals. Your local zoo will need visitors more than ever when they reopen. But remember, zoo animals will be experiencing their own post lockdown fuzz, and, just like you, they may need time to adjust.</p> <p><em>Written by Ellen Williams and Jessica Rendle. Republished with permission of <a href="">The Conversation.</a> </em></p>

Travel Tips

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What to do when the ‘nest won’t empty’

<p>Having adult children living at home may be a mutually beneficial situation for many of us, but for others it can present real difficulties that threaten relationships and make life unpleasant. This is can be a genuine issue for many of us who are approaching or are in retirement</p> <p><strong><em>What exactly is a KIPPER?</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Kids in Parents’ Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings</em></strong></p> <p>Of course, you never stop being a parent and it is important to be supportive when one of your children, or a member of your family genuinely needs your help.</p> <p>It can be difficult when financial problems or job loss may have led your adult offspring back to your doorstep, or a relationship breakdown may see them suddenly without a home to go to. In some cases they may never have left home in the first place or may be ‘boomerang’ kids who return home several times. Negotiating this situation to ensure you are all ok and your relationship survives the experience is paramount.</p> <p><strong><em>What are Boomerang kids? </em></strong></p> <p><strong><em> Children who leave home and return several times</em></strong></p> <p>Whatever the reason, it can be an awkward situation if the negatives start outweighing the positives and you still love them (but secretly are ready for them to move out).</p> <p>Of course it is natural to want to provide refuge if your own flesh and blood is in a time of crisis, but setting the boundaries and expectations for how the arrangement will work and how long it will last is often something that is left open ended and without any discussion or agreement. This can lead to tension and misunderstanding and may be ultimately detrimental to both the host and the guest.</p> <p>The situation may even escalate to the point where an adult child is unfairly taking advantage of the hospitality without any financial contribution or even a willingness to help around the home. In extreme cases there may be veiled hostility, lack of respect or even abuse involved.</p> <p>So does a parent in this situation go about administering ‘tough love’ when things go off the rails?</p> <p><strong><em>If it costs you roughly $150 extra each week to have an adult child living at home that adds up to a whopping $7,800 per year!</em></strong></p> <p><strong>Realising that it’s OK to say “no”</strong><br />Technically speaking, once children reach adulthood then the parent no longer has an obligation to care for them. Of course in reality it would be unnatural to suddenly give up any sense of care about the relationship, but in the end it is a parent’s right to say whether their child should live with them or not.</p> <p><strong>Setting the ground rules</strong><br />If a decision is made that an adult child is to be allowed to stay in the home then it is of course preferable if some ground rules can be set out in advance. Prevention is always better than cure. It might sound harsh at first, but a written agreement that both parties commit to is completely appropriate.</p> <p>It will provide the clarity that is so vital to the arrangement being workable and it eliminates assumptions, misconceptions and misunderstanding that may occur down the track.</p> <p><strong><em>31% of people aged 20–34 have left home and returned </em></strong></p> <p>Such an agreement should outline the limitations and expectations, including these top 5 tips:</p> <p>1. The length of stay and what they need to contribute financially during that time (e.g. contribution for rent, food and utilities).</p> <p>2. The expectations on domestic duties, such as cleaning, cooking and laundry.</p> <p>3. What happens if something breaks? Will they be allowed to use your car and if so, will their name be added to your car insurance policy?</p> <p>4. Lifestyle issues, such as rules around friends, dates or visiting partners; cooking, smoking, drinking and music.</p> <p>5. The consequences of the agreement being broken, such as how much notice is provided for them to vacate.</p> <p>It may seem heavy handed to have a formalised and signed agreement, but it can actually help the relationship on both sides by identifying the practical issues and dealing with them in a cool and objective way, rather than leaving them to chance. It may well be the case that the child has not even considered such issues and they may even appreciate that their contribution to the arrangement has been spelled out.</p> <p>Of course, you never stop being a parent and it is important to be supportive when one of your children genuinely needs your help</p> <p><strong>What if you want them to leave?</strong><br />The bottom line is that it always remains the parent’s right to invite a family member in or ask them to leave. It is also valid for a parent to change their mind and ask someone to leave, even if they had invited them in the first place.</p> <p>Of course it is one thing to know your rights and another to actually take the sometimes difficult step of asking an adult child to leave if co-habitation becomes unworkable. Once a person decides that there is no alternative but to ask the child to leave, then it needs to be done very carefully. Making such a request in the heat of an argument or when one of the parties is not fully attentive will be counterproductive.</p> <p>The best idea is to set aside a specific time to talk when things are calm and without distraction. The request should be made directly and firmly but with calm composure and free from aggression or emotion. A specific and reasonable time frame should be stated and a commitment sought, so that there are no ambiguities or misunderstandings.</p> <p><strong>Mediation is the next step</strong><br />If talking directly with the child does not bring a resolution, then the next step may be to seek independent dispute resolution, which can be provided through various state and territory government agencies. Such services go under different names in each state, such as “Family Dispute Unit”, “Community Justice Centre” or “Mediation Service”.</p> <p>These services offer a great alternative to resolve issues without going to court, if both parties voluntarily choose to attend. They do not provide legally binding rulings or orders, but are designed to help negotiate an agreement in good faith in a safe, neutral and non-biased environment.</p> <p><strong>Legal action is a last resort</strong><br />If mediation does not produce a result then the parent may need to resort to legal action against the child. This may take various forms, depending on the severity and nature of the situation. For example, is the child a tenant, a boarder or a lodger? Have they made threats against the parent? Has any actual harm been perpetrated?</p> <p>The variety of possibilities means that legal advice needs to be sought to determine the best course of action.</p> <p>Once a matter goes to court then a ruling can be applied if your case is successful, such as an 'exclusion order' requiring the child to move out of the home and prohibit them from approaching the property.</p> <p><strong>Acting early can make all the difference</strong><br />As with any family situation, clear and calm communication is the key to success. A little forward planning can eliminate a lot of pain in the future, so taking the time and effort to set up a written agreement is well worth it.</p> <p>It may be difficult or embarrassing to talk about with friends or family about how you are financially supporting an adult child over an extended period of time. However, there is help at hand. If you find the thought of confronting your adult child too traumatic then consider speaking to a psychologist to help you through the process. To find a local psychologist speak to your GP and visit <a href=""></a></p>


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Google Maps fail leads nearly 100 drivers to an empty field

<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Nearly 100 Colorado drivers were misled by Google Maps last week as a car crash on the road leading to Denver International Airport caused the app to provide people with a detour.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In a rush to get to the airport on time for their flights, many went via a narrow dirt road suggested by the app.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">According to </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">CNN</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, cars began sliding down the dirt road, which turned into a muddy mess.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Some cars got stuck, which caused a traffic jam.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">“There were a bunch of other cars going down (the dirt road) too, so I said, ‘I guess it’s OK.’ It was not OK,” one driver, Connie Monsees, told </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">CNN</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Once you were on the dirt road, there was nowhere to make a U-turn.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">“The question is, why did Google send us out there to begin with? There was no turning back once you were out there,” Connie said.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">She ended up with a semi-damaged vehicle and two extra passengers, as she kindly offered two others a lift to the airport.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Google Maps addressed the situation in a statement to </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">ABC News</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">:</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">“We take many factors into account when determining driving routes, including the size of the road and the directness of the route.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">“While we always work to provide the best directions, issues can arise due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather. We encourage all drivers to follow local laws, stay attentive, and use their best judgment while driving.” </span></p>

Travel Trouble

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Why you shouldn't throw away empty prepaid cards

<p><span>You may come into possession of a prepaid debit card through many different ways – perhaps you purchased it to keep your transactions secure and under control, or maybe it had been gifted to you. No matter how you use it, you might want to keep the card even after the balance is completely spent.</span></p> <p><span>Many people often would simply choose to declutter their wallet and throw out the card as soon as it is emptied out of instinct. However, it might be worth hanging onto – even when it’s used up, there are some reasons why keeping it may be beneficial or even necessary. Here are some situations where a used-up card may come in handy.</span></p> <p><strong><span>When you need a “dummy”</span></strong></p> <p><span>Many free trial programs require you to give out credit card details, so that you can be charged once the try-out period expires. Instead of putting reminders, you can avoid these unwanted charges by putting in the info of your empty prepaid card. </span></p> <p><strong><span>When you need to get a refund</span></strong></p> <p><span>Looking to get something returned to the store? If you are eligible for a refund or rebate, it often goes directly onto the card. The merchant might not be able to process it otherwise, as many banks have a matched refund policy to prevent fraudulent transactions. So if the card you used to purchase has been thrown away, you may have little luck re-accessing your money.</span></p>

Retirement Income

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Furious customers left empty-handed at Coles and Woolworths

<p>Customers across Australia have been impacted by the pet food shortage across both Coles and Woolworths.</p> <p>Pet owners have been left unable to feed their animals due to Mars Petcare brands no longer being in stock. The brands that are affected include Whiskas, Pedigree and My Dog.</p> <p>A woman who shops at Woolworths in Fentree Gully, 32kms east from Melbourne, explained how she has been impacted by the shortage to <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank"><em>The Herald Sun</em></a>.</p> <p>“It's so annoying that I can't get the brand of dog food that my dog likes. This has been going on for almost two weeks now and it's not good enough,” she explained.</p> <p>Other customers have vented their frustrations on the Woolworths Facebook page.</p> <p><iframe src=";width=500" width="500" height="593" style="border: none; overflow: hidden;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe></p> <p>One customer asked why they’re unable to get pet food in Vincentia, on the South Coast of NSW.</p> <p>The post reads:</p> <p>“Why has Woolies run out of dog food at Vincentia?”</p> <p>Woolworths was quick to respond, explaining that they’ve been experiencing supply shortages.</p> <p>“We have been experiencing supply shortages on some brands in the pet food aisle. Rest assured, we are working hard to get these lines back on shelves and apologise for any inconvenience caused. Thanks.”</p> <p>However, National Union of Workers regional organiser Mark Schmidt has had other ideas. He told radio station <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">KIIS </a>that the lack of product is due to a price rise.</p> <p>"Mars has had a price rise with its product and Woolworths and Coles are trying to get in and get their cut and my understanding is that's why there has been a hold-off," Schmidt explained.</p> <p>"The warehouses are full, so it's not that there's a shortage in the product. It's the fun and games that go with a product price rise."</p> <p>Customers are very annoyed that there’s no definite end date in sight. This was confirmed by another customer, who said:</p> <p>“Where is all the dog and cat food from all of the brands that you stock?? This has been going on for over a week now at Manly West and staff don't have any updates to give other than to say it's happening at all stores and there is no ETA.”</p> <p>Have you been affected by Woolworths and Coles' pet food shortage? Let us know in the comments. </p>

Family & Pets

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Where to eat in Sydney – without emptying your wallet

<p>Sydney is as big a tourist drawcard as Paris and San Francisco. And like those other cities it’s easy to seek a meal near the city’s highlights only to find every other diner is a visitor to the city, too. So where do the locals go?</p> <p>This is not a matter merely of price. Some of the most expensive restaurants in Sydney are good value for money and some of the cheapest are just that for a reason.</p> <p>There are also some restaurants, bars and gelataria that are “flavour of the month/day/week/hour” where the queues never end – certainly not to dine when you want to eat. Here, the WYZA team have asked foodie friends and come up with a range of restaurants in places visitors are likely to go – or should visit.</p> <p>If you are serious about Sydney as a food destination (and that’s reasonable as a travel quest) the best place to start is the Fairfax 2017 Good Food Guide. It has been extended to include bars, cheap eats and cafes. And you’ll probably already have your own favourite foodie website such as Sydney-based Lorraine Elliott’s Not Quite Nigella.</p> <p>The first recommendation from locals was a surprise but it shouldn’t have been. If you are up around the Australian Museum or Hyde Park, consider heading to Sydney institution Beppi’s. Although Beppi Polese is no longer with us, his family-run trattoria in Darlinghurst maintains his standards – as it has since he opened it in 1956. It’s the only restaurant that appeared in both the first and 30th edition of the Good Food Guide. It’s not cheap, but it reflects Sydney’s historical and contemporary Italian dining heritage.</p> <p>At the other end of the timeline, it’s worth wandering past Central Railway down Broadway towards the World Square development then turn left into Kensington Street and the newly opened Spice Alley. Suddenly you feel like you’re in the back streets of Singapore with a wide range of Asia foods available very cheaply from the tiny vendor windows. You might have to battle for a seat but you won’t be waiting long for a very fresh meal.</p> <p>The Royal Botanical Gardens are not only the oldest scientific institution in Australia, but they may be the most beautiful, and the setting on the waterfront of Sydney Harbour is hard to beat. On a sunny day, a walk through the gardens for lunch at the indoor/outdoor Botanic Gardens Restaurant is a great Sydney experience. The food is seriously good (although not cheap) and the surrounds are superb.</p> <p>In Sydney to board a cruise ship? If the ship is too large to fit under the bridge (and most are) you’ll be at the Overseas Passenger Terminal at Circular Quay. You’ll also be next door to Sydney’s best restaurant: Peter Gilmore’s Quay. The chef is a genius and you’ll have to reserve well in advance unless you’re lucky enough to score a cancellation. The restaurant also has unsurpassed views of the Opera House but you may never discover this as your ship is likely to block them out.</p> <p>On the other hand, you may be departing from the new White Bay Terminal across the water in Balmain. If you feel like taking a walk into the suburb from the ship you won’t have far to go to reach Rosso Pomodoro, which serves some of Sydney’s best pizza.</p> <p>If you are visiting the Harbour City, there’s a good chance that you’ll end up at Bondi Beach at some time. The iconic Sydney landmark has a lot of food options but one that’s recommended by several locals is the vast China Diner that has offerings from across Asia, not just its namesake.</p> <p>Joining the commuters for the obligatory trip on the ferry to Manly? Make sure you walk down the Corso to the surf at the ocean beach. Try Chica Bonita a self-described hole-in-the-wall on the Corso for an affordable meal. Burritos, soft tacos and margaritas are the order of the day.</p> <p>The once working-class terraces of Paddington have been gentrified to the max so you’ll now find galleries and designer fashion aplenty in the area. Highly recommended at Five Ways is Mr T Vietnamese an offshoot of the Waterloo Restaurant of the same name.</p> <p>Kings Cross is more mellow than its raunchy past but it’s still a drawcard for both locals and travellers. If you want to watch the remarkable passing parade, head to the perennial Tropicana Caffe on Victoria St where the day begins with a healthy recovery breakfast (served from 5am) with good coffee and juice.</p> <p>Chinatown has so many food options that you can be numbed into indecision. My recommendation is BBQ King – and ignore your Sydney friends who say it’s closed. Yes, in 2015 the Chau family did close the restaurant that had adorned Goulburn St with formica tables and great Peking duck dishes since 1983. But it rose again (can a duck rise like a phoenix?) in 2016 around the corner at 76-78 Liverpool St. The duck and suckling pig are as good as ever.</p> <p>If you’re in the middle of the city when you need to eat, venture into Indu, a very attractive Indian basement restaurant at 350 George St, if you can find it. The virtually unmarked entrance is off Angel Place. It’s not as expensive as the décor would suggest and the creative menu is inspired and good value.</p> <p>Over at The Star you’ll find David Chang’s two-hatted Momofuku Seiōbo where the New York chef reveals how good Asian fusion can be. Before you leave you need to venture down to Adriano Zumbo at The Star for takeaway to challenge your tastebuds with his remarkable macarons. If you don’t make it to The Star you’ll find he has a store in the Queen Victoria Building (and another in Balmain), too.</p> <p>Who knows when you’ll next be in Sydney so why not splurge for the ultimate Sydney dining experience? You don’t have to move far from Circular Quay. Quay’s Peter Gilmore is also the chef for Bennelong Restaurant in the Opera House. It’s an iconic venue matched by wonderful food. Not far away, Matt Moran’s newly refurbished Aria Restaurant presents elegant Australian cuisine overlooking the harbour.</p> <p>Finally, what about a meal with a bird’s eye view of Sydney? When I really want to show visitors what’s special about my city I take them to the Shangri-la Hotel’s Altitude Restaurant. The trick is to arrive early enough for a drink in the adjoining Blu Bar before moving on to your table. From 36 floors above The Rocks – and with floor-to-ceiling windows - the views of the bridge, the Opera House and the harbour are sublime. The food is very good with service to match so it all combines into a great dining experience in the Emerald City.</p> <p>Have you got a special place to eat in Sydney? Share your recommendations here.</p> <p><em>Written by David McGonigal. Republished with permission of <a href=""></a>.</em></p>

Travel Tips

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Customers outraged after Australia Post fails to empty post box for 5 months

<p>Australia Post has been forced to apologise after outrage customers discovered their local post box had not been emptied in five months.</p> <p>The box, located in Beechworth, Victoria, had not been opened since October 2017. When it was finally emptied, it was “full to the brim” with bills, letters, Christmas cards and even same-sex marriage survey responses.</p> <p>The mistake was discovered by Beechworth’s Plumbing Plus after many customers with overdue bills complained they had never even received their invoices.</p> <p><img width="500" height="375" src="" alt="29216528_1752180281507741_3581840860431515648_o" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"/></p> <p>“Beechworth’s Plumbing Plus wish to advise our account customers, who receive their invoices and statements by mail, that unfortunately we have discovered that the post box on Junction Rd, a few metres from our front door, had not been cleared since October,” owner Joanne Westra wrote.</p> <p>“We had noticed that some of our customers had fallen behind in their payments. At the same time we had started to get an increasing number of customers saying that they had not received their monthly statements. It did take us 5 months of posting at Junction Rd to finally figure this out. We sincerely apologise to our customers for the inconvenience that this has caused.</p> <p>“We are also concerned about other local people in the Junction Rd area who had posted items in this box as it was full to the brim with items including Christmas cards, bill payments, personal letters, etc.</p> <p>“Australia Post have apologised to us for their mistake. Regular clearing of this box has now resumed.”</p> <p>Westra told <a href="" target="_blank"><em><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">The Border Mail</span></strong></em></a> that Australia Post had offered her compensation, but that it was unsatisfactory. “All I’ll say is $50 in compensation and two boxes of stamps isn’t much,” she said.</p> <p>“We realised because we couldn’t fit our post in there anymore, it was filled to the brim.</p> <p>“We’re also aware of Christmas cards, birthday cards and a large cheque an elderly man sent to pay for hay bales that was never received.”</p> <p>A spokesperson for Australia Post said they apologise “wholeheartedly” for the error.</p> <p>“We can confirm all mail has now been delivered with a letter of explanation and an apology.</p> <p>“This is an isolated incident that occurred when the collection route was handed over to a different team.”</p>


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Are there any benefits to exercising on an empty stomach?

<p>The idea of working out without any food in your belly seems to make logical sense. With no energy to burn off, surely you'll be attacking your fat stores when you exercise on an empty stomach, right?</p> <p>It terms of the science, it's a debated subject with no clear answer.</p> <p>The Japanese have long-followed a ritual of drinking water on an empty stomach for its health benefits; something that has now trended to the West.</p> <p>Supposedly, when you down several glasses of water on an empty tummy – and then don't eat anything for the following hour or so – you'll flush out the toxins via your lymphatic system, helping increase the production of new muscle and blood cells and up your overall immune function.</p> <p>It's also thought to stimulate your bowels for regularity, improve your metabolism for the day ahead, help with heartburn, the kidneys, and bladder infections, and even give you better skin, hair, and nails.</p> <p>If this all sounds like something you'd hear in a TV commercial at 3am, it's because it is as sketchy as it sounds. There's no good research out there to link the empty stomach/water consumption theory. Drinking lots of water (in general) does come with health benefits, but there's no solid proof that you need to have a bare belly to receive them.</p> <p>The question or whether or not it's a good idea to exercise on an empty stomach is a contentious one. Numerous studies do show that it's beneficial for weight loss.</p> <p>Overweight people seem to respond better in terms of weight loss when it comes to working out on empty. A <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">University of Bath study</a></strong></span>, for example, found that a one-hour walk with no food in your stomach activates metabolism genes to increase the rate at which stored fat burns, in comparison to those who did the walk after a carbohydrate-laden breakfast. Fit people also <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">see similar, but smaller, benefits</a></strong></span>.</p> <p>However, other studies – like this one from the <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition</a></strong></span> – show that people lose approximately the same amount of weight during a one-hour exercise regimen whether they have any empty stomach or not.</p> <p>This brings up the "fed versus fasted" debate. Some interesting studies have been done on fasting (i.e. not eating for 8-12 hours) to see how it changes the body's metabolic parameters of the body change. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">This interesting research</a></strong></span> by University of Sfax, Tunisia and New Zealand's Massey University looked at physically-fit men during Ramadan and found both their body weight and their body fat percentage dropped when they exercised during a fast, as opposed to those who ate before working out.</p> <p>This empty stomach approach has its downsides though. Naturally, eating before exercise gives you energy to complete the work-out. Many people struggle to push hard if they are on an empty stomach, which would mean <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">less physical exertion</a></strong></span>, and less calories burned in a session. Moreover, a study in <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Appetite</a></strong></span> journal found that those who exercised on a full stomach had less urge to eat more food later. That is, when you exercising while starving and then need to quickly fuel your body when you're finished sweating it out, you may be so famished that you eat far more than you need to. The result? Excess calorie consumption.</p> <p>Although not eating makes some people irritable, there's some good evidence to show that it can make you more productive. According to researchers from <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Yale University</a></strong></span> and the <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">British Neuroscience Association</a></strong></span>, the stomach hormone that stimulates hunger when you have an empty stomach also promotes new brain cell growth. It's said that this process makes you feel sharper by enhancing cognitive processes, while also enabling the brain to better retain new memories.</p> <p>With all this said, whether or not you can happily go about a portion of your day on an empty stomach is up to the individual. A lot of people feel lighter and more alert when slightly hungry, others have no energy at all and cannot concentrate. The jury remains out on whether or not exercise results are increased on an empty stomach, so it's up to you to find out what works best for your own system.</p> <p><em>Written by Lee Suckling. Republished with permission of <a href="" target="_blank"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span></strong></a>.</em></p>


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6 ways to use your empty garage to earn money

<p><em><strong>Amelie Mahone is a loving wife and a mother of three. She loves to read about history and write articles on various topics, such as: business, education, history and teaching. In this piece, she explains how you can use an empty garage to earn money.</strong></em></p> <p>If you have an empty garage full of junk that’s gathering dust, you may be ignoring an asset that could make you some money.</p> <p>The sharing economy is growing substantially. This collaborative consumption is helping small businesses to save money and individuals to make the most of their resources. Online communities are forming and allowing people to share their assets for a profit. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href=";c=apac_au_over60" target="_blank">Airbnb</a></strong></span> is a prime example of the kind of websites cropping up to help pair renters with rentees.</p> <p>This all means that it’s easier than ever to turn empty space into a money spinner. And with a space as big as a garage there are lots of options to choose from.</p> <p>So how can you make use of your empty garage?</p> <p><strong>1. Rent it as a parking space</strong></p> <p>If you don’t need your garage for your own car and the space is easily accessed from the road, you could choose to rent it as a long term parking space to someone who commutes to your area. You could also offer short term rentals, particularly if you live near a city centre, a sports stadium or event venue. Parking space in many cities is at a premium so take advantage and advertise your empty space.   </p> <p><strong>2. Rent it as storage space</strong></p> <p>You’ll probably have less coming and going from your property if you rent out your garage as storage space. Whether they’re off travelling or being seconded to another city, people regularly search for storage space when they’re in between accommodation. There are many companies that can help you to market your space and find people looking for a place to keep their stuff.</p> <p><strong>3. Turn it into a workshop</strong></p> <p>If you have the means to invest a little into your garage, you could transform it into a workshop space fit for an artist, a repairman or a tradesperson. Getting one long term let or lots of shorter ones will give you a decent income. </p> <p><strong>4. Have a garage sale</strong></p> <p>Gather all of the bits and bobs you don’t use from around the house and <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">set up a stall in your garage</a></strong></span>. Put a sign out at the front of your house to tell passers-by that you’re there. Get a money box with change and some tables on which to display your wares. You’ll get rid of lots of old junk and make some money in the process.</p> <p><strong>5. Rent it as a pop up venue</strong></p> <p>Many small independent businesses are choosing not to rent or purchase their own premises. Instead these companies are creating so called pop-up events in original spaces, avoiding the commitment of a long term let. Depending on the location of your garage, businesses and entrepreneurs may be interested in renting your space for a pop-up vintage clothes shop or a pop-up art exhibition.</p> <p><strong>6. Turn it into your own business space</strong></p> <p>If you have an eye for antiques or are handy with electrical appliances, you could start your own business from home, using your garage as storage or work space. Keep stock in the garage or kit the space out as a workshop. You may also be able to get some tax benefits for using your home as a workspace. </p> <p>It’s always worth checking with local authorities and your mortgage provider before you make any big changes to the way you use your property. However, all being well, there are plenty of ways to make money from your empty garage space. With the right online presence and the right space, the possibilities are endless.   </p> <p>Do you have empty garage space? If so, what do you use it for?</p> <p><em>Written by Amalie Mahone.</em></p>

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