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Australia’s gender pay gap has hit a record low – but we still have work to do

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Leonora Risse</a>, <a href="">University of Canberra</a></em></p> <p>Australia’s gender pay gap – a key measure of economic inequality between men and women – has fallen to a record low of 11.5%.</p> <p>That’s down from 13% this time last year, the steepest annual fall since 2016. Ten years ago, it was almost 19%.</p> <p>The latest figures are great news for our economy and our society – evidence we’re getting better at recognising and fairly valuing women’s capabilities and contributions.</p> <p>More opportunities are now open to women in the workforce, helping them gain and retire with greater financial independence than in previous decades.</p> <p>But national averages don’t tell the whole story. While gender pay gaps have fallen in some industries, they’ve also been rising in others.</p> <p>Today, August 19, is <a href="">equal pay day</a>. This marks the 50 extra days past the end of the last financial year that Australian women would need to work for their earnings to match those of their male colleagues.</p> <p>This offers us a timely opportunity to reflect on what exactly has driven this year’s improvement – and where we still have work to do.</p> <h2>Women’s earnings picking up pace</h2> <p>We calculate the gender pay gap by comparing the average weekly ordinary-time, full-time <a href="">earnings</a> for men and women.</p> <p>In dollar terms, women are now earning $231.50, or 11.5%, less than men, on average, in their weekly full-time pay packet.</p> <hr /> <p><iframe id="HwwJ5" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: 0;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <hr /> <p>The recent narrowing is being driven by women’s average earnings growth picking up pace. This contrasts with <a href="">earlier periods</a> in which the narrowing of the gap tended to be due to a slowdown in the growth of men’s earnings.</p> <hr /> <p><iframe id="R7uFE" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: 0;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <hr /> <h2>What’s behind the improvement?</h2> <p>While changes in the gender pay gap reflect a range of economy-wide factors, the Albanese government has been quick to attribute the recent fall to the various <a href="">targeted actions</a> it has taken since coming to office.</p> <p>Let’s look at whether and how these actions have played a role.</p> <p>First, the government sought to make wage information more transparent. It <a href="">banned pay secrecy clauses</a> and now requires the gender pay gaps of all large companies in Australia to be <a href="">publicly reported</a>.</p> <p>These reforms took effect from 2023, targeting private companies. The gender pay gap in the private sector, though higher to begin with, has fallen more swiftly than that of the public sector, suggesting these actions have had an effect.</p> <hr /> <p><iframe id="ZKMdm" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: 0;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <hr /> <p>Second, the government targeted gender-patterned biases in industrial relations – including the <a href="">legacy effects</a> of past decisions – and instilled gender equity as a new objective of Australia’s Fair Work Act.</p> <p>The Fair Work Commission is now required to take gender equity into account in its wage deliberations, including its <a href="">minimum wage decision</a>.</p> <p>The government also introduced multi-employer bargaining in an attempt to strengthen workers’ bargaining capacity in female-concentrated sectors.</p> <p>The effects of these changes will continue to flow across the workforce as the Fair Work Commission undertakes its review of modern awards, prioritising those affecting <a href="">female-concentrated industries</a>.</p> <figure class="align-right zoomable"><figcaption></figcaption></figure> <p>And third, further addressing the historical undervaluation of “women’s work”, the government directly addressed low pay in female-concentrated sectors by supporting a pay rise for <a href="">aged care workers</a>.</p> <p>Targeting the low pay and under-valuation of an industry that is about 87% female helped fuel the downward momentum in the overall gender pay gap.</p> <p>The government’s recently announced pay rise for <a href="">early childhood education and care workers</a> – a workforce that is around 95% female – will also target gender patterns in low pay once they come into effect.</p> <p>These government actions have been essential for undoing the gender biases embedded in existing systems. And they have complemented other initiatives that have taken effect in the past year, such as the <a href="">Respect At Work Act</a>, requiring employers to proactively stamp out sexual harassment.</p> <p>But there is still a way to go to keep closing the gender gaps across all parts of the workforce.</p> <h2>Falling in some industries, rising in others</h2> <p>Breaking down the gender pay gap in earnings by sector paints a more varied picture.</p> <p>In industries like construction, public administration and safety, and retail trade, it has fallen notably over the past two years.</p> <hr /> <p><iframe id="poLND" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: 0;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <hr /> <p>But it remains high in industries like healthcare and social assistance, at over 20%, and finance and insurance at 18%.</p> <hr /> <p><iframe id="6cLnT" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: 0;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <hr /> <p>In some industries, the gap has actually increased over the past two years. In arts and recreation services, as well as electricity, gas, waste and water services, it’s been continually rising.</p> <hr /> <p><iframe id="M8fve" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: 0;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <hr /> <h2>That could reflect a bigger shift</h2> <p>It’s important to interpret these figures carefully. In some instances, a widening of the gender pay gap can reflect a positive shift in an industry’s makeup, if it reflects more women joining a male-dominated sector at entry level, and growing a pipeline of senior women for the future.</p> <p>That’s why the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) gives organisations a chance to explain these dynamics in their <a href="">employer statements</a>, which are published on the WGEA website alongside organisations’ gender pay gaps.</p> <p>Over time, the entry of more women at the junior level can flow through to more gender balance as these women progress to senior and decision-making roles.</p> <p>The real test will be to ensure – by fostering more gender equitable, inclusive and respectful work cultures and systems – that they do.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. 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Money & Banking

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Sacked Olympic commentator hits back at "massive overreaction"

<p>Fired Olympics commentator Bob Ballad has hit back at the "massive overreaction" to the sexist comments he made about the Aussie swim team that cost him his job at the Paris Games. </p> <p>Ballard was <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">sacked</a> by EuroSport after making a sexist remark about Australia's female swimmers after their gold medal win in the 4x100m freestyle. </p> <p>After the win, the former BBC commentator said, "Well, the women just finishing up. You know what women are like… hanging around, doing their make-up.”</p> <p>Ballard’s co-commentator Lizzie Simmonds laughed at the remark, calling it "outrageous".</p> <p>The commentator was then sacked from the Games, issuing an apology statement online, saying, "It was never my intention to upset or belittle anyone and, if I did, I apologise."</p> <p>However, speaking to British media outlet LBC on Tuesday, Ballard said the public's response to his sexist comments were an "overreaction". </p> <p>He said, "I am overwhelmed by the reaction I’ve had from the British public."</p> <p>"It was a throwaway line - some people might say it’s a bit old-fashioned but it was never meant to offend. It was never meant to upset everybody and I think there’s been a massive overreaction from my employers."</p> <p>"I’m dealing with it as best I can right now."</p> <p>These comments welcomed a fresh wave of backlash, with commenters on social media saying his sacking was the "right message to send" in response to everyday sexism. </p> <p>One person wrote on X, "This sort of “joke” for women is part of the every day, sexist, chipping away we are used to. People (often men, but women too) say it’s harmless but consider very recent news to see how this can contribute to much worse attitudes to women. It was the right message to send."</p> <p>Another person added, "Because even us oldies, who grew up in a different time, know it was inappropriate."</p> <p>After Ballard's comments during the Olympics, his employer EuroSport issued a statement to confirm that he would be let go from his commentating position. </p> <p>"During a segment of Eurosport’s coverage last night, commentator Bob Ballard made an inappropriate comment," EuroSport wrote online. </p> <p>"To that end, he has been removed from our commentary roster with immediate effect."</p> <p><em>Images: Twitter (X) | Paul Kitagaki, Jr/ZUMA Press Wire | Shutterstock</em></p> <p class="text_text__nEn66" style="margin: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0px; font-size: var(--text-lg); line-height: var(--leading-7); word-break: break-word; font-family: system-ui;"> </p>


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Robert Irwin hits back over nasty reports about mum

<p>Robert Irwin has hit back at the nasty comments about his close relationship with mum Terri Irwin. </p> <p>The wildlife conservationist appeared with<em> I’m A Celebrity...</em>  co-star Julia Morris on <em>The Kyle & Jackie O</em> show on Monday morning to discuss their Gold Logie nominations, when Kyle Sandilands expressed his surprise that Terri didn't join Robert in the studio for the interview. </p> <p>“Are you saying that the press reports are inaccurate that everywhere you go, your mother’s there?” Sandilands asked. </p> <p>“I hear it all the time but I don’t believe it’s even true.”</p> <p>Robert laughed and jokingly responded: “Who would’ve thought press reports are inaccurate?” </p> <p>But, co-host Julia Morris was quick to come to his defence. </p> <p>“Can I just address that because it drives me absolutely nuts,” she said on-air.</p> <p>“It takes all my strength not to go onto the internet and go absolutely spare every time [Robert and Terri headlines are] written. All I want you to do is every time you see that written that, you know, ‘Terri hangs around’, I want you to go directly to who’s written that story and know that that person hates their parents.”</p> <p>“If you’ve got parents that are as unbelievably awesome as Terri, and you have a great relationship, you want them to be around at all times,” she added.</p> <p>“If you’re trying to hide stuff from your parents, or your parents are constantly badgering or at you, then you don’t want them around and you can’t get why anyone would want their parents around, you know?” she concluded. </p> <p>Robert then chimed in and explained that people often don't understand his close relationship with his mother, and how they became especially tight as a family following Steve Irwin's death in 2006. </p> <p>“I think loss brings a family together like nothing else. People forget,” he said.</p> <p>“I think when we lost dad, our little tight knit family unit became incredibly tight.”</p> <p>“And we travel with the whole family everywhere most of the time. It’s nice.”</p> <p>This comes after a few <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">trolls</a> criticised his close relationship to his mother during a trip to the US back in May. </p> <p>A few outlets have also suggested that the mother and son are unhealthily attached, but many fans have since defended their close relationship. </p> <p>“People saying why Robert has he’s mum in so many photos. Remember every day is precious. Life is fragile. The Irwin’s like millions of other families have experienced loss on a monumental scale,” one wrote on Instagram. </p> <p><em>Image: The Kyle and Jackie O Show</em></p>

Family & Pets

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Abandoned family hit with huge fine by cruise line

<p>A family of nine has been charged a whopping $13,000 for failing to return to their cruise ship after an excursion in Alaska, leaving them stranded by Norwegian Cruise Lines to find their own way home. </p> <p>The Gault family, from Tulsa in Oklahoma, were travelling with six young kids and a 78-year-old grandmother when they disembarked from the Norwegian Encore in Katchikan, a small town in a string of south Alaskan islands, so they could watch a lumberjack show together.</p> <p>All was going well until they went to board a bus back to the ship, when the local tour operator transporting passengers to and from the vessel miscounted and told the family there was no room and that they had to wait for the next bus. </p> <p>“We see the chaos getting onto the buses. We go to get on the bus and one of the attendees is like, ‘The bus is full, and you know you got to wait for the next bus,’” Joshua Gault told <em>2 News</em>.</p> <p>However, the next bus never came, and as the family found other means to rush back to the port, they arrived to see the ship sailing away with all their belongings, including passports and medications, onboard.</p> <p>“Six kids on board, minor children, and a 78-year-old mother-in-law, all on medication. We all had to quit cold turkey medication these last few days because it was all on the cruise ship,” Mr Gault said.</p> <p>From there, things only got worse for the Gault family, who had already spent about $44,500 on the trip, as they were immediately hit an almost $13,000 charge from the cruise line — $1,400 per passenger — for missing the boat.</p> <p>That fee stemmed from the US Customs and Border Protection’s Passenger Vessel Services Act, which they violated by not visiting a foreign port before they returned to the US, as their itinerary planned.</p> <p>Unable to rejoin the ship in Canada, the family decided to cut their losses and head home, arranging new accommodation and flights, making their costs continue to pile up. </p> <p>After days of travel - which included stops in numerous cities, cancelled flights, and more than one overnight airport stay — the family finally arrived home, feeling strung out, tired, and having picked up Covid along the way.</p> <p>“So yeah, we’re beat down right now. We’re unhealthy and beaten down,” Mr Gault said.</p> <p>The family is still working with the cruise line to rectify the situation, as Cailyn Gault said Norwegian Cruises keeps telling them, "We’re still looking into it, we haven’t forgotten about you."</p> <p>“And I was like, ‘No, we feel like you pretty much forgot about us when you left us in port and told us to go figure it out,’” Ms Gault added.</p> <p>Norwegian Cruise Lines told The Post it has begun the process of refunding the Gaults the nearly $13,000 in fees they were charged, and will reimburse them for all their travel expenses once receipts have been received.</p> <p>The cruise line also said it tried to contact the Gaults after they missed their bus due to “a misstep by a local tour operator,” and when they were unable to reach them, worked with the local port authority to help the family arrange lodging for the night before they were able to make a flight to Seattle the next day.</p> <p>“In addition, these guests will be receiving a pro-rated refund for the two cruise days they missed,” a Norwegian Cruise Line representative said.</p> <p>“As a gesture of goodwill, the company will also be providing each of the nine guests with a Future Cruise Credit in the form of a 20 per cent discount of their cruise fare that can be used towards their next voyage,” Norwegian added.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Facebook</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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Young Aussies hit back at Steve Price for calling them "lazy"

<p>Young Aussies have hit back at Steve Price after being criticised as lazy by the broadcaster. </p> <p>Prince unleashed at younger generations on <em>The Project</em> while they were discussing the campaign for more leave initiated by the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association, which is pushing to increase annual leave to five weeks a year. </p> <p>The union hopes to ease burnout in employees, and Price was not impressed with the calls for extra leave. </p> <p>"We're trying to get productivity up in this country," he said.</p> <p>"So we've got people refusing to go back to the office, working from home in barely washed tracksuit tops and bottoms, three days a week. </p> <p>"And now they want five weeks holiday."</p> <p>Georgie Tunny, a millennial, hit back at the boomer by arguing that the "work culture" has changed, especially among those new to the workforce. </p> <p>"Especially for the younger generations, they see work completely differently," she said.</p> <p>Price interrupted her saying that young Aussies just did not want to "work very hard", to which Tunny replied: "There's been a death of your job as your identity or career."</p> <p>Social media users were quick to back Tunny, and took aim at Price. </p> <p>"Where's the incentive for young people to work hard when working hard won't buy you a house or even afford you basic veggies," one said. </p> <p>"You get what you pay for, and it's not worth it to work hard. There's literally no benefit to working as hard as you can," another added. </p> <p>"When you're priced out of the market, priced out of holidays and priced out of necessities, what motivation is there to care or be productive," another added. </p> <p>Others suggested that employers should "increase wages and introduce bonuses as incentives," to encourage their staff to work harder. </p> <p>"Nobody is interested in working themselves to death for scraps," one person said. </p> <p>"I don't want to work very hard for CEOs to make millions while I'm barley able to afford bread," another said. </p> <p>"Our generation is just sick of working hard to have all the higher ups take the credit and the bag. We know what we're worth," a third added. </p> <p>A recent Productivity Commission report found that Aussies born after 1990 are finding more difficult than previous generations to move up the financial ladder. </p> <p>The report also found that young Aussies are increasingly earning less than their parents did at the same age, with the global financial crisis partially to blame for the weak income growth. </p> <p><em>Images: The Project</em></p>

Money & Banking

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Daughter of former All Black charged over alleged hit and run death

<p>The daughter of former New Zealand All Black has been charged over an alleged hit and run that left a 65-year-old man dead in Auckland. </p> <p>Helena Jade Cribb, the daughter of Ron Cribb, was charged earlier this year after Jason Collins' body was found by a member of the public on O'Brien Rd, Lucas Heights in the early hours of December 7. </p> <p>The 22-year-old previously had a name suppression, which has now lapsed. </p> <p>Earlier this year, Detective Sergeant Ben Bergin said the driver allegedly involved had been identified not long after Collins' death. </p> <p>"A thorough investigation has been underway into the tragic circumstances by the Waitematā CIB and we have reached a point where charges have been filed," Bergin said.</p> <p>Collins has been remembered as a devoted father, husband and friend. </p> <p>"The tragic loss of Jason has left an unfillable void in our hearts," a statement on behalf of his family read. </p> <p>"...his absence is a constant ache, a relentless reminder of what we've lost.</p> <p>"Taken from us too soon, his departure is a profound and senseless blow that we struggle to comprehend.</p> <p>"Each day is a battle against the overwhelming emptiness left in his wake.</p> <p>"We ask for privacy at this time as we continue to grieve."</p> <p>The 22-year-old reportedly faces a charge of operating a vehicle carelessly, causing death while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. </p> <p>She is set to reappear in court in September. </p> <p><em>Image: NZ Police</em></p> <p> </p>


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Tucker Carlson hits back at "stupid" Aussie journalist

<p>The poster boy for conservative America has locked horns with an Aussie journalist in a heated exchange that has gone viral.</p> <p>Tucker Carlson, a former Fox News host in the USA and all round controversial figure, is currently doing the rounds Down Under as a guest of Clive Palmer, and took to the stage to make a speech at the Australian Freedom Conference at the Hyatt Hotel in Canberra on Tuesday. </p> <p>With his signature move being to look for an argument, Carlson found a worthy opponent in AAP Newswire’s Kat Wong, who wasted no time in attempting to get under the 55-year-old’s skin.</p> <p>Wong quizzed Carlson about his controversial immigration views, saying he had “talked” about the “Great Replacement Theory” and how “white Australians, Americans and Europeans” are being replaced by “non-white immigrants”, but Carlson was quick to challenge the question.</p> <p>“Whites are being replaced? I don’t think I said that,” he interjected.</p> <p>“Well, it’s been mentioned on your show 4000 times,” Wong replied.</p> <p>“Really? When did I say that? I said ‘whites’ are being replaced?” he responded.</p> <p>When Wong insisted he had, Carlson challenged her to “cite that”.</p> <p>“I said native-born Americans are being replaced, including blacks,” he continued.</p> <p>“African-Americans have been in the United States, in many cases, for more than 400 years and their concerns are as every bit as real and valid and alive to me as the concerns of white people whose families have been there for 400 years."</p> <p>“I’ve never said that ‘whites’ are being replaced. Not one time and you can’t cite it.”</p> <p>When Wong said “I believe that’s untrue”, Carlson took it up a level.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">Meet the Australian media. <a href=""></a></p> <p>— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) <a href="">June 26, 2024</a></p></blockquote> <p>“We just met, but when our relationship starts with a lie, it makes it tough to be friends,” he said.</p> <p>“You actually can’t cite it because I didn’t say it and I don’t believe it, and I’m telling you that to your face. So, why don’t you just accept me at face value?”</p> <p>Carlson doubled down on his views by calling immigration "immoral", saying governments were negligent by “shifting their concern” to immigrants in order to solve the population growth. </p> <p>“In my view, happy people have children,” he said. “And a functioning economy allows them to do that.”</p> <p>“So you need to fix the economy and fix the culture so the people who want to have kids can,” he continued. “You don’t just go for the quick sugar fix of importing new people. That’s my position and if you think that’s racist, that’s your problem.”</p> <p>Wong replied by saying “I never called you a racist” but it only fired Carlson up more.</p> <p>“But of course, you are suggesting … I must say one of the reasons why people don’t like people like you in the media is that you never say exactly what you mean,” Carlson said.</p> <p>“Your slurs are all by implication. You’re about to tell me the Great Replacement Theory is racist or antisemitic, whatever. I’ve said what I’ve said to you right now like 100 times in public."</p> <p>“I hope to, if I live long enough, to say it 100 more times. I think it’s completely honest and real, not racist or scary. It’s factually true. It’s not a theory, it’s a fact."</p> <p>Carlson then took the fight to the issue of gun control when Wong suggested that it is Americans the same immigration theories that turn to violence and commit mass shootings, to which Carlson quickly rejected as he took aim at Wong.  </p> <p>“Oh god, come on,” Carlson said. “How do they get people this stupid in the media? I guess it doesn’t pay well. Look, I’m sorry, I’ve lived among people like you for too long. I don’t mean to call you stupid, maybe you’re just pretending to be."</p> <p>He clarified his stance by saying, "But I’m totally against violence."</p> <p>But Wong wouldn’t stop her line of questioning, asking “Right, so therefore you support gun control?” </p> <p>“What?! I thought it couldn’t get dumber, but it did,” he said.</p> <p>“No, I don’t support disarming law-abiding people so they can’t defend themselves, so the government has a monopoly on violence. I don’t think so."</p> <p>Before leaving the stage, Carlson took a broad swipe at Australian media, saying, "I got here and the country is so unbelievably beautiful, and the people are so cheerful and funny, and cool, and smart. "</p> <p>“I’m like, ‘your media has got to be better than ours. It can’t just be a bunch of castrated robots reading questions from the boss’."</p> <p>“And then it turns out it’s exactly the same. Maybe even a tiny bit dumber.”</p> <p>A lengthy clip of the tense exchange has since gone viral amongst conservative X users, with <em>Sky News Australia</em> host Rita Panahi chiming in on the discourse. </p> <p>“If you are going to show up and make outrageous claims and try to connect Tucker Carlson to mass killers, then I don’t know, perhaps go to the trouble of citing a source, have a direct quote from the man,” Ms Panahi said.</p> <p>“Otherwise, you are going to look like an absolute fool.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: LUKAS COCH/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock Editorial </em></p> <p style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px 0px 24px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-stretch: inherit; line-height: inherit; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', HelveticaNeue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size-adjust: inherit; font-kerning: inherit; font-variant-alternates: inherit; font-variant-ligatures: inherit; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-variant-position: inherit; font-feature-settings: inherit; font-optical-sizing: inherit; font-variation-settings: inherit; font-size: 18px; vertical-align: baseline;"> </p>


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Lion King at 30: the global hit that Disney didn’t believe in

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Joel Gray</a>, <a href="">Sheffield Hallam University</a></em></p> <p>Thirty years ago audiences were introduced to the epic story of one little lion’s journey to find himself and his family. Little did Disney know what a roaring success the Lion King would be when it was released in 1994. In fact, they fully expected it wouldn’t be.</p> <p>In the 80s and 90s, the movie studio experienced huge hits with the animated films The Little Mermaid (1989) and Beauty and the Beast (1991). This left many of the creatives at the Disney studio keen to <a href="">continue making princess stories</a>. Disney executive and Hollywood stalwart Jeffrey Katzenberg was banking on Pocahontas (1995) to be their next hit.</p> <p>Therefore, the Lion King’s development was undertaken by artists and storytellers who were expected to produce something that would only ever be second best. It’s this underdog feeling that resulted in a hungry and competitive creative team producing this original hit story (it’s <a href="">not a direct retelling of Hamlet</a>, as some might think).</p> <p>Taking heed of its immediate film predecessors, Disney ensured the movie put music at the forefront of its storytelling, teaming up film scorist Hans Zimmer (Rain Man, Gladiator) with lyricist Tim Rice (Aladdin, Jesus Christ Superstar) and acclaimed international pop star Elton John. This combination of talent resulted in a soundtrack that won the film two Oscars in 1995 (<a href="">best score</a> and <a href="">best original song for Can You Feel The Love Tonight?</a>). The songs and music have played a critical role in the cultural and commercial impact of The Lion King. While some elements might change, in nearly every adaptation the songs have remained.</p> <p>The measure of success often used for movies is box office revenue, and the film’s 1994 total was <a href="">US$763 million</a> (£603 million) worldwide. Compare that with Disney’s previous great successes, The Little Mermaid <a href="">US$84 million</a> worldwide and Beauty and the Beast <a href="">US$249 million</a>. Pocahontas, the great hope, also failed to outperform The Lion King bringing in <a href="">US$142 million</a>.</p> <p>Its success spawned direct-to-video sequels, including The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride. In 1997, the film was adapted into a <a href="">musical theatre production</a>, which, as well as touring globally, is a permanent fixture in the West End of London and on Broadway in New York. Then in 2019, Disney released <a href="">a live-action remake</a>. And now, as the original celebrates its 30th anniversary, the prequel, <a href="">Mufasa: The Lion King</a>, will hit cinemas.</p> <figure><iframe src=";start=0" width="440" height="260" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></figure> <p>Disney has cleverly followed the fans with these iterations. The 1997 stage adaptation tapped into the late <a href="">90s resurgence in live musical theatre</a>. Since its debut the musical has received 70 major arts awards, including the 1999 Grammy for best musical show album and the 1999 Laurence Olivier awards for best choreography and best costume design.</p> <p>Then 25 years after the original’s release, Disney decided to remake The Lion King (following other hits such as Beauty and the Beast remake in 2017) – but the social environment had changed. In 2019, the “live action” remake of the movie ensured that this story set in Africa was rightly <a href="">cast with majority Black performers</a>. The cast introduced new names, but also attracted huge stars, including Beyoncé Knowles-Carter who voiced the character Nala.</p> <figure><iframe src=";start=0" width="440" height="260" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></figure> <p>After The Lion King’s early success, Disney’s subsequent movies (including Pocahontas) did not live up to commercial expectations. From the mid-90s, Disney’s dominance at the animated movie box office was overtaken by Pixar and their hits, including Toy Story.</p> <p>Disney experienced inconsistent success until 2010 when they embraced CGI 3D animation as the primary production technique for their movies. This new style was applied to their tried-and-tested format of retelling classic fairytales and placing music at the heart of the storytelling, leading to hits such as Tangled (2010) and Frozen (2013).</p> <p>The Lion King’s enduring success should be a stand-out moment of clarity for Disney: with a focus on good quality animation and solid music storytelling, even the unexpected can become a roaring success.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Joel Gray</a>, Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning, <a href="">Sheffield Hallam University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Walt Disney Pictures </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>


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Aussies hit with "hidden fees" for using common payment method

<p>Millions of Aussies have copped up to $1 billion in "hidden fees" for choosing to use one common payment method. </p> <p>Many are unaware about the secret extra charges that come with using the tap-and-go payment method, as millions of customers use it as the preferred way to pay and go. </p> <p>However, according to financial counsellor Scott Pape, also known as The Barefoot Investor, while tapping your card may be easier, it might not be great for your bank account.</p> <p>“What most people don’t know is that, when they tap, their bank generally defaults that payment through Visa or MasterCard, who pays them a fee — instead of defaulting that payment through the much cheaper bank-owned EFTPOS,” Pape said in his column for the <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-link-type="article-inline">Daily Telegraph</a></em>.</p> <p>While some businesses choose to absorb the cost, others pass it on to the customer as a surcharge, as Pape says, “Talk about a rort.”</p> <p>According to the Royal Bank of Australia (RBA), Visa and Mastercard are generally more expensive for merchants than the EFTPOS network.</p> <p>Payments through EFTPOS are generally about 0.3 per cent of the transaction value, while Debit Mastercard and Visa Debit may cost many some people about 0.5 per cent.</p> <p>Mastercard and Visa credit could cost customers more than 0.75 per cent of the transaction, while American Express card payments are even more, charging merchants 1 to 1.5 per cent.</p> <p>Thankfully, according to Pape, there are ways to avoid paying the extra fees. </p> <p>If your bank card is attached to your smartphone, you can change the default payment setting.</p> <p>“On an iPhone, open ‘Settings’, go to ‘Wallet & Apple Pay’, then tap your debit card,” Pape said.</p> <p>“Then look for ‘Payment Option’. It will generally have ‘MasterCard’ or ‘Visa’ preselected, but instead you should select ‘EFTPOS SAV’.”</p> <p>This is not allowed on all cards, however, and those who use Android will need to check with their bank if a possible solution exists.</p> <div> </div> <p>The other way to avoid paying the surcharges is to just start inserting or swiping your card again.</p> <p>“I know it’s annoying, but if you swipe and insert your card you can choose ‘cheque’ or ‘savings’ and it’ll go through the EFTPOS system, which at the bigger retailers means you’ll be less likely to be charged,” Pape said.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p>

Money & Banking

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Jelena Dokic hits back at body shaming trolls

<p>Jelena Dokic has hit back at body shaming trolls after revealing her dramatic weight loss. </p> <p>The former tennis player revealed that she has lost 20kgs after becoming concerned about her family's health history, and she had a message for online bullies. </p> <p>“It’s not good if you gain weight and it’s not good if you lose weight. It’s not good if you are a size zero, 10 or 18 it seems,” she wrote in the raw Instagram post on Monday. </p> <p>“So you all know I am very open and honest.</p> <p>“Whether I gain weight, lose weight, depressed, feel great, go through the good or the bad, I am always honest about both sides.</p> <p>“So I thought I would just quickly address my recent weight loss because a few people have written to me and also commented.</p> <p>“So, I have lost 20 kilos from my heaviest weight last year.</p> <p>“I had some health issues but also I just wanted to get healthier and fitter and when I turned 40 last year, I really started to think about my family history of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems.</p> <p>“Also, my work has increased dramatically and I needed to be fitter both physically and mentally and have more energy.</p> <p>“I didn’t have enough energy especially mentally to keep up. I needed to eat healthier to achieve that.</p> <p>“So, I didn’t focus on weight so much but just making better choices to feel my best.</p> <p>“With that the weight started coming off.”</p> <p>While she has previously faced people bullying her over her weight gain, she revealed that she's also been copping flak for losing weight, with some shaming her saying that: "I have succumbed to the ‘diet culture’ and don’t represent the plus size people anymore."</p> <p>"Please don’t even go there,” she said. </p> <p>She added that she will always stand up for people no matter their size, especially women. </p> <p>“It was always about not judging, shaming and bullying people no matter what their weight and size is and instead highlighting that kindness is what matters, not our size.</p> <p>“So, while I have lost 20 kilos it changes nothing.</p> <p>“I still want people to value me and others based on whether we are kind and good people.</p> <p>“I will always be proud of myself and not hide or be embarrassed no matter what size I am. And I will always be against body shaming and against valuing people based on their size and weight no matter if I gain or lose some kilos and dress sizes.</p> <p>“Always against body shaming no matter what.”</p> <p>Her post has already received over 45,000 likes and 3,000 comments, with many praising her for speaking up. </p> <p>“Keep well Jelena, don’t listen to the noise, you will never please everyone. Just keep doing the amazing work you do, love your commentary,” wrote one follower. </p> <p><em>Images: Instagram</em></p>


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Victim identified after plane hits deadly turbulence

<p>One man has died and dozens have been left injured after a Singapore Airlines plane encountered deadly turbulence, and was forced to make an emergency landing. </p> <p>The flight was travelling from London to Singapore - a route frequently used to continue on to Australia and New Zealand -  when the plane hit an air pocket while flying over Thailand. </p> <p>The unexpected and extreme turbulence caused the plane to drop over 6,000 feet in a matter of minutes, sending passengers and cabin crew flying around the aircraft. </p> <p>While dozens of people sustained injuries during the terrifying ordeal, authorities said that one elderly man had suffered a heart attack when the turbulence hit and had died onboard. </p> <p>British media named the man as Geoffrey Kitchen, a grandfather and amateur dramatics performer who was on his way to Australia with his wife for a six-week holiday.</p> <p>The 211 passengers - including 56 Australians - and 18 crew on board were diverted to make an emergency landing in Bangkok after the turbulence hit, just a few hours away from their destination. </p> <p>Kittipong Kittikachorn, general manager of Thailand's Suvarnabhumi Airport, confirmed in a press conference that seven passengers were severely injured, and 23 passengers and nine crew members had moderate injuries.</p> <p>Sixteen with less serious injuries received hospital treatment and 14 were treated at the airport.</p> <p>One passenger, Jerry, recalled hitting his head on the overhead lockers when the turbulence hit. </p> <p>"My wife did (hit her head too), some poor people were walking around, ended up doing somersaults," he said, adding that his daughter was also injured and would likely stay in hospital for "a few days".</p> <p>"It was absolutely terrible. And then suddenly it stopped, and it was calm again, and the staff did their best to tend to the injured people." </p> <p>"There were a lot of them, and some of the staff were injured themselves."</p> <p>Another passenger recalled the moment the aircraft had begun “tilting up and there was shaking”. </p> <p>“So I started bracing for what was happening, and very suddenly there was a very dramatic drop,” 28-year-old Dzafran Azmir said.</p> <p>“Everyone seated and not wearing seatbelt was launched immediately into the ceiling."</p> <p>“Some people hit their heads on the baggage cabins overhead and dented it, they hit the places where lights and masks are and broke straight through it.”</p> <p>Singapore Airlines said the nationalities of the passengers were 56 Australians, two Canadians, one German, three Indians, two Indonesians, one from Iceland, four from Ireland, one Israeli, 16 Malaysians, two from Myanmar, 23 from New Zealand, five Filipinos, 41 from Singapore, one South Korean, two Spaniards, 47 from the UK and four from the US.</p> <p>In the hours after the traumatic event, Aviation consultant and pilot Tim Atkinson shared his theory on what caused the “very significant” incident.</p> <p>Atkinson told the BBC that in the increase in air turbulence can be linked to climate change, saying “it’s fairly clear” the Singapore Airlines flight “encountered atmospheric turbulence”.</p> <p>He also noted that the area — called the Intertropical Convergence Zone — is “renowned among pilots, and I dare say passengers, for turbulence”.</p> <p>“Despite abundant caution occasionally, there’s turbulence ahead which can’t be identified, and the unfortunate result of an encounter is injury and, very rarely, fatality,” he said.</p> <p>Mr Atkinson also noted that the larger the aircraft, “the worse the atmospheric perturbation, the disruption in the smoothness of the atmosphere, needs to be to cause major problems”. </p> <p><em>Image credits: Facebook / Twitter</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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E-scooter hit and run victim embraced by Magpies club

<p>In a heartwarming display of community and sportsmanship, the Collingwood AFL club has come together to support a cherished fan, 81-year-old Jessie Hatch, after a distressing e-scooter incident following the Collingwood-Carlton game two weeks ago.</p> <p>Jessie, a lifelong devotee of the Magpies, was leaving the Melbourne Cricket Ground when she was <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">struck by an e-scooter</a> in what she described from the hospital afterwards as "such a cowardly thing".</p> <p>In a touching twist, it was a member of the rival Carlton cheer squad who first rushed to her aid. Reflecting on the incident, Jessie <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">recounted to 9News</a>, "Apparently I passed out and they couldn't get a pulse or a heartbeat and I came around finally with someone screaming my name and telling me to wake up and also my son was so distressed."</p> <p>Jessie's son, Greg, expressed his confidence in his mother’s resilience. "She was born in Carlton - she won't admit that - but she was raised in Collingwood . . . So they build them a bit different when they're raised in Collingwood. Tougher than any of us."</p> <p>Despite her injuries, Jessie’s spirit remains unbroken. Dressed proudly in her Magpies jumper, she recently attended a training session where she was warmly welcomed and embraced by the players. </p> <p>The club’s support has been a balm for Jessie. "This is just amazing," she beamed. True to her unwavering dedication, she declared, "I'm going to the game on Saturday. That won't keep me away."</p> <p>In an inspiring gesture of goodwill, Jessie also plans to set aside traditional rivalries to visit Princes Park and thank the Blues fan who helped her. </p> <p>Meanwhile, police have alleged that the e-scooter rider intentionally knocked Jessie down. To that end, a 46-year-old man remains in custody, with his next court appearance scheduled for May 22.</p> <p><em>Images: Nine News | Seven News<br /></em></p>


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“Such a cowardly thing”: Police hunt after e-scooter hit-and-run on 81-year-old woman

<p>Victoria Police have released an image of a man wanted in connection to an alleged attack on at 81-year-old outside the Melbourne Cricket Ground after an AFL game last Friday. </p> <p>Jessie Hatch, 81, was walking towards Jolimont Railway Station around 11pm when she was confronted by a man on an e-scooter, who told her to “move off the footpath”.</p> <p>Hatch then "explained that the footpath is not for vehicles and walked around him”, prompting the man to ride off, but he quickly turned around before allegedly hitting her from behind, causing her to fall to the ground and lose consciousness.</p> <p>According to Victoria Police, the rider allegedly did not stop to assist Hatch, and was unsuccessfully chased by a passerby.</p> <p>He was last seen heading west from the Swan Street Bridge.</p> <p>“She walked between 7-10m away and this guy’s doubled back and then smashed her from behind,” Jessie's son Ken told <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em>7News</em></a>.</p> <p>“Apparently she stopped breathing for 20 seconds or so, that’s what we heard.”</p> <p>Jessie is still in hospital recovering with five stitches in her hand and undergoing more tests on her spine to see if there is permanent damage.</p> <p>“Such a cowardly thing, I don’t know what would have gone into his head to do that,” Jessie told <em>7News</em> from her hospital bed.</p> <p>“Why would somebody do that? He should be ashamed of himself.”</p> <p>Police are investigating the incident, with Ken calling on the alleged perpetrator to come forward.</p> <p>“You made a mistake, you did something wrong, come forward,” he added.</p> <p>The man allegedly involved in the incident was of average height and had fair skin and a stocky build, with straight blonde/brown hair and grey/blue eyes.</p> <div> </div> <p>He was wearing thick-lensed glasses and a red jacket made of a shiny, waterproof material.</p> <p>Jessie’s story quickly gained attention around the AFL world, and Collingwood legend Peter Daicos was among those to offer his support.</p> <p>“I wanted to reach out, I heard about the incident after the game,” he said.</p> <p>“I hope you’re feeling better and I’m really looking forward to hearing that you’re back at the Collingwood games.</p> <p>“All the best from not just myself, but the boys and importantly the Collingwood Football Club. All our love, get well soon.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: 7News</em></p> <div class="hide-print ad-no-notice css-qyun7f-StyledAdUnitWrapper ezkyf1c0" style="box-sizing: border-box; caret-color: #292a33; color: #292a33; font-family: HeyWow, Montserrat, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;"> </div>


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"An insult to human dignity": Mother of Bondi stabbing victim hits out at the media

<p>The mother of Bondi stabbing victim Jade Young has hit out at how social media and major news outlets reported on her daughter's death. </p> <p>Jade Young, 47, was one of six people fatally stabbed by Joel Cauchi during his violent rampage at Bondi Junction Westfield on April 13th. </p> <p>Following the tragedy, graphic videos and images of the attacks were circulated online.</p> <p>Now, Jade's mother Elizabeth Young, writing in the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sydney Morning Herald</a> on Wednesday, said it was “shameful” how her family found out about Jade’s death.</p> <p>“Members of my family recognised Jade and her husband Noel in uncensored vision being played on a mainstream TV news feed, with vision of Jade lying on the ground at the shopping centre, receiving CPR,” she wrote.</p> <p>“The vision, shared on social media and picked up — and used by — multiple news media programs shared my daughter’s final moments with millions. Finding out that a loved one has been murdered is a horror that I do not wish on anyone. But seeing the vision of their last moments and knowing it has been broadcast to millions of people is an appalling breach of privacy and an insult to human dignity.”</p> <p>Ms Young went on to say how some of the major media organisations that shared violent images of the Bondi stabbing “approached our family within hours of the attack, offering their condolences … and the opportunity to share our family’s story”.</p> <p>“These same media organisations reported the failure of a certain popular social media platform to take down videos, without acknowledging their own complicity,” she said.</p> <p>“I am not surprised at their hypocrisy, but I am angry.”</p> <p>“Sharing violent images or personal material from the lives of victims of crime is not free speech — it is enormously profitable for some but it’s speech with a steep price for the victims,” she said.</p> <p>“Those who run social media platforms are remote from the pain inflicted by their uploads and the dystopia they have helped create. It is the victims who bear the cost.”</p> <p>Last week, hundreds of mourners attended a public memorial for Ms Young, an acclaimed architect and mother-of-two, where mourners were encouraged to wear colourful clothing “in memory of Jade”.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images / Facebook </em></p>

Family & Pets

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Our housing system is broken and the poorest Australians are being hardest hit

<div class="theconversation-article-body"> <p><em><a href="">Rachel Ong ViforJ</a>, <a href="">Curtin University</a></em></p> <p>Just when we think the price of rentals could not get any worse, this week’s <a href="">Rental Affordability Snapshot</a> by Anglicare has revealed low-income Australians are facing a housing crisis like never before.</p> <p>In fact, if you rely on the <a href="">Youth Allowance</a>, there is not a single rental property across Australia you can afford this week.</p> <h2>How did rental affordability get this bad?</h2> <p>Several post-COVID factors have been blamed, including our preference for <a href="">more space, the return of international migrants</a>, and <a href="">rising interest rates</a>.</p> <p>However, the rental affordability crisis pre-dates COVID.</p> <p>Affordability has been steadily declining for decades, as successive governments have failed to make shelter more affordable for low-to-moderate income Australians.</p> <h2>The market is getting squeezed at both ends</h2> <p>At the lower end of the rental sector, the growth in the supply of social housing persistently lags behind demand, trending at under <a href="">one-third</a> the rate of population growth.</p> <hr /> <p><iframe id="OA0cS" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: none;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> <hr /> <p>This has forced growing numbers of low-income Australians to seek shelter in the private rental sector, where they face intense competition from higher-income renters.</p> <p>At the upper end, more and more aspiring home buyers are getting <a href="">locked out</a> of home ownership.</p> <p>A recent <a href="">study</a> found more households with higher incomes are now renting.</p> <p>Households earning <a href="">$140,000</a> a year or more (in 2021 dollars) accounted for just 8% of private renters in 1996. By 2021, this tripled to 24%. No doubt, this crowds out lower-income households who are now facing a shortage of affordable homes to rent.</p> <h2>Why current policies are not working</h2> <p>Worsening affordability in the private rental sector highlights a housing system that is broken. Current policies just aren’t working.</p> <p>While current policies focus on supply, more work is needed including fixing <a href="">labour shortages</a> and providing greater <a href="">stock diversity</a>.</p> <p>The planning system plays a critical role and <a href="">zoning rules</a> can be reformed to support the supply of more affordable options.</p> <p>However, the housing affordability challenge is not solely a supply problem. There is also a need to respond to the <a href="">super-charged demand</a> in the property market.</p> <p>An overheated market will undoubtedly place intense pressure on the rental sector because aspiring first home buyers are forced to rent for longer, as house prices soar at a rate unmatched by their wages.</p> <p>Yet, governments continue to resist calls for winding back the <a href="">generous tax concessions</a> enjoyed by multi-property owners.</p> <p>The main help available to low-income private renters - the Commonwealth Rent Assistance scheme - is <a href="">poorly targeted</a> with nearly one in five low-income renters who are in rental stress deemed ineligible, while another one in four receive it despite not being in rental stress.</p> <h2>Can affordable housing occur naturally?</h2> <p>Some commentators support the theory of <a href="">filtering</a> - a market-based process by which the supply of new dwellings in more expensive segments creates additional supply of dwellings for low-income households as high-income earners vacate their former dwellings.</p> <p>Proponents of filtering argue building more housing anywhere - even in wealthier ends of the property market - will eventually improve affordability across the board because lower priced housing will trickle down to the poorest households.</p> <p>However, the persistent affordability crisis low-income households face and the rise in homelessness are crucial signs filtering <a href=";noflash">does not work well</a> and <a href="">cannot be relied upon</a> to produce lower cost housing.</p> <h2>Location, location, location</h2> <p>Location does matter, if we expect building new housing to work for low-income individuals.</p> <p>What is needed is a steady increase of affordable, quality housing in areas offering low-income renters the same access to jobs and amenities as higher-income households.</p> <p>The <a href=",5%20years%20from%20mid%E2%80%912024.">National Housing Accord</a> aims to deliver 1.2 million new dwellings over five years from mid-2024. But it must ensure these are “well-located” for people who need affordable housing, as suggested in the accord.</p> <p>Recent <a href="">modelling</a> shows unaffordable housing and poor neighbourhoods both negatively affect mental health, reinforcing the need to provide both affordable and well-located housing.</p> <h2>The upcoming budget</h2> <p>While the <a href="">15% increase</a> in the maximum rent assistance rate was welcomed in the last budget, the program is long overdue for a major restructure to target those in rental stress.</p> <p>Also, tax concessions on second properties should be wound back to reduce competition for those struggling to buy their first home. This would eventually help ease affordability pressures on low-income renters as more higher-income renters <a href="">shift into homeownership</a>.</p> <p>The potential negative impacts on rental supply can be mitigated by careful design of tax and other changes that guard against market destabilisation concerns.</p> <p>Overall, housing affordability solutions have to be multi-faceted. The housing system is badly broken and meaningful repair cannot be achieved unless policymakers are willing to confront both supply and demand challenges.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Rachel Ong ViforJ</a>, ARC Future Fellow &amp; Professor of Economics, <a href="">Curtin University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>

Money & Banking

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"A little bit steep": Jetstar passenger hit with "wild" excess baggage fee

<p>A Jetstar passenger has been slapped with a "wild" excess baggage fee after her luggage was less than just one kilogram overweight. </p> <p>Monique McCreanor was flying from Melbourne to Sydney after competing in a fitness competition when she was hit with the unexpected fees. </p> <p>Travelling with only carry-on luggage, Ms. McCreanor said she made a mad dash to the airport to catch her flight, only to be stopped at the gate due to the weight of her bag.</p> <p>Because of the prizes she won at the competition, her bag was just 900g over the 7kg limit, and she was issued a $75 fine.</p> <p>Ms. McCreanor took to TikTok to share a warning with other travellers to triple check the weight of your bag, as even being over the limit by mere grams will set you back. </p> <p>“This isn’t a complaint, this is merely just warning you guys,” she said in the clip. </p> <p>“If you do fly with Jetstar on a domestic flight, and your bag is even 100g overweight, you’re going to get charged $75 at the gate for that excess luggage."</p> <p>“Now, this kind of sucks, because I’m like damn, I could have had 15kg in this bag to really make it worthwhile."</p> <p>“I got hit with $75, so just make sure are booking the extra checked baggage, it is better to be safe than sorry, because $75 is a little bit steep for just 900g overweight.”</p> <p>While her video quickly garnered thousands of views, many were left divided in the comments about her complaints. </p> <p>One person sided with the airline, saying, “No sorry, it clearly gives a weight allowance. You went over, you pay.”</p> <p>“Seriously it doesn’t matter who you are with, you will have to pay any way, they are the rules,” another added.</p> <p>Others were quick to empathise, sharing their own experience of encountering excess baggage fees.</p> <p>“They did this to me on my honeymoon... I was p****d,” one person said.</p> <p><em>Image credits: TikTok</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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Michael Slater hit with 19 charges over alleged domestic violence

<p>Michael Slater, a former Australian Test cricketer is being held in police custody after being charged with more than a dozen offences over alleged domestic violence. </p> <p>Slater, 54, had his case briefly heard in Maroochydore Magistrates Court on Monday.</p> <p>It was reported by the <em>ABC </em>that he did not appear and no plea was entered.</p> <p>The charges include domestic violence offences of unlawful stalking or intimidation, breaking into a dwelling with intent at night, common assault, assault occasioning bodily harm and choking or suffocation.</p> <p>The 19 charges relate to offences allegedly committed on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast between December 5, 2023 and April 12 2024.</p> <p>Slater was also charged with breaching bail and and 10 counts of contravening a domestic violence order. </p> <p>He was then remanded in custody, with his case mentioned in the same court on Tuesday afternoon.</p> <p>During that second hearing, Slater <span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">collapsed in court after failing in his bid for freedom over an alleged domestic violence incident. </span>Upon learning that his bid for bail had been refused, the former cricket great placed his head in his hands then collapsed while being led back to the cells by Corrective Services staff.</p> <p>Slater made his debut during the 1993 Ashes tour and played 74 tests for Australia. </p> <p>He amassed 5,312 runs and played 42 one-day internationals. </p> <p>Since retiring from cricket in 2004, he has had a successful TV commentary career. </p> <p><em>Image: Getty</em></p>


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Man charged over alleged hit-and-run of Mitch East

<p>Last weekend, news broke of the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">tragic death</a> of 28-year-old lawyer Mitch East in an alleged hit-and-run crash. The incident, which occurred in the early hours of Sunday, March 17, sent shockwaves through the community and left loved ones grappling with profound grief and disbelief.</p> <p>Now, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">according to reports</a>, the alleged perpetrator, a 63-year-old man, has turned himself in to authorities and has been charged with a litany of driving offences, including failing to stop and assist after the crash, dangerous driving occasioning death, negligent driving occasioning death, and the use of a mobile phone when not permitted. The arrest, which took place at Granville Police Station, marks a significant development in the ongoing pursuit of justice for East and his grieving family.</p> <p>East, a native of New Zealand, had embarked on a promising legal career that took him across continents. Having studied at prestigious institutions such as Harvard University in the United States, his recent relocation to Australia was met with excitement and anticipation for the opportunities that lay ahead. Tragically, his journey was cut short just moments away from the Tamarama home he shared with his partner, as he was struck down in the early hours of the morning.</p> <p>For East's family, the loss is immeasurable. His mother, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">speaking in the wake of the tragedy</a>, described her son as her "reason for living". Beyond familial ties, East's impact extended far and wide, touching the lives of friends, mentors and peers who were drawn to his charisma and dedication to justice.</p> <p>Employed at the esteemed law firm Arnold Bloch Leibler in Sydney's CBD, East was celebrated not only for his legal acumen but also for his warmth and camaraderie among colleagues. In a heartfelt message addressed to staff, the firm paid tribute to East as a "highly talented lawyer and popular and valued member", acknowledging the irreplaceable void left by his loss.</p> <p><em>Images: GoFundMe | NSW Police</em></p>


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Bunnings' inspired makeover proves a smash hit with Bluey fans

<p>Bunnings' latest <em>Bluey</em> inspired makeover has proven to be a hit among fans, as they brought to life part of the cartoon-world. </p> <p>The hardware giant collaborated with the hit children's cartoon and rebranded six of its Australian stores and one New Zealand outlet with the moniker "Hammerbarn."</p> <p>This is an homage to a popular episode with the same name, where the cartoon heelers go to a hardware store that looks exactly like Bunnings. </p> <p>“We’re excited to be working with BBC Studios and Ludo Studio to bring Hammerbarn to life in stores across the country,” says Ryan Baker, chief customer officer of Bunnings.</p> <p>The rebranding goes beyond the exterior with special Hammerbarn merch, Bluey-branded trolleys, and Bluey-themed workshops, meet-and-greets and scavenger hunts every weekend.</p> <p>“Our team across Australia have had kids and parents referring to Bunnings as Hammerbarn ever since the episode aired, so making this a reality in our stores for customers is really special," Baker said. </p> <p>“We wanted the Hammerbarn experience to be accessible to as many ‘Bluey’ fans and customers as we could, so it’s great to have a Hammerbarn transformation in each state – even down to the kids’ trolleys that have been rebranded."</p> <p>Hammerbarns resemblance to Bunnings is no coincidence as the episode reportedly took inspiration from a real store in Keperra, Queensland.</p> <p>“The design of Hammerbarn draws inspiration from the Bunnings Keperra store in Brisbane, the home of Bluey, which adds an extra layer of significance," Ludo Studios, the creators of the series said. </p> <p>“We are thrilled to offer fans the opportunity to experience Hammerbarn for real life; it’s everything we’ve ever wanted!”</p> <p><em>Images: Perth Now</em></p> <p> </p>

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