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How to prepare for power outages this summer

<p>Summer has well and truly arrived, and unfortunately, with it comes the increased likelihood of power outages – there’s storms, heatwaves, and fans and air conditioners turned all the way up. But are you prepared if your electricity goes out for a few hours or even days?</p> <p>Blackouts aren’t exactly avoidable, but you can make plans for when they do happen. Here’s everything you should have organised and what you need to do… just in case.</p> <p><strong>Before a power outage</strong></p> <ul> <li>Ensure you have a kit with all the essentials, like a torch, battery-powered radio, batteries, candles, matches or a lighter, plus your <a href="" target="_blank"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">go bag</span></strong></a>.</li> <li>Stock up on long-lasting food and drink supplies, like canned food, bottled water, long-life milk etc.</li> <li>Invest in a portable charger so you can keep your mobile phone charged in an emergency.</li> <li>If you have been warned a power outage may occur, fill an esky with ice in case you need to transfer any food from the fridge to keep it cold. Keep in mind a fridge full of food can stay cold up to 4 hours after a blackout (and a freezer up to 48 hours).</li> <li>If you have an electric garage door, find out how to operate it manually.</li> <li>Ensure your car is topped up with petrol – you never know when you might need it.</li> </ul> <p><strong>During a power outage</strong></p> <ul> <li>Don’t leave your house unless safe to do so, but do check if your neighbours have also lost power.</li> <li>If possible, report the blackout to your energy provider using your mobile phone.</li> <li>Do not open your fridge unless necessary – your food will remain colder if you keep the doors shut.</li> <li>Switch off all power points and unplug any devices and appliances.</li> <li>If you must leave the house, do not go near any fallen power lines.</li> </ul> <p><strong>After a power outage</strong></p> <ul> <li>Sort through your fridge and dispose of any food, drink or medications that may have spoiled.</li> <li>Restock your emergency supplies for the next blackout.</li> <li>Contact your energy provider. Customers in certain states may be eligible for compensation if the outage is unplanned.</li> </ul> <p><em><strong>With Over60 you can tailor your home insurance to suit various needs and budgets so you can enjoy the peace of mind in knowing that the things you hold near and dear are protected. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank">Find out how you can get up to 30 per cent off^ Over60 Combined Home &amp; Contents Insurance now</a></span>.</strong></em></p> <p><a href=";cgpCde=00272&amp;hCenCde=10737&amp;LinkId=12071&amp;utm_source=over60&amp;utm_campaign=insurance&amp;utm_medium=in-article-banner-home-contents-3&amp;utm_content=home-contents-insurance" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Over60 Home &amp; Contents Insurance - Get a quote!"/></a></p>


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