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The internet is worse than it used to be. How did we get here, and can we go back?

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Marc Cheong</a>, <a href="">The University of Melbourne</a> and <a href="">Wonsun Shin</a>, <a href=""><em>The University of Melbourne</em></a></em></p> <p>When it comes to our experience of the internet, “the times, <a href="">they are a-changin’</a>”, as Bob Dylan would say. You can’t quite recall how, but the internet certainly feels different these days.</p> <p>To some, it is “<a href="">less fun and less informative</a>” than it used to be. To others, online searches are made up of “<a href="">cookie cutter</a>” pages that drown out useful information and are saturated with scams, spam and content generated by artificial intelligence (AI).</p> <p>Your social media feeds are full of eye-catching, provocative, hyper-targeted, or anger-inducing content, from <a href="">bizarre AI-generated imagery</a> to robot-like comments. You’re lucky if your video feeds are not solely made up of exhortations to “subscribe”.</p> <p>How did we get here? And can we claw our way back?</p> <h2>Commercial interests rule</h2> <p>One major factor contributing to the current state of the internet is its over-commercialisation: financial motives drive much of the content. This has arguably led to the prevalence of sensationalism, prioritising virality over information quality.</p> <p>Covert and deceptive advertising is widespread, blurring the line between commercial and non-commercial content to attract more attention and engagement.</p> <p>Another driving force is the dominance of tech giants like Google, Meta and Amazon. They reach billions worldwide and wield immense power over the content we consume.</p> <p>Their platforms use advanced tracking technologies and opaque algorithms to generate hyper-targeted media content, powered by extensive user data. This creates <a href="">filter bubbles</a>, where users are exposed to limited content that reinforces their existing beliefs and biases, and <a href="">echo chambers</a> where other viewpoints are actively discredited.</p> <p>Bad actors like <a href="">cyber criminals and scammers</a> have been an enduring problem online. However, evolving technology like generative AI has further empowered them, enabling them to create highly realistic fake images, deepfake videos and <a href="">voice cloning</a>.</p> <p>AI’s ability to automate content creation has also flooded the internet with low-quality, misleading and harmful material at an unprecedented scale.</p> <p>In sum, the accelerated commercialisation of the internet, the dominance of media tech giants and the presence of bad actors have infiltrated content on the internet. The rise of AI further intensifies this, making the internet more chaotic than ever.</p> <h2>Some of the ‘good’ internet remains</h2> <p>So, what was the “good internet” some of us long for with nostalgia?</p> <p>At the outset, the internet was meant to be a free egalitarian space people were meant to “surf” and “browse”. Knowledge was meant to be shared: sites such as Wikipedia and The Internet Archive are continuing bastions of knowledge.</p> <p>Before the advent of filter bubbles, the internet was a creative playground where people explored different ideas, discussed varying perspectives, and collaborated with individuals from “outgroups” – those outside their social circles who may hold opposing views.</p> <p>Early social media platforms were built on the ethos of reconnecting with long-lost classmates and family members. Many of us have community groups, acquaintances and family we reach out to via the internet. The “connection” aspect of the internet remains as important as ever – as we all saw during the COVID pandemic.</p> <p>What else do we want to preserve? Privacy. A New Yorker cartoon joke in 1993 stated that “<a href="">on the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog</a>”. Now everyone – especially advertisers – wants to know who you are. To quote the <a href="">Office of the Australian Information Commissioner</a>, one of the tenets of privacy is “to be able to control who can see or use information about you”.</p> <p>At the very least, we want to control what big tech knows about us, especially if they could stand to profit from it.</p> <h2>Can we ever go back?</h2> <p>We can’t control “a changin’” times, but we can keep as much of the good parts as we can.</p> <p>For starters, we can vote with our feet. Users can enact change and bring awareness to problems on existing platforms. In recent times, we have seen this with the <a href="">exodus of users</a> from X (formerly Twitter) to other platforms, and the <a href="">platform-wide protest against Reddit</a> for changing its third-party data access policies.</p> <p>However, voting with our feet is only possible when there’s competition. In the case of X, various other platforms – from Mastodon to Threads to Bluesky – enable users to pick one that aligns with their preferences, values and social circles. Search engines have alternatives, too, such as DuckDuckGo or Ecosia.</p> <p>But competition can only be created by moving to decentralised systems and removing monopolies. This actually happened in the early days of the internet during the 1990s “<a href="">browser wars</a>”, when Microsoft was eventually accused of illegally monopolising the web browser market in <a href="">a landmark court case</a>.</p> <p>As users of technology, all of us must remain vigilant about threats to our privacy and knowledge. With cheap and ubiquitous generative AI, misleading content and scams are more realistic as ever.</p> <p>We must exercise healthy scepticism and ensure those most at risk from online threats – such as children and older people – are educated about potential harms.</p> <p>Remember, the internet is not optimised for your best interests. It’s up to you to decide how much power you give to the tech giants who are fuelling theirs.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. 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Hero security guard tears up while speaking about girl he saved

<p>Laila Johnson, 11, and her mother Samantha, 34, from Candelo near Bega in regional NSW, were sightseeing in London when the young girl was stabbed in a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">random attack</a> in Leicester Square. </p> <p>Abdullah, a security who was working nearby during the random attack, had jumped into action and saved her life  by holding down the alleged attacker, Ioan Pintaru, until police arrived. </p> <p>On Thursday, Laila and her mum talked about the terrifying incident on <em>Sunrise</em>, and spoke about the incredible bond they had formed with the hero security guard. </p> <p>When shown the clip of Laila and her mum on <em>Sunrise </em>the day after, Abdullah was moved to tears by the heartfelt interview. </p> <p>“I will try to be in contact with them all my life,” Abdullah said, wiping away tears from his eyes.</p> <p>“She is just like my little sister now.”</p> <p>Abdullah was hailed as a hero for his bravery, and recognised at the Pakistan High Commission in London as part of their Independence Day celebrations on the 14th of August. </p> <p>Samantha had told <em>Sunrise</em> that Abdullah “is an absolutely gorgeous human”.</p> <p>“He’s just been checking in on Laila and myself and, yeah, we’ve just been keeping in contact,” she said.</p> <p>“He’s quickly taken Laila in as a little sister, and I think that he will continue to check in on her for a very long time." </p> <p>Pintaru  — a Romanian citizen with no fixed address —  was not asked to enter any pleas and was remanded in custody before his next hearing on September 10.</p> <p>He was charged with attempted murder and possession of a bladed article in a public place.</p> <p><em>Images: Seven</em></p>


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London stabbing victim's incredible bond with hero security guard

<p>The identity of the NSW schoolgirl who was stabbed in<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> a random attack</a> in London’s Leicester Square has been revealed. </p> <p>Laila Johnson, 11, and her mum Samantha, 34, from Candelo NSW, were on holiday when the horrific incident occurred on August 12. </p> <p>Abdullah, a security who was working nearby during the random attack, immediately jumped into action and saved her life by holding down the alleged attacker, Ioan Pintaru, until police arrived. </p> <p>“I saw outside there was a guy who was stabbing a girl, so as I saw him stabbing the girl, I started to run towards the guy,” he said shortly after the attack. </p> <p>“I jumped on the guy and grabbed his hand in which he was carrying a knife. I tackled him down on the floor and kicked the knife away from him.</p> <p>“There was only one thought — to save the kid and save her mum, nothing else.”</p> <p>Laila was taken to hospital where she had plastic surgery for serious but non-life-threatening injuries to her face, shoulder, wrist, and neck and was out of hospital the day after the incident. </p> <p>On Thursday, Laila and her mum talked about the terrifying incident on <em>Sunrise</em> and paid tribute to Abdullah. </p> <p>“He is an absolutely gorgeous human,” mother Sam, said.</p> <p>“He’s just been checking in on Laila and myself and, yeah, we’ve just been keeping in contact.</p> <p>“He’s quickly taken Laila in as a little sister, and I think that he will continue to check in on her for a very long time.”</p> <p>Sam recalled the moment Abdullah saved her daughter's life. </p> <p>“He didn’t hesitate. He’s exactly who you want around in a time like that,” she said.</p> <p>She also praised daughter Laila for her optimism, and the day after the incident, the pair were escorted to Wembley Stadium, with the two police officers who came to her aid last week, where she sat in a VIP box to watch her favourite superstar, Taylor Swift. </p> <p>“She was still very sore, but she was getting up and dancing,” Laila’s mum told <em>The Daily Telegraph</em>. </p> <p>“She has always been the most optimistic and determined child in the world. Yeah, I was a bit worried that that might stop her from Taylor Swift, but I shouldn’t have worried,” Sam said on <em>Sunrise</em>. </p> <p>Laila is now back at school and will be he lead in the school's performance of Alice in Wonderland. </p> <p>Pintaru — a Romanian citizen of no fixed address — fronted Westminster Magistrates Court last week charged with attempted murder and possession of a bladed article in a public place.</p> <p>He was asked not to enter any pleas and was remanded in custody before his next hearing on September 10.</p> <p><em>Images: Seven</em></p>


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6 extra items to pack when travelling by yourself

<p>Travelling alone can be a life changing experience, but it also requires a few extra precautions. Pack these six things to keep yourself safe.</p> <p><strong>1. Doorstop</strong></p> <p>A simple wedge of wood or plastic can give you priceless peace of mind in a hotel room. Even if you lock the door, people might be able to break the lock or use a cloned key. A doorstop quickly and easily wedges it shut so you can sleep easy. If you want to go one step further, you can get special doorstop alarms that will emit a loud siren if anyone tries to force the door.</p> <p><strong>2. Extra lock</strong></p> <p>There are endless uses for an extra padlock or bike lock-style cable. You can double up on your hotel door, secure your train carriage or ship cabin, double lock your suitcase or chain it to something sturdy. Compact, sturdy locks are relatively cheap and easy to carry with you, and will deter most thieves or intruders looking for an easy mark.</p> <p><strong>3. First aid kit</strong></p> <p>If you don’t have a travel buddy to send down to the chemist, a simple first aid kit can be a lifesaver. Keep it stocked with band aids, basic bandages, pain killers, antibiotics, antihistamines and gastro meds, along with anything else you think will be useful. If you are really unwell, you’ll obviously need to see a doctor, but having the first line of defence within easy reach is always smart.</p> <p><strong>4. Whistle or personal alarm</strong></p> <p>If you will be walking through unfamiliar cities at night (or even in the day), a whistle or personal alarm can give you a feeling of security. If anyone unsavoury approaches you, a loud noise will startle them and generally scare them off. It also draws the attention of other people and makes them aware of your predicament.</p> <p><strong>5. Small torch</strong></p> <p>Never underestimate the power of a little light to make you feel safe. It’s great for finding your way through dark streets, looking for your keys in your bag or seeing the lock on your hotel door. You can get small lights that attach to a keychain or wallet and give out a surprisingly bright light. People are less likely to approach you if they feel they will be seen.</p> <p><strong>6. Fake wedding ring</strong></p> <p>This one is for the ladies – in some countries an unmarried woman is seen as an easy target. Buying a cheap, fake wedding ring can give you a simple cover. Men may be less likely to approach you and, if they do, you can simply say your husband is in the next shop or waiting for you back at the hotel.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p>

Travel Tips

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Woman divides the internet over not wanting to share Lotto winnings

<p dir="ltr">A young mother has divided the internet after sharing that she didn’t want to split her Lotto winnings with her boyfriend. </p> <p dir="ltr">The woman took to Facebook to share that she bought the ticket on a whim and won half her annual salary as a result.</p> <p dir="ltr">Taking to social media, she explained how the awkward conversation with her partner unfolded. </p> <p dir="ltr">“I started to tell my boyfriend I was gonna put it towards my kids' college and do some upgrades to my house. He said, ‘what about my half?’,” she wrote.</p> <p dir="ltr">She went on to explain how the couple have the same yearly salary and how her partner said he could really use the financial help, but she doesn't want to share. </p> <p dir="ltr">“If I had won $6million I'd have no problem giving him half because it would be very easy to live off $3million. But 1/4 of one year's salary won't help me much,” she added.</p> <p dir="ltr">She also revealed that the couple would sometimes “daydream" about winning a lottery jackpot and would split a ticket every now and then, promising to go halves in the winnings.</p> <p dir="ltr">However, the mum said this time was different because it was a spur-of-the-moment ticket purchase and he wasn't part of it.</p> <p dir="ltr">The woman’s post welcomed a range of differing comments, with some people not appearing sympathetic to the young mum. </p> <p dir="ltr">“Is half the pot worth more than your relationship? If it is, you shouldn't be in the relationship anyway, so call it off,” one person said.</p> <p dir="ltr">Another person added, “Can you for two seconds not see how this is very petty? He didn't contribute 'this time'. I'm sure when he buys a ticket he's not thinking 'oh this one is for just me and if we win on these ones then we will share’.”</p> <p dir="ltr">However, some people were quick to stand up for her and tell her she doesn’t owe her partner half her winnings. </p> <p dir="ltr">“She isn't selfish for keeping the money, they didn't have an agreement this time, and why should he be entitled to it. She is better off spending it on her home and her children's future,” one woman said.</p> <p dir="ltr">Another added, “If he won $20 would he give you $10? If he won $1,000 would he give you $500? If the answer is yes, then throw the guy a bone, but if you don't live together, there's no ring on your finger, and the answer is no? Keep it.”</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p> </p>


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Woman's fake parking fines divides internet

<p>Finding a parking ticket on your windscreen is the last thing you'd want to see after a day out - but last month dozens of drivers were greeted with fake fines made by one woman who wanted to spread "a little kindness". </p> <p>Melbourne woman Karina went viral for her odd marketing tactic, where she put handmade fake fines onto cars, public phones and lamp posts across the city's southeast, in a bid to promote her photography business. </p> <p>The "infringement" note read: "Notice to owners: We saw you pull into this car park and I wanted to tell you that you look absolutely beautiful today, your smile could light up a whole room...</p> <p>"Just to make your day a little more special than you already are, I want to give you $30 towards my beach prints from my travels."</p> <p>When asked why she did it, Karina told <em>Yahoo News</em>: "I decided to do it to make people's day by spreading a little kindness. It was a reminder that life is too short."</p> <p>"They're going to think it's a fine but little do they know that it's actually some money towards a print for our store."</p> <p>While there were a few that praised her "hustle" mentality, saying that they "love this idea" and thought it was "cute", others were less pleased. </p> <p>"No this would make me have a panic attack," one wrote. </p> <p>"I thought this was wholesome until I realised ya'll are just trying to sell stuff," another added. </p> <p><em>Images: TikTok</em></p>

Money & Banking

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Internet icon falls asleep during interview with Karl

<p>An interview on the <em>Today</em> show has gone pear-shaped after the famous guest seemed to fall asleep live on air. </p> <p>Hosts Karl Stefanovic and Sarah Abo were joined by Jack Karlson: the man behind the infamous “Democracy Manifest” news segment from 1991, which later became a much-loved online meme.</p> <p>Karlson, who appears in the vintage news clip being arrested outside a Brisbane restaurant after enjoying what he referred to as a “succulent Chinese meal”, was joined by one of his arresting officers on the morning show to discuss the incident. </p> <p>The interview kicked off and quickly went downhill, as the elderly gentlemen seemed to be having audio problems and couldn't hear Karl and Sarah's line of questioning.</p> <p>Then, as the former police officer began answering questions, Karlson closed his eyes for over a minute, seemingly having a nap live on air. </p> <p>Stefanovic noticed Karlson's impromptu kip, asking, “I just got a little worried there, Jack might’ve nodded off like <em>Weekend at Bernies</em>. You still with us, Jackie boy?”</p> <p>Karlson opened his eyes and rejoined the conversation to discuss the upcoming documentary <em>The Man Who Ate A Succulent Chinese Meal</em>, based on Karlson’s life.</p> <p>Directed by Heath Davis and co-produced by Tim Randall and Mark Dapin, author of <em>Carnage: A Succulent Chinese Meal</em> based on the now-viral event, the film is currently set for release in March 2025.</p> <p><iframe title="YouTube video player" src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p> <p>The video of Karlson’s arrest became an meme when it was finally uploaded to the internet in 2009. </p> <p>In the video, Karlson declared while resisting arrest by police: “This is democracy manifest!”, “Get your hand off my penis!” and “What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?” </p> <p><em>Image credits: Today </em></p>


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Woman’s “selfish” business class upgrade divides the internet

<p dir="ltr">A woman has divided the internet after telling how she snagged an upgrade on her way home from a holiday, leaving her partner and his child in economy. </p> <p dir="ltr">The 30-year-old woman shared the story of how she landed the controversial upgrade, but explained to her social media followers that there is more to the story than meets the eye. </p> <p dir="ltr">She began by explaining that she had booked a 10-day holiday with her partner, who she called Matt, who she had been dating for one year. </p> <p dir="ltr">The couple wanted to spend some time together, but were joined by Matt’s younger son, who she called Alex, from his previous relationship. </p> <p dir="ltr">“Every now and then I would look after Alex when Matt was at work — we don’t live together but they stay at mine every now and then,” the woman explained.</p> <p dir="ltr">Due to family circumstances, Alex had to join the couple on holiday, as she explained, “The flights were over eight hours long and I have booked the tickets for all of us.”  </p> <p dir="ltr">During the flight to their destination, and throughout their whole holiday, the woman explained that she spent most of the time looking after Alex while Matt had “the time of his life”. </p> <p dir="ltr">While the couple were on holiday, the woman discovered that Matt had been unfaithful, and had been cheating on her through most of their relationship. </p> <p dir="ltr">“Some things came to my attention — he was still seeing his ex — which resulted in us breaking up at the end of our stay,” she said.</p> <p dir="ltr">On the flight back home, the three were sitting together when a flight attendant approached her ex, asking if he wanted an upgrade to business class, but before he could respond, the woman interjected.</p> <p dir="ltr">“I mentioned it was me who bought the tickets and used my own account to pay for them, so an upgrade should go to me,” she said.</p> <p dir="ltr">“The flight attendant was trying to argue at first, as she assumed Alex was my child.”</p> <p dir="ltr">“But I told her that’s not the case, and ended up having an upgrade so I can relax after spending all this time looking after Alex.”</p> <p dir="ltr">When they landed, Matt made comments the woman had been “an a**hole” and “selfish”, while some passengers made similar comments. </p> <p dir="ltr">The woman shared the story to Reddit, asking social media users if she was in the wrong by taking the upgrade and was met with mixed responses. </p> <p dir="ltr">One person said, “Damn that sucks... paying for a flight, in a breakup, taking care of a child on YOUR vacation. You by no means are the a******, hell the audacity of the ex is unbelievable. It just p***es me off so much that I can’t even begin to imagine your frustration.” </p> <p dir="ltr">Another added, “I bet it was nice to put some space between you and your brand new ex with such a long flight, too. What was he going to do, take the upgrade and leave his young kid with the woman who he just broke up with? There’s no world in which that makes any kind of sense.”</p> <p dir="ltr">Others suggested the biggest culprit in the situation was actually the flight attendant.</p> <p dir="ltr">“Why would it be ok to leave the mum with the kid but not the dad? Why did they not first offer it to the person who bought the tickets as that’s where the priority should’ve been?” one said.</p> <p dir="ltr">Meanwhile, one person pointed out: “Let this be a lesson."</p> <p dir="ltr">“Never take care of someone’s kid your whole holiday and let them have the time of their lives. You should have let him handle everything concerning his kid except some play time. I would be fuming.”</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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"What has to happen?" Kyle Sandilands' controversial take after knife attacks

<p>Kyle Sandilands has shared his controversial opinion on arming security guards in the wake of two violent stabbing attacks in Sydney. </p> <p>On Saturday, six people were killed at the hands of Joel Cauchi who went on a stabbing rampage through Bondi Junction Westfield, while on Monday night, a teenage boy stabbed a bishop and a priest during a church service in western Sydney. </p> <p>One of Joel Cauchi's victims was Faraz Tahir, a security guard at the shopping centre, while another guard was injured during the rampage. </p> <p>In the days after the eastern suburbs tragedy, Kyle, who has a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">connection</a> to one of the people injured during Cauchi's attack, launched into a tirade live on-air, calling for security guards to be given firearms. </p> <p>"I saw the [NSW] premier [Chris Minns] last night on TV saying firearms for security guards are not on the agenda. And I was like, 'Well, what has to happen before a security guard can actually secure the place for us?'" Sandilands raged. </p> <p>"Every shopping centre and every school should have armed security guards, trained specialists, not just some guy getting a little firearms licence. I mean, proper trained."</p> <p>Most retail security staff in NSW are unarmed, with batons classified as prohibited weapons that require special licensing and training. </p> <p>"There's people that work at Westfield, for example, women that work in shops that have told their husbands, 'I ain't never going back to Westfield. I'm never going back to work again'," Sandilands continued, adding that those retail workers are "traumatised forever" following Saturday's stabbings. </p> <p>Sandilands' opinions have been echoed by fellow controversial broadcaster Ray Hadley, who on Monday demanded on his 2GB Sydney radio show that security guards be armed across the state.</p> <p>"For years I've been arguing that all security guards in the state in hospitals and shopping centres should be better equipped," he said. </p> <p>"And these poor security guards, unarmed, unable to do what they should do - protecting the people that they are there to protect."</p> <p><em>Image credits: KIISFM</em></p>


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Outcry after authorities seize internet-famous magpie from Queensland family

<p>In a move that has sparked widespread outrage, Queensland authorities have taken custody of an internet-famous magpie named Molly from a family who rescued and cared for her. The decision has left many Australians reeling, questioning the reasoning behind separating a beloved animal from its devoted caregivers.</p> <p>Molly's journey from a helpless chick to an online sensation began when Juliette Wells and Reece Mortensen, a couple from the Gold Coast, took her in and nursed her back to health. Their heartwarming story of nurturing Molly, alongside their English staffy Peggy, captured the hearts of countless social media users. Videos showcasing the unlikely friendship between Molly and Peggy quickly went viral, earning them legions of fans worldwide.</p> <p>Despite Molly's free-spirited life, where she roamed outdoors and enjoyed the company of her canine companion, Queensland authorities intervened, citing allegations of unlawful captivity. The Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI) confirmed that Molly was voluntarily surrendered to them amid accusations of being kept without proper permits or authorisation.</p> <blockquote class="instagram-media" style="background: #FFF; border: 0; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width: 540px; min-width: 326px; padding: 0; width: calc(100% - 2px);" data-instgrm-captioned="" data-instgrm-permalink="" data-instgrm-version="14"> <div style="padding: 16px;"> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 60px;"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 19% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: block; height: 50px; margin: 0 auto 12px; width: 50px;"> </div> <div style="padding-top: 8px;"> <div style="color: #3897f0; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 550; line-height: 18px;">View this post on Instagram</div> </div> <div style="padding: 12.5% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-bottom: 14px; align-items: center;"> <div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(7px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; height: 12.5px; transform: rotate(-45deg) translateX(3px) translateY(1px); width: 12.5px; flex-grow: 0; margin-right: 14px; margin-left: 2px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(9px) translateY(-18px);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: 8px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px;"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 2px solid transparent; border-left: 6px solid #f4f4f4; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; transform: translateX(16px) translateY(-4px) rotate(30deg);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: auto;"> <div style="width: 0px; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-right: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(16px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; flex-grow: 0; height: 12px; width: 16px; transform: translateY(-4px);"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-left: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(-4px) translateX(8px);"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center; margin-bottom: 24px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 224px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 144px;"> </div> </div> <p style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"><a style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">A post shared by Peggyandmolly (@peggyandmolly)</a></p> </div> </blockquote> <p>The news of Molly's seizure has triggered a wave of condemnation online, with many expressing disbelief and frustration at what they perceive as bureaucratic overreach. Concerns have been raised about the impact of separation on Molly's well-being, particularly considering her close bond with the family and the potential disruption to her accustomed lifestyle.</p> <p>Supporters of Wells and Mortensen have launched petitions urging authorities to reconsider their decision and return Molly to her rightful home. The couple themselves have pleaded for Molly's return, given the familiarity and love she experienced within their family unit.</p> <p>DESI, meanwhile, has defended its actions, asserting that Molly's prolonged exposure to human contact has rendered her unsuitable for release into the wild. Consequently, efforts are underway to find a suitable facility where Molly can receive the care and attention she requires.</p> <p><em>Images: Instagram</em></p>

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Attempts to access Kate Middleton’s medical records are no surprise. Such breaches are all too common

<p><a href="">Bruce Baer Arnold</a>, <em><a href="">University of Canberra</a></em></p> <p>The <a href="">alleged</a> data breach involving Catherine, Princess of Wales tells us something about health privacy. If hospital staff can apparently access a future queen’s medical records without authorisation, it can happen to you.</p> <p>Indeed it may have already happened to you, given many breaches of health data go under the radar.</p> <p>Here’s why breaches of health data keep on happening.</p> <h2>What did we learn this week?</h2> <p>Details of the alleged data breaches, by <a href="">up to three staff</a> at The London Clinic, emerged in the UK media this week. These breaches are alleged to have occurred after the princess had abdominal surgery at the private hospital earlier this year.</p> <p>The UK Information Commissioner’s Office <a href="">is investigating</a>. Its report should provide some clarity about what medical data was improperly accessed, in what form and by whom. But it is unlikely to identify whether this data was given to a third party, such as a media organisation.</p> <h2>Health data isn’t always as secure as we’d hope</h2> <p>Medical records are inherently sensitive, providing insights about individuals and often about biological relatives.</p> <p>In an ideal world, only the “right people” would have access to these records. These are people who “need to know” that information and are aware of the responsibility of accessing it.</p> <p>Best practice digital health systems typically try to restrict overall access to databases through hack-resistant firewalls. They also try to limit access to specific types of data through grades of access.</p> <p>This means a hospital accountant, nurse or cleaner does not get to see everything. Such systems also incorporate blocks or alarms where there is potential abuse, such as unauthorised copying.</p> <p>But in practice each health records ecosystem – in GP and specialist suites, pathology labs, research labs, hospitals – is less robust, often with fewer safeguards and weaker supervision.</p> <h2>This has happened before</h2> <p>Large health-care providers and insurers, including major hospitals or chains of hospitals, have a <a href="">worrying</a> <a href="">history</a> of <a href="">digital breaches</a>.</p> <p>Those breaches include hackers accessing the records of millions of people. The <a href="">Medibank</a> data breach involved more than ten million people. The <a href="">Anthem</a> data breach in the United States involved more than 78 million people.</p> <p>Hospitals and clinics have also had breaches specific to a particular individual. Many of those breaches involved unauthorised sighting (and often copying) of hardcopy or digital files, for example by nurses, clinicians and administrative staff.</p> <p>For instance, this has happened to public figures such as <a href="">singer</a> <a href="">Britney Spears</a>, actor <a href="">George Clooney</a> and former United Kingdom prime minister <a href="">Gordon Brown</a>.</p> <p>Indeed, the Princess of Wales has had her medical privacy breached before, in 2012, while in hospital pregnant with her first child. This was no high-tech hacking of health data.</p> <p>Hoax callers from an Australian radio station <a href="">tricked</a> hospital staff into divulging details over the phone of the then Duchess of Cambridge’s health care.</p> <h2>Tip of the iceberg</h2> <p>Some unauthorised access to medical information goes undetected or is indeed undetectable unless there is an employment dispute or media involvement. Some is identified by colleagues.</p> <p>Records about your health <em>might</em> have been improperly sighted by someone in the health system. But you are rarely in a position to evaluate the data management of a clinic, hospital, health department or pathology lab.</p> <p>So we have to trust people do the right thing.</p> <h2>How could we improve things?</h2> <p>Health professions have long emphasised the need to protect these records. For instance, medical ethics bodies <a href="">condemn</a> medical students who <a href="">share</a> intimate or otherwise inappropriate images of patients.</p> <p>Different countries have various approaches to protecting who has access to medical records and under what circumstances.</p> <p>In Australia, for instance, we have a mix of complex and inconsistent laws that vary across jurisdictions, some covering privacy in general, others specific to health data. There isn’t one comprehensive law and set of standards <a href="">vigorously administered</a> by one well-resourced watchdog.</p> <p>In Australia, it’s mandatory to report <a href="">data breaches</a>, including breaches of health data. This reporting system is currently <a href="">being updated</a>. But this won’t necessarily prevent data breaches.</p> <p>Instead, we need to incentivise Australian organisations to improve how they handle sensitive health data.</p> <p>The best policy <a href="">nudges</a> involve increasing penalties for breaches. This is so organisations act as responsible custodians rather than negligent owners of health data.</p> <p>We also need to step-up enforcement of data breaches and make it easier for victims to sue for breaches of privacy – princesses and tradies alike.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><a href="">Bruce Baer Arnold</a>, Associate Professor, School of Law, <em><a href="">University of Canberra</a></em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> <p><em>Images: Getty</em></p>


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Investigation launched over "major security breach" at Princess Kate's hospital

<p>New reports have claimed that there was an alleged security breach at the hospital where the Princess of Wales was treated, and an internal investigation is currently underway. </p> <p>According to the <em>Daily Mirror's </em>Royal Editor Russell Myers, bosses at The London Clinic have launched a probe into the claims that Kate Middleton's confidentiality was breached by staff.</p> <p>"The reason [for the alleged investigation] is that there is allegations that a member of staff accessed her private medical records," Myers, said on <em>Today </em>this morning.</p> <p>He also described it as "a major security breach," citing an unidentified insider who claims that Kensington Palace was contacted by the hospital bosses  immediately after the alleged incident and "assured the Palace there would be a full investigation."</p> <p>"Kensington Palace and indeed the Princess of Wales have been extremely guarded about the nature of the surgery," he added. </p> <p>"Sources have told me that it's something she may wish to discuss in the future but it is a private medical matter now in the UK."</p> <p>Myers also claimed that he had spoken with London's Metropolitan Police, but said that they "haven't confirmed they are involved" at this stage.</p> <p>Just yesterday, Myers commented on the footage of Princess Kate <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">out in public </a>for the first time since Christmas, calling it "the video that everybody had been clambering for."</p> <p>"The main thing is, Kate looks very happy and fully healthy," Myers said on the <em>Today</em> show. </p> <p>Kensington Palace and The London Clinic have not provided a comment on the matter at this stage. </p> <p>The Princess of Wales is expected to return to her royal duties after easter. </p> <p><em>Images: Getty</em></p>


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How people get sucked into misinformation rabbit holes – and how to get them out

<p><em><a href="">Emily Booth</a>, <a href="">University of Technology Sydney</a> and <a href="">Marian-Andrei Rizoiu</a>, <a href="">University of Technology Sydney</a></em></p> <p>As misinformation and radicalisation rise, it’s tempting to look for something to blame: the internet, social media personalities, sensationalised political campaigns, religion, or conspiracy theories. And once we’ve settled on a cause, solutions usually follow: do more fact-checking, regulate advertising, ban YouTubers deemed to have “gone too far”.</p> <p>However, if these strategies were the whole answer, we should already be seeing a decrease in people being drawn into fringe communities and beliefs, and less misinformation in the online environment. We’re not.</p> <p>In new research <a href="">published in the Journal of Sociology</a>, we and our colleagues found radicalisation is a process of increasingly intense stages, and only a small number of people progress to the point where they commit violent acts.</p> <p>Our work shows the misinformation radicalisation process is a pathway driven by human emotions rather than the information itself – and this understanding may be a first step in finding solutions.</p> <h2>A feeling of control</h2> <p>We analysed dozens of public statements from newspapers and online in which former radicalised people described their experiences. We identified different levels of intensity in misinformation and its online communities, associated with common recurring behaviours.</p> <p>In the early stages, we found people either encountered misinformation about an anxiety-inducing topic through algorithms or friends, or they went looking for an explanation for something that gave them a “bad feeling”.</p> <p>Regardless, they often reported finding the same things: a new sense of certainty, a new community they could talk to, and feeling they had regained some control of their lives.</p> <p>Once people reached the middle stages of our proposed radicalisation pathway, we considered them to be invested in the new community, its goals, and its values.</p> <h2>Growing intensity</h2> <p>It was during these more intense stages that people began to report more negative impacts on their own lives. This could include the loss of friends and family, health issues caused by too much time spent on screens and too little sleep, and feelings of stress and paranoia. To soothe these pains, they turned again to their fringe communities for support.</p> <p>Most people in our dataset didn’t progress past these middle stages. However, their continued activity in these spaces kept the misinformation ecosystem alive.</p> <p>When people did move further and reach the extreme final stages in our model, they were doing active harm.</p> <p>In their recounting of their experiences at these high levels of intensity, individuals spoke of choosing to break ties with loved ones, participating in public acts of disruption and, in some cases, engaging in violence against other people in the name of their cause.</p> <p>Once people reached this stage, it took pretty strong interventions to get them out of it. The challenge, then, is how to intervene safely and effectively when people are in the earlier stages of being drawn into a fringe community.</p> <h2>Respond with empathy, not shame</h2> <p>We have a few suggestions. For people who are still in the earlier stages, friends and trusted advisers, like a doctor or a nurse, can have a big impact by simply responding with empathy.</p> <p>If a loved one starts voicing possible fringe views, like a fear of vaccines, or animosity against women or other marginalised groups, a calm response that seeks to understand the person’s underlying concern can go a long way.</p> <p>The worst response is one that might leave them feeling ashamed or upset. It may drive them back to their fringe community and accelerate their radicalisation.</p> <p>Even if the person’s views intensify, maintaining your connection with them can turn you into a lifeline that will see them get out sooner rather than later.</p> <p>Once people reached the middle stages, we found third-party online content – not produced by government, but regular users – could reach people without backfiring. Considering that many people in our research sample had their radicalisation instigated by social media, we also suggest the private companies behind such platforms should be held responsible for the effects of their automated tools on society.</p> <p>By the middle stages, arguments on the basis of logic or fact are ineffective. It doesn’t matter whether they are delivered by a friend, a news anchor, or a platform-affiliated fact-checking tool.</p> <p>At the most extreme final stages, we found that only heavy-handed interventions worked, such as family members forcibly hospitalising their radicalised relative, or individuals undergoing government-supported deradicalisation programs.</p> <h2>How not to be radicalised</h2> <p>After all this, you might be wondering: how do you protect <em>yourself</em> from being radicalised?</p> <p>As much of society becomes more dependent on digital technologies, we’re going to get exposed to even more misinformation, and our world is likely going to get smaller through online echo chambers.</p> <p>One strategy is to foster your critical thinking skills by <a href="">reading long-form texts from paper books</a>.</p> <p>Another is to protect yourself from the emotional manipulation of platform algorithms by <a href="">limiting your social media use</a> to small, infrequent, purposefully-directed pockets of time.</p> <p>And a third is to sustain connections with other humans, and lead a more analogue life – which has other benefits as well.</p> <p>So in short: log off, read a book, and spend time with people you care about. <!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Emily Booth</a>, Research assistant, <a href="">University of Technology Sydney</a> and <a href="">Marian-Andrei Rizoiu</a>, Associate Professor in Behavioral Data Science, <a href="">University of Technology Sydney</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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Mum's list of chores for babysitter divides internet

<p>An American mum and schoolteacher has divided social media after she shared a list of chores that her 17-year-old babysitter could do for extra cash. </p> <p>Katrina Ivan hired a former student, who is now a senior in high school, to babysit her two-year-old son.</p> <p>The busy mum, who had been struggling to maintain her home, left an optional list of chores the babysitter could do for some extra cash. </p> <p>“You are more than welcome to hang out and watch TV but if you want to earn some extra cash these are up for grabs,” the note read.</p> <p>She claimed that her son was already asleep when the babysitter arrived at 7:30pm and she would be looking after him until 11:30pm.</p> <p>The babysitter was being paid $115.45 for the four hours of work.</p> <p>The extra chores included organising the kitchen island, which would earn the student $15, as would cleaning the windows and mirrors in the house and sweeping and mopping the kitchen floor.</p> <p>Cleaning out the fridge would earn the her $23, while vacuuming the couch would earn her $4.</p> <p>A few other optional chores included re-organising the toys, organising the kitchen island, and re-organising the silverware, which were all chores that would earn the student $15. </p> <p>The babysitter earned an extra $92 for the chores she chose, and a few social media users have said that this was a great idea. </p> <p> “I wish they did this when I was a babysitter. Would have loved the opportunity to earn extra," one wrote.</p> <p>“This is a great idea!! Sometimes it’s boring to just to sit and watch TV, this makes time go by quicker and sometimes it’s things I would do to help," another said. </p> <p>“I think since it’s optional or not you can give whatever amounts. It’s still the babysitters choice whether to do it or not,” a third added. </p> <p>However a few others weren't as impressed. </p> <p>“Those are 1990 prices,” one social media user wrote. </p> <p>“$23 for the fridge that’s wild," another added. </p> <p>“I think if you mention it ahead of time ‘oh I left a chore list if you’re interested in any of them it’s extra cash for you!’ Because if I just arrived to this note I might be a little uncomfortable,” a third said. </p> <p><em>Images: TikTok</em></p>

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Traveller's $3,000 mistake at airport security

<p>A grandmother from New Zealand has copped a whopping $3,000 fine after failing to declare an airport sandwich to border control officers. </p> <p>June Armstrong, 77, was travelling from her native Christchurch to Brisbane to housesit for a friend, and treated herself to a muffin and a sandwich ahead of her 4am flight. </p> <p>Ms Armstrong ate her muffin before boarding the plane, and stashed the sandwich in her carry-on luggage to eat later on the flight. </p> <p>However, the grandmother fell asleep on the plane and the sandwich was left uneaten. </p> <p>When she woke up from her nap, she filled out the declaration form to enter Australia, as she had prescription medication, but completely forgot about the sandwich.</p> <p>When she arrived at the security gates at Brisbane Airport and her bags were checked, she was met with an unfortunate welcome to Australia as she was slapped with the fine. </p> <p>“I was just sobbing and said “$NZ3300 for a little sandwich?” Ms Armstrong told the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em>NZ Herald</em>.</a></p> <p>She said asked the official who found the sandwich if they could throw it away for her, but after they walked away and came back, they allegedly just said, “Twelve points, $3300”.</p> <p>Ms Armstrong first thought they were joking, but when she realised they were serious, she broke down in tears as staffers "strongly advised" her to appeal the fine within 28 days. </p> <p>She went through with the appeal to avoid forking out the four-figure sum, but to no avail and eventually ended up coughing up the hefty fine. </p> <p>“My husband kept saying, 'Just pay it'. I said, 'It’s our pension, we can’t afford this’,” Ms Armstrong said, adding that they had about $30,000 in savings as well as their pensions.</p> <p>Ms Armstrong sent an email asking why she was fined, considering it was her first infringement, and why the cost was so high, especially considering the sandwich was untouched and sealed. </p> <p>She also outlined the impact the fine was having on her mental health, but she allegedly never received a response.</p> <p>Six months on from sandwich-gate, she has accepted she won’t be getting her money back and has since spoken out to warn fellow passengers not to make the same mistake. </p> <p>“Everybody I show the fine to is dumbfounded, they just can’t believe it,” Ms Armstrong told the <em>NZ Herald</em>.</p> <p>Australia’s Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry said Ms Armstrong needed an import permit to bring the chicken sandwich into the county, adding it could have been a much higher penalty, as fines can be as much as $6260. </p> <p>“Meat has strict import conditions which can change quickly based on disease outbreaks,” a departmental spokesperson told <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em></em></a>. </p> <p>“Uncanned meats, including vacuum-sealed items, are not allowed into Australia unless accompanied by an import permit."</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images </em></p>

Travel Trouble

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Woman divides internet after cancelling her brother's wedding

<p>A woman has divided the internet after admitting to cancelling her brother's wedding without telling him, after consistently being treated poorly by her future sister-in-law. </p> <p>The 27-year-old shared that the "extreme" moment came after countless mean comments, wedding planning gone wrong and a selection of financial problems. </p> <p>Writing on Reddit's "Am I The A**hole?" thread, the woman wanted advice on if she was in the wrong. </p> <p>The woman explained that her brother, 30, and his fiancée Ella, 28, had been together three years but the two women were never particularly close.</p> <p>"Honestly, we never got along but I always tried to put up a peaceful front because my brother seemed blissfully happy with her," the poster explained on the online forum.</p> <p>"Ella was mean to me a lot ... She would make comments about my weight, my makeup, and especially my dog. She hated animals and hated that I would bring my lab, Toast, to my parents or my brothers house."</p> <p>After her brother popped the question, she was shocked when Ella asked her to be her Maid of Honour, given their turbulent relationship. </p> <p>Despite this, she agreed to the role, thinking it was the "sisterly" thing to do.</p> <p>"What I failed to realise when I accepted the role was that to her [Maid Of Honour] meant planning the entire wedding. Like I was booking venues, florists, jazz band, everything," the woman wrote.</p> <p>"Even worse she expected me to put my MY credit card down for all of it... Every time I asked Ella about it, she would say that it would all be paid back by her parents before the wedding."</p> <p>It wasn't until three weeks before the wedding that the relationship between the two women took a turn for the worst. </p> <p>"I asked if she had received the updated receipt of everything owed when she exploded," she said.</p> <p>"She called me a whole line of terrible names but the one that stuck out was her saying 'What do you need the money for anyway? Your sick dog is dead now'."</p> <p> </p> <p>"My beautiful Toasty died about a month before this after he fought the bravest battle with cancer. He was my soul dog and I was devastated."</p> <p>Ella's hurtful comments went a step too far, leading the woman to "immediately called the vendors and cancelled any deposit under my card. Every. Single. One."</p> <p>"After almost 20 calls, all that was left of her wedding was the dress and the flower arch."</p> <p>The woman told her brother what she had done, and said she would no longer be attending their wedding if it still went ahead after her revenge plan. </p> <p>She then ignored calls from her future sister-in-law, forcing her to deal with all the wedding fallout. </p> <p>Most people took to the comments in support of the woman's "revenge", saying she would have been saddled with footing the bill.</p> <p>"MOH duties do NOT include planning the whole wedding and they certainly do NOT put down all the deposits and pay for the wedding," one person wrote.</p> <p>"If you ask me, it sounds 100% like they were going to stiff you for the wedding. I don't believe for a minute her parents were paying for it."</p> <p>Another wrote, "You didn't cancel the wedding. You extricated yourself from an abusive and exploitative situation. They're still free to marry, on their own thin dime."</p> <p>While most people supported the woman's actions, there were a handful of comments that believed the woman had gone too far with her revenge, but also agreed her sister-in-law treated her very poorly. </p> <p>After the original post went viral, the poster shared an update that she is now speaking to her brother again and that the couple didn't make it down the aisle.</p> <p>They are currently on a "break" with Ella no longer in possession of an engagement ring.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p>


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Why do I have to take my laptop out of the bag at airport security?

<p><em><a href="">Doug Drury</a>, <a href="">CQUniversity Australia</a></em></p> <p>Anyone who has travelled by air in the past ten years will know how stressful airports can be.</p> <p>You didn’t leave home as early as you should have. In the mad rush to get to your gate, the security screening seems to slow everything down. And to add insult to injury, you’re met with the finicky request: “laptops out of bags, please”.</p> <p>But what does your laptop have to do with security?</p> <h2>The day that changed air travel forever</h2> <p>Airport security changed dramatically after the terrorist attacks in the US on September 11 2001. Before 9/11, you could pass through security with a carry-on bag full of everything you might need for your holiday, <a href="">including a knife</a> with a four-inch blade. Indeed, that’s how the 9/11 attackers brought their <a href="">weapons on board</a>.</p> <p>After 9/11, screening processes around the world changed overnight. In the US, private security contractors being paid a minimum wage were swapped out for a federalised program with highly trained security personnel. Anything that could be <a href="">considered a weapon</a> was confiscated.</p> <p>Around the world, travellers were suddenly required to <a href=";lr=&amp;id=6hBnJ-1hRp0C&amp;oi=fnd&amp;pg=PA86&amp;dq=why+do+I+have+to+take+my+shoes+off+at+airport+security&amp;ots=o6JIFHJzF1&amp;sig=B6azb6xqN2uxM9CP-VZdfyt3Ag0#v=onepage&amp;q=why%20do%20I%20have%20to%20take%20my%20shoes%20off%20at%20airport%20security&amp;f=false">remove their shoes</a>, belts and outerwear, and take out their phones, laptops, liquids and anything else that could be used as part of an improvised explosive device.</p> <p>This lasted for several years. Eventually, <a href="">more advanced</a> screening methods were developed to effectively identify certain threats. Today, some countries don’t require you to remove your shoes when passing through security.</p> <p>So why must you still take your laptop out?</p> <h2>Airport scanners have come a long way</h2> <p>The machine your bags and devices pass through is an X-ray machine.</p> <p>The main reason you have to remove your laptop from your bag is because its <a href="">battery</a> and other mechanical components are too dense for X-rays to penetrate effectively – especially if the scanning system is old. The same goes for power cords and other devices such as tablets and cameras.</p> <p>With these items in your bag, security officials can’t use the screened image to determine whether a risk is present. They’ll have to flag the bag for a physical search, which slows everything down. It’s easier if all devices are removed in the first place.</p> <p>A laptop inside a bag can also shield other items from view that may be dangerous. Scanning it separately reveals its internal components on the screen. In some cases you might be asked to turn it on to prove it’s an actual working computer.</p> <p>With newer multi-view scanning technology, security officials can view the bag from multiple angles to discern whether something is being covered up, or made to look like something else. For instance, people have tried to <a href="">mix gun parts</a> with other components in an effort to pass checked baggage screening.</p> <p>Some airports have upgraded <a href="">3D scanning</a> that allows travellers to pass their bags through security without having to remove their laptops. If you’re not asked to take out your laptop, it’s probably because one of these more expensive systems is being used.</p> <p>Nonetheless, amping up the technology won’t remove the lag caused by airport screenings. Ultimately, the reason these are a major choke point is because of the speed at which staff scan the imagery (which dictates the <a href="">speed of the conveyor belt</a>).</p> <p>Unless we find a way to automate the entire process and run it with minimal human supervision, you can expect delays.</p> <h2>What about body scanners?</h2> <p>But your bags aren’t the only thing getting scanned at airport security. You are too!</p> <p>The tall frame you walk through is a <a href="">metal detector</a>. Its purpose is to uncover any weapons or other illegal objects that may be concealed under your clothes. Airport metal detectors use non-ionising radiation, which means they don’t emit X-rays.</p> <p>The larger body scanners, on the other hand, are a type of X-ray machine. These can be <a href="">active or passive</a>, or a combination of both.</p> <p>Passive scanners simply detect the natural radiation emitted by your body and any objects that might be concealed. Active scanners emit low-energy radiation to create a scan of your body, which can then be analysed.</p> <p>The kind of machine you walk through will depend on where in the world you are. For instance, one type of active body scanner that emits X-rays in what’s called “backscatter technology” was once <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">used widely</a> in the US, but is no longer used. It’s also banned in <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Australia</a> and <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">the European Union</a>, where only non-ionising technology can be used.</p> <p>Another type of scanner emits lower-energy <a href="">millimetre waves</a>, instead of X-rays, to image the passenger. Millimetre wave frequencies are considered to be non-ionising radiation.</p> <h2>AI in our airports</h2> <p>AI seems to be all around us lately, and our airports are no exception. Advancements in AI systems stand to transform the future of airport security.</p> <p>For now, human reviewers are required to identify potential threats in scanned images. However, what if an advanced <a href="">AI was trained</a> to do this using a database of images? It would do so in a fraction of the time.</p> <p>Some airports are already using advanced <a href="">computed tomography</a> (CT) <a href="">scanners</a> to produce high-definition 3D imagery. In the future, this technology could be further enhanced by AI to detect threats at a much faster rate.</p> <p>Hypothetically, CT scans could also be used for both humans and their baggage. Could this allow travellers to walk through a body scanner while carrying their bags? Possibly.</p> <p>Until then, you should probably try your best to leave the house on time.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. 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Readers Respond: What is something you miss about pre-internet times?

<p>Times are changing and in an increasingly digital world, there are a few things that just don't feel the same.</p> <p>We asked our readers what they missed the most about the pre-internet times and while some shared their nostalgia, others believe that the change is for the better. </p> <p><strong>Jeanie Houston </strong>- The joy of getting a letter from loved ones overseas.</p> <p><strong>Tina Karanastasis</strong> - Having pen pals (a fad in my younger years), writing and receiving handwritten letters, building relationships through shared moments and time spent together face to face.</p> <p><strong>Deirdre Hudson </strong>- Being able to go anywhere without someone calling you</p> <p><strong>Lois Parkes</strong> - Going to a library to research the answer</p> <p><strong>Gini Glenn</strong> - Nothing! I love the internet and mobile phones. You can always leave your phone at home or turn it off. Lovely to have choices.</p> <p><strong>Teresa Hamilton Gross</strong> - Having a conversation with someone who is not looking at their cell phone.</p> <p><strong>Jan Gundersen </strong>- Being out at a restaurant & talking to each other!</p> <p><strong>Don Gregor</strong> - Getting lost while driving/traveling. Met the most interesting people and had the most memorable times. </p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Ann Hazlewood</strong> - Sitting around talking to family</p> <p><strong>Ellen Clarke</strong> - Sitting around the kitchen table & everyone talking at once, miss it! </p> <p><strong>Christine Armstrong </strong>- Letters! I miss getting letters from friends and family in the mail box</p> <p><strong>Beverley Collison</strong> - Listening to stories of the older generation when I was younger. And telephone conversations.</p> <p>Did we miss anything? Let us know if there are other things that you miss from the pre-internet times!</p>

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“Turn your phone off”: The simple reason behind Albanese’s warning

<p>Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has issued a clear warning to the public, advising them to "turn their phones off" as a safety measure to avoid potential dangers.</p> <p>Albanese delivered this cautionary message last week while announcing the appointment of Australia's first national cybersecurity coordinator, Air Commander Darren Goldie of the Royal Australian Air Force.</p> <p>Goldie was quick to echo the Prime Minister's sentiments, emphasising the importance of mobilising both the private sector and consumers in the fight against cyber threats.</p> <p>"We all bear responsibility in this matter. Simple actions, such as turning off your phone every night for five minutes, can make a significant difference.</p> <p>"I encourage everyone watching to adopt this practice once every 24 hours, perhaps while engaging in daily routines like brushing your teeth," stated Albanese during the press conference.</p> <p>While rebooting your device on a daily basis may seem like a basic precaution, it can greatly enhance your protection against cybercriminals. Often, various applications and processes continue running in the background of your phone or computer, even when you're not actively using them.</p> <p>If unauthorised individuals gain access to these apps and processes, they can monitor your activities and collect your data, including financial information and identification documents, and even hijack your webcam or phone camera.</p> <p>By rebooting your phone, you force the closure of all background applications and processes, effectively evicting anyone attempting to track your virtual movements.</p> <p>Priyadarsi Nanda, a cybersecurity expert at the University of Technology Sydney, supported Albanese's advice, emphasising the importance of periodically turning off one's phone.</p> <p>"Considering how extensively we use smartphones in our daily lives, there have been cases where individuals haven't turned off their phones for an entire year," Dr. Nanda told <em>The Guardian</em>.</p> <p>"If there is a malicious process running, switching off the phone breaks the chain. While it may only provide protection while the phone is off, it undoubtedly frustrates potential hackers. Although not foolproof, rebooting can make it more challenging for hackers to compromise your device."</p> <p>It is crucial to note that this measure does not safeguard against all forms of cybercrime. If your password has been stolen or you are being repeatedly and strategically targeted, for example, a simple reboot is unlikely to deter the most persistent hackers.</p> <p><em>Image: Wikimedia / Australian Government</em></p>


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How scammers use psychology to create some of the most convincing internet cons – and what to watch out for

<p><a href=""><em>Stacey Wood</em></a><em>, <a href="">Scripps College</a> and <a href="">Yaniv Hanoch</a>, <a href="">University of Southampton</a></em></p> <p><a href="">Online fraud is today’s most common crime</a>. Victims are often told they are foolish for falling for it, but fraudsters use psychological mechanisms to infiltrate the defences of their targets, regardless of how intelligent they are.</p> <p>So it’s important to keep up with the latest scams and understand how they work.</p> <p>Recently, consumer protection magazine Which? <a href="">identified some of the most convincing scams of 2023</a>. These scams all have one thing in common – they insidiously take advantage of people’s cognitive biases and psychological blind spots.</p> <p>They included “pig butchering” a way of fattening up victims with affection, the missing person scam which involves posting fake content on social media pages, the traditional PayPal scam, and a new scam called the “fake app alert” in which malware is hidden on apps that look legitimate.</p> <h2>Pig butchering</h2> <p>In our work as fraud psychology researchers we have noticed a trend towards hybrid scams, which combine different types of fraud. Hybrid scams often involve crypto investments and <a href="">sometimes use trafficked labour</a> In the US alone, <a href="">the FBI recently reported</a> that people lost US $3.3 billion (£2.6 billion) in 2023 to investment fraud.</p> <p>Pig butchering is a long-term deception. <a href="">This type of scam</a> combines elements of <a href="">romance scams</a> with an investment con. The name comes from the strategy of <a href="">“fattening up” a victim with affection before slaughter</a>.</p> <p>It will usually begin with <a href="">standard scam approach like a text</a>, social media message, or an introduction at a job board site.</p> <p>Victims may have their guard up at first. However, these scams can unfold over months, with the scammer slowly gaining the victims’ trust and initiating a romantic relationship all the while learning about their vulnerabilities.</p> <p>For example, details of their financial situation, job stresses, and dreams about the life they want. Romance scammers often saturate their targets with affection and almost constant contact. Pig butchering sometimes involves several trafficked people working as a team to create a single persona.</p> <p>Once the victim depends on the scammer for their emotional connection, the scammer introduces the idea of making an investment and uses fake crypto platforms to demonstrate returns. The scammers may use legitimate sounding cryptocoins and platforms. Victims can invest and “see” strong returns online. In reality, their money is going directly to the scammer.</p> <p>Once a victim transfers a substantial amount of money to the con artist, they are less likely to pull out. This phenomenon is known as the <a href="">“sunk cost fallacy”</a>. Research has shown people are likely to carry on investing money, time and effort in activities they have already invested in and ignore signs the endeavour isn’t in their best interests.</p> <p>When the victim runs out of money or tries to withdraw funds, they are blocked.</p> <p>The victim is left with not only financial devastation, but also the loss of what they may imagine to be their most intimate partnership. They are often <a href="">too embarrassed to discuss the experience</a> with friends and family or to report to the police.</p> <h2>PayPal scams</h2> <p>Fake payment requests are a common attack that works by volume rather than playing the long game. Payment requests appear to come from a genuine PayPal address. Fraudulent messages typically begin with a generic greeting, an urgent request and a fake link.</p> <p>For example, Dear User: You’ve received a payment, or you have paid too much. Please click link below for details. Users are directed to a spoofed website with a legitimate sounding name such as and asked to enter their account information and password.</p> <p>Both of us have received these scam requests – and even we found them difficult to discern from legitimate PayPal request emails. These scams work through mimicry and play on the human tendency to trust authority. Legitimate PayPal correspondence is usually automatic bot language, so it is not difficult to imitate.</p> <p>But remember, genuine messages from PayPal <a href=",bank%20account%2C%20or%20credit%20card.">will use your first and last name</a>.</p> <h2>The missing person scam</h2> <p>This seems to be a new scam that exploits a person’s kindness. In the past, charity scams involved posing as charitable organisation responding to a <a href="">recent, real calamity</a>.</p> <p>The new missing person scam is more sophisticated. The initial plea is a <a href="">fake missing person post</a> that generates likes and shares, increasing its credibility and exposure. Then the fraudster edits the content to create an investment scheme which now has the veneer of legitimacy.</p> <p>This scam may work because the initial consumers are unaware that the content is fraudulent, and there is no obvious request. In psychology, this type of persuasion is known as “<a href="">social proof</a>” – the tendency of individuals to follow and copy behaviour of others.</p> <h2>Fake app alerts</h2> <p>People post mobile apps, designed to steal users’ personal information, on the Google Play or Apple app store.</p> <p>The app often has a <a href="">legitimate function</a>, which gives it a cover. Consumers unknowingly jeopardise their private information by downloading these apps which use malware to access additional information.</p> <p>Although there has been <a href="">media coverage of Android security issues</a>, many users assume malware <a href="">cannot bypass app store screening</a>. Again, this scam plays on people’s <a href="">trust in authority figures</a> to keep tjem safe.</p> <p>Discuss any investment opportunities with friends, family members or professionals. It’s much easier said than done, but exercising caution one of the best strategies to reduce the chance of becoming a fraud victim.</p> <p>Scammers count on people paying little to no attention to their emails or messages before clicking on them or providing valuable information. When it comes to scams, the devil is in the missing details.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Stacey Wood</a>, Professor of Psychology, <a href="">Scripps College</a> and <a href="">Yaniv Hanoch</a>, Professor in Decision Science, <a href="">University of Southampton</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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