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Boomer ‘cara-fan’ influencers are on the rise

<p>In September 2023, Arthur Chapman, aka Chappys Travels and his wife Alison, decided to pack up and embark on a full time road tripping adventure documenting their travels on social media after a nudge and a bit of education from their children.</p> <p>Prior to their travels, Arthur spent time with his children who taught him how to use the two social media platforms and set him up for success to create a visual diary to document their travels and be able to look back on in the future.</p> <p>“My kids got me on to TikTok and YouTube to learn the ways of social media, I’ve always been someone who likes to keep up with the times so thought why not just give it a go."</p> <p>“I’m very outgoing and thought it was a great idea to document our travels not only to share a visual diary with my kids, grandkids and friends but it also gives us the opportunity to share with likeminded people who can also follow along."</p> <p>“Alison wanted me to take the plunge so that we can look back on all the places we’ve been and are yet to visit, plus we get to show people the beautiful backyard we live in and that they have the opportunity to visit these amazing places too.” Arthur adds.</p> <p>Arthur has posted hundreds of TikTok and YouTube videos, documenting his travels, sharing helpful tips, providing a realistic lens on what to expect from each location and of course an insight into the caravanning lifestyle.</p> <p>“I love creating and editing videos, I’m hooked on it! I enjoy sharing a variety of content whether it be the reality of what to expect when arriving in towns, for example what the streets look like and the facilities on offer, not just the picturesque views."</p> <p>After just under a year of posting, Arthur has created an online community with an engaged audience commenting and following along.</p> <p>“We are quite excited as comments have started to come through asking us questions on the caravanning lifestyle, ranging from advice on towing, caravans and the locations we have visited."</p> <p>"We never imagined we would be using social media at our age or that I would become a content creator or influencer, but it has given us the opportunity to meet likeminded people and to encourage others to get out there and live the dream."</p> <p>To any Boomers out there considering jumping on the bandwagon, Arthur comments, “Life is too short to not visit your bucket list destinations, and just give social media a go, you might get hooked on sharing your journey too."</p> <p>If you're looking to start your caravanning journey just in time for summer, make sure you don't miss the 2024 Let’s Go Brisbane Caravan and Outdoor Sale returning to the Brisbane RNA Showgrounds for four epic days from Thursday October 31st to Sunday November 3rd.</p> <p>Ticket prices, times and transport options are available <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Supplied</em></p>

Domestic Travel

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Rising star footy player dies at just 18

<p>Rising football star Nick Campo has tragically died just two days after his 18th birthday. </p> <p>The South Fremantle player was in the backseat of a ute when it crashed and rolled just before midnight in Perth, before the ute smashed into an oncoming SUV. </p> <p>Two of Campo's teammates, Tyler Rowe and Josh Jackson, were also in the ute and were taken to hospital with injuries. </p> <p>Cameron Britt, CEO of South Fremantle, said the club was in "deep shock" following the sudden tragedy.</p> <p>"South Fremantle Football Club is deeply saddened by news of a car accident overnight involving several of our Colts players, resulting in the tragic death of South Fremantle footballer Nick Campo," he said.</p> <p>"We are a club in deep shock, focused upon supporting our players, staff and their families in these tragic circumstances."</p> <p>Campo's parents have also shared their heartbreak following the accident, saying their lives had been "ripped apart" by the sudden loss. </p> <p>"In the early hours of this morning our beautiful son Nick passed away after he was involved in a tragic car accident," they said on Facebook.</p> <p>"Our lives have been ripped apart, 18 years old, a future with so much hope taken away, we are praying others in the car involved will be ok."</p> <p>In Kalgoorlie, where Campo spent his childhood, his former club described him as "a popular friend to many" with a "life full of promise that was taken way too soon".</p> <p><em>Image credits: Nine </em></p>


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Millions of Aussies set for pay rise

<p>Millions of Aussies are in line for a boost on July 1, with the Fair Work Commission set to hand down their decision on minimum pay rates on Monday morning. </p> <p>The workplace umpire's annual wage review, which affects minimum and award wage earners, is expected to hand down an increase of between 3.5 per cent and 4 per cent on the pay rate of $23.23 an hour.</p> <p>These wage increases factor in economic conditions and broader goals such as closing the gender pay gap. </p> <p>A substantial boost was handed out last year - 5.75 per cent for awards and 8.6 per cent for the national minimum - with the commission basing their decision on factors like low unemployment, falling wages and high inflation.</p> <p>The Albanese government has submitted that it would prefer the “real wages of Australia’s low-paid workers do not go backwards." </p> <p>“We want to see strong and sustainable wages growth because we see this as part of the solution to the cost-of-living challenge, not part of the problem,” Treasurer Jim Chalmers said ahead of the decision.</p> <p>No number was specified but they are advocating to an increase which keeps up with inflation, which was at 4.1 per cent annually in the March quarter. </p> <p>In their submission, the government also said that tax relief due to kick in mid-year should not be viewed as a replacement to a wage boost. </p> <p>Meanwhile, peak employee representative the ACTU, has advocated for an increase of 5 per cent, arguing that workers affected by the cost-of-living pressures deserve a hike to their pay. </p> <p>Australian Industry Group has proposed a wage increase of 2.8 per cent, warning that an excessive pay boost could increase the risk of job losses, as the economy is slowing and labour market is weakening. </p> <p>Economists have also warned that an increase of over 4 per cent could further complicate the Reserve Bank’s efforts in fighting inflation, which  have already slugged borrowers with 13 rate hikes in the last two years. </p> <p>But AMP chief economist Shane Oliver said that an increase of at or just below 4 per cent, could help the RBA return inflation back to its target band of two to three per cent. </p> <p>“A rise around 4 per cent would give workers a real wage rise, it’s not so high as to add to the risk of a wage price spiral, … and in line with the rough assessment that 4 per cent wages growth is consistent with 2 per cent to 3 per cent inflation.”</p> <p><em>Image: Shutterstock</em></p> <p> </p>

Money & Banking

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Embracing healing: The rise of medical cannabis in Australia

<p>In recent years, Australia has made significant strides in healthcare, particularly in the realm of alternative medicine. One such breakthrough gaining widespread recognition is the availability and utilisation of medical cannabis. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">As attitudes shift and research unfolds</a>, the once-stigmatised plant is emerging as a source of genuine hope and relief for patients across the country.</p> <p>Medical cannabis, derived from the cannabis plant, contains compounds known as cannabinoids, notably THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol), which possess therapeutic properties. While recreational use remains a contentious issue, the medicinal potential of cannabis cannot be overlooked.</p> <p>In Australia, its legal status has evolved; in October 2016 the Australian Government changed the law to allow organisations to grow cannabis for research and to make pharmaceutical products, allowing patients to access cannabis-based products under specific conditions.</p> <p>One of the most significant benefits of medical cannabis is its ability to alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life for patients suffering from various medical conditions. From chronic pain and epilepsy to nausea induced by chemotherapy, medical cannabis offers relief where traditional treatments can fall short or have significant long-term side effects. For people with debilitating illnesses, this alternative therapy can open doors to a life with reduced discomfort and enhanced well-being.</p> <p>Moreover, the availability of medical cannabis fosters a more patient-centric approach to healthcare. By recognising the diverse needs of individuals and offering alternative treatment options, healthcare professionals empower patients to take control of their health journey. This shift towards personalised medicine acknowledges that what works for one person may not work for another, and cannabis-based treatments provide another tool in the arsenal of healthcare interventions.</p> <p>Australia's embrace of medical cannabis also extends to research and innovation. With an increasing number of clinical trials and studies exploring its efficacy and safety, the medical community is uncovering new insights into the potential applications of cannabis-based therapies. This commitment to scientific inquiry ensures that medical cannabis is integrated into healthcare practices responsibly and ethically.</p> <p>Furthermore, the legalisation of medical cannabis opens doors for economic growth and innovation. Australia's burgeoning cannabis industry has the potential to create jobs, stimulate investment and drive technological advancements in cultivation, processing and distribution. By capitalising on this emerging market, Australia can position itself as a global leader in medical cannabis research and production.</p> <p>Take the example of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Montu</a>, a Melbourne-based medical cannabis company that in November was <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">named the fastest-growing tech company</a> in the entire country for the second consecutive year. The groundswell of public and investor support for such a company – whose stated mission is to deploy technology to create a better medical cannabis ecosystem for suppliers, practitioners, pharmacies and the patients they serve – is testament to the rapidly growing popularity of medical cannabis as a viable everyday resource for health and wellbeing. </p> <p>Companies like Montu that are streamlining and regulating access to medical cannabis via a growing network of medical practitioners are playing a vital role in getting help for those who need it most. Even though Montu was only formed in 2019, with its first products entering the market in 2020, the evolution of its company ecosystem has been dramatic to say the least. Now with a diverse range of companies under its umbrella, Montu is using innovative solutions to enhance the patient experience – from their "Leafio" dispensing system bridging the gap between suppliers and pharmacies, to their growing variety of products and brands, to their "Alternaleaf" telehealth service that connects patients with expert clinicians, and their high-end "Saged" professional online learning portal for healthcare professionals, this integrated approach is shaping a future where medical cannabis is accessible, efficient and tailored to meet the diverse needs of patients and healthcare providers alike.</p> <p>Perhaps most importantly of all, the availability of medical cannabis promotes harm reduction by offering a safer alternative to potentially addictive pharmaceutical drugs. For patients struggling with opioid dependence or other addictive substances, cannabis-based treatments provide a non-addictive option for managing symptoms, reducing the risk of substance abuse and overdose.</p> <p>The legalisation of medical cannabis in Australia marked a pivotal moment in the nation's healthcare landscape. With growing recognition of the therapeutic potential of cannabis-derived treatments, Australia has taken decisive steps to ensure that patients in need have access to this alternative therapy.</p> <p>Through rigorous regulation and oversight, the legal framework surrounding medical cannabis balances patient safety with the need for compassionate care, allowing individuals suffering from debilitating conditions to explore new avenues of treatment.</p> <p>This landmark decision not only reflected a shift in societal attitudes towards cannabis but also underscored Australia's commitment to evidence-based medicine and the well-being of its citizens.</p> <p><span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">As attitudes towards cannabis evolve and its medicinal benefits become more widely recognised, Australia stands at the forefront of a healthcare revolution – one of </span>hope, healing and a future where patients can experience relief and improved quality of life.</p> <p><em>Image: Getty</em></p>


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Who will look after us in our final years? A pay rise alone won’t solve aged-care workforce shortages

<p><a href="">Stephen Duckett</a>, <em><a href="">The University of Melbourne</a></em></p> <p>Aged-care workers will receive a significant pay increase after the Fair Work Commission <a href="">ruled</a> they deserved substantial wage rises of up to 28%. The federal government <a href="">has committed to</a> the increases, but is yet to announce when they will start.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">Tens of thousands of aged care workers will receive a major pay rise after the Fair Work Commission recommended the increase. <a href=""></a></p> <p>— SBS News (@SBSNews) <a href="">March 15, 2024</a></p></blockquote> <p>But while wage rises for aged-care workers are welcome, this measure alone will not fix all workforce problems in the sector. The number of people over 80 is expected to <a href="">triple over the next 40 years</a>, driving an increase in the number of aged care workers needed.</p> <h2>How did we get here?</h2> <p>The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, which delivered its <a href="">final report</a> in March 2021, identified a litany of tragic failures in the regulation and delivery of aged care.</p> <p>The former Liberal government was dragged reluctantly to accept that a total revamp of the aged-care system was needed. But its <a href=",%2C%20dementia%2C%20food%20and%20nutrition.">weak response</a> left the heavy lifting to the incoming Labor government.</p> <p>The current government’s response started well, with a <a href="">significant injection of funding</a> and a promising regulatory response. But it too has failed to pursue a visionary response to the problems identified by the Royal Commission.</p> <p>Action was needed on four fronts:</p> <ul> <li>ensuring enough staff to provide care</li> <li>building a functioning regulatory system to encourage good care and weed out bad providers</li> <li>designing and introducing a fair payment system to distribute funds to providers and</li> <li>implementing a financing system to pay for it all and achieve intergenerational equity.</li> </ul> <p>A government taskforce which proposed a <a href="">timid response to the fourth challenge</a> – an equitable financing system – was released at the start of last week.</p> <p>Consultation closed on a <a href="">very poorly designed new regulatory regime</a> the week before.</p> <p>But the big news came at end of the week when the Fair Work Commission handed down a further <a href="">determination</a> on what aged-care workers should be paid, confirming and going beyond a previous <a href="">interim determination</a>.</p> <h2>What did the Fair Work Commission find?</h2> <p>Essentially, the commission determined that work in industries with a high proportion of women workers has been traditionally undervalued in wage-setting. This had consequences for both care workers in the aged-care industry (nurses and <a href="">Certificate III-qualified</a> personal-care workers) and indirect care workers (cleaners, food services assistants).</p> <p>Aged-care staff will now get significant pay increases – 18–28% increase for personal care workers employed under the Aged Care Award, inclusive of the increase awarded in the interim decision.</p> <figure class="align-center "><figcaption></figcaption>Indirect care workers were awarded a general increase of 3%. Laundry hands, cleaners and food services assistants will receive a further 3.96% <a href="">on the grounds</a> they “interact with residents significantly more regularly than other indirect care employees”.</figure> <p>The final increases for registered and enrolled nurses will be determined in the next few months.</p> <h2>How has the sector responded?</h2> <p>There has been no push-back from employer groups or conservative politicians. This suggests the uplift is accepted as fair by all concerned.</p> <p>The interim increases of up to 15% probably facilitated this acceptance, with the <a href="">recognition of the community</a> that care workers should be paid more than fast food workers.</p> <p>There was <a href="">no criticism from aged-care providers</a> either. This is probably because they are facing difficulty in recruiting staff at current wage rates. And because government payments to providers reflect the <a href="">actual cost of aged care</a>, increased payments will automatically flow to providers.</p> <p>When the increases will flow has yet to be determined. The government is due to give its recommendations for staging implementation by mid-April.</p> <h2>Is the workforce problem fixed?</h2> <p>An increase in wages is necessary, but alone is not sufficient to solve workforce shortages.</p> <p>The health- and social-care workforce is <a href="">predicted</a> to grow faster than any other sector over the next decade. The “care economy” will <a href="">grow</a> from around 8% to around 15% of GDP over the next 40 years.</p> <p>This means a greater proportion of school-leavers will need to be attracted to the aged-care sector. Aged care will also need to attract and retrain workers displaced from industries in decline and attract suitably skilled migrants and refugees with appropriate language skills.</p> <p>The <a href="">caps on university and college enrolments</a> imposed by the previous government, coupled with weak student demand for places in key professions (such as nursing), has meant workforce shortages will continue for a few more years, despite the allure of increased wages.</p> <p>A significant increase in intakes into university and vocational education college courses preparing students for health and social care is still required. Better pay will help to increase student demand, but funding to expand place numbers will ensure there are enough qualified staff for the aged-care system of the future. <!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. 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Retirement Income

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Rise in insurance premiums set to devastate Aussies

<p>Australians struggling with the cost of living are set to be hit with another blow to their wallets as health insurance premiums rise. </p> <p>Coming into effect on April 1st, private health insurance premiums are set to rise by more than 3 per cent, in the biggest increase in five years.</p> <p>The federal government has approved an average industry premium rise of 3.03 per cent, which will impact 14 million Australians paying for private health cover. </p> <p>The 2024 increase is slightly higher than a rise of 2.9 per cent in 2023, and 2.7 per cent in 2022 and 2021.</p> <p>In 2019, premiums rose by 3.3 per cent, making the 2024 rise the biggest in five years. </p> <p>Health Minister Mark Butler said the rise was smaller than the increase in wages, the age pension and inflation.</p> <p>“I wasn’t prepared to just tick and flick the claims of health insurers, as the opposition asked me to do,” Butler said.</p> <p>“I asked insurers to go back and sharpen their pencils and put forward a more reasonable offer for the 15 million Australians with private health insurance.”</p> <p>“Private health insurers must ensure their members are getting value for money,” Butler said.</p> <p>“When costs rise, Australians want to know that higher premiums are contributing to system-wide improvements like higher wages for nurses and other health workers and ensuring that affordable services are available.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images </em></p>

Money & Banking

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"Absolute joke": Hefty pay rise for traffic controllers met with outrage

<p>A new union pay agreement that would see junior labourers and traffic controllers working 36-hour weeks earn $120,000 a year has received mixed reviews. </p> <p>According to reports by the <em>Herald Sun</em>, the Construction, Forestry, Maritime Employees Union (CFMEU) was close to cementing a new pay agreement with the Victorian state government that will see its workers given “at least” a 5 per cent pay rise.</p> <p>The three-year agreement would guarantee that basic labourers and traffic controllers would earn more than $2000 per week plus another $260 a week in travel allowance, equating to 23 per cent more than the average full-time weekly income of $1838.</p> <p>Those working overtime or more than five days per week would earn much more than the $120,000 a year figure, which is for a basic 36-hour week.</p> <p>CFMEU boss John Setka told the publication that the rise was to help workers combat the rising cost of living. </p> <p>“It could be more than 5 per cent,” he said.</p> <p>“Everyone is allowed to increase the cost of everything but we are not allowed to increase wages — fair dinkum? We want a pay rise to keep up with the cost of living and we are not allowed? We are not going to be the sacrificial lambs.”</p> <p>The proposal was met with mixed reactions online, with some people on social media wondering how the labourers were able to make higher wages than those with valuable degrees. </p> <p>“Let me see. Get a tertiary education and become a teacher or a paramedic. Or hold up a pole all day and get paid 50 per cent more. Only in Victoria,” one person wrote.</p> <p>“Visit any of the train crossing removal sites around town and you’ll see dozens of people doing nothing but standing around and looking at their phones, and just a handful doing anything that could be described as work. It’s an absolute joke,” another said.</p> <p>A third added, “Who other than the union thinks it’s realistic for a labourer to earn $120,000 in the same state where a trained doctor earns $83,000 first year post grad and doesn’t get to $120,000 until five years post grad.”</p> <p>Despite the outrage, many came to the defence of workers, saying the pay rise is well overdue. </p> <p>“It’s called traffic control and it is dangerous, hard work,” one X user wrote.</p> <p>“We respect trades in this country do not try to be America about this. Also a field that’s becoming more and more female dominated I’m sure that plays no part in the righteous indignation of men who earn $200,000 a year to say things on radio.”</p> <p>Another said, “I dare anyone talking s**t about this job to do it for a single summer day.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images </em></p>

Money & Banking

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Man's hilariously Aussie response to rising flood water

<p>An Australian man has gone viral for his laid back response to flood waters rising around him, as Queensland continues to be ravaged by Cyclone Jasper. </p> <p>Gavin Dear, a man from the flood-stricken town of Helensvale, and two of his friends took off in his boat to help stranded locals who were displaced from the floods. </p> <p>While filming their rescue mission, the men came across Jonesy, a grey-haired shirtless man who was clinging to a gate as flood waters raced around him. </p> <p>In a clip shared to Facebook, a voice from behind the camera asked, "Jonesy, are you all right?"</p> <p>"Yeah mate. All good," Jonesy responded casually before raising concerns about others in danger nearby.</p> <p>When the men assured Jonesy his neighbours were safe, they asked him again if he needed assistance, to which he said, "Yeah nah mate, bloody fine."</p> <p><iframe style="border: none; overflow: hidden;" src="" width="380" height="476" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p> <p>Hundreds of social media users flocked to the comments section to express their praise for the Aussie larrikin. </p> <p>"There's no possible way this could be any more Far North Queensland," one said.</p> <p>"I think that was the most Australian moment since the first ever utterance of G'day," another wrote. </p> <p>"Surrounded by utter chaos, waist deep in flood water, chopper evac in the background, worried about the other blokes and a dog and saying 'yeah, I'm all good'."</p> <p>Others were quick to label the man "a bloody legend" for worrying about his community despite being half underwater himself.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Facebook  </em></p>

Travel Trouble

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Why "Grey Divorce" is on the rise in Australia

<p>It seems that the older generation is taking a page out of the millennial playbook and saying, "Thanks, but no thanks" to marriage.</p> <p>According to a recent report by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Australian Seniors</a>, the trend of "Grey Divorce" has become so prevalent that one in three couples in Australia decide to call it quits after hitting the big 5-0.</p> <p>It turns out that once the kids have flown the nest, some couples find themselves facing a conundrum. And no, it's not a midlife crisis involving sports cars and questionable hair dye choices. It's the dreaded "empty nest syndrome" – t<span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">he sadness and upheaval that parents experience when their adult children finally leave the family home. </span></p> <p>The report clearly highlights that almost half of these later-in-life divorces are triggered by the empty nest syndrome, followed closely by increased financial pressures (35 per cent) and retirement adjustments (34 per cent).</p> <p>But the report also reveals a silver lining. Many singles over 50 are discovering greater happiness and fulfilment in their solo acts. It's like they've found the secret formula for joy, and it doesn't involve a partner – just personal space, independence, financial control, peace and quiet, and less stress. Who needs a spouse when you can have tranquillity and control over the TV remote?</p> <p>In fact, more than half of single people over 50 reported being content without a committed partner, and almost one-third claimed that their relationship status was a positive influence on their happiness. Move over, relationship goals; it's time for solo satisfaction to take centre stage.</p> <p>And for those still treading the murky waters of late-life love, there's hope yet. The report offers some sage advice from those who've managed to keep the spark alive, including open and honest communication about changing needs, supporting personal growth, and maintaining independence.</p> <p>While the report concludes that overall divorce rates in Australia have actually hit an all-time low in recent years, the over-50 crowd appear to be shaking things up and going their own way. So, whether you're contemplating marriage or dealing with an unexpected guest cancellation at your wedding, just remember – there's a 50/50 chance you'll be navigating the exciting world of "Grey Divorce" someday.</p> <p><em>Image: Getty</em></p>


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The rise and fall of antibiotics. What would a post-antibiotic world look like?

<p><em><a href="">Allen Cheng</a>, <a href="">Monash University</a></em></p> <p> </p> <p>These days, we don’t think much about being able to access a course of antibiotics to head off an infection. But that wasn’t always the case – antibiotics have been available for less than a century.</p> <p>Before that, patients would die of relatively trivial infections that became more serious. Some serious infections, such as those involving the heart valves, were <a href="">inevitably</a> fatal.</p> <p>Other serious infections, such as <a href="">tuberculosis</a>, weren’t always fatal. Up to a <a href="">half</a> of people died within a year with the most severe forms, but some people recovered without treatment and the remainder had ongoing chronic infection that slowly ate away at the body over many years.</p> <p>Once we had antibiotics, the outcomes for these infections were much better.</p> <h2>Life (and death) before antibiotics</h2> <p>You’ve probably heard of Alexander Fleming’s accidental <a href="">discovery of penicillin</a>, when fungal spores landed on a plate with bacteria left over a long weekend in 1928.</p> <p>But the <a href="">first patient</a> to receive penicillin was an instructive example of the impact of treatment. In 1941, Constable Albert Alexander had an infected scratch on his face that had become infected.</p> <p>He was hospitalised but despite various treatments, the infection progressed to involve his head. This required removing one of his eyes.</p> <p>Howard Florey, the Australian pharmacologist then working in Oxford, was concerned penicillin could be toxic in humans. Therefore, he felt it was only ethical to give this new drug to a patient in a desperate condition.</p> <p>Constable Alexander was given the available dose of penicillin. Within the first day, his condition had started to improve.</p> <p>But back then, penicillin was difficult to produce. One way of extending the limited supply was to “recycle” penicillin that was excreted in the patient’s urine. Despite this, supplies ran out by the fifth day of Alexander’s treatment.</p> <p>Without further treatment, the infection again took hold. Constable Alexander eventually died a month later.</p> <p>We now face a world where we are potentially running out of antibiotics – not because of difficulties manufacturing them, but because they’re losing their effectiveness.</p> <h2>What do we use antibiotics for?</h2> <p>We currently use antibiotics in humans and animals for a variety of reasons. Antibiotics reduce the duration of illness and the chance of death from infection. They also prevent infections in people who are at high risk, such as patients undergoing surgery and those with weakened immune systems.</p> <p>But antibiotics aren’t always used appropriately. <a href="">Studies</a> consistently show a dose or two will adequately prevent infections after surgery, but antibiotics are <a href="">often</a> continued for several days unnecessarily. And sometimes we use the wrong type of antibiotic.</p> <p><a href="">Surveys</a> have found 22% of antimicrobial use in hospitals is inappropriate.</p> <p>In some situations, this is understandable. Infections in different body sites are usually due to different types of bacteria. When the diagnosis isn’t certain, we often <a href="">err</a> on the side of caution by giving broad spectrum antibiotics to make sure we have active treatments for all possible infections, until further information becomes available.</p> <p>In other situations, there is a degree of inertia. If the patient is improving, doctors tend to simply continue the same treatment, rather than change to more appropriate choice.</p> <p>In general practice, the issue of diagnostic uncertainty and therapeutic inertia are often magnified. Patients who recover after starting antibiotics don’t usually require tests or come back for review, so there is no easy way of knowing if the antibiotic was actually required.</p> <p>Antibiotic prescribing can be more complex again if <a href="">patients</a> are expecting “a pill for every ill”. While doctors are generally good at educating patients when antibiotics are not likely to work (for example, for viral infections), without confirmatory tests there can always be a lingering doubt in the minds of both doctors and patients. Or sometimes the patient goes elsewhere to find a prescription.</p> <p>For other infections, resistance can develop if treatments aren’t given for long enough. This is particularly the <a href="">case</a> for tuberculosis, caused by a slow growing bacterium that requires a particularly long course of antibiotics to cure.</p> <p>As in humans, antibiotics are also used to prevent and treat infections in animals. However, a proportion of antibiotics are used for growth promotion. In Australia, an <a href="">estimated</a> 60% of antibiotics were used in animals between 2005-2010, despite growth-promotion being phased out.</p> <h2>Why is overuse a problem?</h2> <p>Bacteria become resistant to the effect of antibiotics through natural selection – those that survive exposure to antibiotics are the strains that have a mechanism to evade their effects.</p> <p>For example, antibiotics are sometimes given to <a href="">prevent</a> recurrent urinary tract infections, but a consequence, any infection that does <a href="">develop</a> tends to be with resistant bacteria.</p> <p>When resistance to the commonly used first-line antibiotics occurs, we often need to reach deeper into the bag to find other effective treatments.</p> <p>Some of these last-line antibiotics are those that had been <a href="">superseded</a> because they had serious side effects or couldn’t be given conveniently as tablets.</p> <p>New drugs for some bacteria have been developed, but many are much more <a href="">expensive</a> than older ones.</p> <h2>Treating antibiotics as a valuable resource</h2> <p>The concept of antibiotics as a valuable resource has led to the <a href="">concept</a> of “antimicrobial stewardship”, with programs to promote the responsible use of antibiotics. It’s a similar concept to environmental stewardship to prevent climate change and environmental degradation.</p> <p>Antibiotics are a rare class of medication where treatment of one patient can potentially affect the outcome of other patients, through the transmission of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Therefore, like efforts to combat climate change, antibiotic stewardship relies on changing individual actions to benefit the broader community.</p> <p>Like climate change, antibiotic resistance is a complex problem when seen in a broader context. Studies have linked resistance to the values and priorities <a href="">of governments</a> such as corruption and infrastructure, including the availability of electricity and public services. This highlights that there are broader “causes of the causes”, such as public spending on sanitation and health care.</p> <p>Other <a href="">studies</a> have suggested individuals need to be considered within the broader social and institutional influences on prescribing behaviour. Like all human behaviour, antibiotic prescribing is complicated, and factors like what doctors feel is “normal” prescribing, whether junior staff feel they can challenge senior doctors, and even their <a href="">political views</a> may be important.</p> <p>There are also issues with the <a href="">economic model</a> for developing new antibiotics. When a new antibiotic is first approved for use, the first reaction for prescribers is not to use it, whether to ensure it retains its effectiveness or because it is often very expensive.</p> <p>However, this doesn’t really <a href="">encourage</a> the development of new antibiotics, particularly when pharma research and development budgets can easily be diverted to developing drugs for conditions patients take for years, rather than a few days.</p> <h2>The slow moving pandemic of resistance</h2> <blockquote> <p>If we fail to act, we are looking at an almost unthinkable scenario where antibiotics no longer work and we are cast back into the dark ages of medicine – <a href="">David Cameron</a>, former UK Prime Minister</p> </blockquote> <p>Antibiotic resistance is already a problem. Almost all infectious diseases physicians have had the dreaded call about patients with infections that were essentially untreatable, or where they had to scramble to find supplies of long-forgotten last-line antibiotics.</p> <p>There are already hospitals in some parts of the world that have had to carefully <a href="">consider</a> whether it’s still viable to treat cancers, because of the <a href="">high risk</a> of infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria.</p> <p>A global <a href="">study</a> estimated that in 2019, almost 5 million deaths occurred with an infection involving antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Some 1.3 million would not have occurred if the bacteria were not resistant.</p> <p>The UK’s 2014 <a href="">O'Neill report</a> predicted deaths from antimicrobial resistance could rise to 10 million deaths each year, and cost 2-3.5% of global GDP, by 2050 based on trends at that time.</p> <h2>What can we do about it?</h2> <p>There is a lot we can do to prevent antibiotic resistance. We can:</p> <ul> <li> <p><a href="">raise</a> <a href="">awareness</a> that many infections will get better by themselves, and don’t necessarily need antibiotics</p> </li> <li> <p>use the antibiotics we have more appropriately and for as short a time as possible, supported by co-ordinated clinical and <a href="">public policy</a>, and <a href="">national</a> <a href="">oversight</a></p> </li> <li> <p><a href="">monitor</a> for infections due to resistant bacterial to inform control policies</p> </li> <li> <p>reduce the inappropriate use of antibiotics in animals, such as <a href="">growth promotion</a></p> </li> <li> <p><a href="">reduce</a> cross-transmission of resistant organisms in hospitals and in the community</p> </li> <li> <p>prevent infections by other means, such as clean water, <a href="">sanitation</a>, hygiene and <a href="">vaccines</a></p> </li> <li> <p>continue developing new antibiotics and alternatives to antibiotics and ensure the right <a href=",exclusivity%20extensions%2C%20and%20milestone%20payments.">incentives</a> are in place to encourage a continuous pipeline of new drugs.</p> </li> </ul> <p><a href=""><em>Allen Cheng</em></a><em>, Professor in Infectious Diseases Epidemiology, <a href="">Monash University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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Five ways to take advantage of rising interest rates to boost your savings

<p><em><a href="">Fredrick Kibon Changwony</a>, <a href="">University of Stirling</a></em></p> <p>With the Bank of England base rate <a href="">currently the highest</a> it has been since early 2008, you may have a valuable opportunity to increase your earnings on pensions, investments and savings accounts. After all, when the central bank raises its main rate – the base rate, which is typically used as a benchmark for loans as well as savings accounts – it is trying to encourage people to spend less and save more.</p> <p>But UK banks and building societies have <a href="">recently been accused</a> of letting their savings rates lag the recent rapid rise in the base rate. UK regulator the Financial Conduct Authority has urged these financial firms to offer “<a href="">fair and competitive</a>” savings rates in response to the increasing interest rates.</p> <p>Many financial institutions do offer accounts with <a href="">rates of 6% or more</a>. This is good news for avid savers – but only if you keep an eye on the market so you can switch from less competitive products. This is why it’s important to establish a regular savings habit, but many people are unsure about what that should involve.</p> <p>My colleagues and I have studied the <a href="">correlation between people’s savings goals</a> (if they have any) and how they invest their money. We also looked at how seeking financial information advice, and being “good with numbers”, both influence this correlation.</p> <p>We analysed data from more than 40,000 individuals in 21,000 UK households from five waves of the Office for National Statistics Wealth and Assets Survey (WAS), conducted between 2006 and 2016. This data captures comprehensive economic wellbeing information and attitudes to financial planning.</p> <p>Our research shows the importance to your finances of setting multiple savings goals, keeping up with financial news, and seeking professional advice. Based on this, here are five research-based ways to make the most of your money.</p> <h2>1. Set specific savings goals</h2> <p>Establishing personal savings goals is one of the first steps most financial institutions and advisers will recommend to their customers, because it’s a good idea to <a href="">save regularly</a>. Plus, our study shows that total financial assets increase in line with the number of savings goals you have, and that setting specific, rather than vague, goals leads to higher performance.</p> <p>Specific savings goals should have an end date, target figure, and even a meaningful name – for example, “£1,000 for 2024 trip to Asia” or “£250 for 2023 Christmas present fund”. This will create tangible reference points that encourage self-control and increase the pain you feel if you fail to meet your goal.</p> <h2>2. Seek professional financial advice</h2> <p>Rather than relying on friends, family and social media for financial advice, speak to an expert.</p> <p>Our research shows households that access professional financial advice were more likely to allocate a higher share of their wealth to stock portfolios than those that rely on friends, family and social media for financial advice. This result was consistent even across different wealth and income levels, with lower earners possibly using products like ISAs to make investments in stocks and shares. Other <a href="">research shows</a> stock portfolios outperform most other types of investment in the long term.</p> <p>We also found that access to professional financial advice can substitute for setting goals, because your adviser should help you to determine the kinds of products to invest in (which is called asset allocation) for specific timelines and aims.</p> <h2>3. Brush up on your maths</h2> <p><a href="">Several studies</a> show numerical skills affect how households gather and process information, <a href="">set goals</a>, perceive risks, and <a href=";i=791">decide to invest</a> in various financial assets. So, by brushing up on your basic numeracy and financial literacy skills – even with free online videos – you could boost your savings for the long term.</p> <p>Our study shows that individuals with high confidence in their numerical skills tend to have better financial planning habits – such as investing more in stocks and bonds than cash, which carries more risk but also the potential for greater returns. This trend is particularly evident among households with no savings goals, suggesting that numerical ability could compensate for failing to set such goals.</p> <h2>4. Adopt appropriate savings strategies</h2> <p>Diversified stock market portfolios generally outperform bonds and cash savings <a href="">over longer periods</a>. However, stock markets can be volatile, so putting savings into less risky assets like bonds and cash is wise for savings goals of less than five years.</p> <p>In the longer term, investing across different global stock markets for more than five years can help counteract inflation. And you can access low-cost, diversified investment portfolios via financial products based on indices of stocks or other assets, such as exchange traded funds.</p> <h2>5. Set, monitor and adjust your plan</h2> <p>Free financial planning and budgeting apps can help you save money by tracking your spending and savings goals, and encouraging you to adhere to a budget.</p> <p>Most importantly, once you set savings goals and create a budget, don’t forget about them. Check regularly to see how your savings are building up and to monitor for any spending changes. A growing array of fintech tools can prompt and encourage this kind of long-term planning.</p> <p>Keeping an eye on savings rates is also important. As banks change rates or create new accounts, consider switching to get a better deal if you can do so without falling foul of account closure fees.</p> <p>It’s important to make sure your savings are working for you at any time, but its crucial in the current economy, when finances are tight but interest rates are rising.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Fredrick Kibon Changwony</a>, Lecturer in Accounting &amp; Finance, <a href="">University of Stirling</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>

Money & Banking

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Going up! The rising cost of living

<p>You don’t need to watch the news to know the cost of living is rising – and for many products and services, well above the headline inflation rate. The evidence is there every time you walk down a supermarket aisle, fill your car with petrol and open an energy bill. It’s at the doctor’s surgery and the pharmacy, the butcher and the baker. It seems that inflation’s appetite for your retirement income is insatiable.</p> <p>Then there’s the other unknown that affects your retirement income – the number of years you need to fund. None of us know how long we have to budget our retirement savings for.</p> <p>When your income is fixed at a rate to make it last across many years of retirement, something has to give. And for many people, the first things to go are those they enjoy most. A restaurant meal, trips to the cinema, exercise classes at the local gym. For others, more critical things may fall by the wayside – heating in winter, nourishing food, critical repairs to the home or car.</p> <p>If you’re worried that your retirement income won’t stretch to cover the rising cost of living over an unknown number of years, there are ways to boost it. Despite a recent dip in home values, strong growth over many years has seen the value of retirees’ home equity skyrocket. And now, you can unlock the wealth accumulated in your home to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">improve your retirement funding</a>.</p> <p>This wealth in your home can be used to fund a monthly or fortnightly income stream, to top up pension payments received from your super fund or the government. It can also be drawn as a lump sum – or a mix of capital <em>and</em> income. Access to capital is important – you can use it to repair or renovate your home, buy a new car or enjoy a holiday.</p> <p>Unlocking the wealth in your home enables you to live the retirement lifestyle you deserve in the home you love…without watching every dollar you spend or foregoing the important things that make you happy.</p> <p><strong>About Household Capital</strong></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Household Capital</a> is a specialist retirement funding provider that provides responsible long-term access to home equity to meet the needs of an ageing population.</p> <p>We work with you to improve your retirement lifestyle: by enhancing retirement income, providing access to capital and improving retirement housing. Our approach aims to provide you with the best of both worlds – to continue living in your family home with the confidence to enjoy the retirement lifestyle you deserve.</p> <p>In providing access to your <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">home equity</a>, we offer you the choice and flexibility to use the wealth in your home in a variety of ways that suit you, today and in the future. These might include:</p> <ul> <li>Providing <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">a regular income stream</a> through a regular drawdown facility, so the rising cost of living doesn’t mean going without</li> <li>Paying off <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">an existing mortgage</a> or other debt to free up your cashflow</li> <li>Setting up <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">a contingency fund</a> for those unexpected expenses, which can be drawn on as you need</li> <li>Covering the costs of in-home or residential aged care.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Our customers – Lynne, Raylene and Suzanne</strong></p> <p><iframe title="YouTube video player" src="" width="770" height="433" frameborder="0" data-mce-fragment="1"><span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span><span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span></iframe></p> <p>Lynne, Raylene and Suzanne have been friends for more than 30 years and although they no longer live in neighbouring suburbs, they get together at least weekly to laugh, to talk and to sew. The three of them sew quilts to donate to aged care facilities, where they are gratefully received by the residents.</p> <p>Lynne was the first to approach Household Capital. She needed a reliable car – but as a widow in her 70s, banks would not lend to her. Instead, Lynne unlocked her home wealth to purchase her new car and to set up a contingency fund to draw on in the event of unexpected expenses. She told her friends Raylene and Suzanne about Household Capital, as both were struggling to make ends meet. Raylene and Suzanne have now used their home wealth to each establish a regular income stream and a contingency fund, giving them confidence in their future and the flexibility to meet their financial needs.</p> <p>Despite the rising cost of living, you can take control of your retirement and Live Well At Home<sup>TM</sup> – and it’s Household Capital’s mission to facilitate that. After all, home can be both the best place to live and the right way to fund your retirement.</p> <p>To find out more about the retirement wealth source that most Australian retirees aren’t using, and see how much wealth you can unlock visit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> or call us <strong>1300 734 720</strong> to have an obligation free chat with one of our Australian based retirement funding specialists.</p> <p><em>Applications for credit are subject to eligibility and lending criteria. Fees and charges are payable, and terms and conditions apply (available upon request). Household Capital Pty Limited ACN 618 068 214, Australian Credit Licence 545906, is the Servicer for the credit provider Household Capital Services Pty Limited ACN 625 860 764</em></p> <p><em>Image: Supplied. </em></p> <p><em>This is a sponsored article produced in partnership with Household Capital.</em></p>

Retirement Life

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Cancer is rising in under-50s – but the causes are a mystery

<p><em><a href="">Ashleigh Hamilton</a>, <a href="">Queen's University Belfast</a></em></p> <p>Cancer is often thought of as a disease that mostly affects older people. But worrying new research shows that cancer in younger adults is a growing problem. The study found there’s been a nearly 80% increase in the number of under-50s being <a href="">diagnosed with cancer</a> globally in the last three decades.</p> <p>Also of concern are the types of cancers being seen in younger adults – with this latest study and previous research showing that cancers thought of as typical of older age groups are now increasingly being diagnosed in younger people. These include <a href="">bowel cancer</a>, <a href="">stomach cancer</a>, <a href="">breast cancer</a>, <a href="">uterine cancer</a> and <a href="">pancreatic cancer</a>.</p> <p>This is worrying because some of these cancers – particularly <a href="">pancreatic</a> and <a href="">stomach</a> cancer – have low survival rates, due to the fact they’re often diagnosed at a late stage. Research has also shown that bowel cancer tends to be <a href="">diagnosed at a more advanced stage</a> in young people compared with older adults.</p> <p>While it’s clear from this latest study that cancer is becoming more common in those under 50, experts still aren’t entirely sure what’s causing this rise.</p> <h2>Early-onset cancer</h2> <p>The study investigated cancer cases in people under the age of 50 (termed “early-onset cancer”) from 204 countries and regions. The data analysed was collected between 1990 and 2019. The researchers were interested in knowing not only the incidence of early-onset cancer, but what types of cancer had the highest burden in under-50s.</p> <p>They found that in 2019, there were 3.26 million cases of early-onset cancer diagnosed worldwide – a 79% increase since 1990. The authors also predicted that by 2030, the number of under-50s diagnosed with cancer would increase by a further 31%.</p> <p>Breast cancer was the most common early-onset cancer in 2019, but incidences of prostate and throat cancers increased at the fastest rate since 1990. Liver cancer decreased the fastest over the same time period.</p> <p>The number of deaths due to early-onset cancers also increased from 1990 to 2019 – although less quickly than the rate of diagnosis, with 1.06 million deaths worldwide in 2019, an increase of 28%. The cancers with the highest number of deaths in 2019 were breast, lung, bowel and stomach cancers. The age group at greatest risk of early-onset cancer were those in their 40s.</p> <p>In 2019, early-onset breast cancer had the highest burden for women, while early-onset lung cancer the highest burden for men. Women were disproportionately affected in terms of death and poor health from early-onset cancer in low- and middle-income countries.</p> <p>The study also shows that while the highest number of early-onset cancer cases were in developed countries such as western Europe, North America and Australasia, many cases were also seen in low- and middle-income countries. Death rates were also higher in low- and middle-income countries.</p> <p>The main limitation of this paper is the variability of the data collected by different countries, making it difficult to measure its completeness. Nonetheless, it is still useful in getting a picture of global health.</p> <h2>Unknown causes</h2> <p>There’s no single explanation for why cancers are rising in under-50s.</p> <p>Some cancers in younger people happen as a result of a genetic condition – but these only <a href="">account for a small number of cases</a> (around 20%).</p> <p>Lifestyle factors such as the foods we eat, whether we drink alcohol or smoke, and being overweight are all linked to an <a href="">increased risk</a> of many types of cancer. Research indicates that these factors may be contributing to a rise in <a href="">early-onset colorectal cancer</a>, for example. Whether this is true for other types of early-onset cancer remains unknown.</p> <p>Some people affected by early-onset cancers may live healthy lifestyles. This suggests there are probably other reasons for the increase that have not yet been discovered.</p> <p>It’s clear from this research that the landscape of cancer is changing. While the incidence of early-onset cancers is increasing, cancer in this age group is still much less common than for those over-50. Early-onset cancers account for only around a tenth of <a href="">new cases in the UK</a>. But though the numbers are still relatively low, this doesn’t mean the trend we’re seeing isn’t of concern.</p> <p>It will be crucial now to ensure there’s greater awareness of early-onset cancers. Most younger people, and even healthcare professionals, don’t necessarily put cancer at the top of the list when symptoms develop. It’s important for people to see their GP if they notice any new symptoms, as detecting cancer at an early stage leads to a better prognosis.</p> <p>Urgent research into early-onset cancer is also needed at a national and international level. The underlying causes are probably different depending on a person’s sex, ethnicity and where they live.</p> <p>On a personal level, there are many things you can do to reduce your risk of developing cancer. <a href="">Following a healthy lifestyle</a> remains important. This includes eating a healthy diet, stopping smoking, exercising regularly, reducing your alcohol intake, being safe in the sun and maintaining a healthy weight. If something doesn’t feel right with your body or you experience any new symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as you can.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><a href=""><em>Ashleigh Hamilton</em></a><em>, Academic Clinical Lecturer, Centre for Public Health, <a href="">Queen's University Belfast</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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Albo's eye-watering pay rise revealed

<p>Anthony Albanese has received a massive pay rise, along with several other Federal MPs, in the biggest pay rise for politicians in a decade. </p> <p>The Prime Minister and his deputy Richard Marles have scored a big pay pump which will increase their pay to $586,768 and $432,860 respectively.</p> <p>The pay increase for all politicians is four percent, which is the heftiest single pay rise in almost 10 years, taking the base salary of a backbencher from $217,000 to $225,680.</p> <p>Under the changes, Albo will score a $22,568 a year pay rise, while his deputy Richard Marles will score a $16,000 pay rise from September 1st.</p> <p>The Remuneration Tribunal, the body that determines the pay and entitlements of public office holders, announced the decision on Monday afternoon citing cost of living pressures as one factor for the increase.</p> <p>“The Tribunal has decided to increase remuneration by 4 per cent for public offices in its jurisdiction. This increase applies from 1 July 2023 for all offices except Federal Members of Parliament (MPs), which applies from 1 September 2023," a spokesman said.</p> <p>“The Tribunal completed its last review of remuneration for public offices in its jurisdiction in June 2022 and determined an adjustment of 2.75 per cent would apply from 1 July 2022. The Tribunal made no adjustment in the preceding two years."</p> <p>“The Tribunal is aware that the remuneration increases it has awarded to offices in its jurisdiction over the past decade have been conservative," a spokesman said.</p> <p>Despite the Tribunal's justification for the increase, the news of the pay rise has come at a difficult time for the Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles, as revelations emerged that he was booking military planes to pick him up and drop him off at Avalon airport closer to his home in Geelong saving himself a one-hour chauffeur-driven car ride from Melbourne.</p> <p>The flights are contributing to a staggering $3.6 million bill for Mr Marles’ VIP private plane costs since last year alone.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p>

Money & Banking

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"Ignore, delete and report": Cruel Medicare scam on the rise

<p>The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s Scamwatch has warned Aussies against a suspicious Medicare email going around claiming that their services have been suspended. </p> <p>The email states that Medicare services have been suspended because of incomplete customer medical records and contains a link for them to update their medical records to access the service. </p> <p>“Fake emails impersonating Medicare are doing the rounds claiming Medicare services have been suspended," a spokesperson for the consumer watchdog wrote in a tweet.</p> <p>“Ignore the email and the instruction to reactivate your Medicare services — it’s a scam.”</p> <p>"Ignore, delete, and report to Scamwatch." </p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en"><a href="">#scamalert</a>: Fake emails impersonating Medicare are doing the rounds claiming Medicare services have been suspended. <br />Ignore the email and the instruction to reactivate your Medicare services - it's a scam. <br />Ignore, delete, and report to Scamwatch <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p> <p>— NASC Scamwatch (@Scamwatch_gov) <a href="">August 11, 2023</a></p></blockquote> <p>Services Australia also advised customers to beware of emails and texts that sound urgent, make promises of financial benefit, and threaten with fines, debts or jail. </p> <p>“If you’ve clicked on a suspicious link or given your personal information to a scammer, call our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk</a>,” the website states. </p> <p><em>Image: Getty</em></p>


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Facebook Messenger scams are on the rise – here’s how to protect yourself

<p><strong>Facebook Messenger scams prey on our vulnerabilities</strong></p> <p>Scams through Facebook’s Messenger platform are being reported at higher rates than ever before, according to AARP, citing its own data as well as that of the government. Since Facebook’s early days, cybercriminals have been mining Facebook’s direct-messaging capabilities to scam unsuspecting victims out of money. One of the earliest Facebook Messenger scams involved a message, purportedly from a friend, claiming they were stuck in a foreign country and in desperate need of immediate financial assistance to get out. It wasn’t really the friend, however, but rather a scammer who had hacked into the friend’s account. </p> <p>Imposter scams such as “the friend in a foreign country” have evolved and proliferated over the years. The common thread is the scammer either creates an account impersonating an actual Facebook account or hacks into an existing Facebook account. In either case, the scammer then uses the fake/hacked account to send private messages to the account holder’s friends that elicit either money or personal information. The messages vary, but all are designed to prey on our human vulnerabilities, including:</p> <ul> <li>the desire to be a “hero”</li> <li>the desire to appear “generous”</li> <li>the desire to win “free money”</li> <li>the desire to be loved and admired</li> <li>the desire to avoid shame or punishment</li> </ul> <p>If a scammer tries to message you, report them, Facebook advises, but that begs the larger question of how does one recognise a Facebook Messenger scam?</p> <p><strong>Current Messenger Facebook scams</strong></p> <p>According to Facebook and our cybersecurity experts, here are the most common Facebook Messenger scams today:</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em>Romance scams</em></span>. Preying on our desire to be loved and admired, romance scammers appear as attractive strangers with sad stories and a desire to love and be loved. The most effective romance scammers will friend a number of mutual friends before reaching out to any of them, in an attempt to make themselves seem less like strangers and more like people in the same social network. Many use photos they’ve stolen off the Internet and many pose as members of the military or as doctors, in an attempt to inspire trust, admiration, and even authority. What they all have in common is they can’t meet you just yet because they’re somewhere far away, and although it may take a bit of time, even as much as several weeks, they will eventually ask you to send money so that they can come to see you.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em>Lottery scams</em></span>. Preying on our desire for “free money,” lottery scammers appear as friends or organisations who are thrilled to tell you you’ve won money in some lottery or contest. The common thread? It’s a contest you have no recollection of having entered and to get the prize, you’ll have to either pay a fee or “refundable” advance or provide personal information.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em>Inheritance scams</em></span>. Also preying on our desire for free money, inheritance scammers claim to be lawyers or others who represent someone who has died and supposedly left you their estate or some portion of it – but first, you’ll have to fork over some money or personal information.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em>Loan scams</em></span>. Another variation on the “free money” theme is the loan scam, whereby the scammer promises low-interest loans with no money down – except for a “refundable” application fee. Facebook points out that loan scammers may send messages via Messenger and also leave posts and comments on Pages and in Groups to legitimise themselves. However, legitimate lenders wouldn’t offer loans via Facebook Messenger, nor would they ask you for money to proceed with a loan application.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em>Donation scams</em></span>. Facebook specifically warns users to watch out for “famous people” or people claiming to represent a charity hitting them up for a donation. Donation scams, which are easy money for a scammer because they are a direct request for payment, prey on our desire to be perceived, or to perceive ourselves, as generous.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em>“Hey, is this you?” scams</em></span>. Consumer Affairs warns of this “phishing scam” that uses the threat of shame to goad you into giving up personal information. The scammer hacks into one of your Facebook friend’s Messenger accounts and sends you a video, asking if it’s really you in the video, and implying there’s something in the video that could embarrass you. If you ever get a message like this, Consumer Affairs urges you to ignore and delete it to avoid giving away personal information or introducing a virus onto your computer.</p> <p><strong>Red flags to watch out for</strong></p> <p>Unfortunately, Facebook Messenger scams evolve rapidly (as soon as we suss them out, there are several more to replace them). So, it’s a good idea to be aware of these warning signs that we culled from our experts:</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em>Someone is asking you for money</em></span>. While Facebook warns specifically against strangers asking for money, Rachel Wilson, investigative coordinator for The Smith Investigation Agency, points out to Reader’s Digest that any time anyone asks you for money over Messenger, it’s immediately suspect. “If friends or family ask you to help them in an emergency, always call to speak with them personally to confirm that the message originated with them.”</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em>Someone is getting a little too personal</em></span>. When someone sends you a message requesting personal information, especially financial information, it should be considered suspicious, advises Sean Messier, credit industry analyst for Credit Card Insider. Messier suggests not revealing any such information until you’re certain the message-sender is who they claim to be, but it’s probably also a good idea to never reveal any such information over Messenger at all.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em>Someone is offering something for free</em></span>. You know how they say there’s no such thing as a free lunch? Well, there’s no such thing as free money on Facebook, points out Robert Siciliano, security expert. This is true for any kind of “free money” Messenger message, including those involving lotteries, loans, contest winnings, inheritances, lost bank accounts, and reimbursements of money owed.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em>Someone who wants to take the conversation off Facebook (to text or email, etc)</em></span>. Facebook warns against taking conversations off Facebook unless you’re absolutely certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the message sender is who they say they are.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em>Messages that seem out of character for the sender</em></span>. If a message seems “out of the norm” for the sender, trust your instincts and ignore it. This is doubly true if the message includes an attachment. Be very wary of opening attachments in general, and particularly if something seems “off” about the message or the sender.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em>Messages rife with spelling and grammatical errors</em></span>. Facebook points out that when a message is filled with typos and grammatical errors, you should have your guard up. A single typo is one thing, but things like the misspelling of names and places are a big red flag.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em>Messages from new accounts with few friends</em></span>. Roger Thompson, CEO of Thompson Cybersecurity Labs, points out that new accounts with few friends should always be considered suspicious until confirmed otherwise. Friend requests from such accounts and from duplicate friend accounts should be considered suspect as well.</p> <p>To avoid getting hacked (and used by a cybercriminal in an imposter scam), Wilson recommends updating your social media passwords regularly and always use two-factor authentication. She also notes that with Facebook use increasing among seniors, it would be a good deed to speak to older family members about Messenger scams and how to avoid them.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images </em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Reader's Digest</a>.</em></p>


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RBA announces major interest rate rise

<p>The Reserve Bank of Australia has lifted its official interest rate to 4.1 per cent, an increase not seen since early 2012.</p> <p>The bank’s board chose to lift the cash rate target by 0.25 of a percentage point for the second month in a row amid concerns that inflation is taking too long to decrease.</p> <p>The latest monthly consumer price index from the Australian Bureau of Statistics saw prices rise 6.8 per cent from 2022 to April 2023, up from the March reading due to statistical uncertainties caused by last year’s temporary fuel excise cut.</p> <p>Reserve Bank governor Phillip Lowe warned the public about rising costs of services including hospitality which are labour intensive and vulnerable to increased wages.</p> <p>"Recent data indicate that the upside risks to the inflation outlook have increased and the board has responded to this," he highlighted in his post-meeting statement.</p> <p>"While goods price inflation is slowing, services price inflation is still very high and is proving to be very persistent overseas. Unit labour costs are also rising briskly, with productivity growth remaining subdued.”</p> <p>Lowe noted the most recent and bigger than expected rise in minimum and award wages, which was the highest increase in decades.</p> <p>"Wages growth has picked up in response to the tight labour market and high inflation," he explained.</p> <p>"At the aggregate level, wages growth is still consistent with the inflation target, provided that productivity growth picks up.”</p> <p>The interest rate spike will add around $76 a month to the repayments on a $500,000 loan, and double that on a million-dollar 25-year mortgage.</p> <p>Someone with $500,000 owing on their home loan will see their monthly repayment increase by around $1,134 a month since the RBA started lifting rates from a record low of 0.1 per cent in May 2022.</p> <p>However, there is still the risk of another rate rise.</p> <p>"Some further tightening of monetary policy may be required to ensure that inflation returns to target in a reasonable time frame, but that will depend upon how the economy and inflation evolve," Lowe warned.</p> <p><em>Image credit: Twitter</em></p>

Money & Banking

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“If I can work until 70 it'll be a miracle”: Outrage over rising Aussie retirement age

<p>People all across Australia have had a strong reaction to the news that they might have to keep working until they’re 70, if new modelling by Macquarie University’s Business School is anything to go by. </p> <p>According to the model  - which takes the nation’s ageing population and declining birth rate into consideration - more people are set to reach pension age, but with fewer people still of working age available to support pensions paid by the state. </p> <p>As Professor Shang explained, “less people in the working group and more in retirement will make the old age dependency ratio (OADR) higher. </p> <p>“What this means is there are less working people to support elderly people. And with more elderly people in the population, this will create a burden for the government pension system.”</p> <p>Results from the group’s study found that in order to maintain the OADR [of 23 per cent], Australia’s pension age should rise to 68 years by 2030, 69 years by 2036, and 70 years by 2050.</p> <p>The news went down like a lead balloon on social media, with one researcher sharing an article to his Twitter, alongside a scathing - and wholly sarcastic - caption of his own. </p> <p>“Hey Millennials. Why are you increasingly getting peeved off at the system? Don’t you know how good you have it?” he asked. “You get to spend your life in debt, experiencing life long housing insecurity, and get to retire when you get wheeled into an age care home.”</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">Hey Millennials. Why are you increasingly getting peeved off at the system? Don’t you know how good you have it? You get to spend your life in debt, experiencing life long housing insecurity, and get to retire when you get wheeled into an age care home. (Sarcasm font needed). <a href=""></a></p> <p>— Kos Samaras (@KosSamaras) <a href="">May 30, 2023</a></p></blockquote> <p>One user was quick to remark that those behind the big decision should “try and be a Tradie at 70”, with the original tweeter agreeing that “after 50 is a stretch”.</p> <p>“Successive Federal Governments (as well as the current one) don't seem to be doing much about this problem!” another wrote. </p> <p>“And we get told we need to re-train to change jobs every 5 years, from a generation who had a ‘Job 4 Life’, Free University and owns all the properties,” one lamented. “We’re also paying their pensions, but we’ll never get a pension, because Superannuation is taken out of our wage also.”</p> <p>Meanwhile, one pretended to look on ‘the bright side’, with the fed up take that “on the plus side, if we are going to be expected to work until 75 or 80, maybe we can get 45-year mortgages to own a home. And our time outside of work will feel much longer when our commutes are 2 hours each way.”</p> <p>​​“I'm turning 40 this year. If I can work until 70 it'll be a miracle,” someone admitted. “I work In a laborious job and have [had] many injuries and one major injury in the last two years.  </p> <p>“My body is already telling me it wants me to stop and find an easier job”.</p> <p><em>Images: Getty</em></p>

Retirement Life

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Workers eligible for $10,000 salary bump in federal budget revealed

<p>Treasure Jim Chalmers has revealed the frontline workers who will receive a hefty pay rise in the federal budget to help with the cost of living pressures and improve equal pay for women.</p> <p>Some frontline workers will see a pay rise of $10,000 a year under the historic changes.</p> <p>It is part of the biggest pay rise to date for aged care workers that will distribute pay rises to 250,000 people working on the frontline to care for older Australians.</p> <p>Those eligible include nurses who could receive an extra $200 a week, enrolled nurses, assistants in nursing, personal care workers, head chefs and cooks, recreational activities officers (lifestyle workers) and home care workers.</p> <p>Under the changes, the following will secure a significant pay rise for working in aged care.</p> <ul> <li>A registered nurse on a level 2.3 aware wage will receive an additional $196.08 a week (more than $10,000 a year)</li> <li>An enrolled nurse on a level 2 award age will receive an additional $145.54 a week (more than $7500 a year)</li> <li>An assistant in nursing on a level 3 award wage will receive an additional $136.68 a week (more than $7100 a year)</li> <li>A personal care worker on a level 4 (aged care award) or a home care worker on a level 3.1 (SCHADS award) will receive an additional $141.10 a week (more than $7300 a year)</li> <li>A recreational activity officer on a level 3 (aged care award) will receive an additional $139.54 a week (more than $7200 a year)</li> <li>A head chef/cook on a level 4 (aged care award) will receive an additional $141.12 a week (more than $7300 a year)</li> <li> A staff member with a Certificate III qualification will see a change from $940 per week to $1,082</li> </ul> <p>Treasurer Jim Chalmers said it was hoped the investment would help the industry retain staff and lure new employees to the sector.</p> <p>“Every worker deserves a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work and that’s what this will deliver for thousands in aged care across the country,’’ he said.</p> <p>“For too long, those working in aged care have been asked to work harder for longer without enough reward but with this Budget, that changes.</p> <p>“This investment recognises the incredible contribution that aged care workers make to our economy and community and will help to create a bigger incentive for young Australians looking for a rewarding career to pick aged care in the future.”</p> <p>Anika Wells, Minister for Aged Care, said the increase in pay reflected that aged care was physically and emotionally demanding work.</p> <p>The 15 per cent pay rise means that a staff member with a Certificate III qualification moves from earning only $940 per week to $1,082.</p> <p>“This record $11.3 billion investment is a historic and deserved pay rise for a workforce undervalued for far too long,’’ she said.</p> <p>“Fair wages play a major role in attracting and retaining workers to provide around the clock care for some of Australia’s most vulnerable people.</p> <p>Health and Aged Care Minister Mark Butler said the pay rise would make history.</p> <p>The wage increase is designed to help women and families struggling with the cost of living crisis and ensure that quality aged care workers are less inclined to consider leaving the sector over pay concerns.</p> <p>“Our commitment is long overdue recognition of the skilled work our aged care workers deliver day in, day out,’’ he said.</p> <p>Other workers in the budget are expected to include older Australians who are seeking employment and they will receive pay rises if they are over 60 but not yet eligible for the aged pension.</p> <p>The Albanese Government are also expected to boost payments for single parents after former Prime Minister Julia Gillard introduced changes to force parents - particularly women - to return to work earlier.</p> <p><em>Image credit: Getty</em></p>

Money & Banking

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Explainer: Why are electricity prices expected to rise, yet again?

<div> <div class="copy"> <p>Households in three states could be facing electricity price increases of up to 23.7% from July following a report from the Australian Energy Regulator.</p> <p>The increase will affect customers on standard power plans, known as the “default market offer” in South Australia, New South Wales and south-east Queensland. </p> <p>Small businesses could be facing price increases of between 14.7% to 25.7% depending on their location.</p> <p>The default market offer represents the maximum price is an electricity retailer can charge retail customers for their electricity in those states which have opted in to the system. There are around 540,000 household and 91,000 business customers in NSW, SA and Qld on the default market offer.</p> <p>In Victoria, an <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">equivalent default offer</a> set by the Essential Services Commission is expected to rise by 31.1%. In Australia, energy is largely the domain of state and territory governments, and other states have different approaches.</p> <p>Price changes are likely to apply from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024.</p> <p>According to the Australian Energy Regulator, the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">largest factor driving the price increase</a> is the higher cost and volatility of generating electricity.</p> <p>In announcing the increase to the default market offer, AER Chair Clare Savage said the regulator carefully considered the need to protect consumers from unjustifiably high prices.</p> <p>“We know many households and businesses are already struggling with cost-of-living pressures. This is certainly a challenging environment for people to hear that further electricity price rises are on the horizon.</p> <p>“Energy prices are not immune from the significant challenges in the global economy right now; that’s why it’s more important than ever that we strike a balance in setting the [default market offer] to protect consumers as well as allowing retailers to continue to recover their costs and innovate.</p> <p>Energy Consumers Australia CEO Lynne Gallagher says the slated increases come “on top of double digit increases the previous year” and are a blow for consumers struggling with cost-of-living pressures.</p> <p>“These electricity price increases will hurt, heaping more pressure on household budgets and on small businesses,” she says.</p> <p>The default market offer represents a safety net for consumers, not the best price available. </p> <p>Savage and Gallagher both encouraged customers to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">look for a better deal from electricity retailers</a>.</p> <h3><strong>What does my electricity bill pay for? </strong></h3> <p>A <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">November 2022 report</a> by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission says average household electricity costs comprise:</p> <ul> <li>49% network costs (the poles and wires that deliver the electricity from power plants to consumers)</li> <li>28% wholesale costs (the cost of generating electricity from solar, wind, hydro, gas or coal-fired power stations)</li> <li>11% environmental costs</li> <li>10% retail costs</li> <li>2% electricity retailer profit margins.</li> </ul> <p>These relative shares change over time. The Australian Energy Regulator says generation <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">makes up around 30 – 40% of the price</a>, a larger share than the ACCC reports.</p> <h3><strong>Generation driving up costs now</strong></h3> <p>The cost of generating electricity – from solar, wind, gas or coal – is reflected in the wholesale energy cost.</p> <p>According to the energy regulator, wholesale price increases reflect higher prices for gas and coal, reliability issues with ageing coal-fired power stations and the expected closure of Liddell Power Station in NSW in April 2023. Some regional issues also affected prices, such as SA’s extreme weather in November.</p> <p>Energy economist Bruce Mountain is Director of the Victorian Energy Policy Centre.</p> <p>He says the volatile price of generating electricity is due to a range of factors. These include developments in Europe like the shift away from reliance on Russian gas which is increasing global demand for fossil fuels from other countries including Australia.</p> <p>Mountain says the combined demand from export contracts and local coal and gas use is higher than supply. Which is why when prices increase overseas, those higher international prices flow through into higher domestic prices.</p> <p>“We’ve got plentiful gas and coal, but we don’t have enough gas on our south and eastern seaboard to meet both domestic consumption and export demand,” he says.</p> <p>“And then on top of all of this coal and gas producers, power producers are profit-maximising. They will look for opportunities to take advantage of constraints to exercise market power.”</p> <p>While new renewable electricity are adding to supply, and reducing reliance on coal and gas, it’s not yet enough to counteract these effects.</p> <p>Mountain says the effects of higher coal and gas prices aren’t limited to fossil-fuel reliant states like Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Interstate connections mean electricity prices in renewable-dominated states like South Australia and Tasmania are influenced by market prices elsewhere.</p> <h3><strong>In the future, transmission </strong></h3> <p>Getting off fossil fuels might ultimately reduce generation costs and exposure to international prices for coal and gas.</p> <p>But Mountain expects current proposals for new major transmission lines (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">connecting to new Renewable Energy Zones</a>) will “cost a fortune”, and factor in to future prices.</p> <p>He doesn’t believe the Integrated System Plan outlined by the Australian Energy Market Operator – involving a complete redesign of electricity infrastructure – will actually be fully implemented. </p> <p>“It’s of such huge magnitude, and it will have such massive implications for the environment and for landowners. I cannot imagine it’s going to be built.”</p> <p>Mountain says he thinks this could delay the transition to renewable energy. He says, a better, more achievable approach would be to maximise wind and solar resources as close to existing demand as possible minimising the need to build enormous transmission lines. </p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> </div> <div id="contributors"> <p><em>This article was originally published on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> and was written by Petra Stock. </em></p> </div> </div>

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