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"Ruined our trip": Mum shell-shocked by $130k fine

<p>A mother has been slapped with a hefty fine after her children were caught in a seemingly innocent act while on a beach holiday. </p> <p>Charlotte Russ took her five kids on a trip to Pismo Beach in California, where her children started enthusiastically collecting what they thought were ordinary seashells. </p> <p>"My kids they thought they were collecting seashells, but they were actually collecting clams, 72 to be exact,"  Russ told local news outlet <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener">ABC 7</a></em>.</p> <p>Clamming is highly regulated in California, meaning if you don't have a fishing license, you cannot catch the small sea creatures. </p> <p>She received a citation right there on the beach and was later notified she has to pay close to $89,000, or $133,000 AUD, for her kids' seemingly innocent treasure hunt. </p> <p>"It made me really sad and depressed, and it kind of ruined our trip," said Russ.</p> <p>Department of Fish and Wildlife's Lieutenant Matthew Gil defended the fine, saying there are rules in place for a reason. </p> <p>"The reason we got it we have these regulations is because we have to let them get to 4 and a half inches so they can spawn so they can have they can have offspring every year, and they have juvenile clams," said Lt. Gil.</p> <p>Russ said her kids have learned their lesson, saying, "They know now at the beach don't touch anything, but they know now what a clam is, compared to what a seashell is now, I've had to explain that to them."</p> <p>The mother was able to plead her case with a San Luis Obispo County Judge, who reduced her fine to $500 dollars, and after she "won" her case, Russ got a shellfish tattoo to commemorate the incident.</p> <p>"It was definitely one expensive trip to Pismo, unforgettable," said Russ.</p> <p><em>Image credits: ABC 7</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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Incredible scenes of panic after US tourists pack unexploded shell as souvenir

<p dir="ltr">Chaos erupted at Israel’s Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv after a family of American tourists tried to take an unexploded ordnance through airport security.</p> <p dir="ltr">The tourists found the shell while travelling in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, according to a statement from Israel Airport Authorities, before declaring the shell to airport security when they arrived at the luggage drop-off.</p> <p><span id="docs-internal-guid-45f26c85-7fff-b14f-02be-70492e6eb6b0"></span></p> <p dir="ltr">Video footage of travellers running for safety or cowering on the ground after staff announced the evacuation quickly spread on social media, garnering hundreds of thousands of views.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">Chaos at Ben Gurion Airport in <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Israel</a> Israel after an American family on holiday attempted to check in an unexploded shell they found while visiting the occupied Golan Heights <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MiddleEastEye</a> <a href=""></a></p> <p>— Randa HABIB (@RandaHabib) <a href="">April 30, 2022</a></p></blockquote> <p dir="ltr">Though the shell didn’t explode, one person was reportedly injured and hospitalised after he attempted to run along a luggage conveyor belt.</p> <p dir="ltr">The family told agents that one of their children made the discovery while they were sightseeing in the Golan Heights - an area 150 kilometres northeast of Jerusalem which was annexed from Syria in 1967.</p> <p dir="ltr">According to local media, the family said they were taking it home as a souvenir and were unaware of just how dangerous it was.</p> <p dir="ltr"><span id="docs-internal-guid-42acd8ed-7fff-c9a8-56a5-bd2ab374fc15"></span></p> <p dir="ltr">After the family was questioned by security officials, the evacuation was cancelled and they were allowed to board their flight.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">⚠️A huge panic broke out at Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport/TLV (Israel)🇮🇱 after one American family had an unexploded bomb packed in their luggage which they wanted to take home as a "souvenir"🙈. The bomb was found by child while visiting the Golan Heights🇮🇱 <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p> <p>— Tomáš Semrád (@Tomas40916602) <a href="">May 1, 2022</a></p></blockquote> <p dir="ltr">Israel Airport Authorities have said the incident is “currently under operational investigation”, as reported by <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CNN</a></em>.</p> <p dir="ltr">The discovery of the ordnance comes as mine-clearing operations continue along the borders of Israel, Syria, and Lebanon, as the Israeli government works to promote tourism and population growth in the Golan area, per <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Traveller</a></em>.</p> <p dir="ltr">Though the family were lucky enough to not set the shell off, unexploded ordnances are particularly dangerous because they can still be detonated, with the Australian Government’s Department of Defence <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">website</a> urging anyone who finds one to contact police and avoid disturbing it.</p> <p dir="ltr"><span id="docs-internal-guid-b7c4f6e8-7fff-e125-a005-c8d16045f024"></span></p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Images: Twitter</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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Obama shells out almost $22 million on bizarre island retreat

<p>Barack and Michelle Obama are planning on buying a massive Martha’s Vineyard estate.</p> <p>The Obamas’ are in contract to buy an almost 12-hectare beachfront property, with a massive 640sqm main house.</p> <p>According to the<span> </span><a href=""><em>NY Post</em></a>, the family were just renting the beachfront house for the summer but quickly fell in love and made an offer.</p> <p>The seven-bedroom, eight-bathroom property certainly has room for everyone and has a living room with vaulted ceilings and a stone fireplace.</p> <p>The home also includes a chef’s kitchen and a formal dining room with giant windows. The home is located in Edgartown, Massachusetts and was formerly owned by Boston Celtics chief Wyc Grousbeck.</p> <p>The master suite has a fireplace and a private sun deck for the power couple to relax in.</p> <p>Outside, there’s a pool with a fireplace as well as a private beach which include a boathouse.</p> <p>The location is known for its classic white-painted New England architecture and is ripe with world-class restaurants where other celebrities frequent, including David Letterman and Amy Schumer.</p> <p>Scroll through the gallery to see inside the Obama’s new home.</p> <p><em>Photo credits: <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank"></a></em></p>

Home & Garden

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Lyndey Milan's Dark Chocolate Ganache Shells

<p>Celebrity home cook Lyndey Milan shares a rich and creamy dark chocolate treat the whole family will love! Plus, it's super easy – and super fast – to prepare.</p> <p><strong>Ingredients:</strong></p> <ul> <li>150g good quality dark chocolate</li> <li>2 tablespoons (40ml) thick cream</li> <li>1 tablespoon (20ml) Grand Marnier or Cointreau (optional)</li> </ul> <p><strong>Directions:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Heat cream in a very small saucepan or microwave and boil until it reduces by half. Stir in the liqueur if using. Pour over broken dark chocolate in a dry heatproof bowl and either microwave for 1-2 minutes on 50% power until chocolate has melted; or place over a saucepan of simmering water until chocolate has melted. Do not overheat the chocolate.</li> <li>Stir until combined, but do not overbeat. Refrigerate and stir occasionally until it is firming up evenly.</li> <li>Put into a piping bag with a plain wide nozzle and pipe into the round petite silicon moulds. Alternatively, spoon in. Level off any excess with a spatula. Refrigerate until firm then turn out.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Tips:</strong></p> <p>If for some reason your chocolate mixture seizes, add a little more very hot cream.</p> <p><em>Recipe provided by <a href="">Lyndey Milan</a>.</em></p> <p><em>Republished with permission of <a href=""></a>.</em></p>

Food & Wine

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Cheesy stuffed conchiglione shells

<p>I love this time of year when the nights turn cool and it becomes entirely justified to crave some cheesy, baked pasta comfort food. Feel free to serve simply as described or add your own twist with a garnish of basil leaves, chilli flakes, crunchy pine nuts or pan-fried breadcrumbs. The only other thing you need is a bitter green salad dressed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and a good glass of red. Light the fire and indulge!</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Serves:</span> </strong>Four</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Ingredients:</span></strong></p> <ul> <li>400g ricotta</li> <li>1 cup grated mozzarella</li> <li>1 cup grated parmesan</li> <li>1 egg</li> <li>1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg</li> <li>24 conchiglione shells (250g, available at specialty food shops)</li> <li>400g tin cherry tomatoes</li> <li>400g tin crushed and sieved tomatoes</li> <li>1/2 cup dry white wine</li> <li>1 garlic clove, crushed</li> <li>1 teaspoon sugar</li> <li>1/4 teaspoon chilli flakes</li> </ul> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Method:</span></strong></p> <ol> <li>Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius.</li> <li>Put ricotta, mozzarella, 2/3 cup parmesan, and egg in a bowl, and stir to combine. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.</li> <li>Pour cherry tomatoes and sieved tomatoes into a 23cm x 32cm baking dish. Stir in wine, garlic, sugar and chilli flakes, and season to taste with salt and pepper. Spoon ricotta mixture into shells and sprinkle with remaining parmesan.</li> <li>Cover with tinfoil and bake for 25 minutes, then remove foil and cook a further 15 minutes until golden and bubbling. Serve with a small green bitter salad.</li> </ol> <p>What’s your favourite dish to enjoy on a cold evening?</p> <p><em>Written by Sarah Tuck. First appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong></strong></span></a>. Image credit: Sarah Tuck / </em></p>

Food & Wine

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Family-run service station in Melbourne beats thousands to win international Shell award

<p>In this day and age of big corporations edging out mum and pop stores, it seems like the small, family-owned business is a dying institution.</p> <p>But one man has proved our cynicism all wrong after his family-run service station gained world recognition after winning Shell’s international customer service award.</p> <p>Ross Hallett’s passion for making customers happy saw his Heatherton business beat more than 30,000 other Shell service stations from across the world to win the company’s top gong at an awards gala in Paris.</p> <p>“It’s still a bit surreal,” Hallett told Herald Sun. “We’re just a small family-run business and we’ve beaten all these other retailers from all around the world.”</p> <p>Harlett, who has been running the servo since 1989, had already claimed the Australian and regional top awards, as well as the Single Site Retailer of the Year (the first time Australia has ever won at the event), before winning the big prize.</p> <p>The win is determined on the basis of grades from mystery shoppers and other criteria measured throughout the year.</p> <p>“Fuel’s a grudge ­purchase,” Mr Hallett said, adding, “People don’t want to pay for it, especially not as much as they are right now. So you just try to make their experience as happy as possible.”</p> <p><em>Image credit: Chris Eastman</em></p> <p><strong>Related links: </strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/news/news/2015/07/unemployment-rate-steady-at-six-per-cent/">Australia’s unemployment rate steady at 6% as South Australia records highest jobless rate</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/news/news/2015/07/beef-prices-rise/">Get used to paying more for snags and steaks as beef prices soar</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/news/news/2015/07/heart-disease-and-diabetes-danger/">Heart disease plus diabetes can knock more than 10 years off your life</a></strong></em></span></p>


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Ice storm causes frozen cars to leave behind icy bumper shells

<p>A recent ice storm in North Carolina in the US has left some rather interesting things in its wake – like phantom frozen bumpers mysteriously parked&nbsp;around town.&nbsp;</p><p>One woman, Kimberly Freeman,&nbsp;was shocked to see a frozen Jeep&nbsp;bumper standing up on its own icicle feet in the parking lot where she works. She captured a photo of the nearly unbelievable sight.</p><p>According to experts, the most likely&nbsp;scenario to explain this phenomenon is that the driver warmed up the engine before driving away. In the process, the ice loosened from the warming car but remained in tact due to the frozen icicles holding it up from the ground.</p><p>Since this photo surfaced a number of others have been taken and gone viral.</p><p><img width="498" height="280" src="" alt="Icy Bumper 2 (1)"></p><p><strong>Related links:</strong></p><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/news/news/2015/02/cyclone-brought-town-together/" target="_blank">How Cyclone Lam brought this small town together</a></strong></em></span></p><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/news/news/2015/02/frozen-niagara-falls/" target="_blank">This photo of a frozen Niagara Falls is breathtaking</a></strong></em></span><em><strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</strong></em></p><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/news/news/2015/02/meteor-exploded-over-new-zealand/" target="_blank">A meteor exploded over New Zealand</a></strong></em></span></p>


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