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How cutting edge AI technology is helping doctors reduce waitlists

<div> <p>Artificial intelligence is now being used by Australian specialist doctors to reduce patient wait times and experts say it could be a game changer for the health sector, where some patients are waiting months or even years for an appointment.</p> </div> <div> <p>Leading Australian tech company <a title="" href="" data-outlook-id="ad0ccae0-1f97-484e-ba83-d8d566a7608a">Medow Health</a> has developed an AI “co-pilot” technology which automates medical reports for specialist doctors while operating in the background during patient consultations, saving clinicians hours  which allows them to see more patients each day. </p> </div> <div> <p>“This technology transforms the way medical reports are formulated and processed, helping specialists reduce their paperwork and freeing up valuable time and resources which can be better spent on patient care,” said Joel Freiberg who co-founded Medow Health with his brother after his own experience with a chronic illness coupled with watching their father who is a respiratory specialist dictate reports until 10pm from the dinner table, prompting them to come up with a more efficient way for clinicians to work.</p> </div> <div> <p>“The idea was to improve what really is an archaic reporting system, which saw specialists taking notes with their back to the patient during consultations or having to speak into a dictaphone to be transcribed later, instead of solely focusing on the patient in front of them,” Mr Freiberg said.</p> </div> <div> <p>The uptake from specialists utilising the new technology has been swift, with doctors reporting the technology is giving them back two to three hours a day, reducing burnout and allowing them to see multiple more patients in that time if they choose.</p> </div> <div> <p>“Instead of your doctor staring into the computer typing notes, they can really concentrate on your needs and wellbeing while the technology does the note taking in the background and creates an almost instant report that the doctor just has to review rather than formulate from scratch,” Mr Freiberg said.</p> </div> <div> <p>Data from the Australian Medical Association on “hidden waitlists” for a specialist outpatient appointment shows some people are languishing for years for an initial consultation - up to 800 days for an initial appointment for an Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon, up to 898 days for an urgent appointment with a  neurosurgeon, while waitlists for a gastroenterologist or ophthalmologist can be as long as five years and up to 36 months to see a paediatrician.</p> </div> <div> <p>Mr Freiberg said the new cutting edge technology could supercharge a reduction in waitlists and speed up the appointment process.</p> </div> <div> <p>“We’re not trying to replace doctors, we’re trying to help them. Manually producing medical reports is a time-consuming and complex process that requires extensive paperwork and hours of labour-intensive work,” he said.</p> </div> <div> <p>“By using cutting edge AI specific to each medical specialty to examine patient interactions, formulate reports, and provide valuable insights we can enable doctors to do what they do best - focus on patient care,” Mr Freiberg said.</p> </div> <div> <p>Chris O’Brien Life House Chief Executive and medical oncologist Professor Michael Boyer who is on the Medow Health Clinical Advisory Council agreed the technology will improve patient care and help reduce waiting lists.</p> </div> <div> <p>"Any piece of technology that allows doctors to focus on the patient, helps deliver better care,” Prof Boyer said.</p> </div> <div> <p>"This technology helps the health professional to really turn their attention to the patient and what matters, instead of worrying about what notes they need and what letters they need to write. It allows them to focus on what is important.</p> </div> <div> <p>"There's no doubt this technology saves time and while it might only allow a single doctor to see an extra one of two patients a day, if you multiply that across the health system then it makes a big difference,” Prof Boyer said.</p> </div> <div> <p>Engagement with Medow Health is taking off in Australia, with the company reporting growth of more than 50 percent month on month across 15 different specialties including Cardiology, Gastroenterology, ENT, Geriatric, Orthopaedic Surgery, Paediatric, Neurology, General Surgery and Breast Surgeons, with some of Australia’s leading specialist doctors among the investors and Medtech Entrepreneurs to invest in its recent Seed round.</p> </div> <div> <p><strong>About Medow Health AI</strong></p> </div> <div> <p><em>Medow Health AI is a pioneering Australian based healthcare technology company dedicated to revolutionising the medical industry through the power of artificial intelligence to streamline processes, improve patient care, and enhance overall efficiency in healthcare settings.</em></p> </div> <div> <p><em> The company was founded by Joel Freiberg and soon after his brother Josh and former CTO and colleague Andrew joined as co-founders using their combined 30 years experience in technology and software to help build the business into the leading Specialist AI platform it is today.</em></p> </div> <div> <p><em>Joel lives with Crohn’s disease and has experienced long waits to see a specialist. The pair recognised there was a need for change growing up as they watched their father, a respiratory physician spend endless hours doing admin after work. </em></p> </div> <div> <p><em>The company has just completed a $1M funding round in the first half of 2024, grown the team to 10 full time employees and signed a partnership with Magentus the owner of leading specialist electronic medical record systems Genie &amp; Gentu (who Medow Health integrates with).</em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> </div>


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Readers response: Do you find technology has made travel easier or more complicated?

<p>When it comes to travelling, advancements in technology over the years have made the world much more accessible. </p> <p>However, sometimes tech can backfire and leave you lost or stranded. </p> <p>We asked our readers if they find technology has made travel easier or more complicated, and the response was overwhelming. Here's what they said.</p> <p><strong>Dawn Douglas</strong> - Easier by far. You can find hotels, cafes, restaurants, tours and so on.</p> <p><strong>Christine James</strong> - Easier, but we would still rather book through a travel agent. It can be good for research to where you are going though.</p> <p><strong>Brian Adams</strong> - Travel without a smartphone is nearly impossible! There’s no other option to get around sometimes!</p> <p><strong>June Maynard</strong> - More complicated. I'm glad I'm married to an IT tech guy! I leave it all up to him.</p> <p><strong>Pat Isaacs</strong> - Everything seems more complicated with technology for me!!</p> <p><strong>Karen Salvietti </strong>- Much easier to get around with technology overseas.</p> <p><strong>Val Goodwin</strong> - Far more complicated for me, I'm technically challenged lol.</p> <p><strong>Rosemary Miles</strong> - I’m 81 and technology has made everything easier for me. I travel overseas twice a year and hope to be able to keep doing it for a few years longer. I’m spending the grandkids’ inheritance!</p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p>

Travel Trouble

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Technology is alienating people – and it’s not just those who are older

<div class="theconversation-article-body"> <p><em><a href="">Carolyn Wilson-Nash</a>, <a href="">University of Stirling</a> and <a href="">Julie Tinson</a>, <a href="">University of Stirling</a></em></p> <p>We take it for granted that technology brings people closer together and improves our access to essential products and services. If you can’t imagine life without your smartphone, it’s easy to forget that people who can’t or don’t want to engage with the latest technology are being left behind.</p> <p>For example, there have recently been reports that <a href="">cashless payment systems</a> for car parking in the UK are seeing older drivers unfairly hit with fines. This has led to calls for the <a href="">government to intervene</a>.</p> <p>Age is one of the biggest predictors of <a href="">digital exclusion</a>. Only 47% of those aged <a href="">75 and over</a> use the internet regularly. And out of the 4 million who have never used the internet in the UK, only 300,000 people are <a href="">under 55</a>.</p> <p>But older people are not the only ones who feel shut out by new technology. For example, research shows vulnerable people, such as those with disabilities, are also disengaging with e-services and being <a href="">“locked out” of society</a>.</p> <h2>The digital transition</h2> <p>From train tickets to vaccine passports, there is a growing expectation that consumers should embrace technology to participate in everyday life. This is a global phenomenon. Out in front, Sweden predicts its economy will be <a href="">fully cashless</a> by March 2023.</p> <p>Shops increasingly use QR codes, virtual reality window displays and self-service checkouts. Many of these systems require a smart device, and momentum is building for QR codes to be integrated into <a href="">digital price tags</a> as they can give customers extra information such as nutritional content of food. Changing paper labels is a labour intensive process.</p> <p>Technology pervades all aspects of consumer life. Going on holiday, enjoying the cinema or theatre, and joining sport and social clubs all make people feel part of society. But many popular artists now use online queues to sell tickets to their shows. Social groups use WhatsApp and Facebook to keep their members updated.</p> <p>When it comes to booking a holiday, there is a <a href=",as%20TUI%20and%20Hays%20Travel.">decreasing number</a> of in-person travel agents. This limits the social support to make the best choice, which is particularly important for those with specific needs such as people with health issues. And once travelling, aircrew expect flight boarding passes and COVID passports to be available on smartphones.</p> <p>Essential services such as healthcare, which can already <a href="">be difficult</a> for older and other people to navigate, are also moving online. Patients are increasingly expected to use the GP website or email to request to see a doctor. Ordering prescriptions online is encouraged.</p> <h2>Not just older people</h2> <p><a href="">Not everyone can afford</a> an internet connection or smart technology. Some regions, particularly rural ones, struggle for phone signal. The UK phone network’s plans for a <a href="">digital switchover</a> by 2025, which would render traditional landlines redundant, could cut off people who rely on their landlines.</p> <p>Concerns about privacy can also stop people using technology. Data collection and security breaches impact people’s confidence in organisations. A 2020 survey into <a href="">consumers’ trust</a> in businesses showed no industry reached a trust rating of 50% for data protection. The majority of respondents (87%) said they would not do business with a company if they had concerns about its security practices.</p> <p>Some people view “forced” digitisation as a symbol of consumer culture and will limit their technology use. Followers of the <a href="">simple living movement</a>, which gained momentum in the 1980s, try to minimise their use of technology. Many people take a “less is more” <a href="">approach to technology</a> simply because they feel it offers a more meaningful existence.</p> <p>One of the most common reasons for digital exclusion, however, <a href="">is poverty</a>. When the <a href="">pandemic hit in March 2020</a>, 51% of households earning between £6,000 to £10,000 had home internet access, compared with 99% of households with an income over £40,000.</p> <p>Limited access to tablets, smartphones and laptops can result in feelings of isolation. Many older consumers have developed strategies to manage and overcome the <a href="">digital challenges</a> presented by these devices. But those unable to <a href="">engage with technology</a> remain excluded if their family and friends don’t live close by.</p> <h2>Smart change</h2> <p>The solution is not simply to give devices to those without smart technology. While there is a need to provide affordable internet access and technology, and offer support in learning new skills, we need to recognise diversity in society.</p> <p>Services should provide non-digital options that embrace equality. For example, cash systems should not be abolished. There might be a demand for services to become digital, but service providers need to be aware of the people who will be isolated by this transition.</p> <p>Retailers, local councils, health providers and businesses in tourism, entertainment and leisure should try to understand more about the diversity of their consumers. They need to develop services that cater for the needs of all people, especially those without access to technology.</p> <p>We live in a diverse world and diverse consumers need choice. After all, access to and inclusion in society is a human right.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Carolyn Wilson-Nash</a>, Lecturer, Marketing and Retail, Stirling Management School, <a href="">University of Stirling</a> and <a href="">Julie Tinson</a>, Professor of Marketing, <a href="">University of Stirling</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>


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10 things we sort of miss because of technological advances

<p>The world has certainly changed in the last few decades – great technological advancements has meant many things we did in the past are all but a memory (or they are on their way out.) Let’s look back on ten things we sort of miss even though they’ve been replaced by new technology.</p> <p>1. Buying disposable cameras, only taking picture that were worth the cost of film and having to go all the way to the chemist to develop and print photographs. Then you had to decide how to arrange them in an album.</p> <p>2. Recording your favourite television programs using a video tape. Nowadays people are downloading movies and TV shows straight to their computer.</p> <p>3. Saving all your loose change just in case you needed to use the pay phone when you were out. And having to remember numbers.</p> <p>4. Spending hours over a road map and writing down your own directions so you wouldn’t get lost before a holiday road trip or just going somewhere new. Nobody needs to remember how to get anywhere now because most have GPS.</p> <p>5. Physically visiting institutions like banks, post office and the newsagents. We don’t miss the long lines but at least it was personal.</p> <p>6. Hand-writing essays, letters and notes, which meant knowing how to hand-write. Now it’s about how fast you type not how legible your handwriting is!</p> <p>7. Looking up information in big encyclopaedias and definitions in the dictionary. Not just consulting the internet.</p> <p>8. Receiving mail in your letterbox not your inbox. Unluckily, there is more “junk mail” and spam now than ever.</p> <p>9. Advertising or looking for finds in classified section of the newspaper.</p> <p>10. Packing your friends in the backseats of the car to go to the drive-in movies because it was the only one around. While we do love the comfy seats in air-conditioned cinemas, you can’t beat the fun and romantic possibilities of drive-in cinemas. </p> <p><em>Images: Getty</em></p>


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Calls to regulate AI are growing louder. But how exactly do you regulate a technology like this?

<p>Last week, artificial intelligence pioneers and experts urged major AI labs to immediately pause the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4 for at least six months. </p> <p>An <a href="">open letter</a> penned by the <a href="">Future of Life Institute</a> cautioned that AI systems with “human-competitive intelligence” could become a major threat to humanity. Among the risks, the possibility of AI outsmarting humans, rendering us obsolete, and <a href="">taking control of civilisation</a>.</p> <p>The letter emphasises the need to develop a comprehensive set of protocols to govern the development and deployment of AI.</p> <p>It states, "These protocols should ensure that systems adhering to them are safe beyond a reasonable doubt. This does not mean a pause on AI development in general, merely a stepping back from the dangerous race to ever-larger unpredictable black-box models with emergent capabilities."</p> <p>Typically, the battle for regulation has pitted governments and large technology companies against one another. But the recent open letter – so far signed by more than 5,000 signatories including Twitter and Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and OpenAI scientist Yonas Kassa – seems to suggest more parties are finally converging on one side. </p> <p>Could we really implement a streamlined, global framework for AI regulation? And if so, what would this look like?</p> <h2>What regulation already exists?</h2> <p>In Australia, the government has established the <a href="">National AI Centre</a> to help develop the nation’s <a href="">AI and digital ecosystem</a>. Under this umbrella is the <a href="">Responsible AI Network</a>, which aims to drive responsible practise and provide leadership on laws and standards. </p> <p>However, there is currently no specific regulation on AI and algorithmic decision-making in place. The government has taken a light touch approach that widely embraces the concept of responsible AI, but stops short of setting parameters that will ensure it is achieved.</p> <p>Similarly, the US has adopted a <a href="">hands-off strategy</a>. Lawmakers have not shown any <a href="">urgency</a> in attempts to regulate AI, and have relied on existing laws to regulate its use. The <a href="">US Chamber of Commerce</a> recently called for AI regulation, to ensure it doesn’t hurt growth or become a national security risk, but no action has been taken yet.</p> <p>Leading the way in AI regulation is the European Union, which is racing to create an <a href="">Artificial Intelligence Act</a>. This proposed law will assign three risk categories relating to AI:</p> <ul> <li>applications and systems that create “unacceptable risk” will be banned, such as government-run social scoring used in China</li> <li>applications considered “high-risk”, such as CV-scanning tools that rank job applicants, will be subject to specific legal requirements, and</li> <li>all other applications will be largely unregulated.</li> </ul> <p>Although some groups argue the EU’s approach will <a href="">stifle innovation</a>, it’s one Australia should closely monitor, because it balances offering predictability with keeping pace with the development of AI. </p> <p>China’s approach to AI has focused on targeting specific algorithm applications and writing regulations that address their deployment in certain contexts, such as algorithms that generate harmful information, for instance. While this approach offers specificity, it risks having rules that will quickly fall behind rapidly <a href="">evolving technology</a>.</p> <h2>The pros and cons</h2> <p>There are several arguments both for and against allowing caution to drive the control of AI.</p> <p>On one hand, AI is celebrated for being able to generate all forms of content, handle mundane tasks and detect cancers, among other things. On the other hand, it can deceive, perpetuate bias, plagiarise and – of course – has some experts worried about humanity’s collective future. Even OpenAI’s CTO, <a href="">Mira Murati</a>, has suggested there should be movement toward regulating AI.</p> <p>Some scholars have argued excessive regulation may hinder AI’s full potential and interfere with <a href="">“creative destruction”</a> – a theory which suggests long-standing norms and practices must be pulled apart in order for innovation to thrive.</p> <p>Likewise, over the years <a href="">business groups</a> have pushed for regulation that is flexible and limited to targeted applications, so that it doesn’t hamper competition. And <a href="">industry associations</a>have called for ethical “guidance” rather than regulation – arguing that AI development is too fast-moving and open-ended to adequately regulate. </p> <p>But citizens seem to advocate for more oversight. According to reports by Bristows and KPMG, about two-thirds of <a href="">Australian</a>and <a href="">British</a> people believe the AI industry should be regulated and held accountable.</p> <h2>What’s next?</h2> <p>A six-month pause on the development of advanced AI systems could offer welcome respite from an AI arms race that just doesn’t seem to be letting up. However, to date there has been no effective global effort to meaningfully regulate AI. Efforts the world over have have been fractured, delayed and overall lax.</p> <p>A global moratorium would be difficult to enforce, but not impossible. The open letter raises questions around the role of governments, which have largely been silent regarding the potential harms of extremely capable AI tools. </p> <p>If anything is to change, governments and national and supra-national regulatory bodies will need take the lead in ensuring accountability and safety. As the letter argues, decisions concerning AI at a societal level should not be in the hands of “unelected tech leaders”.</p> <p>Governments should therefore engage with industry to co-develop a global framework that lays out comprehensive rules governing AI development. This is the best way to protect against harmful impacts and avoid a race to the bottom. It also avoids the undesirable situation where governments and tech giants struggle for dominance over the future of AI.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Conversation</a>. </em></p>


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10 technology commandments

<ol> <li>Thou shalt clear thy browser history: It's pretty simple step, but all-important. Particularly as you never know when someone will want to borrow your laptop. </li> <li>Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's technology: This includes inappropriate thoughts about said neighbour’s iPad mini, new smart -phone, nor any other technological wonder that belongs to him/her. Pursue new devices. </li> <li>Thou shalt not mix up contacts: It’s basically the difference between texting something funny or private to your sister and eternal shame. </li> <li>Thou shalt remember, thy phone does not belong in the toilet: What is it with phones and loos anyway? </li> <li>Thou shalt not open dodgy emails: No matter how much you want to buy that AMAZING weight-loss medication from India, DON’T OPEN THAT EMAIL! It’s all lies! </li> <li>Thou shalt take care on Facebook: When it comes to social embarrassment, Facebook seems to be the social network of choice. </li> <li>Thou shalt not reply all: Reply all IS the devil in disguise. One casual click of a button and suddenly you've sent your entire address book that embarrassing story from your weekend's antics. </li> <li>Thous shalt turn off autocorrect: Disguised as a godsend or clever little function, yet somehow autocorrect causes more embarrassment than it's worth. </li> <li>Thou shalt not throw devices across the room: Because you never know, you might just need to turn it off and back on again. </li> <li>Thou shalt not set up a wacky email address: Ok it might be funny for around about a week, but less so for the years to come and when you realise you can’t email the Red Cross seeking volunteer work from, at which point you’ll have to change it. So you may want to keep in mind, getting a new passport is easier than getting a new email address this day in age.</li> </ol> <p><em>Image: Getty Images</em></p>


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“Is this a joke?”: Male finalist in Women in Technology award sparks debate

<p>A list of finalists for an award recognising women in technology and science has sparked controversy due to the inclusion of a male executive.</p> <p>Simon Button, the Group Chief Technology Officer at radiology specialist group Qscan, was announced as one of four finalists for the new 2022 Inspiring Diversity in STEM Award because he “inspires diversity” and empowers women, according to the organisation.</p> <p>The annual awards are run by Women In Technology (WiT), Queensland’s peak industry body for women in technology and life sciences, and aim to “recognise outstanding achievement and give women the recognition they deserve”.</p> <p>WiT Chair Iyari Cevallos said this year’s awards were themed to be a tribute to the contribution of women in defining, shaping and growing the digital economy.</p> <p>“As we celebrate and reflect on 25 years of Women in Technology it is as important to focus on the future,” Ms Cevallos said.</p> <p>“I believe we have the ability and responsibility to dream big, to visualise achievements for the women still to come, to continue to increase our energy and momentum in leading and motivating current and future generations of women.</p> <p>“We've created an opportunity to rally around our outstanding talent, unlock their potential, promote each other and ourselves - impacting our community in a way that creates positivity beyond the event itself.”</p> <p>Mr Button made the finalist list along with Professor Amy Mullens, a psychologist with an interest in marginalised communities, pharmaceutical researcher Dr Jyoti Sharma, and Professor Kym Rae, a physically disabled Research Fellow in Indigenous health.</p> <p>The new award has been introduced to celebrate the “ongoing commitment and tireless efforts of all leaders regardless of gender, age or background”, but some have taken to social media to share their disapproval of the move.</p> <p>“Lol is this a joke,” one woman commented.</p> <p>“That’s a long way to say you reward men for doing the bare minimum,” another said.</p> <p>“Having a male executive is certainly showing someone who ‘leads by example’. It’s just the most common example that already exists in STEM,” a third added.</p> <p>“He sure must’ve been the best pick to be a finalist for someone who ‘inspires diversity’ and creates a ‘sense of belonging’ for WiT out of all the nominees.</p> <p>“I mean, how else would you explain an executive up there with two professors and a doctor?”</p> <p>In a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Facebook post</a> announcing the finalists, WiT described Mr Button as a “digital leader” who “champions diversity and equity in the organisations he leads”, which includes the not-for-profit Hummingbird House, Queensland’s only children’s hospice that supports kids with life-limiting illnesses.</p> <p>“He thrives to create teams with high levels of diversity to drive increased creativity and higher orders of innovation,” the post read.</p> <p>“Nothing gives Simon greater satisfaction than leading teams by giving people the time and space to develop, learn and deliver outstanding outcomes under his stewardship.</p> <p>“He believes that one of the most important responsibilities modern, contemporary digital leaders have is to lead, mentor and shape tomorrow’s technology and business leaders.”</p> <p> </p> <p><em>Image: WiT: Women In Technology (Facebook)</em></p>


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Producing electricity from your sweat might be key to next wearable technology

<p>Imagine a world where the smart watch on your wrist never ran out of charge, because it used your sweat to power itself.</p> <p>It sounds like science fiction but researchers have figured out how to engineer a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">bacterial biofilm</a> to be able to produce continuous <a href="">electricity fr</a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">o</a><a href="">m perspiration</a>.</p> <p>They can harvest energy in evaporation and convert it to electricity which could revolutionise wearable electronic devices from personal medical sensors to electronics.</p> <p>The science is in a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">new study</a> published in <em>Nature Communications.</em></p> <p>“The limiting factor of wearable electronics has always been the power supply,” says senior author Jun Yoa, professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass),  in the US. “Batteries run down and have to be changed or charged. They are also bulky, heavy, and uncomfortable.”</p> <p>But the surface of our skin is constantly moist with sweat, so a small, thin, clear and flexible biofilm worn like a Band-Aid could provide a much more convenient alternative.</p> <p>The biofilm is made up of a sheet of bacterial cells approximately 40 micrometres thick or about the thickness of a sheet of paper. It’s made up a genetically engineered version of the bacteria <em>Geobacter sulfurreducens</em> to be exact.</p> <p><em>G. sulfurreducens</em> is a microorganism known to <a href=",electron%20transfer%20through%20the%20biofilms." target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">produce electricity</a> and has been used previously in “<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">microbial fuel cells</a>”. These require the bacteria to be alive, necessitating proper care and constant feeding, but this new biofilm can work continuously because the bacteria are already dead.</p> <p>“It’s much more efficient,” says senior author Derek Lovley, distinguished professor of Microbiology at UMass Amherst. “We’ve simplified the process of generating electricity by radically cutting back on the amount of processing needed.</p> <p>“We sustainably grow the cells in a biofilm, and then use that agglomeration of cells. This cuts the energy inputs, makes everything simpler and widens the potential applications.”</p> <p>The process relies on evaporation-based electricity production – the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">hydrovoltaic effect</a>. Water flow is driven by evaporation between the solid biofilm and the liquid water, which drives the transport of electrical charges to generate an electrical current.</p> <p><em>G. sulfurreducens</em> colonies are grown in thin mats which are harvested and then have small circuits etched into them using a laser. Then they are sandwiched between mesh electrodes and finally sealed in a soft, sticky, breathable polymer which can be applied directly onto the skin without irritation.</p> <p>Initially, the researchers tested it by placing the device directly on a water surface, which produced approximately 0.45 volts of electricity continuously. When worn on sweaty skin it produced power for 18 hours, and even non-sweating skin generated a substantial electric output – indicating that the continuous low-level secretion of moisture from the skin is enough to drive the effect.</p> <p>“Our next step is to increase the size of our films to power more sophisticated skin-wearable electronics,” concludes Yao.</p> <p>The team aim to one day be able to power not only single devices, but entire electronic systems, using this biofilm. And because microorganisms can be mass produced with renewable feedstocks, it’s an exciting alternative for producing renewable materials for clean energy powered devices.</p> <p><!-- Start of tracking content syndication. Please do not remove this section as it allows us to keep track of republished articles --></p> <p><img id="cosmos-post-tracker" style="opacity: 0; height: 1px!important; width: 1px!important; border: 0!important; position: absolute!important; z-index: -1!important;" src=";title=Producing+electricity+from+your+sweat+might+be+key+to+next+wearable+technology" width="1" height="1" /></p> <p><!-- End of tracking content syndication --></p> <div id="contributors"> <p><em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">This article</a> was originally published on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Cosmos Magazine</a> and was written by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Imma Perfetto</a>. Imma Perfetto is a science writer at Cosmos. She has a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Science Communication from the University of Adelaide.</em></p> <p><em>Image: </em><em>Liu et al.,</em></p> </div>


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How to get out of the energy crisis, according to top technology experts

<p>Low-emissions technology and renewable energy are the way out of the current energy crisis, according to the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering.</p> <p>In its <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">new report</a> on the state of low-emissions technology, the academy emphasises that existing renewable energy sources – like solar, wind, batteries and pumped hydro – are mature technologies which will provide cheaper and more reliable energy in the long term.</p> <p>While they’re already a big part of our energy mix, it’s going to take more work before they’re dominant. According to the academy, Australia needs more policy, big infrastructure investments, and broad social support to transition completely to these technologies.</p> <p>“By deploying clean energy on the huge scale required to replace fossil fuels, we can eliminate nearly three quarters of global emissions and enhance global energy security,” says academy fellow Katherine Woodthorpe, former director of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and Vast Solar.</p> <p>“In Australia, it will also lead to cheaper and more reliable supplier pricing for onshore manufacturers as well as a potentially exportable resource.”</p> <p>Professor Renate Egan, research leader for the University of New South Wales at the Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics says: “Australia-wide, we already get 32% of our electricity from renewables. And that’s actually doubled in five years.</p> <p>“We need that to double again. We can do it possibly in five years, but at least in 10 years.”</p> <p>At the centre of the transition lies our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">energy grid</a>. Formerly something that ran off a handful of big energy producers, the grid is becoming more and more complicated with the addition of smaller and more diverse energy sources – from rooftop solar, to large batteries and offshore wind farms.</p> <figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio"> <div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper"> <div class="entry-content-asset"> <div class="embed-wrapper"> <div class="inner"><iframe title="Cosmos Shorts: What is the grid?" src="" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> </div> </div> </div> </figure> <p>Egan refers to the modernising grid as an “internet of energy”.</p> <p>“With [energy] being generated in all different places and flowing in all different directions, we really need better monitoring, measuring and analysis of what’s going on, to allow us to make smart decisions,” says Egan.</p> <p>Fortunately, the technology now exists to manage this change too.</p> <p>“You’ll need smart sensors deployed pretty much everywhere producing a huge volume of data, with smart software to analyse and make use of that data,” says academy fellow George Maltabarow, the former managing director of Ausgrid.</p> <p>Academy fellow Professor Lachlan Blackhall, head of the battery storage and grid integration program at the Australian National University says: “This trend of distributed energy resources is actually happening globally.</p> <div class="newsletter-box"> <div id="wpcf7-f6-p197575-o1" class="wpcf7" dir="ltr" lang="en-US" role="form"> <form class="wpcf7-form mailchimp-ext-0.5.62 spai-bg-prepared init" action="/technology/energy-crisis-escape-transition/#wpcf7-f6-p197575-o1" method="post" novalidate="novalidate" data-status="init"> <p style="display: none !important;"><span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap referer-page"><input class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text referer-page spai-bg-prepared" name="referer-page" type="hidden" value="" data-value="" aria-invalid="false" /></span></p> <p><!-- Chimpmail extension by Renzo Johnson --></form> </div> </div> <p>“We’re seeing a really significant increase in the decentralisation of all energy systems. But Australia is actually on track to have the most decentralised energy system of anywhere in the world.”</p> <p>Strengthening and diversifying the grid is particularly important, because electricity will be providing more of our energy in general.</p> <figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio"> <div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper"> <div class="entry-content-asset"> <div class="embed-wrapper"> <div class="inner"><iframe title="Cosmos Shorts: What could our future electricity grid look like?" src="" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> </div> </div> </div> </figure> <p>Maltabarow says the transition away from fossil fuels “is going to require electrifying just about everything”.</p> <p>This transition includes household gas supplies – although gas power stations will <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">likely still have a small role to play</a> as a peak transition fuel for the next few decades. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Electric vehicle</a> batteries could also provide some additional storage space for the grid to use.</p> <p>“We really do have all of the technology that we’re going to need, so it’s really important that we also focus on the social and the economic,” says Blackhall.</p> <p>“One of the key things that we do advocate for is actually an increase in the amount of social science research, in particular, that’s being done to actually go out and understand householder and community expectations and ensure that we have social licence for this very significant energy transition.”</p> <p>Social support is particularly important in the context of the current crisis, where energy prices are 115% higher than previous records, and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">trading was temporarily suspended</a> by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).</p> <p>“The current crisis has been a decade in the making,” says Maltabarow.</p> <p>“In the short to medium term, prices are going to increase. The challenge is to make sure that increase is minimised to the extent that we can.”</p> <p>Academy fellow Alex Wonhas, a member of the NSW Energy Corporation’s advisory board and former head of engineering and system design at AEMO says Australia “has the technologies to avoid a future crisis”.</p> <p>“However, we must act now to lay the foundation of a truly modern energy system,” Wonhas says.</p> <p>“That requires investment in a whole mix of different technologies.”</p> <p><!-- Start of tracking content syndication. 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New technology to keep track of koalas during bushfire season

<h3 dir="ltr"><strong><sup>Authorities were left to guess the death toll of adorable koalas and other threatened species after the Black Summer bushfires that tore through our east coast.</sup></strong></h3> <p>The disaster exposed a lack of data about what was living where - a consequence of how expensive and time consuming it is to gather such information on a large scale.</p> <p dir="ltr">On World Environment Day, news emerged of a three-way collaboration using drones, artificial intelligence algorithms and dedicated volunteers, to help make a difference.</p> <p dir="ltr">Drones fitted with cameras and thermal sensors will be given to trained Landcare groups and will be regularly flown over local koala habitats.</p> <p dir="ltr">Footage will then be sent to the Queensland University of Technology to be scanned by the AI algorithm, which essentially allows computers to "see".</p> <p dir="ltr">Highly accurate data about the location and number of koalas is then returned to volunteers, who can use it to inform their conservation work.</p> <p dir="ltr">University ecologist Grant Hamilton developed the algorithm with colleague Simon Denman and says involving Landcare groups is the perfect way to scale up the use of the technology and start generating big data sets.</p> <p dir="ltr">"As the Black Summer bushfires showed, we simply don't know what's out there. The huge benefit of this is being able to cover a lot of ground quickly," he said.</p> <p dir="ltr">It also removes the challenge of scaling rugged terrain and offers more accurate information.</p> <p dir="ltr">The $1.5 million project has been funded by WIRES, Australia's largest wildlife rescue organisation and Landcare with in-kind support from the university.</p> <p dir="ltr">Landcare Australia CEO Shane Norrish says the project will start with five groups from Victoria’s north to Queensland but will soon expand into other areas. </p> <p dir="ltr">The same approach could be used to monitor threatened species other than the koala.</p> <p dir="ltr">WIRES CEO Leanne Taylor says better data should mean a better wildlife response when future disasters strike.</p> <p dir="ltr">More than 60,000 koalas were killed or injured in the 2019/20 Black Summer bushfire disaster, WWF Australia calculated.</p> <p dir="ltr">Nearly three billion animals - including mammals, birds, reptiles and frogs - were impacted.</p> <p dir="ltr">Meanwhile, the 2022 Queensland budget will allocate almost $40 million to help protect the state's native flora and fauna.</p> <p><span id="docs-internal-guid-e79786d9-7fff-2dcf-aa20-f866bf50d5d5"></span></p> <p dir="ltr" style="line-height: 2.04; background-color: #ffffff; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 12pt;"><em> Image: Getty</em></p>

Family & Pets

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Targeting shooters: technology that can isolate the location of gunshots

<p>Inexpensive microphone arrays deployed in urban settings can be used to pinpoint the location of gunshots and help police respond instantly to the scene of crimes, scientists say.</p> <p>The process works by recognising that a gunshot produces two distinct sounds: the muzzle blast, and the supersonic shockwave that follows it. Luisa Still of Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Germany, told a meeting of the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Acoustical Society of America in Denver, Colorado</a>, this week that by using those two signals – in a process akin to that by which seismologists track seismic waves from earthquakes – police departments armed with the right equipment could pinpoint the location of the shot within seconds.</p> <p>It’s not as straightforward as it sounds. In an urban environment, buildings and other structures can reflect, refract or absorb sound waves, causing the sounds of the shot to come at the microphones from any number of directions.</p> <p>But it turns out, Still says, that it only takes two such sensor arrays to locate the source of a gunshot — and a good computer can do so very quickly.</p> <p>In tests, her team began on a rifle range, where they confirmed that a pair of such microphone arrays could indeed determine the location of the shooter to a high degree of accuracy.</p> <p>They then moved to an urban environment, where they repeated the experiment, though in this case the shooter was replaced with a propane gas cannon of the type used by farmers to scare away crop-eating birds.</p> <p>Again, two microphone arrays were all that were needed to zero in on the source of the “shot”.</p> <p>Not that this can work anywhere, any time. Still’s signal-location algorithms require maps of the surrounding buildings, the walls of which might affect the sound and, in extreme cases, create “blind spots” if microphone arrays aren’t properly deployed.</p> <div class="newsletter-box"> <div id="wpcf7-f6-p192812-o1" class="wpcf7" dir="ltr" lang="en-US" role="form"> <form class="wpcf7-form mailchimp-ext-0.5.61 resetting spai-bg-prepared" action="/technology/technology-isolate-location-gunshots/#wpcf7-f6-p192812-o1" method="post" novalidate="novalidate" data-status="resetting"> <p style="display: none !important;"><span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap referer-page"><input class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text referer-page spai-bg-prepared" name="referer-page" type="hidden" value="" data-value="" aria-invalid="false" /></span></p> <p><!-- Chimpmail extension by Renzo Johnson --></form> </div> </div> <p>She also notes that research is ongoing as to whether it is better to put microphones at ground level or atop neighbouring buildings. There’s also continuing research around how many might be needed in complex urban cores, where there are a lot of buildings of varying height and echo patterns can become very convoluted. “We still need to evaluate [that],” she says.</p> <p>There’s also the need to weed out noises that sound like gunshots, such as firecrackers, car-engine backfires and anything else that makes a sudden bang. “We are working on classification methods,” Still says, noting that these involve computerised “deep learning” methods that can be trained to distinguish such sounds.</p> <p>Could similar sensors be deployed within a school building in order to locate a school shooter even more quickly that is currently possible? Still was asked. </p> <p>“Oh, yeah,” she said. “I think that would be applicable.” Though she noted that it might also be acoustically “very challenging” to put into practice.</p> <p>Later that same day, 19 school children and two adults were killed in Uvalde, Texas, in America’s worst grade-school shooting in nearly a decade.  </p> <p>Would the death toll have been lower if gunshot sensors such as Still’s were widely deployed? Who knows? But it was one of the most stunningly prescient scientific presentations imaginable, because she spoke less than an hour before the Uvalde gunman opened fire. It was far too late for her research to be able to deflect the tragedy that was about to unfold, but close enough to it to underscore the urgency of what she was doing.</p> <p><!-- Start of tracking content syndication. 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Wearable technology for plants can help us tell when they’re thirsty

<p>Unlike humans, plants can’t just speak up when they’re parched. And unfortunately for them the visual signs of dehydration, such as shrivelled or browning leaves, don’t show up until most of their moisture is gone.</p> <p>To overcome this communication barrier, nanotechnologists have created a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">wearable technology</a> for plant leaves that senses and wirelessly transmits data to a smartphone app, reported in a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">new study</a> in <em>ACS Applied Materials &amp; Interfaces</em>.</p> <p>The electrodes come in two different patterns to satisfy your plant fashion needs – one made of nickel deposited in a narrow, squiggly shape, and the other cut from partially burnt paper coated in a waxy film, though the nickel-based electrodes perform better.</p> <p>This plant-wearable technology could help farmers and gardeners to remotely monitor their plants’ health, including leaf water content, which is a key marker of metabolism and drought stress, kind of like how physicians can monitor and assess their patients’ health with a smartwatch.</p> <div class="newsletter-box"> <div id="wpcf7-f6-p190363-o1" class="wpcf7" dir="ltr" lang="en-US" role="form"> <form class="wpcf7-form mailchimp-ext-0.5.61 resetting" action="/technology/wearable-technology-for-plants/#wpcf7-f6-p190363-o1" method="post" novalidate="novalidate" data-status="resetting"> <p style="display: none !important;"><span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap referer-page"><input class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text referer-page" name="referer-page" type="hidden" value="" data-value="" aria-invalid="false" /></span></p> <p><!-- Chimpmail extension by Renzo Johnson --></form> </div> </div> <p>The researchers created the two types of electrodes and stuck them onto soybean leaves with clear adhesive tape. They found that the nickel electrodes adhered more strongly in the wind (from a fan) – likely because the thin squiggly design of the metallic film allowed more tape to connect with the hairy leaf surface – and also produced larger signals as the leaves dried out.</p> <p>Next, they a created a plant-wearable device with the nickel electrodes and attached it to a living plant in a greenhouse. As the device shared data to a smartphone app and website, a simple, fast machine-learning technique successfully converted these data to the percentage of water content lost.</p> <p>The researchers say that monitoring water content on leaves can indirectly provide information on exposure to pests and toxic agents.</p> <p>Because the plant-wearable technology provides reliable data indoors, they now plan to test the devices in outdoor gardens and crops to determine when plants need to be watered, potentially saving resources, and increasing yields.</p> <figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio"> <div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper"> <div class="entry-content-asset"> <div class="embed-wrapper"> <div class="inner"><iframe title="A new wearable technology — for plants (video)" src="" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> </div> </div> </div> </figure> <p><!-- Start of tracking content syndication. Please do not remove this section as it allows us to keep track of republished articles --></p> <p><img id="cosmos-post-tracker" style="opacity: 0; height: 1px!important; width: 1px!important; border: 0!important; position: absolute!important; z-index: -1!important;" src=";title=Wearable+technology+for+plants+can+help+us+tell+when+they%E2%80%99re+thirsty" width="1" height="1" data-spai-target="src" data-spai-orig="" data-spai-exclude="nocdn" /></p> <p><!-- End of tracking content syndication --></p> <div id="contributors"> <p><em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">This article</a> was originally published on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Cosmos Magazine</a> and was written by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Imma Perfetto</a>. Imma Perfetto is a science writer at Cosmos. She has a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Science Communication from the University of Adelaide.</em></p> <p><em>Image: </em><em>American Chemical Society (YouTube)</em></p> </div>


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Technology has made buildings less climate-friendly: but we can look back in time for solutions

<p>It’s been <a href="">claimed</a> that technology is the answer to the climate crisis. By eventually separating economic growth from its effects on the environment through improving energy efficiency, the argument runs, better technology promises to prevent <a href="">catastrophic</a> global warming.</p> <p>But among the many things that this argument fails to consider is the <a href="">reality</a> that new technology has often encouraged extravagant forms of consumption: from private cars and planes to kitchens full of appliances and air conditioning in countries with mild climates.</p> <p>Technology has also caused what’s called the “<a href="">rebound effect</a>”: where improving energy efficiency leads to cheaper energy and therefore higher rates of energy consumption. For example, buying a more fuel-efficient car will reduce your average fuel cost per trip and thus is likely to lead to more trips, taking away at least some of your anticipated energy savings.</p> <p>A similar trend appears in architecture, where advances in artificial cooling, heating and computer-aided design have – rather than creating more efficient designs – actually introduced <a href="">wasteful</a> building styles.</p> <p>In <a href="">my work</a>, I call this phenomenon the “architectural rebound effect”. This effect becomes especially clear when we look at how <a href="">building façades</a> (the “skin” that covers buildings) have evolved over the past 100 years.</p> <h2>Façade failures</h2> <p>The <a href="">Cité de Refuge</a> residential building in Paris, designed by Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier in 1933, boasts one of the earliest examples of a façade made entirely out of glass. But with no windows or air conditioning, its summer indoor temperatures reached up to <a href="">33°C</a> – making it a “<a href="">notable failure</a>” in architecture.</p> <p>To fix this, the façade was fitted with external shading devices and about a third of its glass was made opaque. This strategy was mostly effective: computer simulations have shown that the upgraded design reduced indoor summer temperatures to <a href="">below 25°C</a>.</p> <p>From the 1950s, fully glazed façades without shading devices began to dominate city skylines thanks to increasingly efficient and cheap <a href="">air-conditioning systems</a> that allowed temperatures inside these buildings to be regulated.</p> <p>But these new glass boxes came with their own set of environmental problems. For instance, <a href="">research</a> has shown that office buildings built in the Manhattan borough of New York between 1965 and 1969 consumed twice as much energy per unit floor area than buildings erected between 1950 and 1954.</p> <p>One reason for this is probably the difference in the window-to-wall ratio between these groups of buildings. While the later buildings had a ratio between 53% and 72%, the earlier buildings’ ratio sat between 23% to 32%. This means that more heat was allowed into and out of the former group of buildings during summer and winter, increasing their need for artificial cooling and heating.</p> <p><img src=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;fit=clip" alt="An apartment building with red, yellow and blue external features" /> <span class="caption">The Cité de Refuge after its refurbishment, with external shades and opaque glass.</span> <span class="attribution"><a href="" class="source">IanTomFerry/Wikimedia</a></span></p> <p>Another problem with fully glazed façades is the excessive glare they cause inside buildings, which means that indoor blinds must be pulled down most of the time. This blocks occupants’ views to the outside and increases reliance on artificial lighting, increasing energy consumption even further.</p> <p>These problems with fully glazed façades still plague buildings today. Now, parametrically designed shading devices are often used as a solution. Unfortunately, these tend to block outdoor views for those working inside, while keeping the need for <a href="">artificial light</a>.</p> <h2>Limiting freedoms</h2> <p>Should we prevent architects from exercising their aesthetic freedom in designing these extravagant buildings that harm our planet? One solution could be to set a maximum limit on the amount of energy a building is allowed to consume. This would require architects to use <a href="">passive design strategies</a> – techniques that enable humans to live in challenging climates without expending unnecessary energy.</p> <p>For example, by the year 400 BC, Persians had devised an ingenious way to <a href="">store ice</a> during hot summer months using ice pits called “yakhchals”. These were vaulted reservoirs with a height of up to 15 metres and a depth of approximately six metres.</p> <p>By allowing hot air to exit through an opening at the top of the reservoir and burying ice deep in the earth, the base of the yakhchal – and the ice inside – would <a href="">remain cold</a> throughout the summer.</p> <p>An example from the modern era is the <a href="">Inspector General of Police Complex</a> building in Gulbarga, India, which uses a wind tower fitted with water sprays to create a comfortable environment in a hot and humid climate. Droplets from the sprays absorb heat from incoming air, reducing the air’s temperature by up to 13°C before it enters the building.</p> <p>It’s vital to first decide how best to measure buildings’ maximum energy limit. In current building energy rating schemes, “<a href="">energy use intensity</a>” is often used, which refers to the amount of energy consumed per unit of floor area.</p> <p><img src=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;fit=clip" alt="A brick building in the desert" /> <span class="caption">This yakhchal in Iran was used to keep ice cool.</span> <span class="attribution"><a href=",_yakh-chal_(%D9%89%D8%AE_%DA%86%D8%A7%D9%84_en_persan)_,_goat_herd_-_glaci%C3%A8re,_troupeau_de_ch%C3%A8vres_(9261276542).jpg" class="source">Jeanne Menj/Wikimedia</a></span></p> <p>But a flaw of this metric is that it allows overly large, grandiose buildings to be certified as <a href=";ab_channel=InternationalPassiveHouseAssociation">low energy</a>. A more appropriate metric could focus on energy consumed in relation to the number of people using a building – in other words, a building’s energy use per person.</p> <h2>Making masterpieces</h2> <p>A possible objection is that this could result in “boring” buildings with no aesthetic appeal. In this case, we could encourage architects to express their creativity through building structures not designed to house people and therefore require little to no operational energy to run.</p> <p>This would considerably reduce the environmental impact of such architectural masterpieces. On average, <a href="">80% to 90%</a> of a building’s carbon emissions arise from operating it, not building it.</p> <p>What’s more, many iconic buildings have failed to function as they were designed to. Mies von der Rohe’s <a href="">New National Gallery</a> in Berlin suffered from cracking windows and heavy condensation, while Frank Gehry’s MIT-based <a href="">Stata Centre</a> in Massachusetts has leaky roofs and excessive mould. These buildings have not been demolished, however, but left standing as examples of top-quality design.</p> <p>Perhaps if architects channelled their desire for daring aesthetic into sculpture-like structures rather than buildings designed for habitation, they could continue to keep pushing the limits of design without making the planet pay.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. 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Apple customers worried about safety of new AirTag technology

<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Tech giant Apple has copped global criticism after their new gadget held crucial security concerns. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The AirTag is the latest accessory from Apple, which is a button-sized electronic device that can be attached like a keychain to valuables such as a wallet or keys, and can be linked to your Apple device to help locate the items when lost. </span></p> <p><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Washington Post</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, among other sceptics of the new tech, pointed out the design flaw of the device after its release in early 2021, warning users it could be “frighteningly easy” for stalkers to take advantage.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A series of tests conducted by online tech reviewers pointed out how easy it could be for stalkers to place the AirTag on someone without their knowledge and then track their whereabouts. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">“AirTags are a new means of inexpensive, effective stalking. I know because I tested AirTags by letting a </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Washington Post</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> colleague pretend to stalk me,” the review said.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Eva Galperin, cybersecurity director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, has long advocated for more awareness on the dangers of tracking technology. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">“I don’t expect products to be perfect the moment they hit the market, but I don’t think they would have made the choices that they did if they had consulted even a single expert in intimate partner abuse,” she said.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">After an influx of global criticism against the AirTag, Apple’s new iOS 15.2 update has made moves to remedy the possibility of stalking, by giving users access to detect “items that can track me” from their chosen Apple devices. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Within the Find My app, there is a new “unknown items” option that can scan for rogue devices the user may be unaware of in their vicinity, alerting people to suspicious activity. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">“These are an industry-first, strong set of proactive deterrents,” Kaiann Drance, Apple’s vice president of iPhone marketing, said in an interview. “It’s a smart and tuneable system, and we can continue improving the logic and timing so that we can improve the set of deterrents.”</span></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Image credits: Getty Images</span></em></p>


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How creative use of technology may have helped save schooling during the pandemic

<p>It <a href="">is estimated</a> around half the world’s students’ schools remain shut down. All told, this has been a potentially damaging disruption to the education of a generation.</p> <p>But one of the few positive outcomes from this experience is an opportunity to rethink how digital technologies can be used to support teaching and learning in schools.</p> <p>Our collective experiences of remote schooling offer a fleeting opportunity for schools to think more imaginatively about what “digital education” might look like in the future.</p> <p>This is not to echo the hype (currently being pushed by many education reformers and IT industry actors) that COVID will prove a <a href="">tipping-point</a> after which schools will be <a href="">pushed fully</a> into digital education.</p> <p>On the contrary, the past six months of hastily implemented <a href="">emergency remote schooling</a> tell us little about how school systems might go fully virtual, or operate on a “blended” (part online, part face-to-face) basis. Any <a href="">expectations of profiting</a> from the complete digital reform of education is well wide of the mark.</p> <p>Instead, the most compelling technology-related lessons to take from the pandemic involve the informal, improvised, scrappy digital practices that have helped teachers, students and parents get through school at home.</p> <p><strong>Technology during the pandemic</strong></p> <p>All over the world, school shutdowns have seen teachers, students and families get together to achieve great things with relatively simple technologies. This includes the surprising rise of <a href="">TikTok</a> as a <a href="">source</a> of <a href="">informal learning content</a>. Previously the domain of young content creators, remote schooling saw teachers of all ages turn to the video platform to <a href="">share bite-size (up to one minute) chunks</a> of teaching, give inspirational feedback, set learning challenges or simply show students and parents how they were coping.</p> <p>TikTok also been used as a place for educational organisations, public figures and celebrity scientists to <a href="">produce bespoke learning content</a>, as well as allowing teachers to put together materials for a wider audience.</p> <p>Even <a href="">principals</a> have used it to keep in contact with their school — making 60-second video addresses, motivational speeches and other alternatives to the traditional school assembly speech.</p> <p>Classes in some countries have been <a href="">run through WhatsApp</a>, primarily because this was one platform most students and families had access to, and were used to using in their everyday lives.</p> <p>Elsewhere, teachers have set up virtual <a href="">BitMoji classrooms</a> featuring colourful backdrops and cartoon avatars of themselves. These spaces act as a friendly online version of their familiar classroom space for students to check in and find out what they should be learning, access resources and temporarily feel they were back at school.</p> <p>Some teachers have worked out <a href="">creative ways of Zoom-based teaching</a>. These stretch beyond the streamed lecture format and include live demonstrations, experiments, and live music and pottery workshops.</p> <p>Social media, apps and games have proven convenient places for teachers to <a href="">share insights</a> into their classroom practice, while students can <a href=";_rdr">quickly show</a> teachers and classmates what they have been working on.</p> <p>These informal uses of digital media have played an important role in boosting students, teachers and parents with a bit of human contact, and additional motivation to connect and learn.</p> <p><strong>So, what now?</strong></p> <p>All this will come as <a href=";keywords=antero+garcia&amp;qid=1600463690&amp;s=books&amp;sr=1-7">little surprise</a> to <a href="">long-term</a> <a href="">advocates</a> of popular forms of digital media in education. There is a sound evidence base for the educational benefits of such technology.</p> <p>For example, a <a href="">decade’s worth of studies</a> has developed a <a href="">robust framework</a> (and many examples) of how students and educators can make the most of personal digital media inside and outside the classroom. These include allowing students to participate in online fan-fiction writing communities, digital journalism, music production and podcasting.</p> <p>The past ten years has also seen a <a href="">rise in e-sports</a> — where teams of young people compete in video games.</p> <p>This stresses the interplay between digital media, learning driven by students’ interests and passions, and online communities of peers. Informal digital media can be a boon for otherwise <a href="">marginalised and disadvantaged youth</a> and allowing students to find supportive communities of like-minded peers regardless of their local circumstances.</p> <p>Australia continues to be one of the few countries in the world where <a href="">classroom use of smartphones is banned</a> by some governments. Some of the most popular social media platforms, content creation apps, and open sites such as YouTube remain <a href="">filtered and blocked</a> in many schools too.</p> <p>At the same time, official forms of school technology are <a href="">increasingly criticised</a> for being boring, overly-standardised, and largely serving institutional imperatives, rather than pitched toward the interests of students and teachers.</p> <p>Concerns are growing over the <a href="">limited educational benefits</a> of personalised learning systems, as well as the <a href="">data and privacy implications</a> of school platforms and systems such as Google Classroom.</p> <p>The past six months have seen many schools forced to make the best of whatever technologies were immediately to hand. Previously reticent teachers now have first-hand experience of making use of unfamiliar technologies. Many parents are now on board with the educational potential of social media and games. Most importantly, students have been given a taste of what they can achieve with “their” own technology.</p> <p>With US schools now exploring the benefits of establishing official <a href="">TikTok creation clubs</a> to enhance their video-making skills, it might be time for Australian educators to follow suit. Let’s take the opportunity to re-establish schools as places where teachers, students and families can work together to creatively learn with the devices and apps most familiar to their everyday lives.</p> <p><em>Written by <a href="">Neil Selwyn</a>, Monash University. Republished with permission of <a href=";sp=1&amp;sr=1&amp;url=%2Fhow-creative-use-of-technology-may-have-helped-save-schooling-during-the-pandemic-146488">The Conversation</a>. </em></p>


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Billions are pouring into mobility technology – will the transport revolution live up to the hype?

<p>Over the past decade almost <a href="">US$200 billion</a> has been invested globally in mobility technology that promises to improve our ability to get around. More than US$33 billion was invested last year alone. Another measure of interest in this area is the <a href="">number of unicorns</a>, which has doubled in the past two years.</p> <p>A unicorn is a privately held startup company valued at US$1 billion or more. In early 2018 there were 22 travel and mobility unicorns. By last month the number had grown to 44.</p> <p>The top categories in the mobility area are: ride hailing, with 11 unicorns (25.0%); autonomous vehicles, with ten (22.7%); and micromobility, with three (6.8%). The remaining 20 unicorns are in the travel category (hotels, bookings and so on).</p> <p>Mobility technology is more than just autonomous vehicles, ride hailing and e-scooters and e-bikes. It also includes: electrification (electric vehicles, charging/batteries); fleet management and connectivity (connectivity, data management, cybersecurity, parking, fleet management); auto commerce (car sharing); transportation logistics (freight, last-mile delivery); and urban air mobility.</p> <p><strong>Promised solutions, emerging problems</strong></p> <p>Much of the interest in mobility technology is coming from individuals outside the transport arena. Startups are attracting investors by claiming their technology will solve many of our transport problems.</p> <p>Micromobility companies believe their e-scooters and e-bikes will solve the “<a href="">first-mile last-mile</a>” problem by enabling people to move quickly and easily between their homes or workplaces and a bus or rail station. While this might work in theory, it depends on having <a href="">safe and segregated bicycle networks</a> and <a href="">frequent and widely accessible public transport</a> services.</p> <p>Ride-hailing services might relieve people of the need to own a car. But <a href="">there is evidence</a> to suggest these services are <a href="">adding to traffic congestion</a>. That’s because, unlike taxis, more of their time on the road involves travelling without any passengers.</p> <p>Navigation tools (Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze) have <a href="">been around longer</a> than most other mobility technologies and are meant make it easier to find the least-congested route for any given trip. However, <a href="">research</a> suggests these tools might not be working as intended. The <a href="">backlash</a> against them is growing in some cities because traffic is being directed onto neighbourhood streets rather than arterial roads.</p> <p>Autonomous vehicles have the goal of reducing injuries and deaths from car crashes. Only a few years ago many bold predictions were being made that these self-driving vehicles would be having positive impacts by now, but this hasn’t happened. The enthusiasm for autonomous vehicles has cooled. <a href="">Some now believe</a> we won’t see many of the social benefits for decades.</p> <p>The final mobility tech area is known as mobility as a service (<a href="">MAAS</a>). It’s basically a platform designed to make better use of existing infrastructure and transport modes. MAAS begins with a journey planner that is linked to one-stop payment for a range of mobility services – ride-hailing, e-scooters, e-bikes, taxis, public transport, and so on.</p> <p>MAAS is the newest entrant in the mobility tech field. It has attracted US$6.8 billion to date, but is expected to grow to <a href="">over US$100 billion by 2030</a>. This idea is creating great enthusiasm, not only among private entrepreneurs, but also in the public sector. It’s too early to know whether it will improve transportation.</p> <p><strong>3 trends are driving investment</strong></p> <p>So, why do venture capitalists <a href="">continue to show so much interest</a> in mobility technology startups despite poor company performance to date? It appears they believe personal mobility will become increasingly important. <a href="">Three trends</a>support this belief.</p> <p>First, urban dwellers increasingly value the ability to move around easily. It’s thought to be a key ingredient for a liveable city. The problem is public transport is often not very good, particularly in the US and in outer suburbs in Australia.</p> <p>This is due to historically low funding relative to roads. The prospect of more funding and better public transport services in the future is not good. In part that’s because many <a href="">view public transport as welfare</a> and not an essential public service. Thus, if cities want to become more liveable and competitive, they must look beyond government-funded public transport for other mobility alternatives.</p> <p>The second trend is declining vehicle ownership. Since 1986 US sales of car and light trucks per capita have dropped by <a href="">almost 30%</a>. In Australia, new car sales <a href="">remained relatively constant</a> over the past decade, but a <a href="">decline since 2017 is expected to continue</a>. These trends are due in part to the cost of owning a vehicle, but also because of a growing view that owning a car may not be necessary.</p> <p>This brings us to the third trend, which involves demographics and the <a href="">post-millennial desire for access to mobility</a> services <a href="">rather than vehicle ownership</a>.</p> <p>These trends, combined with expectations of an upward trend in prices of these services, suggests there may be good times ahead for ride-hailing and micromobility companies. It also means venture capital funding for these startups will not be diminishing in the near future.</p> <p><strong>The future of transport isn’t simple</strong></p> <p>Transport systems are multifaceted. No one single app or technology will solve the challenges. And, as we are discovering, some of the purported solutions to problems might actually be making the situation worse.</p> <p>If the goal is to get people out of their cars (for <a href="">better health and quality of life and a better environment</a>), this will require more than a technology. Better infrastructure and public policies (including better integration of land uses and transport to reduce the need for transport) will be required – <a href="">congestion pricing</a>being one of those.</p> <p>That is not to say technological innovations are not welcome as part of the solution, but they are just that … “part” of the solution.</p> <p><em>Written by Neil G Sipe. Republished with permission of </em><a href=""><em>The Conversation.</em></a></p>

Travel Tips

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The technology that may change your Woolworths shopping experience forever

<p>When you travel across the country, you may notice how the Woolworths stores may be different depending on the area they are in.</p> <p>Some Woolworths stores have been equipped with expanded fresh food and ready-to-go meal choices, more payment automations and refurbished designs – but other stores are yet to receive the same treatment.</p> <p>The decision to upgrade or remain is not arbitrary – rather, it is determined by the data analytics software that the supermarket giant uses to analyse the benefit from the significant investment.</p> <p><em><a href="">9News</a> </em>reported that refurbishments and proof-of-concept locations are heavily influenced by the A/B testing software MarketDial, a tool to assess what is and is not working in stores based on two or more variants.</p> <p>“No major investment around changing the direction of the organisation that requires capital should now happen without the influence of MarketDial being used to test whether it’s going to be effective,” Woolworths general manager of data and retail analytics Doug Frank told the outlet.</p> <p>“When you’re a large organisation, most of your capital investments are multi-million dollars. If you just get one of those decisions right where it could have gone wrong, you’ve paid for [the software].”</p> <p>Mike Smith, finance head at Woolworths Format Development, said the company has been using MarketDial for a year.</p> <p>“What we try to do in a renewal is understand what capital to deploy to extract the most value possible, but making sure we meet our customer needs,” Smith told <em><a href="">iTnews</a></em>.</p> <p>“We may have a store, which hasn’t been refurbished for quite some time. We know the refrigeration is extremely old and leaks, so it’s got a bad customer experience and it’s costing us a lot to maintain.</p> <p>“The configuration of that store is probably not great so we might have constrained frontends, we might have really odd-shaped structures or blockages in sight lines that will need a full reset.</p> <p>“And generally if those are in areas where we’ve got high volume – high turnover premium catchments – we know we need to go big.”</p> <p>A Woolworths spokesperson said the supermarket has had 70 refurbishments each year for the past three financial years.</p> <p>Some of the proof-of-concept trials run by Woolworths include the “Scan&amp;Go” technology as well as “trolley self-serve lanes”, which allow shoppers to load groceries onto a conveyor belt before scanning them at the self-checkout at the other end.</p> <p>The lanes are available at the Millers Junction Woolworths in Melbourne, and a similar version is also underway in Sydney’s Gregory Hills store.</p> <p>In June last year, competitor Coles announced that it was looking to reduce costs by $1 billion through a four-year technology revamp called <a href="">Smart Selling</a>. The transformation would include automation of manual tasks and “extensive use of data analytics and artificial intelligence to ensure we are anticipating and fulfilling customer needs as they continue to evolve”, said CEO Steven Cain.</p>


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New technology can help understand the decline in Australian sea lions

<p>Australian sea lions are in trouble. Their population has never recovered from the impact of the commercial sealing that occurred mainly in the 19th century.<span class="attribution"><span class="source"></span></span></p> <p>Currently, the Australian sea lion is a threatened species (listed as <a href="">endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature or IUCN)</a> with the population estimated at 10,000 – 12,000. More than 80% of these animals live in the coastal waters of South Australia, where their numbers are estimated to have fallen by more than half over the past 40 years.</p> <p>The sea lions’ survival is threatened by many factors, including bycatch in commercial fisheries, entanglement in marine debris and impacts related to climate change.</p> <p>With time running out, the sea lions’ survival depends on informed management. One important step is to establish a low-risk way of quickly assessing the health of the current population. The results could help us identify how to stop the population declining.</p> <p><strong>Technological insight</strong></p> <p>One common way to get a quick idea of an animal’s health is to assess its body using a measure equivalent to the <a href="">body mass index</a> (BMI) for humans, which is calculated from a person’s mass divided by the square of their height. But using a tape measure and scales to obtain the size and mass of Australian sea lions is time consuming, costly and involves risky anaesthesia of endangered animals.</p> <p>With our colleagues Dirk Holman and <a href="">Aleks Terauds</a>, we recently developed a technique to non-invasively estimate the body condition of Australian sea lions by using a drone to collect high-resolution photos of sedated sea lions. We then used the photos to digitally reconstruct a 3D model of each animal to estimate its length, width and overall volume – and compared these to physical measurements.</p> <p>The technique, recently published in <a href=""><em>Biological Conservation</em></a>, worked better than expected.</p> <p><img src=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;fit=clip" alt="" /> <span class="caption">Drone-captured photographs were processed to create 2D mosaics of images and 3D models. These were used to measure area and volume, both of which approximated animal mass.</span> <span class="attribution"><span class="source">J. Hodgson</span></span></p> <p>The measurements were accurate, and we found a strong correlation between the mass of an individual and the area and volume measurements derived from the drone pictures. These are the key ingredients needed to assess sea lion condition without handling animals.</p> <p><strong>Conserving an iconic species</strong></p> <p>While simple body condition measurements have limitations, they are useful for conservation because they provide rapid health insights across a species’ range.</p> <p>Australian sea lions breed at around 80 known sites spanning more than 3,000 km of southern Australian coastline within the <a href="">Great Southern Reef</a>.</p> <p>Our technique can be used to study free-ranging animals at colonies across this range, from Kangaroo Island in South Australia to the Houtman Abrolhos Islands in Western Australia, and test for differences in condition.</p> <p><a href=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=1000&amp;fit=clip"><img src=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;fit=clip" alt="" /></a> <span class="caption">3D models of animals measured in the study.</span> <span class="attribution"><span class="source">J. Hodgson</span></span></p> <p>This can give us valuable information about how individual health and colony trends in abundance are related. For example, if a colony is in decline and its members are in poor condition, it could be that factors such as food availability and disease are driving the decline.</p> <p>However, if there is no difference in the condition of animals from declining and recovering colonies, then declines may be due to direct human impacts such as bycatch in commercial fisheries and entanglement in marine debris. We could then target the most likely threats identified using this technique to better understand their impact and how to protect the sea lions against them.</p> <p><img src=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;fit=clip" alt="" /> <span class="caption">These two adult male Australian sea lions differed by just 11 cm in length but more than 130 kg in mass.</span> <span class="attribution"><span class="source">J. Hodgson</span></span></p> <p>This technique could be used to complete a population-wide survey of Australian sea lion condition and help ensure the species’ survival. It would build on past mitigation measures which include successfully <a href="">reducing by-catch from gillnet fishing along the sea floor</a>.</p> <p>It will also complement current initiatives, including a trial to <a href="">control a parasite</a> that may improve <a href="">pup survival</a>.</p> <p>Australian sea lions are an icon of Australia’s Great Southern Reef. As an important top-order predator in these coastal waters, they are indicators of ocean health. Understanding and mitigating the causes of their decline will not only help the species recover, but it will also help to ensure the unique coastal ecosystems on which Australian sea lions depend remain intact and functional.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important; text-shadow: none !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Jarrod Hodgson</a>, PhD Candidate, <a href="">University of Adelaide</a>; <a href="">Lian Pin Koh</a>, Professor, <a href="">University of Adelaide</a>, and <a href="">Simon Goldsworthy</a>, Principal Scientist, Ecosystem Effects of Fishing &amp; Aquaculture, South Australian Research and Development Institute, and Affiliate Professor, <a href="">University of Adelaide</a></em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>

Family & Pets

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Social media and technology mean that dead celebrities can't rest in peace

<p>“To be dead,” wrote the 20th century French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, “is to be a prey for the living.” Even Sartre, though, would have struggled to imagine casting James Dean in a movie 64 years after the actor’s death.</p> <p>The <a href="">curious announcement</a> that Dean, who died in a car crash in 1955 having made just three films, will star in a movie adaptation of Gareth Crocker’s Vietnam War novel Finding Jack, has been met with <a href="">outrage</a>.</p> <p>It would be a remarkable CGI achievement for any studio to resurrect an actor who has been dead since the Eisenhower administration.</p> <p>True, the Star Wars movie Rogue One featured the late Peter Cushing “reprising” his role as Grand Moff Tarkin. But the new role given to Dean would reportedly be far larger and more complex. Cushing, at least, had already played Tarkin while he was alive.</p> <p>In Finding Jack, “James Dean” will supposedly be starring in a film based on a novel written 80 years after he was born, set near the end of a war that started after he died. He will reportedly be reanimated via “full body” CGI using actual footage and photos; another actor will voice him.</p> <p>The reaction to this goes beyond mere scepticism, however. Nor is it simply the now-familiar post-truth anxiety about no longer being able to tell what’s real and what isn’t. The rise of “<a href=";rct=j&amp;q=&amp;esrc=s&amp;source=web&amp;cd=12&amp;cad=rja&amp;uact=8&amp;ved=2ahUKEwi_392QhdjlAhVLdCsKHQ_zC5gQFjALegQIAhAB&amp;;usg=AOvVaw2qK3CZZjtPtJJcix9JXZ4X">deepfakes</a>” presents a much greater threat on that front than bringing dead actors back to life.</p> <p>What’s at work here is another pervasive challenge of the online era: how we should live with the digital dead.</p> <p>People die online every day. Social media is increasingly full of <a href="">electric corpses</a>; at some point <a href="">the dead will outnumber the living</a> on platforms like Facebook. This already poses a range of <a href="">ethical and practical problems</a>. Some of these are the subject of a <a href="">NSW Law Reform Commission inquiry</a> into how we should deal with the digital assets of the dead and incapacitated.</p> <p><strong>Reanimation</strong></p> <p>These issues only get thornier once you add in the prospect of reanimation.</p> <p>For most of this decade, digital immortality was confined to press releases and fiction. A string of start-ups promised breathlessly to let you cheat death via AI-driven avatars, only to disappear when it became clear their taglines were better than their products. (The <a href="">Twitter app LivesOn’s</a> “When your heart stops beating, you’ll keep tweeting” was undeniably clever).</p> <p>“Be Right Back,” a 2013 episode of the TV series Black Mirror, imagined a young woman who signs up for a service that brings her dead partner back to life using his social media footprint: first as a chat bot, then as a phone-based voice simulator, and finally as a lifelike automaton. It was brilliant, bleak television, but thankfully, it wasn’t real.</p> <p>Then in late 2015, 34-year-old Roman Mazurenko died in an accident in Moscow. As a tribute, his best friend, fellow tech entrepreneur Eugenia Kuyda, <a href="">built the texts</a> Mazurenko had sent her into a chat bot.</p> <p>You can download Roman Mazurenko right now, wherever you get your apps, and talk to a dead man. Internet immortality might not be here yet, not quite, but it’s unsettlingly close.</p> <p><strong>Between remembrance and exploitation</strong></p> <p>Sadly, it’s not an immortality we could look forward to. When we fear death, one thing we particularly dread is the end of first-person experience.</p> <p>Think of the experience you’re having reading this article. Someone else could be reading exactly the same words at the same time. But their experience will lack whatever it is that makes this your experience. That’s what scares us: if you die, that quality, what it’s like to be you, won’t exist anymore. And there is, to mangle <a href="">a famous line from Thomas Nagel</a>, nothing it is like to be a bot.</p> <p>But what about living on for other people? The Mazurenko bot is clearly a work of mourning, and a work of love. Remembering the dead, <a href="">wrote Kierkegaard</a>, is the freest and most unselfish work of love, for the dead can neither force us to remember them nor reward us for doing so. But memory is fragile and attention is fickle.</p> <p>It seems reasonable that we might use our new toys to help the dead linger in the lifeworld, to escape oblivion a little longer. The danger, as the philosopher <a href="">Adam Buben has put it</a>, is that memorialisation could slip into replacement.</p> <p>An interactive avatar of the dead might simply become a stopgap, something you use to fill part of the hole the dead leave in our lives. That risks turning the dead into yet another resource for the living. The line between remembrance and exploitation is surprisingly porous.</p> <p>That is what’s ultimately troubling about resurrecting James Dean. To watch a James Dean movie is to encounter, in some palpable way, the concrete person. Something of the face-to-face encounter survives the mediation of lens, celluloid and screen.</p> <p>To make a new James Dean movie is something else. It’s to use the visual remains of Dean as a workable resource instead of letting him be who he is. Worse, it suggests that James Dean can be replaced, just as algorithm-driven avatars might come to replace, rather than simply commemorate, the dead.</p> <p>We’ll know in time whether Finding Jack can live up to its likely premature hype. Even if it doesn’t, the need to think about how we protect the dead from our digital predations isn’t going away.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important; text-shadow: none !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Patrick Stokes</a>, Associate Professor of Philosophy, <a href="">Deakin University</a></em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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New research shows baby boomers are less threatened by technology in the workplace

<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">New research commissioned by technology leader </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">Genesys</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> has shown that older generations are significantly more positive towards artificial technology in Australia and New Zealand.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The new research also suggested that older generations are more comfortable with the implementation of modern workforce tools as opposed to younger respondents.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">70 per cent of respondents aged 18-38 years believe there should be a minimum requirement of human employees over AI/bots compared to 59 per cent of respondents aged 55-73 years. The younger respondents appear to be more cautious of the implementation of this technology compared to more senior respondents.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">All age demographics have reported seeing the benefit of advanced technology in the workplace, with an average of 87 per cent stating that it has a positive impact.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">However, 23 per cent of respondents aged 18 – 38 reported feeling threatened by new technology in the workplace. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Gwilym Funnell, Vice President of Sales and Managing Director for Genesys in Australia and New Zealand said, “Older generations are valuable members of our workplace, and these results dispel the myth that they are averse to technology. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">“The evolution of business is calling for greater adaptability; this is when experience can be leveraged for greater success.”</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The survey also uncovered another key difference between the generations, which was the perception of the impact of technology on social interactions.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">44% of respondents aged 55-73 years report technology does not inhibit social interactions at all, while those aged 18-38 years report it does – 7% more than their older peers.</span></p>


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