Michelle Reed

This dog paints really beautiful artworks

This DogVinci is making waves as the greatest canine artist of his generation – a highly competitive title, we’re sure. Dagger paints with his owner, fine-artist Yvonne Dagger, nearly every day, and his brushstroke work is colourful, exciting and surprisingly varied. 

Yvonne, who describes daggers work as “abstract” says that the Labrador developed his dexterity during his training to become a service dog for people with disabilities. 

"He learned how to push drawers and doors closed and hold objects in his mouth," Yvonne told Mashable.

His career may not have lasted long, but something certainly stuck with the talented pooch and, following his artist owners lead, decided to put his skills to a different use.

"Very often Dagger II would come into my studio and lay next to me when I painted," Yvonne said. 

"Then one day, Dagger II began nudging me. I stopped painting and said, 'Dagger, do you want to paint'? His tail immediately started to wag like crazy."

From there, Yvonne painted with Dagger using modified versions of the commands he'd learned in training. "Instead of 'push' it was 'paint,'" she said. The result has been some pretty darn good pieces of work for an artist without apposable thumbs! He looks the part though, even doing a classic red beret, titled slightly to the side, of course.

Dagger’s paintings have started selling, with proceeds going to Canine Companions for Independence.

In addition, Yvonne hopes to contribute to local animal shelters and rescues. 

Check out his paintings and tell us what you think about them.

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dog, pets, animals, cute, art