Ben Squires

Mother creates fairy tale artworks with her iPhone

At first glance at Ali Jardine’s artwork, it’s easy to make the mistake that the fairy tale photographs are from famous fantasy movies. But this creative mum doesn’t have a team of animators, or even a professional camera.

Jardine takes these beautiful images of her daughter Pippin using only her iPhone camera and apps. For her, it’s a creative outlet that allows her to step into the world of fantasy through the lens.

“I have always been a dreamer and having children of my own only increased my love of fairy tales and magic,” she says. “I created these images thinking of the stories we all grew up with, with the idea to take the viewer back to a simpler time of childhood.”

Jardine’s imagination and talent has taken daughter Pippin on some amazing adventures. Through art, she’s stepped into the blue dress of Alice in Wonderland to explore a mythical pink garden and channelled Snow White in an enchanted forest.
These artworks have to be seen to be believed. Take a look at Ali Jardine’s beautiful photographs in the gallery above.

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phone, iphone, art, Children, mum, mother, fairytale