Melody Teh

4 easy ways to speed up your computer

We can all admit computers are great – they let us type (and edit) with ease, store loads of information and surf the net. What’s not so great is a slow computer which doesn’t run as fast as it used too. Just like us, our technological devices need regular check-ups to not only extend its life but ensure it continues to perform smoothly! Here are four sure-fire ways to get your computer running like new again.

Clean up the desktop

We tend to have dozens of shortcuts, folders and programs on our desktops. Be honest, how many do you actually use? If the answer is just a few key ones, delete the ones you never use and file the others away. This will help your computer process information faster.

Empty the trash

Just because you delete things doesn’t mean it’s gone! All those deleted files are hanging out in your recycle bin and a full bin can slow down your computer. Have a browse through and see if there’s anything you have accidentally deleted, if not, click “empty trash”. This will permanently delete all the files form your computer.

Scan for viruses

The most common cause of a slow computer is pesky viruses or adwares. That is why it is important to have an up to date anti-virus program and scan your computer at least every month.

Uninstall unused programs

As time passes, we accumulate many programs on our computer.  Your grandkids may have told you to install some games or movies but you never use them! They just sit there and take up virtual but valuable space on the computer.

technology, computers, laptops, Dick Smith