Ben Squires

Can you spot the mistake in the NBN's latest ad?

To say the National Broadband Network has been a bit of a hard sell to the common Australian would be the understatement of the century. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, a new advertisement has led to the NBN becoming the laughing stock of tech experts. Can you see what the problem with this ad is?

The advertisement, which was lampooned by Twitter user Scott Rhodie on Tuesday, plays up the NBN’s capacity to facilitate online gaming, but the stock image features a girl using the controller from a console that is quite outdated.

“Hey @NBN_Australia if you want to make people feel like they are getting the future how about not using stock photos showing a PS3 controller when the Sony PS4 came out in 2013...the controller shown came out in 2006,” Rhodie wrote.

Mr Rhodie noted the girls were holding a “PS1 controller with the cable photoshopped out and a mini-USB rather than a micro-USB added.”

“Which puts the date of the controller around 1995 - over 20 years ago!”

“Ha! Now that I know it's photoshopped, even the USB port seems to be way too big and not quite right,” another Twitter user chimed in.

“So that young girl... could now theoretically have a daughter that age.”

The NBN has been coming under increasing scrutiny, with costs, available speeds and roll out delays leading to frustrations for thousands of users around Australia.

What are your thoughts? Do you think people are being too harsh? Or should the NBN lift its game. Let us know in the comments section, we’d love to hear from you.

Hero image credit: Twitter / Scott Rhodie‏

Technology, internet, Twitter, entertainment, Ad, NBN