
According to our emoji use, Australians love alcohol, junk food, holidays and clothes

Aussies love booze, drugs, junk food and clothing if our emoji use is anything to go by, an international study has revealed.

Popular app for smartphones,SwiftKey, analysed more than a billion pieces of data on emoji use sent by people from 16 countries from all around the world in a four-month period.

Here are just some of their findings:

Overall, happy faces, including winks, kisses, smiles and grins were the most popular emojis across all regions, making up 45 per cent of all messages studied. Sad faces were in second place though but this was followed by the heart emojis. Hand gestures such as thumbs up, clapping hands and the peace were in fourth, followed by romantic emojis, such as the lipstick kiss mark, love letter and couple kissing.

Here are the most popular categories for each language:

Related links:

A guide to using Emoji on your phone

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