Melody Teh

Classic eBooks that are FREE!

With millions of eBooks out there in the digital sphere picking a good book to read can be an overwhelming task. That’s why we’ve trawled the internet to find you a myriad of great reads which best of all, you don’t have to spend a dollar on! Many of them are classics that have been in the public domain for years but classics are classics for a reasons – they’re great pieces of literature. So if you’re wondering what to read this summer, here are some books to add to your reading list.


The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter (Amazon/Google)

Written by Potter for her governess’s five-year-old son, it tells the tale of the mischievous and naughty young rabbit named Peter.

The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame (Amazon/Google)

The story follows fouranthropomorphised animals — Toad, Mole, Rat, and Badger — and their adventures in the English countryside.


The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Amazon/Google)

If you’ve been watching any of the various TV and filmic renditions it’s time to go back to the source with Doyle’s 12 original tales of the sleuthing detective.

Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie (Amazon/Google)

Agatha Christie is undoubtedly queen of the detective genre having written 66 novels and 14 short stories. Secret Adversary is her second novel and introduces you to the characters of Tommy and Tuppence who will recur in later novels.


Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson (Amazon/Google)

Your classic pirate tale with buccaneers, buried gold and treasures maps where X marks the spot! While it’s considered a children’s tale there’s a complexity and moral depth to the characters that will entertain adults too.

Call of the Wild by Jack London (Amazon/Google)

Following the journey of Buck, a domesticated dog who is stolen from his home and sold as a sled dog in Alaska, he must learn to survive in the harsh climate eventually reverting back to his wild state.


Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (Amazon/Google)

Austen’s charming and witty Pride and Prejudice has eternally secured Mr. Darcy as the perfect man in the eyes of many women. Relive the romance between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy as they continuously clash before finding their happily ever after together.

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë (Amazon/Google)

Follow the resilient journey of orphan Jane Eyre who endured mistreatment throughout her childhood before accepting a governess position for the eccentric Edward Rochester. However, he is hiding a terrible and dark secret…


My Man Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse (Amazon)

The British sure do their dry, intellectual humour well and it’s no more evident than in P.G Wodehouse’s work. Follow the mishaps of the good-hearted but silly aristocrat Bertie Wooster and his valet Jeeves who always manages to get him out of trouble.

Roughing it by Mark Twain (Amazon/Google)

Ever wondered about the life of American novelist and humourist Mark Twain? Roughing it chronicles young Twain’s early adventures through the Wild West.


Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (Amazon/Google)

Eccentric scientists Victor Frankenstein has achieved the impossible – creating life – but he is horrified by what he has created and abandons the grotesque creature. Given just how influential Shelley’s novel is that it spawned the horror genre, it would be remiss not to give it a read. 

Technology, ebooks, books, Classic ebooks, Classics, Reading