Joel Callen

How to stop receiving unwanted emails

It can be overwhelming when you log in to your email only to find an inbox full of emails waiting for you to wade through. If you’re no longer interested in receiving particular emails from some of the sites you’ve sign up to, here’s how you unsubscribe and be rid of unwanted emails.

Every company who sends emails are required by law to have an “unsubscribe” button on their emails, which will automatically unsubscribe you from their list when you select it. This is usually located at the very bottom of emails and in small font, so it may take some searching but it will be there.  

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To unsubscribe from everything

Click on the unsubscribe link and it will either redirect you to their webpage or a small page will pop up. It might automatically unsubscribe your or ask for your email address (so it can confirm which email address to remove from the list) and click to confirm. It may take a day for it to be processed in the system but this will unsubscribe you from everything to do with the site.

To unsubscribe from some things

If you just want to unsubscribe from only certain newsletters that you’re no longer interested in then you will want to manage your email preferences or notifications. This link is usually near the “unsubscribe” link. It will take you to your account, where you will have to log in and there you can opt-out of certain mailing lists and leave the ones you still want to be part of. An alternate way of doing this is logging in to your account from the website, where there will be an option to manage your email notifications there as well. 

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Technology, tips, email, spam