Alex O'Brien

Tools to turn you into a tech-savvy senior NOW

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the number of over-60s using the internet doubled between 2003 and 2009. As we know here at Over60, this number is rapidly rising every day. Older Aussies are embracing technology with open arms to use Facebook, Skype, surf the net, pay bills or shop online.

While most of you are already tech savvy, others might need a helping hand to wade through the confusing digital world. Luckily, there are some great courses specifically targeted to help over-60s with technology and many of them are free as they are funded by the government. We’ve found some of the best courses, books and websites to help you learn new skills or brush up on old ones.

Remember, learning a new skill takes time. Sometimes it can be quite frustrating but persevere and you’ll soon be a giving your grandkids a run for their money.

Broadband for Seniors – Australia wide

Funded by the Australian Government, Broadband for Seniors provides seniors in Australia with free access to computers, the internet and basic training through 1,600 kiosks that are located around the country. The program has already assisted 400,000 seniors since it was established in 2008.

The aim of Broadband for Seniors is to encourage greater participation in the digital world by seniors by supporting over-60s to gain confidence and build skills in using new technology. All kiosks provide a secure and senior-friendly environment where you can learn at your own pace with and in groups. You’ll learn how to use a computer, how to explore information on the web and how to stay in touch with friends and family online. Every person who attends receives a Broadband for Seniors “Your Resource Kit” which was designed specifically for older Aussies.

To find a kiosk near you check the website

Tech Savvy Seniors – NSW and Victoria

The Tech Savvy Seniors program aims to help seniors master the internet and become tech-savvy. It provides free (or low cost) training so older Aussies can learn to use computers, tablets, e-readers and smartphones. It will help you develop all the skills to socialise, access important services and conduct personal business online. Course ranges from how to use the internet for banking to how to sell things on eBay – with many more courses available. Self-teach Tech Savvy Seniors DVDs are also available in participating libraries.

For NSW check here for a list of participating colleges and here for a list of participating libraries.

The Victorian Tech Savvy program is currently being rolled out. Find out which colleges and libraries will be offering the program here.

Computer Clubs & Trainings for Seniors – NSW

Check here for an extensive list of computer clubs and courses for seniors all around NSW.

Technology for Seniors Made Easy

Sheila Finkelstein, a 74 year-old grandmother, who is known as the “Tech Savvy Senior,” has started her very own website to help seniors frustrated with technology. Her website is full of helpful step-by-step instructions, hints and tips, as well as a YouTube series. While Sheila is based in the US, her videos and advice is useful no matter where you are located.

Internet for Seniors by Michael Price and Sue Price

If you prefer a good old-fashioned book to teach you the basics, this popular guide is now in its 5th edition. Updated to cover the latest technological developments, it provides easy to understand instructions on how to discover the opportunities and benefits of the Internet. Topics discussed include playing games, planning holidays, Internet entertainment options, researching your family tree, digital photography, Internet security, keeping in touch with family and friends and many more. You can purchase it online here

Technology, gadgets, computers