
“Age is no barrier”: Fans rally after Kerri Pottharst's brutal treatment

Viewers of SAS Australia have called out the treatment of Olympic gold medallist Kerri Pottharst on the show, criticising Ant Middleton’s comments on her looks and love life.

The former professional beach volleyball player revealed she went on the program to show women life doesn’t end once they reach a certain age.

As the oldest competitor on the show, the 55-year-old has completed tough challenges alongside her younger competitors, including other athletes.

Tuesday’s challenges

In the first exercise on Tuesday night’s episode, Pottharst was singled out as the weakest member in a task viewers described as “cruel”, “heartbreaking”, and “bloody hard”.

As a result, Pottharst had to lead one of two teams through a river paddle and mountain climb.

Her team finished second, after Pottharst tripped and was screamed at by directing staff.

Later in the episode, Pottharst displayed her leadership skills in a kit inspection and her team looked poised to win.

However, her water bottle was found to be half empty and she is told to pour it over her head.

For losing the challenge, her team stood outside for more than two hours while Pottharst was still wet.

Image: Channel 7

When they were finally allowed inside, Jana Pittman attempted to cheer Pottharst up.

“I wanted to show other women you can take on a challenge, that’s seemingly impossible, I’m digging my heels in, I’m going to stay here as long as I can,” Pottharst said.

Pottharst’s insulting interrogation

When directing staff brought Pottharst in for an interview to discuss her failings, Ant Middleton told her, “You look like you’ve aged 10 years in two days”.

After asking how old she is and hearing she is 55, he said, “can I be honest with you, it shows”.

In contrast, 51-year-old Pete Murray, the second oldest competitor who left the show due to an injury, did not receive any comments about his age while on the show.

“I believe age is no barrier,” Pottharst told directing staff.

“Life is not over when you turn 50. It’s about challenging yourself. And this is the ultimate challenge… I love pushing myself.”

When asked if her 14-year-old son thinks she’s nuts for going on the show, Pottharst said no.

“I think you’re nuts,” Middleton replied.

“There’s too many women who think life is over when you hit 40, 50, whatever and it’s all downhill, I completely disagree, I think you can get better and you can keep challenging yourself,” she replied.

Later, Middleton asked whether Pottharst had “a man in her life”, and told her she must be lonely when she said she didn’t.

“I can see that little bit of loner in you,” he said. “I just feel there’s a little bit of loneliness there.”

Image: Channel 7

The directing staff told her she was “slowly deteriorating” but still “psychologically strong”, prompting Pottharst to admit she feels “most fragile” on her own.

“I know I’m going to feel that on selection night, the lights go out the body’s aching and I have to get up the next day and do it again, that’s probably where I’ll shed a tear,” she said.

Viewers shared their support for Pottharst on Twitter, calling her a “star” and an “incredible woman”.

Others slammed Channel 7 and Middleton for their line of questioning.

“Jeez, the toxic pr*ck parade that is Channel 7,” one person wrote.

“Do they ask Sam Burgess if there’s a woman in his life??” another asked.

“Omg, is it really necessary for Ant to tell her she looks old. I just think that’s unnecessarily rude,” a third said.

“It shows! You pr*ck Ant,” another commented.

Others suggested that men and women were being treated on the show.

“Oh look, SAS going harder on the women than the men,” another person shared.

Image: Channel 7

TV, SAS Australia, Kerri Pottharst, criticism