
Fans devastated as Schapelle Corby says goodbye to SAS Australia

An unlikely new reality TV queen has emerged after the second episode of SAS Australia aired, and fans were devastated to see her go.

After the initial announcement was met with a few disapproving critiques, Schapelle Corby won the hearts of those watching Channel 7’s intense new reality show.

But her time on our screens was short-lived, with the convicted drug smuggler choosing to bow out from the show, leaving social media users devastated.

Corby took a step back after she was forced to sprint in the mud as a punishment for Underbelly actor Firass Dirani talking back to soldiers.

“Staff, my time has come. I’ve had enough. I can’t run this for one second longer,” she said before quitting.

But viewers seemed to love having her on the show as the expressed their disdain over her leaving on Twitter.

On Monday night’s premier, the former Bali inmate was interrogated by chief instructor Ant Middleton.

“Take me back to the moment you thought this was a good idea,” one of the soldiers barked at her after playing footage of her sentencing.

“I didn’t,” she said.

“I went to Bali for a holiday. And then in Bali airport, I picked up my boogie board, and the handle had been cut.”

The soldiers continued: “You didn’t know someone had cut your boogie board up? Is that what you’re trying to say? How come a court of law can prove you guilty? And then you’re saying, ‘It wasn’t me’. What, it just magically turned up in your boogie board and you thought, ‘Ugh, don’t know how that happened’?”

As tears rolled down her cheeks she made an extraordinary revelation: “I suffered. I started to have mental illness really bad in 2008. And I lived in psychosis for four years.”

Corby revealed that her psychosis was triggered by her father’s death in 2008.

“So mid-2008 I started losing my mind … Hallucinating. I couldn’t eat. I don’t eat meat anymore because my hallucinations were so vivid I thought I was eating my dad’s human flesh.”

“I am not fully recovered from it. (My dad) used to come to visit me a lot. I didn’t think that he would die and I didn’t understand that would be the last time that I would see him,” she said.

Speaking to Stellar earlier this month, she said her experience on the show was worth it to “put herself out there” again.

“There is a lot of hate towards me, I get that,” she said.

“But it’s not about what people think of me. I’m not trying to change their perceptions or give them more to hate. I really don’t care what people think of me. I’m at that point of my life now where I am not hurting anybody. This was about whether I could get control of my mind. It was for myself, and I’m so proud I did it.”

Schapelle Corby, SAS Australia, reality TV, TV