Charlotte Foster

Project host Rachel Corbett moved to tears

Host of The Project Rachel Corbett was moved to tears on air on Wednesday night after a very emotional segment. 

After news about coronavirus dominating news bulletins, a heartfelt package was put together to share something good. 

Host Carrie Bickmore narrated the emotional segment, about an elderly man named Frank. 

“As a World War II veteran who survived the Battle of the Bulge on the Western Front, Frank has experienced a lot of miracles in his lifetime,” explained Bickmore.

“12 years ago, he received a letter from a little girl thanking him for his service.”

“I’m very proud of this, and I hope to show it to other people,” said Frank, proudly holding up the letter that he keeps with him.

Image credit: Channel 10

“Frank has carried that letter in his pocket ever since, hoping to one day meet his special pen-pal – and thanks to his nursing home, it finally happened,” said Bickmore.

Frank finally met his mysterious pen-pal, and recognised her almost instantly.

“You’re not the girl …?!. Don’t make me cry …! Oh, I love you so much … I really do,” he said.

The little girl who wrote the letter, DeShawna, is now much more grown up and also serves in the military. 
Image credit: Channel 10

As the segment ended, Rachel Corbett began to tear up at the heart-warming act. 

Through tears, she exclaimed: “Oh, good Lord …! This is when not having any tissues in my covid cupboard … drives me nuts!!!! That was SO beautiful!”

“It was lovely, wasn’t it?” added Waleed Aly.

Waleed went on to say, “Also, I feel like we’re in an age where people lose their relevance really quickly, but that tells you the importance of that history and that connection to people who’ve done things so far back. There’s so much touching about that.”

Image credit: Channel 10

The Project, War Veteran, Rachel Corbett, emotional