Alex O'Brien

10 ways to feel younger now

Some people never feel old though the number of birthdays they’ve enjoyed may indicate otherwise, because for many, you’re truly only as old as you feel. With this in mind, here’s 10 different ways to make you feel, and look, younger today – though it may take repeated bursts of singing, dancing or eating chocolate to achieve optimal youthfulness!

Cut back on sugar

Want to get older quicker? Eat lots of sugar. While it may be sweet and the key ingredient in a number of naughty snacks we all love to indulge in, it’s actually an inflammatory ingredient that can leave you tired, overweight and irritable. It basically puts you on a fast-track to ageing. American food guru, Michael Pollan, summed it up when he said people should not eat anything “our grandparent’s grandparents” wouldn’t have eaten. For example; anything processed like soft drinks, cakes and biscuits.

The magic of green tea

Swap your morning coffee for a cup of green tea and notice the difference soon after! This delightful beverage is packed with some of the most powerful antioxidants – oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) – which is believed to slow down the premature ageing process from inside your body. It reduces stress, boosts energy and helps retain the elasticity in our skin as we age, making green tea one powerful way to look and feel younger.

Dance like no one is watching

Dancing is a great way to keep active and feel good at the same time! In a Harvard University article, David Kahn, a psychiatry instructor, said there was no doubt about the positive effects dancing can have on the brain’s cognitive functioning and on age-related problems. The educator is also part of a dance group and says it’s a “joyous activity”. Turn up the radio or play your favourite song and dance around the room as if no one is watching, and if they are, give them one amazing show!

Eat more chocolate

We’re not joking. But it has to be dark chocolate, that’s anywhere from 85 per cent to 100 per cent raw cocoa, and about 25 grams daily (about two small squares). On top of making you happy, it can also ease pain. While it’s no secret that chocolate releases endorphins, which are chemicals that make you feel good, researchers at the University of Michigan said it was a natural analgesic, or pain killer. It could be for these reasons, plus many others, that the native Kuna people, who live off the coast of Panama, have a rate of heart disease that’s nine times less than that of people who live on the mainland. They drink beverages with generous servings of cocoa, which help preserve the healthy function of blood vessels. Youthful blood vessels lower the risk of high blood pressure, type two diabetes and dementia.

Soak up the sunshine

But not too much. While the risks of skin cancer and ageing from the sun’s harmful UV rays are very real, the sun is ultimately your friend. Walking your pet pooch outdoors or cultivating your roses will be sufficiently adequate to get enough sunshine for the day, without the risk of sun damage. As well as  being a good source of vitamin D, getting some sun will ultimately lead you outdoors and into the fresh air, which can perk anyone up. And remember to always apply sunscreen when you are enjoying the outdoors.

Play with your grandkids

Get outside and play with your grandchildren. There’s no better way to feel young than by playing with those who actually are. Whether it’s taking them to the local playground or helping them learn to ride a bike, engaging with a little one who’s curious about the world, enthusiastic and energetic can see these same attributes rub off on you. Being around a child who is happy and carefree is a great way to open yourself up to the world and see it in a new light through younger eyes.

Load up on red foods

Watermelon, berries and tomatoes are all superfoods against ageing. Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant with anti-ageing properties, can be found in watermelon and tomatoes while berries have antioxidant-rich anti-inflammatories. This means by eating more of these foods you’re keeping your brain healthy and happy, and much younger for longer. Plus, watermelon is 92 per cent water and contains essential rehydration salts, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium, making them a great food for your skin!

Get moving

No matter what your age is, when you exercise you feel good. The release of endorphins improves your mood and a stronger body allows you to do more things, from being more comfortable when taking a flight in economy to playing with your grandchildren.

Apia spokesperson, David Skapinker, commented:  “As we get older it’s important to keep connected with people around you and fitness groups, cycling and walking meet-ups are a great way for people to stay active and socialise at the same time.” 

Listen to your favourite music

When you were younger, what music did you listen to? The Beatles? What about Elvis or Johnny Cash? Hearing music you remember listening to when you were younger is a great way to instantly feel younger. Immersing yourself in the sounds of a previous period in your life can transport you back to that era. It’s also a great excuse to sit back, relax and take a walk down memory lane

Laughter is the BEST medicine

Truly. There are a range of different health benefits associated with a good rollicking laugh. It can stimulate your heart, lungs and muscles, relieve stress and soothe tension in the body, as well as improve your overall immune system. If you’re worried about laughter lines, don’t be. A face that laughs and smiles more is infinitely more beautiful, warm and friendly than a face devoid of any crease or wrinkle. As people age, the face loses fat and the brows become lower. Laughing is an instant facelift, giving you more youthful cheeks and a complexion that’s instantly flushed with colour. Feel and look good by laughing and smiling more, and you’ll knock years off your age, and best of all, it’s free.

Note: you should always consult with your doctor before making any drastic changes to your diet or exercise regime.

apia, insurance, youth, happy, health, health insurance