
How to make retiring the most fulfilling years of your life

Saying goodbye to the stress of working life feels like heaven for some, but can be fraught with anxiety for others. The trouble is that often our expectations of what retirement will be like are completely at odds with the reality of it.

For some people, feelings of boredom, loneliness and a lack of daily purpose can permeate through their life, reducing their wellbeing and potentially leading to depression. By being aware of the potential changes that come hand in hand with retirement you can avoid the negative aspects and focus on the positives. Follow our tips below to make your golden years the best time of your life.

1. Give something back to the community

Just because you’re not taking home a paycheck, that doesn’t mean you need to stop making a contribution to the community that you live in. Some people find that the fact that they are officially retired means that they can finally do the charity or volunteer work that they’ve always been interested in. Not only is it rewarding it will also open up a new social circle for you.

2. Keep your brain active

While working, your brain was naturally stimulated by the tasks that you had to complete. It’s important to keep this activity going even during retirement. You could learn a new skill, such as photography. You could brush up on something that you used to do such as a foreign language or some painting. Whatever keeps your brain active and engaged is a great option.

3. Strengthen your connections

Not only is retirement a great opportunity to reconnect with friends and family, it’s also a chance to find new social circles and outlets for communication. Why not join a book club or a dance class. Couples might even enjoy joining a bowls club together.

4. Keep moving and stay active

Now is your chance to implement a morning jog or weekly aqua aerobics class. Even completing the crossword and Sudoku is a great way to keep your mind sharp. Nourish your body with real, wholefoods and reduce your intake of processed foods.

5. Get your finances in order

Keep an eye on your finances to ensure that you will be able to live comfortably in the manner that you’re accustomed to. You need to be in a position to know where all of your money is, where it’s invested, and to be able to adjust the financial plan if necessary. 

retirement, insurance, wellbeing, Lee Price