
Simple steps to make a bad day better

As the weather cools down it’s often a time that we can feel a bit flat. Follow our tips below to add a little sunshine to your gloomy winter.

Look forward, not back

Holding on to past hurts can only lead to resentment. You can’t change what has already happened, so focus on setting yourself free of negativity in order to let yourself be happy.  

Forget about the greener grass

To be truly happy, contentment is key. Rather than worrying about whether you have as much as your friends or neighbours, focus on what you do have already and be thankful.

Make a move

Experience the natural high that comes from exercise. Even when it’s cold outside, heading off for a brisk walk will help get the heart pumping and clear your busy mind. If it’s too wet or windy where you are, a good indoor class like Pilates or dancing could be perfect.

Share the love

By making someone else feel good, you’ll improve your own sense of worth. Even if that’s just keeping in touch with an old friend, or dropping off a home cooked meal to a sick neighbour – good deeds often give you a sense of satisfaction.

Do what you’re good at

We all have skills and strengths, so why not put yours to good use. By feeling useful and being able to do a good job, you will inevitably feel more satisfied.

Know when to call it a day

If you’re stuck in a rut with your routine, it can easily put you into a long-term funk. Why not have a think about what you’d really love to be doing, and talk to some people that do it already. Find out what you need to do to move in that direction, and start taking the steps to make it happen.

Connect with the kids

Of course you love your kids, but do you have the best relationship possible? Why not be the one to start repairing the relationship by arranging to spend some quality time together.

Fake it til you make it

Like attracts like, so if you want to make new friends you need to project the outward glow of someone who is happy and fun. This will bring like minded peoplento your world. 

Find what excites you

Set goals around things that make you feel good, whether that’s taking part in a photography course or learning to play the guitar. Not only is it a nice way to spend your time, you will most likely meet some new people with similar interests.


finance, insurance, happiness, wellbeing, Lee Price