Ben Squires

Road rage driver pulls in front of car travelling at 100km then slams on brakes

Road rage is a huge problem for motorists around the world, and as you can see from the astonishing footage below, it only seems like it’s getting worse.

The video, which was captured by the front and rear cameras on Jay Lee Lashbroke’s vehicle on the Devon Expressway in the UK, shows an astonishing act of road rage.

As you can see from the footage, he’s lucky he didn’t cause a pileup:

There are two sides to this story however.

Apparently Lashbroke had been frustrated with the slow-moving traffic, and made rude hand gestures to the driver of the Skodia Octavia before the incident.

That being said, if this video proves anything it’s that two wrongs certainly don’t make a right. Both of the drivers are extremely lucky to come out of it unscathed.

What are your thoughts? Does the punishment fit the crime?

Video credit: YouTube / World Daily 

finance, insurance, car, Car Accident, Road Rage, dangerous, dash cam