Charlotte Foster

'Boomer' cyclist allegedly caught keying cars

A baby boomer on a bicycle has allegedly been caught red-handed by CCTV footage, which reportedly shows the man keying a series of cars. 

Residents of the affluent Brisbane suburb of Woolloongabba have been terrorised by the anonymous car-keyer since September of last year. 

Mick Brown, who lives in the area, checked local CCTV cameras after his car had been keyed on September 29th, to try to identify the culprit.

The footage showed what Mr Brown described as a “regular, well-dressed elderly man” cycling down Hubert Street.

The man then turned around and cycled past 30 seconds later with one arm extended toward the parked cars with something attached to a red lanyard in his hand.

Mr Brown told the Courier Mail, “This act cost myself and the owner of the other two vehicles in excess of $10,000 in repairs.”

“After repairs were completed on all three vehicles this same person has struck again on Saturday, December 30 (2023),” he said.

After being struck by the cyclist three times and paying over $10,000 to fix the cars, Mr Brown said his car was targeted again on May 5th. 

"These attacks are happening in broad daylight,” he said. “While these appear to be targeted attacks neither myself nor the other victim know or recognise this person."

“It is becoming quite distressing and this individual needs to be stopped.”

The cyclist has yet to be identified, and no charges have been laid. 

Image credits: Courier Mail 

legal, cyclist, boomer, keying, cars