Charlotte Foster

Cafe plastered with hand-written death threats

A popular cafe in Melbourne has been targeted with death threats on Sunday night, as vandals destroyed the property in a statement against Covid restrictions. 

Briki Cafe, in Melbourne's inner north, had its front window smashed with a brick as threatening letters were stuck over Covid safety signs on the door. 

The terrifying hand-written letter to the owner read, "Do what Daniel Andrews says and we will burn your shop down and kill you motherf****r.”

The owner of the cafe, Simos Kandias, was very distressed by the vandals' message, and said his business has already gone through tough times during the pandemic. 

“We’ve had it pretty tough,” Mr Kandias told 7NEWS.

“At times it’s been hard to find the funds to pay our rent.”

Locals and frequent customers at Briki Cafe has shared their support for the cafe after the brutal attack. 

MP Ged Kearny shared a post on Facebook condemning the senseless act of violence, as she supported "one of her favourite cafes".

She wrote, "This is not okay. Whatever your opinions may be on mandatory vaccinations, everyone should feel safe at work."

"I look forward to returning to Briki Cafe. With the community's help and support, I know they'll bounce back in no time."

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 Delta variant, Melbourne has seen countless protests against lockdown restrictions and mandatory vaccines, with many of these protests ending in violent acts. 

Image credits: 7News / Instagram @BundjalungBud

legal, cafe, Melbourne, anti-vax, vandals