Charlotte Foster

Charlise Mutten's mother flees court in tears

Charlise Mutten's mother has broken down and fled the courtroom in tears after being accused of murdering her nine-year-old daughter.

Kallista Mutten was grilled by her ex-fiancé Justin Stein's lawyer on Tuesday about her excessive methamphetamine use, including while pregnant with his child.

The grilling began when Carolyn Davenport SC accused her by saying, "You shot and killed your daughter", to which Ms Mutten replied, "Are you serious?"

She then burst into tears, crying out "I didn't even know where she was shot" before Ms Davenport added that Mr Stein "had seen you deliver the second shot".

After being excused from the witness box, Ms Mutten ran out of the courtroom in tears, while the jury were temporarily sent out.  

The dramatic moment came after Ms Mutten admitted taking methamphetamine even when her daughter came to visit.

Ms Mutten was being cross-examined on day 12 of Stein's trial, who has been charged with Charlise's murder in January 2022. 

The 40-year-old admitted to having psychotic episodes while on using ice and had continued to take the drug despite her Charlise's visit during the summer school holidays in 2022.

She denied she and Charlise were not getting along in the days before her death, or that she had been told to leave the Stein's Mount Wilson property, and instead left of her own accord.

"I chose to leave because I didn't want to be there any more. Yeah, I was very hormonal, I was pregnant. Yeah, I was using, yeah. My emotions were very strong at the time," she said.

Stein, 33, has pleaded not guilty to murdering Charlise, but has admitted to disposing the schoolgirl's body.

Image credits: Daily Mail / Facebook / Nine News

legal, Charlise Mutten, mother, trial