Rizna Mutmainah

“Entitled as”: Tesla driver mocked for creative parking

A Tesla driver's parking skills has sparked an online debate after pictures of the vehicle parked across two parking spots was posted on Facebook. 

The black Tesla Model Y was parked at the Orion Springfield shopping centre in Queensland, and most online commenters condemned the driver's actions. 

“Of course, it’s a Tesla owner. Entitled as mentality,” one wrote. 

“They should find somewhere else to charge it or go home," another commented. 

However, some commenters pointed out that the charging station could be the problem, and with an increase in drivers choosing electric vehicles, it sparked a few questions on the accessibility of the charging stations across the country. 

“Maybe that was the only way to reach the plug? EV owners should be allowed to fuel up just as we do," one commenter wrote. 

“The one at fault … is the silver car parked in the charging spot not on charge, so I guess they [the Tesla owner] had to park like that to charge up," another said. 

In another incident last April,  another Tesla driver was criticised for parking their Model 3 – with an attached trailer – over the kerb next to the charging bay. 

However, the photo also highlighted the accessibility issues as current charging stations for EV's do not accomodate to oversized vehicles, so drivers may have to come up with other ways to charge. 

A spokesperson for Standards Australia said that a charger reform is currently being discussed by all relevant regulators. 

"There's a lot of work going on right now as our vehicle fleet becomes more electric. This includes consideration of charging infrastructure, its placement, and matters of safety and amenity," the spokesperson told Drive

"Standards Australia is working with governments, industry and the community to identify what standards are needed for charging infrastructure and how they can be embedded in our communities."

Image: Drive/ Facebook

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