Charlotte Foster

"He's a good kid": Teen fisherman's boss defends young millionaire

The former boss of teenager fisherman Keegan Payne has spoken out in support of the new millionaire, just days after Peter Stefanovic and Sky News were slammed for a "harsh" interview. 

On Wednesday, Stefanovic made headlines after he used his interview with 19-year-old Payne, who had just won a million dollars in a fishing competition in the Northern Territory, to quiz the young man about a petty crime he committed when he was 16. 

"There is a claim online that you stole a Polaris Ranger and Polaris quad that you and your friends stole and damaged from a business a few years back, first of all, is that true?" Stefanovic asked from his Sydney studio during the live interview.

Payne, who was speaking from the Darwin, simply answered, "Yes".

Payne explained he and his friends "were young", and "weren't thinking at the time" but having come up with the idea they "went for it".

Stefanovic asked Payne if he regretted the act and he said he did "big time".

The interview was widely condemned online, with many saying Stefanovic "ripped the carpet from underneath" Payne and chose to focus on a past mistake rather than celebrate his life-changing win. 

The backlash to the interview prompted both Stefanovic and Sky News to issue an apology to Keegan, saying he "regrets" his line of questioning. 

“An apology from me, last Wednesday we invited Keegan Payne onto our show to discuss his win in the Million Dollar Fish competition in the Northern Territory,” Stefanovic said during First Edition on Monday. 

“During that interview I asked him about a theft that had occurred several years earlier. I should not have asked him about those claims and I regret doing so. 

“I apologise sincerely to Keegan and his family.”

Now, the teenage fisherman's former boss, Bob Cavanagh, has spoken out in defence of Keegan, saying "he is a good kid" who had a lapse of better judgement.  

Cavanagh ran the business that Payne stole the vehicles from a few years ago, but said he does not hold a grudge and holds no ill will to the teenager. 

“He’s a good kid who made a mistake,” Cavanagh told the Daily Mail.

“What was meant to be a celebratory moment was stolen from him. I’m glad he [Stefanovic] apologised to Keegan, he deserved that apology.”

Cavanagh said he believes Stefanovic has learnt a lesson.

“We all make mistakes and I bet he regrets it,’ he said. ‘The fact that he’s come out and apologised to Keegan and his family, I think he’s realised he’s overstepped the mark.”

After his big win, Keegan offered to pay back the stolen vehicles.

“Out of the blue this morning, his father rang me and said, ‘Keegan wants to repay you’, and you could have knocked me down with a feather,” Cavanagh said.

“He said Keegan has always felt so terrible for what he did.”

Image credits: Facebook


legal, Keegan Payne, Peter Stefanovic, apology