Rachel Fieldhouse

P-plate speedster loses licence an hour after passing driving test

A P-plater has been caught driving at a whopping 193 km/h and lost his licence just one hour after passing his driving test.

The 18-year-old Sydney man was pulled over by police from Burwood Highway Patrol in Moombooldool, about 50km east of Griffith, after he was clocked speeding in an old Toyota Hilux.

The officers - also from Sydney - were en-route to Griffith to start a traffic enforcement campaign in the area and shared their encounter on social media.

“After stopping the vehicle and speaking to the driver (officers) discovered the driver had only (an) hour earlier passed his driving test,” the post on NSW Police’s Traffic and Highway Patrol Command page read.

Police revealed the driver’s teenage sibling was also in the car and that the driver received a hefty punishment, including a penalty notice for speeding by more than 45 km/h and not displaying his newly-received P plates.

“His licence was suspended on the spot for a minimum of six months, which will be extended due to the excessive loss of demerit points,” the post read.

Highway patrol officers based in rural areas who spoke to Drive said they were surprised by how many city motorists get caught at high speeds.

“People don’t realise (the highway patrol) are everywhere across the state,” one officer told the publication.

“A lot of people think they can floor it in remote areas, but the dangers are significant, with wildlife, livestock and trees by the side of the road.

“It’s also easier to detect speeds because there is usually only one road in or out of a regional centre. If you speed, you will get caught because we’re out there.”

Image: Traffic and Highway Patrol Command - NSW Police Force (Facebook)

Legal, Police, Speeding, P-plater