Rizna Mutmainah

Teen slapped with massive fine over "unsafe manoeuvre"

A Sydney P-plater has copped a massive fine of $3,568 after he overtook another car unsafely on Campbell Hill Rd at Guildford, west of the CBD, about 8.45pm last Friday. 

The 18-year-old was fined for crossing a double white line, travelling more than 45kph over the speed limit, and “overtaking when unsafe”, police said.

The road itself had a speed limit of 50 kph but the boy was travelling at 115 kph, according to police. 

Police have suspended the teen's provisional licence for six months and confiscated his plates for three months, but many were unhappy with the penalty. 

“The court should impose 12-month suspensions. We probably all did some dumb things when on P-plates and after obtaining a full licence, but this is bordering on criminal,” one person wrote online. 

“Until consequences are increased, these people will not decrease unsafe behaviour,” another wrote.

The road where the teen was caught speeding has been known for various other incidences of speeding and dangerous driving. 

“Cumberland Highway Patrol officers will continue to actively target Campbell Hill Rd for speeding and dangerous driving offences given a recent spate of high-speed detections on this section of road,” police said.

Images: 7News

Legal, Road Rules, Fine, Dangerous Driving, Speeding