Ben Squires

The Leigh Sales question Bill Shorten couldn't answer

Bill Shorten was the big guest on ABC’s 7.30 last night, and while the Opposition Leader was keen to spruik the benefits of his reply to the Federal Government’s Budget, presenter Leigh Sales wasn’t going to let him leave the hot seat without facing some tough questions.

In Mr Shorten’s budget reply, the Opposition Leader announced Labor would be supporting the Government’s tax plan in 2018-19 which includes tax cuts for low to middle income earners, but a Labor government would spend even more money spending nearly $6 billion on tax cuts over four years.

“Mr Turnbull wants to reduce taxes for the top end and I want to do a better deal for 10 million Australians — simple as that,” he said on 7.30.

But there was one noticeable absentee from the reply – any increase to Newstart.

“Since Budget night a number of senators have raised concerns about the fact that the Government didn’t raise the Newstart allowance. Even John Howard, who started Work for the Dole, said that Newstart should be raised.

“Why is Labor hiding behind a (previously announced review of the allowance) given they have money to spend?”

“I like that John Howard says he cares about Newstart now. He had a chance for 12 years, didn’t he?

“The issue of Newstart is real. Unlike the Government, I don’t pretend that you could live on $40 a day,” said Mr Shorten.

“So why haven’t you lifted (Newstart) tonight?” Sales persisted.

“One, we are not the Government and, two, we need to review the payment system,” Shorten responded.

“You probably didn’t notice in my speech I deliberately sent a message saying that job seekers living in poverty is an unacceptable set of circumstances.”

What are your thoughts? Did you see Mr Shorten’s appearance?

finance, budget, legal, Bill Shorten, Leigh Sales, 7.30