Courtney Allan

The new “immediate loss of licence” road rule that starts today

New drink and drug driving laws have come into effect for those living in NSW. The new laws will see anyone who is caught driving over the alcohol limit receive a three-month suspension.

From today May 20, any driver, whether they are a first time or low range offender, will receive a $561 fine as well as an immediate three-month licence suspension.

Transport and Roads Minister Andrew Constance said earlier this month:

“This means anyone caught drink-driving in NSW, at any level, including low-range, can now lose their licence immediately.

“This reform makes it clear if you break the law, you will pay the price. We are taking a zero-tolerance approach to drink and drug driving.”

As Mr Constance stated, the law also applies for those who are caught drug driving.

The new penalties come into force as a part of a number of changes that are being introduced as a rollout of the Road Safety Plan 2021. This is in an effort to deter drink driving and reduce alcohol related trauma.

The Road Safety Plan aims to reduce road fatalities by at least 30 per cent by 2021.

With alcohol-related crashes claiming the lives of at least 68 people on NSW roads last year alone, something needs to be done.

“Drivers who have an illegal level of alcohol in their blood or have used illegal drugs have no place on the road,” Mr Constance said.

Assistant Police Commissioner Michael Corboy has said that the new reform would protect road users due to the swift and certain penalties.

“Alcohol is one of the major factors in crashes that kill or injure people on NSW roads,” Mr Corboy said.

“The 0.05 blood alcohol limit has been in place for almost 38 years. There are no more excuses.”

For those who drive public passenger vehicles, which include buses and taxis, the limit is 0.02. This is also the limit for coach and heavy vehicle drivers, as well as those who drive dangerous goods.

loss of licence, money, road rules, road rules NSW, NSW road rules