Charlotte Foster

"You are ruining my life": Driver's plea to parking ranger

A desperate motorist has left a note for suspecting parking rangers to beg for leniency over fines. 

A photo of the note, that quickly went viral, shows the driver asking to not receive any more tickets after already being slapped with three in one week. 

The note explains the driver's difficult situation, as he asked the rangers to have mercy. 

"Please stop giving me tickets," the note read. "I already have three this week. I am obviously broke already."

"I have ordered my new sticker. It's in the mail. I can't make it get here faster. Have some mercy, you are ruining my life."

The note insinuates the other parking fines may have been written up because of an expired registration or damaged licence plate.

After the photo of the note went viral, many were shocked that the parking officer wrote up several tickets in the same week. 

"Usually you wouldn't get the second and third as there's a grace period to go to traffic court to show you did the paperwork to drop the first ticket," one person said.

Another driver revealed a similar plight, saying, "I ordered my tags in the mail and it took 34 days to get here."

But others weren't as understanding, as one person sarcastically commented, "If only people had an entire year to plan ahead to know when their tags would expire ... oh, wait."

Image credits: Facebook / Shutterstock 

driver, parking ranger, note, plea