Money & Banking

6 tips to save more money

Try some of these easy tricks to see if any of the money you’re spending could be saved instead.

1. Cancel unnecessary subscriptions

Grab a highlighter and the last statement for your debit and credit cards, and spotlight every automatic monthly payment. Once you’ve done that, look for things you don’t use. The pen and paper method will be much easier to do this exercise with than using a screen.

Go ahead and cancel any automatic debit payments for things you don’t use or need any more.

 2. Downgrade your phone plan

Your mobile phone plan may be costing you much more than you actually use. Do you need all those calls and minutes, or that many gigabytes of data? If you use your phone around Wi-Fi you should be able to save on texts by using messaging apps like WhatsApp or Kik. Check your phone bill to see if you’re even using the number of minutes included in your cap or not.

Some mobile companies are now allowing you to share unused data and minutes with other users.

3.  Ask for discounts

You don’t need to actually cut out coupons from a newspaper to get discounts. Ask if there are any promotions available when you’re at the register and you might just be in luck.

4. Talk to your bank

Banks often charge to send you paper statements each month or quarter. Since they keep 7 years worth of your statements online, and you can print them out at any time at your own convenience, there’s no need to have paper statements sent to you in the mail. You’ll only save a couple of dollars – but hey, that’s half the price of an extra coffee for the month!

If you’ve been a loyal customer and you have automated service charges, give your bank a call or see them in person. They may be willing to waive their usage fees.

Additionally, ask for a basic bank account. Some banks offer accounts that have no account keeping fees, no minimum deposit amounts and no overdrawn fees. Shop around for an account that doesn’t cost you so much.

5. Meet for breakfast instead of dinner

Not only do most people not use this time of day to meet up with friends, but it can also be a cheaper meal than fancy dinners.

6. Change one small habit

Drink one less coffee a week to begin with, or have one less drink when you’re out. Eventually you can cut down another couple of coffees and drinks. It will take time, but it’s easier to deal with drinking less coffee than it is to drink no coffee.

Or if you’re brave, take the plunge and switch to showering in water at room temperature. It’s certainly better for your health.


finance, tips, money, saving, Nicole Reddy