Charlotte Foster
Money & Banking

"Get a job": Ben Fordham slammed over interview with welfare recipient

Ben Fordham has come under fire for a patronising interview with a welfare recipient, in which he tried to get the man, who is unable to work, a job live on air. 

On Wednesday morning, the 2GB radio host spoke with Jez Heywood, who is president of the Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union, and has been out of work since 2017 due to several health conditions. 

Mr Heywood had recently spoken to The Australian, sharing his frustration about the $20-a-week increase to Jobseeker, saying he was “angry” and “annoyed” at the federal government, describing the $2.85-a-day increase as “absolutely nothing”.

Mr Heywood's commentary on the Jobseeker budget increase caught the attention of 2GB, who invited him to speak to Fordham, saying he “wanted to see whether we can find Jez a job”.

Fordham asked Heywood if he was looking for work, to which Heywood shared that he is looking for work, but it is hard to find a job that would be suitable given his physical and mental health barriers. 

In response, Fordham told Heywood that "there are 54,000 jobs available right now in Melbourne".

"That’s on the Workforce Australia website. So none of those 54,000 jobs are suitable to you or you’ve applied for them and they’re just not giving you the nod?"

Heywood said he is applying for jobs that are "suitable" for his conditions, and is hearing nothing back from prospective employers. 

Fordham said a job would seemingly fix everything for Heywood, saying, "I reckon we can help your mental health if we get you into a job."

Heywood seemingly appreciated the help, but also said it is important for him to consider what he is able to achieve in a job given his limitations. 

The tense exchange between Fordham and Heywood continued, as Heywood voiced his concerns and limitations with working, as Fordham seemed to dismiss his worries and said everything would be fine if he simply returned to work as a graphic designer. 

After the call, Heywood took aim at Fordham on social media, slamming the host as a “coward and a bully who’s been taking potshots at welfare recipients from the safety of his cosy radio studio for years”.

He stood by his opinion that the Jobseeker payment should be at least $88 a day to keep recipients above the poverty line, and condemned Fordham for “calling me a dole bludger on national radio”.

Fordham doubled down on his condescending treatment of Mr Heywood, saying, "I just want to find you a job, Jez."

Image credits: Getty Images / Twitter

news, Ben Fordham, centerlink, unemployment, Jez Heywood