Georgia Dixon
Money & Banking

Good Samaritan returns purse filled with $1,000 cash

There really are some good people out there, after all! Melbourne woman Kerrie Goodall is thanking her lucky stars after a good Samaritan stumbled on her lost wallet (which contained $1,000 cash) and returned it to her letterbox.

Kerrie had been travelling home from work in May, when she misplaced the wallet, which held $1,000 worth of earnings from selling her hand cleaning product to mechanics at a motoring exhibition. Admitting she was “pretty upset for quite a while” after losing it, she tried to put it out of her mind and get on with her life.

Incredibly, four months after that fateful day, Kerrie received a call from her former real estate agent, who informed her that her purse had been found in the letterbox of her old home.

“I was a little bit shocked actually, I was thrilled and I really wanted to share it with people to give them hope that there’s great people out there,” she told 9 News.

Now, she’s desperate to get in touch with the kind stranger. “I’d love to say thank you so much and they can private message me,” she asks. “I’d love to know the circumstances of why (they handed it back) and maybe share a bit of a reward.”

Tell us in the comments below, what’s the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for you?

Image credit: 9 News.

kindness, good samaritan, cash, money, lost